It Doesn’t Look Like You Need F-15’s and Nukes to Overthrow a Government, Joe

Yes. Trump would have done it an organized competent manner.

Joe Dufus fucked it up big time just like he has fucked up everything else in his life.
Yep, Donald was so organized and competent that he didn't do it at all.
Oh bullshit. Every plan required one thing that did not happen. It required the Afghani Army to fight. They did not. They did not fire a single shot as near as I can tell. Not one round. They opened the gates and let the Taliban in. Or they fled to Turkmenistan.

So what plan can you come up with that does not include the Afghani Army? There is but one. Leave our troops in Afghanistan indefinitely. That by the way has been our plan since about 2005. We have spent all this time fighting not to lose.

Victory would have taken generations. Time to establish schools and industry and modern society and technology. Billions of dollars wouldn’t even have been a drop in the bucket. A society based upon laws not religion. It would take a century.

On that McCain was right in 2008.

All those years and all that time and money spent training the afghani army and they gave up. Why? The society is still based upon religion. And the religious leaders are on the other side.

You could have had General Honre of New Orleans Katrina Fame in the White House and it would have ended the same.

Alot of bullshit.
We got Bin Laden in May 2011. The popular rationale back then an even today is that we stayed in Afghanistan to protect America from terrorism.
Obama should have gotten us out of Afghanistan no later than during winter 2012, based on that rationale.
McShitstain and others still had too much money to make for the MIC.
This is some more ugly truth.
My point is this. Something you won’t deal with. It doesn’t matter who was or is in the White House. It was always going to end this way. You want to blame Biden. That is just petty and stupid. Like Nixon taking credit for the Apollo landings.
Utter horseshit.
Utter horseshit.

Ok. Pessimistic assessments had it that the Afghani Army could hold out for months. Especially with the additional weapons and equipment we had provided.

Nobody suggested that Afghanistan would fall in three days.

Every plan, no matter who was advising or approving depended on one thing. The Afghani Army fighting. I saw no suggestion anywhere that we could expect the nation to collapse immediately and fall in 3 days. I didn’t think so and I said it would be a replay of the fall of Saigon.

Even my Worst Case Scenario was imagined to be months down the road.
Ok. Pessimistic assessments had it that the Afghani Army could hold out for months. Especially with the additional weapons and equipment we had provided.

Nobody suggested that Afghanistan would fall in three days.

Every plan, no matter who was advising or approving depended on one thing. The Afghani Army fighting. I saw no suggestion anywhere that we could expect the nation to collapse immediately and fall in 3 days. I didn’t think so and I said it would be a replay of the fall of Saigon.

Even my Worst Case Scenario was imagined to be months down the road.
That’s all on Joe. If his people are so wrong in determining a fighting force he is the CIC.
And Joe yanking out the 12,000 civilians keeping planes flying without training Afghans to do it is also all on Joe.
SavannahMann we KNOW Biden fkd it up----you DON'T how it would've went with Trump---just like all the other issues--you people have no proof of your babble crap
This is actually far better from the American perspective than Saigon. Study your history.

The taliban making fun of pedo demented Joe, hey they like little girls. You think that is why pedo joe gave them Afghanistan?
So when Trump said he made this withdrawal happen because he got most of the equipment out, he was lying??

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Why do you cultists just ignore what Trump said when it doesn't fit your goofy ass narrative?
I'm sure Trump would've got our civilians out first. But pedo joe is too stupid to realize that and 13 marines died because of his stupidity.
Biden hates America and he needs to be arrested...along with Obama....

Biden allowed a suicide bomber to just come in and kill 13 of our Marines and he celebrated it.....not even Bush would have allowed suicide bombers to come attack our soldiers like that....

And Obama allowed terrorists to shoot down one of our choppers; far as I know -- he planned with the terrorists to do it.....

At least when Trump negotiated with the Taliban; he made sure they knew who was boss...and ISIS knew not to ever mess with us when Trump was president.....he knows more than the generals and now that he is gone, he can no longer give the generals his much needed military expertise

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