It feels oppressive when Facebook, Twitter and Youtube start banning content based on political bias

Well, if USMB can ban or edit content of the people on here, then why can't Facebook? I mean, there have been people who were banned for saying hateful things and trolling, so if Facebook feels the same way about some of the content on their platform, shouldn't they be able to ban or edit people like USMB does?

USMB is not biased like FB, Google, and Twitter are.

The big social media companies are suppressing one political view while promoting another.
it is slightly right wing biased in the mod arena imho, and as far as posters... it is bat sh*t crazy right wing leaning, and always has been imo....

but that's just fine with me, I'm here to argue!!! :p
Those three platforms alone account for a huge amount of traffic and information flow on the internet. The internet in general played a very important role in the last election, and will probably play an even more important role in future ones. They technically have the right to do whatever they want with their platforms, but how is the right supposed to not feel oppressed by left wing censorship when giant internet platforms like those, who currently play a very important role in politics, start censoring right wing content? Fine, the platforms are legally entitled to do so. Let's have a philosophical discussion though. What about morality and intellectualism? They have the right, but are they right to do it?

Collation does not imply causation. Just because the most offensive sites are run by "conservatives", does not make it political that they're being taken down.
All of the offensive sites are run by “progressives”.

Alex Jones isn't a progressive...a 9/11 truther, yes, but not progressive.

Jones should be banned like Stormfront was. Make all the crazy racists go to Russia for their internet needs.
The New York Times should be banned.

Salon should be banned.

The Huffington Post should be banned.

Slate should be banned.

Raw Story should be banned.

Buzzfeed should be banned.

All the black supremacist sites should be banned.

Make all the anti-white racists go to South Africa for their internet needs.
none of them should be banned and people need to stop all this extreme bullshit.
Well, if USMB can ban or edit content of the people on here, then why can't Facebook? I mean, there have been people who were banned for saying hateful things and trolling, so if Facebook feels the same way about some of the content on their platform, shouldn't they be able to ban or edit people like USMB does?

USMB is not biased like FB, Google, and Twitter are.

The big social media companies are suppressing one political view while promoting another.
it is slightly right wing biased in the mod arena imho, and as far as posters... it is bat sh*t crazy right wing leaning, and always has been imo....

but that's just fine with me, I'm here to argue!!! :p

Me too!

Not that I support content banning, but a lot of the reporting on this is overblown. Much of what is happening are algorithms taking down content unintentionally. A quick email to the company will get the content restored.

And other reporting, like the whining PragerU does, is nothing at all. YouTube has a content filter, turned off by default, that blocks a lot more than just conservative media.
Just like the IRS.
It was just sloppy paperwork by rogue agents.
An honest mistake.
Jones is just pissed that he no longer has a site he doesn't have to pay for to broadcast his b.s.
are you really happy about this? jones is an idiot, yes. but he's not above the rights we all in fact share. i'm not. are you? who are we to say "you get rights, you don't"? how can that be beneficial for anyone in the end because the left can't help themselves give them a "victory" they kick it up and go for more. human nature i suppose as well. they in turn start eating themselves and we're not far from that happening.

if you don't like jones, don't listen to him. block him from facebook and wa-la problem solved. but to ban people because you don't like what they say - i can promise you one day you'll be banned for what you say.

is that really where we as a country wants to go?

Private companies have the right to pick and choose whom they wish to serve. If we force Facebook to carry Jones' material, isn't that also wrong? Facebook is a private company. You guys bitched about a baker who was being forced to bake a cake for a gay couple, and cheered when SCOTUS ruled in favor of the baker. How is Facebook different from the baker? Both have the right to choose where their products are used and by whom.
So you are against public accommodation laws?
Thats awesome!
Fort Fun Indiana, surely you can't be this stupid? Do you honestly expect anyone with a brain buy this?
Who cares if you believe it or not? It is exactly what happened. Yes, they conspired. Isn't that exactly what you want to hear? The reason it all happened on the same day is because they shared Legal Information and advice. once they were all confident in the legality of their move, they all pulled the trigger.

What about this triggers you?
Fort Fun Indiana, surely you can't be this stupid? Do you honestly expect anyone with a brain buy this?
Who cares if you believe it or not? It is exactly what happened. Yes, they conspired. Isn't that exactly what you want to hear? The reason it all happened on the same day is because they shared Legal Information and advice. once they were all confident in the legality of their move, they all pulled the trigger.

What about this triggers you?

Yes, they conspired to take down a political enemy.

The sin was that of being to the right of Marx. No problem hosting people who post messages like #CancelWhites.
Yes, they conspired to take down a political enemy
No, that's fantasy.

That's reality.

There were democrats and CNN involved as well, if you don't see the politics in that, you are blind as bat.
Nah, you're delusional. You see oppression in every puddle.

No, it's a fact that these networks have been going after conservative content creators. It's a fact they are run by crazy leftists.
Yes, they conspired to take down a political enemy
No, that's fantasy.

That's reality.

There were democrats and CNN involved as well, if you don't see the politics in that, you are blind as bat.
Nah, you're delusional. You see oppression in every puddle.

No, it's a fact that these networks have been going after conservative content creators. It's a fact they are run by crazy leftists.

Monetization on Youtube has been getting worse for everyone, regardless of political spectrum. It has to do with how easy it is for people to make copyright claims.

Even long time Youtube stars like Pewdiepie have started looking outside Youtube to make up for a loss in revenue.
And the silencing of conservatives they say is not happening, continues.

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Or, maybe mailchimp didn't want their business associated with a fringe lunatic.

Hey, most businesses will chase away people who stand outside their business and shout nonsense. Why should it be different on the internet? Facebook shouldn't have to carry content they strongly disagree with.

No different than the baker that didn't want to make a gay wedding cake.
And the silencing of conservatives they say is not happening, continues.

View attachment 209044

Or, maybe mailchimp didn't want their business associated with a fringe lunatic.

Hey, most businesses will chase away people who stand outside their business and shout nonsense. Why should it be different on the internet? Facebook shouldn't have to carry content they strongly disagree with.

No different than the baker that didn't want to make a gay wedding cake.

Actually much different. Crazy conspiracy theorists aren’t covered under any federal, state or local public accommodation laws.
Not that I support content banning, but a lot of the reporting on this is overblown. Much of what is happening are algorithms taking down content unintentionally. A quick email to the company will get the content restored.

And other reporting, like the whining PragerU does, is nothing at all. YouTube has a content filter, turned off by default, that blocks a lot more than just conservative media.
So you believe the LIES.

The same automated systems that ban or block conservatives dont do the same for the left.
Candice Owen's for example directly quoted that bitch at the NYT's but changed one word, white was replaced with black. Candice was instantly flagged. The original author? Never so much as spoken to.

The leftist controlled media is out of control. They are the very reason I cut out cable. Not going to financially support hacks

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