It feels oppressive when Facebook, Twitter and Youtube start banning content based on political bias

And the silencing of conservatives they say is not happening, continues.

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Or, maybe mailchimp didn't want their business associated with a fringe lunatic.
Have you any proof he's a lunatic?
Doesn't matter if he is. Read Googles mission statement they try to justify it.

They are hacks, plain and simple

They have fired people for telling the truth before, because it was against the far left ideology.

Fired for Truth
Those three platforms alone account for a huge amount of traffic and information flow on the internet. The internet in general played a very important role in the last election, and will probably play an even more important role in future ones. They technically have the right to do whatever they want with their platforms, but how is the right supposed to not feel oppressed by left wing censorship when giant internet platforms like those, who currently play a very important role in politics, start censoring right wing content? Fine, the platforms are legally entitled to do so. Let's have a philosophical discussion though. What about morality and intellectualism? They have the right, but are they right to do it?
Post the reasons given from these platforms for dropping Alex Jones and co' and I'll let you know if I think they're right or not to do so.
I bet you have an entire candy jar full of suckers
Those three platforms alone account for a huge amount of traffic and information flow on the internet. The internet in general played a very important role in the last election, and will probably play an even more important role in future ones. They technically have the right to do whatever they want with their platforms, but how is the right supposed to not feel oppressed by left wing censorship when giant internet platforms like those, who currently play a very important role in politics, start censoring right wing content? Fine, the platforms are legally entitled to do so. Let's have a philosophical discussion though. What about morality and intellectualism? They have the right, but are they right to do it?

let the market decided, if you don't like what they're doing.


Not that I support content banning, but a lot of the reporting on this is overblown. Much of what is happening are algorithms taking down content unintentionally. A quick email to the company will get the content restored.

And other reporting, like the whining PragerU does, is nothing at all. YouTube has a content filter, turned off by default, that blocks a lot more than just conservative media.

Alex Jones was banned from all three of those platforms. Also Facebook is deleting content related to AGW denial. How far is it going to go?

So they every right to take down anything on their sites they so choose. Just like you walk into my office and start spewing things I don't like I can kick you out. Just like USMB takes down threads or posts or bans individual. 1st amendment doesn't apply everywhere only government.

This was never meant to be a conversation about legal rights. I made that clear in the first post. It's a morality question.
Not that I support content banning, but a lot of the reporting on this is overblown. Much of what is happening are algorithms taking down content unintentionally. A quick email to the company will get the content restored.

And other reporting, like the whining PragerU does, is nothing at all. YouTube has a content filter, turned off by default, that blocks a lot more than just conservative media.

Alex Jones was banned from all three of those platforms. Also Facebook is deleting content related to AGW denial. How far is it going to go?
Jones is welcome to put whatever garbage he wants on his own website.

This seems beside the point. I was asking if their decision is morally sound. And also I was asking how the right is supposed to not feel attacked.
Do you honestly believe there is no political motiv
No. If deviant freaks have latched onto Jones, that has little to do with politics. Plenty of conservative voices, in the true political sense, remain. Just because a guy supports a republican doesn't make everything he says "political".

To me it seems obvious that Jones was targeted for political reasons. I guess we'll just disagree.
Not that I support content banning, but a lot of the reporting on this is overblown. Much of what is happening are algorithms taking down content unintentionally. A quick email to the company will get the content restored.

And other reporting, like the whining PragerU does, is nothing at all. YouTube has a content filter, turned off by default, that blocks a lot more than just conservative media.

Alex Jones was banned from all three of those platforms. Also Facebook is deleting content related to AGW denial. How far is it going to go?

So they every right to take down anything on their sites they so choose. Just like you walk into my office and start spewing things I don't like I can kick you out. Just like USMB takes down threads or posts or bans individual. 1st amendment doesn't apply everywhere only government.
There is no first amendment issue. The issue is large corporations colluding to shut down conservative voices. We even have a dem pol calling for more.
So don’t do business with those corps. It’s a free country.

Man I expect better from you than this cop out nonsense. I said from the start it is their right. Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are very relevant in politics. Removing conservative content is biased and of course conservatives are going to get outraged and feel attacked. Honestly how would you feel if these websites started targeting left wing content in particular? It would piss you off; admit it.
To me it seems obvious that Jones was targeted for political reasons
To me it is obvious that he was not, given that conservatives who don't glorify violence and do not use dehumanizing language about immigrants and Muslims still remain on facebook
Well, if USMB can ban or edit content of the people on here, then why can't Facebook? I mean, there have been people who were banned for saying hateful things and trolling, so if Facebook feels the same way about some of the content on their platform, shouldn't they be able to ban or edit people like USMB does?

Same way Hitler and the Nazis were free to ban content on their platform, I guess

Hitler and the Nazis were the controlling part of the government. Facebook and YouTube are private enterprises. You should be able to see the difference.
Yet they are working against one party of the government.
Do we need regulation so that private business can’t control what content is allowed? We need big gov to step in?

With platforms that are intertwined with and crucial in politics it gets really dicey in my opinion. Again I am not making a legal argument, but a moral one. This is some real bullshit from a right wingers perspective.
To me it seems obvious that Jones was targeted for political reasons
To me it is obvious that he was not, given that conservatives who don't glorify violence and do not use dehumanizing language about immigrants and Muslims still remain on facebook
Troll comment, having nothing to do with the topic, except showing your disdain for the United States.
To me it seems obvious that Jones was targeted for political reasons
To me it is obvious that he was not, given that conservatives who don't glorify violence and do not use dehumanizing language about immigrants and Muslims still remain on facebook

I think you're smart enough to know in your heart of hearts that these platforms are targeting conservatives in a way that maybe isn't completely fair, even though they are legally entitled to do so. For a conservative that is a real issue. You don't care because defeating the right is more important to you than dedication to morality.
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To me it seems obvious that Jones was targeted for political reasons
To me it is obvious that he was not, given that conservatives who don't glorify violence and do not use dehumanizing language about immigrants and Muslims still remain on facebook
Troll comment, having nothing to do with the topic, except showing your disdain for the United States.
Well, except for it being right on topic and in direct response to a comment from the OP.... spot on as always, mikey! All kidding aside, your post was trollish. Mikey, I don't have time to give you attention tonight, so stop begging.
Conservatives aka regressives get off your asses and make your own media platforms. NFL, newspapers, movies, etc....instead of whining.
Not that I support content banning, but a lot of the reporting on this is overblown. Much of what is happening are algorithms taking down content unintentionally. A quick email to the company will get the content restored.

And other reporting, like the whining PragerU does, is nothing at all. YouTube has a content filter, turned off by default, that blocks a lot more than just conservative media.

Alex Jones was banned from all three of those platforms. Also Facebook is deleting content related to AGW denial. How far is it going to go?

So they every right to take down anything on their sites they so choose. Just like you walk into my office and start spewing things I don't like I can kick you out. Just like USMB takes down threads or posts or bans individual. 1st amendment doesn't apply everywhere only government.
There is no first amendment issue. The issue is large corporations colluding to shut down conservative voices. We even have a dem pol calling for more.
So don’t do business with those corps. It’s a free country.

Man I expect better from you than this cop out nonsense. I said from the start it is their right. Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are very relevant in politics. Removing conservative content is biased and of course conservatives are going to get outraged and feel attacked. Honestly how would you feel if these websites started targeting left wing content in particular? It would piss you off; admit it.

Are you saying Alex Jones is the epitome of conservative thought? Wow.
Well, if USMB can ban or edit content of the people on here, then why can't Facebook? I mean, there have been people who were banned for saying hateful things and trolling, so if Facebook feels the same way about some of the content on their platform, shouldn't they be able to ban or edit people like USMB does?

USMB is not biased like FB, Google, and Twitter are.

The big social media companies are suppressing one political view while promoting another.

They are a private company, and as such are allowed to control what does and doesn't appear on their platform.
Sweet! I'm so glad that you guys are finally seeing this! Businesses should be allowed to do business with whomever they want, including bakeries! Apparently public accomodation laws are not as strong as we thought?

If FB, Twitter and YouTube can ban content they find offensive, then bakeries can refuse service if it goes against their religious beliefs.

Thank you for admitting this!
Are you saying Alex Jones is the epitome of conservative thought? Wow.

No, but he is a popular conservative personality.

What exactly is conservative about him?

Maybe it would have been better to say he is a popular personality among conservatives. I really haven't seen a lot of his content. Are you actually going to fight on this hill? The decision to remove him from these platforms is very obviously political at least in part.

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