It Begins: White House Press Secretary Goes Birther On Ineligible Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The birthers brought this on themselves. Turnabout is fair play.

Just like the regressive Leftists who scream "racist" at someone for criticizing a black person being pissed when the same game is played on them with Carson.

If you're gonna play a card, the other side can play it, too.
The birthers brought this on themselves. Turnabout is fair play.

Just like the regressive Leftists who scream "racist" at someone for criticizing a black person being pissed when the same game is played on them with Carson.

If you're gonna play a card, the other side can play it, too.
You seem to be uninformed. Obama was the first birther way back in 1991 and continued his birtherism for 16 years until 2007, the year he decided to run for president.
where is the OUTRAGE from the left? it'll be coming soon right?

yeah sure
The birthers brought this on themselves. Turnabout is fair play.

Just like the regressive Leftists who scream "racist" at someone for criticizing a black person being pissed when the same game is played on them with Carson.

If you're gonna play a card, the other side can play it, too.
You seem to be uninformed. Obama was the first birther way back in 1991 and continued his birtherism for 16 years until 2007, the year he decided to run for president.
Well, keep working on that.
Teddie could have been born under the Liberty Bell and he still wouldn't get the GOP nomination.
The birthers brought this on themselves. Turnabout is fair play.

Just like the regressive Leftists who scream "racist" at someone for criticizing a black person being pissed when the same game is played on them with Carson.

If you're gonna play a card, the other side can play it, too.

In what card game gives you the right to play my Card?

That is a messed up game!
The birthers brought this on themselves. Turnabout is fair play.

Just like the regressive Leftists who scream "racist" at someone for criticizing a black person being pissed when the same game is played on them with Carson.

If you're gonna play a card, the other side can play it, too.
In what card game gives you the right to play my Card?

That is a messed up game!


The key word, of course, is "game". That's what most of this is.
Is Commie Canuck Cruz feeling a little lonely since Adolf Trump is stealing all his thunder? Funny shit...
Note- Stevie the racist doesn't even provide quote- just a link to an idiot Birther site.

Once again- I want to point out that Stevie is a racist, an anti-semite, a homophobe- and a Birther.

Oh and a big Trump supporter.

None of those are coincidences.
Cruz is eligible to be President. Get the fuck over it.
If The Democrat Party fails to go all racist and "burfer". abandoning opportunity, it will be proof they've lost their edge and will be "in the wilderness" for minimum 20 years.
That's hilarious. The WH Press Secretary makes fun of birthers and the birthers take him seriously.
It was bound to happen. Also there is this to note. When is Cruz going to renounce his Cuban citizenship?

Video: White House Press Secretary Goes Birther On Ineligible Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz - Birther Report

A Brief History Lesson For The Uninformed Below.


All Presidents Eligible After Article II Grandfather
Clause Were Born In The U.S. To Two U.S. Citizen Parents

The Citizenship Status Of Our 44 Presidents.
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