It Doesn’t Look Like You Need F-15’s and Nukes to Overthrow a Government, Joe

Like I said....Barbara Lee was right....

But since you conservative cucks can't stand to admit a black woman was about Ron Paul....

Joe’s made Saigon and Dunkirk look like organized withdrawals.


Y’all spent four years loudly proclaiming that you didn’t give a shit about anyone.

And you didn’t.

Until it became a way to attack a political enemy.

That’s pure evil.

No one said that. But I'll note your utter inability to hold Biden or Harris accountable for this. You're the reason it happened, not Biden or Harris. They knew you wouldn't hold them accountable for it.
And Joe is still 4 days short of being El Presidente for only 7 months!
The worst is still yet to come!!

I've always said BK that during all the past months raves for the great "Biden Economy" and rave polling bragged about by the Left just because the vaccines have finally allowed some lifting of restrictions allowing the economy to boom back in limited fashion that the real test for Joe would be how things fell apart with his first handling of a real problem.

AND HERE IT IS! Just as Joe cancelled Trump's pullout of TPP, the WHO, and the Paris accord, just as Joe cancelled Trump's border fence project waving millions of illegals in, Joe has had half a year to assess the peace treaty with the Taliban and our pulling out of Afghanistan to change, cancel or tailor it as he best saw fit-- -- AND HE DID.

And it is a raging clusterfuck of epic proportions.

  1. Joe barricaded DC with 45,000 troops to stop a nonexistent invasion-- -- clusterfuck.
  2. Joe reopened the border to unmitigated illegal crossings, w/o Covid tests!-- -- clusterfuck.
  3. Joe took over the vaccine program promising 70% vaxxed by the 4th-- -- clusterfuck.
  4. Now Joe has pulled America out of Afghanistan abortively leaving billions in military hardware there while creating and inspiring millions of NEW Islamic warriors who will want to Jihad all over us for the misery he has caused-- -- CLUSTERFUCK NUMBER ONE.
NOW, finally, people are beginning to see and realize just what kind of failed man they put in the White House.
No, I sound consistent....

When Trump said the solution to Afghanistan was to just declare victory and leave, I was for were you dic suckers....

"The president should follow his first instinct, the correct one. He can declare victory and deliver a meaningful exit before the November election.....The U.S. is secure against terrorism because of its capability to monitor and disrupt terrorist plots from afar—not due to occupational forces.”

Trump again...2 months ago....

"I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn't stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don't we think? 21 years. [The Biden admin] couldn't stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop."

The only reason you morons are whining now is because Biden followed thru on the shit you cucks paid lip service to...

But memory is kryptonite to a conservative....

Cherry pickin' quotes to cover for Bi-Dung is desperation!
Yes. Trump would have done it an organized competent manner.

Joe Dufus fucked it up big time just like he has fucked up everything else in his life.

Excellent. Describe this organized competent manner. I’m honestly curious as to how it would work.

Let’s see. Perhaps he would have reduced the speed of our withdrawal. Yes, that might work. Keeping our troops there longer. A collapsing circle of combat troops battling the Taliban, stiffening the spines of the locals who don’t want to fight their own people. Hmm. But if Trump wanted to do that, why negotiate with the Taliban?

It was a beautiful agreement wasn’t it? At least it was eighteen months ago.

Afghan conflict: US and Taliban sign deal to end 18-year war Afghan conflict: US and Taliban sign deal to end 18-year war

Well. Perhaps Trump would have spent the time and money to actually Nation Build. But that was never in any of his budgets. I guess he was going to get to it in his second term.

I’m sorry. I’m not seeing how this played out any differently. No matter who was in the White House. It was always going to be fall of Saigon. Refugees desperate for salvation hanging on the helicopters in Saigon. Refugees desperate to escape clinging to the outside of aircraft in Kandahar.
It DID go differently when Trump was president. There were big troop drawdowns during Trump's administration and the Taliban did not take over the country in 3 days and start enslaving women and children. They're doing it now because they know they can. The Biden regime won't do anything about it, and you'll support them for it.


The Taliban was patient. A lesson they’ve learned by studying us. They know we’ll get gone eventually. When we had the troops out they moved. The locals that we had trained and equipped surrendered. Why? We weren’t there, and they were.

They knew we would pull out after wasting time and money and lives for the photo op victories we had. And the result is as expected. Three days? Nothing Trump did would have made the Afghan army soldiers fight. Nothing Trump could have done would have stiffened their spines.
Actually the agreement had conditions that the Taliban were not meeting. The Dimm's leave this part out!

Wait. You mean the agreement that Trump negotiated wasn’t being followed? Now just a minute. I won’t let you bad mouth Trump that way. I mean, he is a great leader and of course he would never negotiate a treaty with people who had no intention of following it.
Wait. You mean the agreement that Trump negotiated wasn’t being followed? Now just a minute. I won’t let you bad mouth Trump that way. I mean, he is a great leader and of course he would never negotiate a treaty with people who had no intention of following it.

Why do you keep talking about Trump while Afghanistan is collapsing and Biden is in the White House?
Biden just lied in his address a few minutes ago that the 22,000 Afghani's at Kabul airport today did not want to leave when offered in June!
El Presidente LIVES!!!
Why do you keep talking about Trump while Afghanistan is collapsing and Biden is in the White House?

My point is this. Something you won’t deal with. It doesn’t matter who was or is in the White House. It was always going to end this way. You want to blame Biden. That is just petty and stupid. Like Nixon taking credit for the Apollo landings.
Sure, because in forty years Afghanistan will have a vibrant international trade economy like Vietnam. Keep telling yourself whatever makes you feel better.

Never said any such thing.

In Vietnam we had an ambassador that was convinced the NVA was not going to take Saigon for one thing....the evacuation was a last minute matter as a result.
My point is this. Something you won’t deal with. It doesn’t matter who was or is in the White House. It was always going to end this way. You want to blame Biden. That is just petty and stupid. Like Nixon taking credit for the Apollo landings.

I see you totally fell for Biden's framing of 'should we stay or shall we go' pitch. Most of America has wanted to go for awhile now.
America expected and deserved a much better exit strategy! Not 22,000 Afghani pro-Americans stuck at Kabul airport!
You are as disingenuous as El Presidente!!
I see you totally fell for Biden's framing of 'should we stay or shall we go' pitch. Most of America has wanted to go for awhile now.
America expected and deserved a much better exit strategy! Not 22,000 Afghani pro-Americans stuck at Kabul airport!
You are as disingenuous as El Presidente!!

Oh bullshit. Every plan required one thing that did not happen. It required the Afghani Army to fight. They did not. They did not fire a single shot as near as I can tell. Not one round. They opened the gates and let the Taliban in. Or they fled to Turkmenistan.

So what plan can you come up with that does not include the Afghani Army? There is but one. Leave our troops in Afghanistan indefinitely. That by the way has been our plan since about 2005. We have spent all this time fighting not to lose.

Victory would have taken generations. Time to establish schools and industry and modern society and technology. Billions of dollars wouldn’t even have been a drop in the bucket. A society based upon laws not religion. It would take a century.

On that McCain was right in 2008.

All those years and all that time and money spent training the afghani army and they gave up. Why? The society is still based upon religion. And the religious leaders are on the other side.

You could have had General Honre of New Orleans Katrina Fame in the White House and it would have ended the same.

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