It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

There's a lot of bad blood from centuries of abuse by religious denominations about LGBT type people and nothing will help but pure acceptance of each other and a respect for their existence..

Dear Moonglow the same forgiveness and healing that helps people make peace with LGBT orientation
also is the same process that has allowed and empowered people to overcome abuse as well as unnatural
LGBT attractions caused by that unnatural abuse.

It takes just as much acceptance and forgiveness on the LGBT side to stop rejecting Christians.
So it's a mutual process, not one way.

This whole thing has been framed as one way.
Two wrongs, both rejecting each other, doesn't cancel out and make it right.

If the LGBT want people to open up to them,
it can't be forced through govt any more than forcing Christian beliefs through govt.

1. the first step is to recognize both sides are faith based beliefs and must remain free choice
not mandated or penalized through govt, either for or against LGBT or Christian beliefs
2. the second step is to recognize that the same forgiveness and healing taught in Christianity
works for both people coming out as LGBT or being healed of abuse and coming out straight.
This spiritual healing process is natural, by free choice, and not to be abused as fraud therapy,
but actually helps prevent suicides and mental issues regardless of people's orientatation,
the healing and forgiveness helps to stop the conflicts, fear and hatred that is killing people and relationships
3. after the healing and recovery is applied, and the person is at peace, some people
might change and some people may come out as LGBT orientation but be at spiritual peace with how they are.
It isn't all one way. it isn't forcing people to try to change, and it also may not result in any change
but people may turn out to be naturally LGBT by their spiritual identity, purpose and path in life.

All these steps will take people on both sides recognizing this.
The LGBT have as much work to do with acceptance and forgiveness
and can't blame everything on Christians for abuse. Because in fact,
the very spiritual healing that Christians have been teaching and practicing
has helped people heal, whether they come out gay, transgender, straight, etc.

So rejecting Christian teachings has equally compounded the problem.
respect is reciprocal not singular..

Agreed Moonglow we both seem to be saying the same thing.

do you agree it is just as wrongful for LGBT to exclude
exgays who used to identify gay but went through healing
and came out straight?

If LGBT are arguing for inclusion and tolerance,
shouldn't they equally include exgays who changed orientation?

There is no such thing as as an ex gay who went through healing and came out straight. There are those individuals who were indoctrinated and manipulated into thinking they were gay and acting gay who never were gay. When a young boy is being groomed into a sexual companion for an older gay man, that child's life is manipulated. His friends are all gay. His support group is all gay. He is surrounded by homosexuality. Then he is admonished that should he explore other options, everything will be taken away. He will be alone. Friendless and loveless.

This is why "spiritual healing" is said to work when, in fact, spiritual healing is poppycock. The support network of gays is replaced by a support network of religious people. This allows the trunkated part of the man's personality to grow. They aren't ex gay. They were never gay to begin with.

So Tipsycatlover
De Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray talks about lesbian past
are you saying Chirlane Blasio was never a lesbian? She wrote a whole book on it.

Or she is still a lesbian but acting bisexually since she married her husband
the Mayor of New York?

She probably was never a lesbian. A lesbian may have relationships with a man prior to the realization that she is, in fact, a lesbian. But afterwards, the idea is preposterous. I am reminded of Meridith Baxter who has spoken out frequently. She had a string of failed relationships and marriages. She never knew what was wrong. Then she realized that she was in fact, a lesbian, and never had another relationship with a man again.

I personally cannot imagine recognizing a perversion in myself or coming to grips with such a thing. I knew a man who immigrated here with his family from South Africa, He hanged himself. In his suicide note he explained that he had been gay all of his life and could not continue living this "lie". Neither could he face the loss of his wife and children. He did not expect his wife to stay with him if he had a male lover and he could not tolerate the idea that his wife would take a new man into her life.

The best thing for him was to commit suicide.
There's a lot of bad blood from centuries of abuse by religious denominations about LGBT type people and nothing will help but pure acceptance of each other and a respect for their existence..

Dear Moonglow the same forgiveness and healing that helps people make peace with LGBT orientation
also is the same process that has allowed and empowered people to overcome abuse as well as unnatural
LGBT attractions caused by that unnatural abuse.

It takes just as much acceptance and forgiveness on the LGBT side to stop rejecting Christians.
So it's a mutual process, not one way.

This whole thing has been framed as one way.
Two wrongs, both rejecting each other, doesn't cancel out and make it right.

If the LGBT want people to open up to them,
it can't be forced through govt any more than forcing Christian beliefs through govt.

1. the first step is to recognize both sides are faith based beliefs and must remain free choice
not mandated or penalized through govt, either for or against LGBT or Christian beliefs
2. the second step is to recognize that the same forgiveness and healing taught in Christianity
works for both people coming out as LGBT or being healed of abuse and coming out straight.
This spiritual healing process is natural, by free choice, and not to be abused as fraud therapy,
but actually helps prevent suicides and mental issues regardless of people's orientatation,
the healing and forgiveness helps to stop the conflicts, fear and hatred that is killing people and relationships
3. after the healing and recovery is applied, and the person is at peace, some people
might change and some people may come out as LGBT orientation but be at spiritual peace with how they are.
It isn't all one way. it isn't forcing people to try to change, and it also may not result in any change
but people may turn out to be naturally LGBT by their spiritual identity, purpose and path in life.

All these steps will take people on both sides recognizing this.
The LGBT have as much work to do with acceptance and forgiveness
and can't blame everything on Christians for abuse. Because in fact,
the very spiritual healing that Christians have been teaching and practicing
has helped people heal, whether they come out gay, transgender, straight, etc.

So rejecting Christian teachings has equally compounded the problem.
respect is reciprocal not singular..

Agreed Moonglow we both seem to be saying the same thing.

do you agree it is just as wrongful for LGBT to exclude
exgays who used to identify gay but went through healing
and came out straight?

If LGBT are arguing for inclusion and tolerance,
shouldn't they equally include exgays who changed orientation?
The only thing that really matters in a human relationship is true love..Which is not sexual, although sometimes I wish it was....With true love you can build bonds that help develop the human character positively, and it works the same with the animals you command and the people that work or with you...The way the game has been played so far it's a hard way to mediate progress...
The difference of course is that you cannot continue humanity with the love of animals or the same gender.

This is why we heteros advocate for heterosexuality.
Well good for them, but don't disparage those that live differently..
Dear Moonglow the same forgiveness and healing that helps people make peace with LGBT orientation
also is the same process that has allowed and empowered people to overcome abuse as well as unnatural
LGBT attractions caused by that unnatural abuse.

It takes just as much acceptance and forgiveness on the LGBT side to stop rejecting Christians.
So it's a mutual process, not one way.

This whole thing has been framed as one way.
Two wrongs, both rejecting each other, doesn't cancel out and make it right.

If the LGBT want people to open up to them,
it can't be forced through govt any more than forcing Christian beliefs through govt.

1. the first step is to recognize both sides are faith based beliefs and must remain free choice
not mandated or penalized through govt, either for or against LGBT or Christian beliefs
2. the second step is to recognize that the same forgiveness and healing taught in Christianity
works for both people coming out as LGBT or being healed of abuse and coming out straight.
This spiritual healing process is natural, by free choice, and not to be abused as fraud therapy,
but actually helps prevent suicides and mental issues regardless of people's orientatation,
the healing and forgiveness helps to stop the conflicts, fear and hatred that is killing people and relationships
3. after the healing and recovery is applied, and the person is at peace, some people
might change and some people may come out as LGBT orientation but be at spiritual peace with how they are.
It isn't all one way. it isn't forcing people to try to change, and it also may not result in any change
but people may turn out to be naturally LGBT by their spiritual identity, purpose and path in life.

All these steps will take people on both sides recognizing this.
The LGBT have as much work to do with acceptance and forgiveness
and can't blame everything on Christians for abuse. Because in fact,
the very spiritual healing that Christians have been teaching and practicing
has helped people heal, whether they come out gay, transgender, straight, etc.

So rejecting Christian teachings has equally compounded the problem.
respect is reciprocal not singular..

Agreed Moonglow we both seem to be saying the same thing.

do you agree it is just as wrongful for LGBT to exclude
exgays who used to identify gay but went through healing
and came out straight?

If LGBT are arguing for inclusion and tolerance,
shouldn't they equally include exgays who changed orientation?
The only thing that really matters in a human relationship is true love..Which is not sexual, although sometimes I wish it was....With true love you can build bonds that help develop the human character positively, and it works the same with the animals you command and the people that work or with you...The way the game has been played so far it's a hard way to mediate progress...
The difference of course is that you cannot continue humanity with the love of animals or the same gender.

This is why we heteros advocate for heterosexuality.
Well good for them, but don't disparage those that live differently..
Are you suggesting gay advocates disparage those who live differently? How heterophobic.
Dear Moonglow the same forgiveness and healing that helps people make peace with LGBT orientation
also is the same process that has allowed and empowered people to overcome abuse as well as unnatural
LGBT attractions caused by that unnatural abuse.

It takes just as much acceptance and forgiveness on the LGBT side to stop rejecting Christians.
So it's a mutual process, not one way.

This whole thing has been framed as one way.
Two wrongs, both rejecting each other, doesn't cancel out and make it right.

If the LGBT want people to open up to them,
it can't be forced through govt any more than forcing Christian beliefs through govt.

1. the first step is to recognize both sides are faith based beliefs and must remain free choice
not mandated or penalized through govt, either for or against LGBT or Christian beliefs
2. the second step is to recognize that the same forgiveness and healing taught in Christianity
works for both people coming out as LGBT or being healed of abuse and coming out straight.
This spiritual healing process is natural, by free choice, and not to be abused as fraud therapy,
but actually helps prevent suicides and mental issues regardless of people's orientatation,
the healing and forgiveness helps to stop the conflicts, fear and hatred that is killing people and relationships
3. after the healing and recovery is applied, and the person is at peace, some people
might change and some people may come out as LGBT orientation but be at spiritual peace with how they are.
It isn't all one way. it isn't forcing people to try to change, and it also may not result in any change
but people may turn out to be naturally LGBT by their spiritual identity, purpose and path in life.

All these steps will take people on both sides recognizing this.
The LGBT have as much work to do with acceptance and forgiveness
and can't blame everything on Christians for abuse. Because in fact,
the very spiritual healing that Christians have been teaching and practicing
has helped people heal, whether they come out gay, transgender, straight, etc.

So rejecting Christian teachings has equally compounded the problem.
respect is reciprocal not singular..

Agreed Moonglow we both seem to be saying the same thing.

do you agree it is just as wrongful for LGBT to exclude
exgays who used to identify gay but went through healing
and came out straight?

If LGBT are arguing for inclusion and tolerance,
shouldn't they equally include exgays who changed orientation?

There is no such thing as as an ex gay who went through healing and came out straight. There are those individuals who were indoctrinated and manipulated into thinking they were gay and acting gay who never were gay. When a young boy is being groomed into a sexual companion for an older gay man, that child's life is manipulated. His friends are all gay. His support group is all gay. He is surrounded by homosexuality. Then he is admonished that should he explore other options, everything will be taken away. He will be alone. Friendless and loveless.

This is why "spiritual healing" is said to work when, in fact, spiritual healing is poppycock. The support network of gays is replaced by a support network of religious people. This allows the trunkated part of the man's personality to grow. They aren't ex gay. They were never gay to begin with.

So Tipsycatlover
De Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray talks about lesbian past
are you saying Chirlane Blasio was never a lesbian? She wrote a whole book on it.

Or she is still a lesbian but acting bisexually since she married her husband
the Mayor of New York?

She probably was never a lesbian. A lesbian may have relationships with a man prior to the realization that she is, in fact, a lesbian. But afterwards, the idea is preposterous. I am reminded of Meridith Baxter who has spoken out frequently. She had a string of failed relationships and marriages. She never knew what was wrong. Then she realized that she was in fact, a lesbian, and never had another relationship with a man again.

I personally cannot imagine recognizing a perversion in myself or coming to grips with such a thing. I knew a man who immigrated here with his family from South Africa, He hanged himself. In his suicide note he explained that he had been gay all of his life and could not continue living this "lie". Neither could he face the loss of his wife and children. He did not expect his wife to stay with him if he had a male lover and he could not tolerate the idea that his wife would take a new man into her life.

The best thing for him was to commit suicide.

I'm very sorry to hear that Tipsycatlover
I hope you will be happy to hear the good news, that such suicides
can be prevented. At the same time a friend referred me to the books
and teaching practice by the MacNutt ministry in Florida, I realized
this described the same process my friend Olivia has used to heal people in
Houston. Maybe I never would have believed this was real, but I had a personal
friend who could account for extreme cases of healing. One man went for help
after his sister prayed for him. He was not only homosexual, with a sexual addiction
similar to pedophilia but cureable, but he was a heroin addict trying to suppress this.

After the healing prayer, he was not only freed from the heroin addiction (in 3 days
without withdrawal) but was freed from the sexual addiction that had him on the verge
as well. Hiding if not suicidal because nothing could stop this obsession.

I hope more lives can be saved by spiritual healing.
For those who keep relapsing, and may not be cured completely,
from what I understand at least their minds are healed. So even if
they still have the physical or chemical compulsion in their brains,
they know enough to stay out of trouble by complying with authorities
and seeking help instead of hiding and preying on victims. So at least
the healing works on part of their minds, so they agree to stay in custody
if they truly have a sickness and know they are not safe to be free in public.
Well good for them, but don't disparage those that live differently..

Well you said "live" differently instead of "are different". The distinction is one of behavior. So why should we allow cloaked pedophilia into elementary schools under the guise of "anti-bullying" when what we're talking about is deviant sex behaviors as a way of living? That's illegal. You cannot teach sexual practices under any veil to little kiddies in school. Only the biology of reproduction and safe sex, and then only at an appropriate age. You cannot force deviant sex values onto any child. Ist Verboten. And pedophilia defined.
respect is reciprocal not singular..

Agreed Moonglow we both seem to be saying the same thing.

do you agree it is just as wrongful for LGBT to exclude
exgays who used to identify gay but went through healing
and came out straight?

If LGBT are arguing for inclusion and tolerance,
shouldn't they equally include exgays who changed orientation?

There is no such thing as as an ex gay who went through healing and came out straight. There are those individuals who were indoctrinated and manipulated into thinking they were gay and acting gay who never were gay. When a young boy is being groomed into a sexual companion for an older gay man, that child's life is manipulated. His friends are all gay. His support group is all gay. He is surrounded by homosexuality. Then he is admonished that should he explore other options, everything will be taken away. He will be alone. Friendless and loveless.

This is why "spiritual healing" is said to work when, in fact, spiritual healing is poppycock. The support network of gays is replaced by a support network of religious people. This allows the trunkated part of the man's personality to grow. They aren't ex gay. They were never gay to begin with.

So Tipsycatlover
De Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray talks about lesbian past
are you saying Chirlane Blasio was never a lesbian? She wrote a whole book on it.

Or she is still a lesbian but acting bisexually since she married her husband
the Mayor of New York?

She probably was never a lesbian. A lesbian may have relationships with a man prior to the realization that she is, in fact, a lesbian. But afterwards, the idea is preposterous. I am reminded of Meridith Baxter who has spoken out frequently. She had a string of failed relationships and marriages. She never knew what was wrong. Then she realized that she was in fact, a lesbian, and never had another relationship with a man again.

I personally cannot imagine recognizing a perversion in myself or coming to grips with such a thing. I knew a man who immigrated here with his family from South Africa, He hanged himself. In his suicide note he explained that he had been gay all of his life and could not continue living this "lie". Neither could he face the loss of his wife and children. He did not expect his wife to stay with him if he had a male lover and he could not tolerate the idea that his wife would take a new man into her life.

The best thing for him was to commit suicide.

I'm very sorry to hear that Tipsycatlover
I hope you will be happy to hear the good news, that such suicides
can be prevented. At the same time a friend referred me to the books
and teaching practice by the MacNutt ministry in Florida, I realized
this described the same process my friend Olivia has used to heal people in
Houston. Maybe I never would have believed this was real, but I had a personal
friend who could account for extreme cases of healing. One man went for help
after his sister prayed for him. He was not only homosexual, with a sexual addiction
similar to pedophilia but cureable, but he was a heroin addict trying to suppress this.

After the healing prayer, he was not only freed from the heroin addiction (in 3 days
without withdrawal) but was freed from the sexual addiction that had him on the verge
as well. Hiding if not suicidal because nothing could stop this obsession.

I hope more lives can be saved by spiritual healing.
For those who keep relapsing, and may not be cured completely,
from what I understand at least their minds are healed. So even if
they still have the physical or chemical compulsion in their brains,
they know enough to stay out of trouble by complying with authorities
and seeking help instead of hiding and preying on victims. So at least
the healing works on part of their minds, so they agree to stay in custody
if they truly have a sickness and know they are not safe to be free in public.

There is no such thing as spiritual healing.

What California is looking forward to, is getting so many people addicted to drugs that they can lose themselves in the mind fog and not care what happens to their children or around them. That's the healing they are looking for.
Well good for them, but don't disparage those that live differently..

Well you said "live" differently instead of "are different". The distinction is one of behavior. So why should we allow cloaked pedophilia into elementary schools under the guise of "anti-bullying" when what we're talking about is deviant sex behaviors as a way of living? That's illegal. You cannot teach sexual practices under any veil to little kiddies in school. Only the biology of reproduction and safe sex, and then only at an appropriate age. You cannot force deviant sex values onto any child. Ist Verboten. And pedophilia defined.
You see a ledge and jump...
respect is reciprocal not singular..

Agreed Moonglow we both seem to be saying the same thing.

do you agree it is just as wrongful for LGBT to exclude
exgays who used to identify gay but went through healing
and came out straight?

If LGBT are arguing for inclusion and tolerance,
shouldn't they equally include exgays who changed orientation?
The only thing that really matters in a human relationship is true love..Which is not sexual, although sometimes I wish it was....With true love you can build bonds that help develop the human character positively, and it works the same with the animals you command and the people that work or with you...The way the game has been played so far it's a hard way to mediate progress...
The difference of course is that you cannot continue humanity with the love of animals or the same gender.

This is why we heteros advocate for heterosexuality.
Well good for them, but don't disparage those that live differently..
Are you suggesting gay advocates disparage those who live differently? How heterophobic.
Do you always skin before the attack?
Agreed Moonglow we both seem to be saying the same thing.

do you agree it is just as wrongful for LGBT to exclude
exgays who used to identify gay but went through healing
and came out straight?

If LGBT are arguing for inclusion and tolerance,
shouldn't they equally include exgays who changed orientation?

There is no such thing as as an ex gay who went through healing and came out straight. There are those individuals who were indoctrinated and manipulated into thinking they were gay and acting gay who never were gay. When a young boy is being groomed into a sexual companion for an older gay man, that child's life is manipulated. His friends are all gay. His support group is all gay. He is surrounded by homosexuality. Then he is admonished that should he explore other options, everything will be taken away. He will be alone. Friendless and loveless.

This is why "spiritual healing" is said to work when, in fact, spiritual healing is poppycock. The support network of gays is replaced by a support network of religious people. This allows the trunkated part of the man's personality to grow. They aren't ex gay. They were never gay to begin with.

So Tipsycatlover
De Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray talks about lesbian past
are you saying Chirlane Blasio was never a lesbian? She wrote a whole book on it.

Or she is still a lesbian but acting bisexually since she married her husband
the Mayor of New York?

She probably was never a lesbian. A lesbian may have relationships with a man prior to the realization that she is, in fact, a lesbian. But afterwards, the idea is preposterous. I am reminded of Meridith Baxter who has spoken out frequently. She had a string of failed relationships and marriages. She never knew what was wrong. Then she realized that she was in fact, a lesbian, and never had another relationship with a man again.

I personally cannot imagine recognizing a perversion in myself or coming to grips with such a thing. I knew a man who immigrated here with his family from South Africa, He hanged himself. In his suicide note he explained that he had been gay all of his life and could not continue living this "lie". Neither could he face the loss of his wife and children. He did not expect his wife to stay with him if he had a male lover and he could not tolerate the idea that his wife would take a new man into her life.

The best thing for him was to commit suicide.

I'm very sorry to hear that Tipsycatlover
I hope you will be happy to hear the good news, that such suicides
can be prevented. At the same time a friend referred me to the books
and teaching practice by the MacNutt ministry in Florida, I realized
this described the same process my friend Olivia has used to heal people in
Houston. Maybe I never would have believed this was real, but I had a personal
friend who could account for extreme cases of healing. One man went for help
after his sister prayed for him. He was not only homosexual, with a sexual addiction
similar to pedophilia but cureable, but he was a heroin addict trying to suppress this.

After the healing prayer, he was not only freed from the heroin addiction (in 3 days
without withdrawal) but was freed from the sexual addiction that had him on the verge
as well. Hiding if not suicidal because nothing could stop this obsession.

I hope more lives can be saved by spiritual healing.
For those who keep relapsing, and may not be cured completely,
from what I understand at least their minds are healed. So even if
they still have the physical or chemical compulsion in their brains,
they know enough to stay out of trouble by complying with authorities
and seeking help instead of hiding and preying on victims. So at least
the healing works on part of their minds, so they agree to stay in custody
if they truly have a sickness and know they are not safe to be free in public.

There is no such thing as spiritual healing.

What California is looking forward to, is getting so many people addicted to drugs that they can lose themselves in the mind fog and not care what happens to their children or around them. That's the healing they are looking for.

What do you call it then?
You must call it something else Tipsycatlover
Because first the Catholic Church was conducting this healing through priests,
then the Pentecostal and charismatics were picking this up and conducting healing
without going through priests which caused conflicts.

When MacNutt first studied it, Agnes Sanford was still around teaching it.
And that's when he discovered this actually was real, and wasn't something
from the Dark Ages or something only saints or priests did as miracles.

but this was natural science.

Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, an experienced professional neurosurgeon, was shown proof by demonstration of how this worked by a Christian practictioner. And once he understood this was natural and consistent with science and medicine, Dr. Goldfedder changed his practice to focus on spiritual healing which he found worked even more effectively, because it addressed the ROOT CAUSE of disorders and not just manipulating symptoms.

Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt have been providing this free healing, while teaching and training others in teams, for over 35 years now.

How are you saying this doesn't exist, except you must be calling it something else.
Maybe you think "spiritual healing" refers to something false or fraudulent,
so we are using different terms that refer to different things?

Do you mean "faith healing" which is fraudulent, false and dangerous?
Because "spiritual healing" is different and proven by science to work.

Dr. Scott Peck wrote a book "Glimpses of the Devil" when he first rejected
this notion that such healing/deliverance methods really addressed real
demonic oppression or invasions which he thought was all mental delusion.
But once he saw that it worked, he started using these methods to help
patients recover by first regaining control of their minds and wills that were
taken over by these "demonic obsessions" which these spiritual methods removed.

The study done on Dr. MacNutt's ministry was on Rheumatoid Arthritis.
The difference in his methods vs. the study on intercessory prayer on heart conditions that failed or showed patients worsened, was that Dr. MacNutt's method is to diagnose
the events, memories or causes of obstruction in people's spiritual history and pray to forgive and remove those obstructions that otherwise block natural healing. the study on intercessory prayer on heart patients didn't specify any kind of forgiveness therapy that changes the person spiritually internally first, but that failed study only involved external prayer in general. MacNutt's healing prayer ministry and teachings focus on forgiving and removing the spiritual causes of obstruction, whether unforgiven memories or occult/sorcery practices that skew or block the natural life giving energy and healing.

Tipsycatlover I think you must be referring to false "faith healing" that is fraudulent and dangerous. Incidentally Dr. MacNutt strongly warns against confusing true healing with this false "faith healing" that denies science and medicine and endangers people to the point of being negligent if not malicious.

True spiritual healing works by removing obstructions in the mind and spirit that prevent the mind and body from healing themselves naturally. And the really gifted healers can invoke even stronger concentrations of this healing energy so that it overcomes even extreme conditions that regular natural healing can't overcome. The common factor is focusing on forgiveness, because this open up the mind and thus the body to receive full flow of healing energy, either in regular levels, or the higher concentrations needed to cure more extreme conditions if these are allowed to build up over time. The greater chances of healing come with earlier intervention when the conditions are still moderate.
trumpanzees still throwing their poop over this story? :rofl:
Yeah, I mean, what the fuck is wrong with teaching little kids about deviant sex acts in grade school under the cloak of "teaching tolerance" (for people's behaviors, not any static state of being)?

It's just cloaked-pedophilia reaching straight into your kids' elementary school. What the hell is everyone so upset about?

Rather obviously, bodecea is in favor of sexually manipulating, brainwashing, and abusing little children. Whatever we do, let us not allow him or any other pro-pedophile filth to get away with trying to hide what it is that they are defending and advocating.
Agreed Moonglow we both seem to be saying the same thing.

do you agree it is just as wrongful for LGBT to exclude
exgays who used to identify gay but went through healing
and came out straight?

If LGBT are arguing for inclusion and tolerance,
shouldn't they equally include exgays who changed orientation?
The only thing that really matters in a human relationship is true love..Which is not sexual, although sometimes I wish it was....With true love you can build bonds that help develop the human character positively, and it works the same with the animals you command and the people that work or with you...The way the game has been played so far it's a hard way to mediate progress...
The difference of course is that you cannot continue humanity with the love of animals or the same gender.

This is why we heteros advocate for heterosexuality.
Well good for them, but don't disparage those that live differently..
Are you suggesting gay advocates disparage those who live differently? How heterophobic.
Do you always skin before the attack?
Sounds like a Yes.

Such rampant heterophobia on this board.
The only thing that really matters in a human relationship is true love..Which is not sexual, although sometimes I wish it was....With true love you can build bonds that help develop the human character positively, and it works the same with the animals you command and the people that work or with you...The way the game has been played so far it's a hard way to mediate progress...
The difference of course is that you cannot continue humanity with the love of animals or the same gender.

This is why we heteros advocate for heterosexuality.
Well good for them, but don't disparage those that live differently..
Are you suggesting gay advocates disparage those who live differently? How heterophobic.
Do you always skin before the attack?
Sounds like a Yes.

Such rampant heterophobia on this board.
It could only be strong enough to make you sterile...
Schools have always taught morality and civic duty

You guys didn't complain when it involved public prayer

Teaching immorality and perversion, and especially pushing sexual fuilth on chidlren, is not equal to teaching morality and civic duty or prayer to and reverence for the God who created us.

Literally, you are arguing that the teaching of evil should be held as at least equal to the teaching of good, with the expected and intended result that evil will be treated as “more equal than” good.
Schools have always taught morality and civic duty

You guys didn't complain when it involved public prayer

Teaching immorality and perversion, and especially pushing sexual fuilth on chidlren, is not equal to teaching morality and civic duty or prayer to and reverence for the God who created us.

Literally, you are arguing that the teaching of evil should be held as at least equal to the teaching of good, with the expected and intended result that evil will be treated as “more equal than” good.
Because there maybe a reference to a person's lifestyle is teaching perversion, wow, you don't overblow shit do you?
The difference of course is that you cannot continue humanity with the love of animals or the same gender.

This is why we heteros advocate for heterosexuality.
Well good for them, but don't disparage those that live differently..
Are you suggesting gay advocates disparage those who live differently? How heterophobic.
Do you always skin before the attack?
Sounds like a Yes.

Such rampant heterophobia on this board.
It could only be strong enough to make you sterile...
Verility is important to heteros. That's how they continue humankind.
Well good for them, but don't disparage those that live differently..
Are you suggesting gay advocates disparage those who live differently? How heterophobic.
Do you always skin before the attack?
Sounds like a Yes.

Such rampant heterophobia on this board.
It could only be strong enough to make you sterile...
Verility is important to heteros. That's how they continue humankind.
Virility or lots of humping?
Are you suggesting gay advocates disparage those who live differently? How heterophobic.
Do you always skin before the attack?
Sounds like a Yes.

Such rampant heterophobia on this board.
It could only be strong enough to make you sterile...
Verility is important to heteros. That's how they continue humankind.
Virility or lots of humping?
It only takes them one time to create a child, unlike their homo counterparts.

This is why I support the hetero agenda.

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