It Doesn’t Look Like You Need F-15’s and Nukes to Overthrow a Government, Joe

Really? I could post links to the big beautiful treaty Trump got with the Taliban.
hahhahahahhaahah---the treaty has NOTHING to do with Bidumb's fk up....this is gold== you people trying to defend Bidumb's UNDENIABLE fk up--AND-AND--you are trying to blame Mr Trump!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
hahhahahahhaahah---the treaty has NOTHING to do with Bidumb's fk up....this is gold== you people trying to defend Bidumb's UNDENIABLE fk up--AND-AND--you are trying to blame Mr Trump!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

No. I don’t deny anything. I have said many times it was a catastrophe or a disaster. I have also said that it was always going to be. My point. And one you can’t deny you lying sack of dog excrement. My point is that nobody saw it happening in a handful of days.

You can’t deny that can you liar?
And what would that prove? Biden threw that into the trash the day he ascended the throne

It proves that nobody. Nobody expected Afghanistan to collapse so quickly.

I am perfectly willing to take issue with Biden when I disagree with him. I refused to vote in 2020 after voting for Trump in 2016 and Republicans generally in 2018.

I didn’t vote in 2020 because both candidates were unworthy of a vote. I am no lover of Biden. But I am not a hater of Biden either.

I believe that when people are doing their best you should give them credit for that. When they are dealing with things nobody imagined give them the benefit of the doubt.

When Trump was elected I gave him the same benefit. I forgive people making errors. Mistakes. I as you would be for any employee am less forgiving for people who don’t learn from those mistakes.

Take a step back and look at the nation. The problem isn’t Them. Whoever they might be today. The problem is us.

When I was much younger. Our parties had core beliefs. Democrats and Republicans had these ideals. They could campaign on them. They could easily explain their beliefs.

Ronald Reagan could talk off the cuff about his beliefs for hours. Able to describe them. Able to defend them.

Who can do that now? The Right can’t. The left can’t. We became mirror images of the other. Intolerance from the left created intolerance from the right. And the reverse is equally true.

We had such opportunity after Reagan.

I was and am liberal on some issues. I was an am conservative on some issues. I was an am able to describe my beliefs with ease. They are my core beliefs.

What Core beliefs do the Republicans or the Democrats have now? They are in favor of winning. They are opposed to losing. We have gone from disagreements to hatred.

About four years ago I said that if Trump healed someone with a Touch the Democrats would Impeach him for practicing medicine without a license.

There is the link to prove I said it. And I said it again many times afterwards. I stand by it. It is my way of pointing out that the disagreement is not based upon any real issue. But upon blind hatred. And hatred is never a good thing. It is never a positive thing.

Do I blame Biden for leaving Afghanistan? No. I supported Obama because he said he wanted to. Among other reasons. I voted for Trump for the same reason.

Now the question is was Biden briefed that the nation would collapse in a handful of days? No. Nobody thought that. Nobody imagined it.

So why would I blame Biden for something nobody imagined would happen? That would be like blaming Reagan for the Beirut Bombing. Or W for when Chem Weapons were released in Iraq by the Engineers who didn’t know the markings indicated chem weapons.

Oppose him based on issues. Disagree with his actions on issues. Say he is a perverted old fuck. I’ll probably agree. Look at the pic in my signature line.

But I refuse to stand silent while idiots make fantastic claims and demand a level of perfection that nobody can meet. My opposition to Trump was based upon his actions and his unwillingness to learn.

I don’t expect anyone to be perfect. I do expect them to try. I do expect them to learn.
candycorn over 170 dead in 1 attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have Apaches [ racist name hahahaha ] having to clear the airstrip
you are blinded and insane by your hate and racism
This is actually far better from the American perspective than Saigon. Study your history.
hahaha how so? i don’t think the US or the world were concerned about terrorist attacks being launched out of Vietnam after the fall of Saigon. Because of Xiden’s blunder the world has that threat
hahaha how so? i don’t think the US or the world were concerned about terrorist attacks being launched out of Vietnam after the fall of Saigon. Because of Xiden’s blunder the world has that threat
The NVA and VC were fighting for national unity; they were not in the business of exporting terrorism through asymmetrical warfare. Unlike Afghanistan, Vietnam actually could make a go of supporting itself through exports and development (fishing, ports, etc...). One report I heard this weekend was that something like 10% of Afghans have a bank account. What that indicates is that there is really no modern economy in that nation.
The NVA and VC were fighting for national unity; they were not in the business of exporting terrorism through asymmetrical warfare. Unlike Afghanistan, Vietnam actually could make a go of supporting itself through exports and development (fishing, ports, etc...). One report I heard this weekend was that something like 10% of Afghans have a bank account. What that indicates is that there is really no modern economy in that nation.
yep and that’s why afghan is more of a threat

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