It has become painfully, even fatally, obvious we have a police problem in this country......

I'm sure the numbers are pretty close. And don't forget, the U.S. also now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. So, are we living in a dangerous Police State? You betcha.
Here's the easy part. Don't be in violation of the law. 98% pf us go through life without a single interaction with law enforcement. That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints.

Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.

Oh, is "white cracker" not politically correct? Does it offend your delicate sensitivities?
If by racist you mean I hate white people who are always looking for ways to criminalize Black behavior and manufacturing excuses to justify any shooting or beating of them by cops you would be right. Contend all you want, forget the liberty nonsense, or the pursuit of happiness, in this case I'm the one defending the right to life itself.
Here's the easy part. Don't be in violation of the law. 98% pf us go through life without a single interaction with law enforcement. That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints.

Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.

Oh, is "white cracker" not politically correct? Does it offend your delicate sensitivities?
If by racist you mean I hate white people who are always looking for ways to criminalize Black behavior and manufacturing excuses to justify any shooting or beating of them by cops you would be right. Contend all you want, forget the liberty nonsense, or the pursuit of happiness, in this case I'm the one defending the right to life itself.

I'm going to assume that you are white, if you are not - my bad. The term "white cracker" is as polarizing as "******". Look, if you hate your own race, there isn't much I can do to help your sorry ass. It's your right, I suppose to be patently stupid.
Here's the easy part. Don't be in violation of the law. 98% pf us go through life without a single interaction with law enforcement. That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints.

Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.

Oh, is "white cracker" not politically correct? Does it offend your delicate sensitivities?
If by racist you mean I hate white people who are always looking for ways to criminalize Black behavior and manufacturing excuses to justify any shooting or beating of them by cops you would be right. Contend all you want, forget the liberty nonsense, or the pursuit of happiness, in this case I'm the one defending the right to life itself.
Trump says "the blacks" a few times and you idiots freak out, but yet you think "cracker" is acceptable?
Just saw that minorities are 3x more likely to be searched at a stop, blacks more likely to be stopped by more than that, also to be busted for drugs tho no more likely to have them.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Traffic Stops
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Approximately 3% of all stopped drivers were searched by police during a traffic ... Police were more likely to search male drivers (4%) than female drivers (2%).
Police up to 28 times more likely to stop and search black people ... › Law › Stop and search
The Guardian
Jun 12, 2012 - Police forces are up to 28 times more likely to use stop-and-search ... alone ethnicminorities underwent more than 100,000 excessive searches ...
Black people still far more likely to be stopped and searched by police ... › News › UK › Crime
The Independent
Aug 6, 2015 - Black people are more likely than other ethnic groups to be stopped and ... would harm relations between minority communities and the police.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity' - USA Today
USA Today
Nov 19, 2014 - Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than people of other races, and ... policestopped and searched black drivers at rates markedly higher ...
Washington Monthly | Driving While Black
Washington Monthly
Searches are remarkably rare in traffic safety stops, and the driver's race has ... Indeed, the main difference is that blacks, unlike whites, are even more likely to ...
Amazing how blacks are stopped more but whites somehow get shot more....
You don't even have the balls to look up the actual statistics.
Blacks killed by police 3.5x as often as whites, dupe.
Except that doesn't work with your previous statistic...dupe.

If blacks are stopped more and killed less, then that effectively makes per capita almost irrelevant.
They're stopped, arrested, searched, and killed and everything else more, stupid.
Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.

Oh, is "white cracker" not politically correct? Does it offend your delicate sensitivities?
If by racist you mean I hate white people who are always looking for ways to criminalize Black behavior and manufacturing excuses to justify any shooting or beating of them by cops you would be right. Contend all you want, forget the liberty nonsense, or the pursuit of happiness, in this case I'm the one defending the right to life itself.

I'm going to assume that you are white, if you are not - my bad. The term "white cracker" is as polarizing as "******". Look, if you hate your own race, there isn't much I can do to help your sorry ass. It's your right, I suppose to be patently stupid.
Just the stupid ones. You know, GOP.
Except that doesn't work with your previous statistic...dupe.

If blacks are stopped more and killed less, then that effectively makes per capita almost irrelevant.
They're stopped, arrested, searched, and killed and everything else more, stupid.
Read your own link retard.

Even the New York Times wasn't stupid enough to claim more blacks were killed by the police than whites.

Their argument was that blacks are only 12% of the population and they are disproportionately killed.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?
See what you started?
Two officers shot during protests in Dallas
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.

Oh, is "white cracker" not politically correct? Does it offend your delicate sensitivities?
If by racist you mean I hate white people who are always looking for ways to criminalize Black behavior and manufacturing excuses to justify any shooting or beating of them by cops you would be right. Contend all you want, forget the liberty nonsense, or the pursuit of happiness, in this case I'm the one defending the right to life itself.

I'm going to assume that you are white, if you are not - my bad. The term "white cracker" is as polarizing as "******". Look, if you hate your own race, there isn't much I can do to help your sorry ass. It's your right, I suppose to be patently stupid.
Just the stupid ones. You know, GOP.
Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.

Oh, is "white cracker" not politically correct? Does it offend your delicate sensitivities?
If by racist you mean I hate white people who are always looking for ways to criminalize Black behavior and manufacturing excuses to justify any shooting or beating of them by cops you would be right. Contend all you want, forget the liberty nonsense, or the pursuit of happiness, in this case I'm the one defending the right to life itself.

I'm going to assume that you are white, if you are not - my bad. The term "white cracker" is as polarizing as "******". Look, if you hate your own race, there isn't much I can do to help your sorry ass. It's your right, I suppose to be patently stupid.

"White Cracker" is as polarizing as "******"? Yeah, only if that white guy being offended has been shit on for 400 yrs. 250 yrs of slavery, about 100 yrs. of KKK and Jim Crow and another 50 yrs at least of discrimination and unofficial segregation. It's your kind of stupidity keeping the country in the dark ages. That's the kind of nonsense statement that identifies the white supremacist know-nothings that don't deserve a voice in the discussion. If yours is an unconscious WS like they say ignorance is no excuse.
Except that doesn't work with your previous statistic...dupe.

If blacks are stopped more and killed less, then that effectively makes per capita almost irrelevant.
They're stopped, arrested, searched, and killed and everything else more, stupid.
Read your own link retard.

Even the New York Times wasn't stupid enough to claim more blacks were killed by the police than whites.

Their argument was that blacks are only 12% of the population and they are disproportionately killed.
Duh. 3.5 times as often. Ay caramba.
Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.

Oh, is "white cracker" not politically correct? Does it offend your delicate sensitivities?
If by racist you mean I hate white people who are always looking for ways to criminalize Black behavior and manufacturing excuses to justify any shooting or beating of them by cops you would be right. Contend all you want, forget the liberty nonsense, or the pursuit of happiness, in this case I'm the one defending the right to life itself.
Trump says "the blacks" a few times and you idiots freak out, but yet you think "cracker" is acceptable?
They call themselves crackers lol...
Full article here:

How To Predict Bad Cops In Chicago


"Jamie Kalven, writer and founder of the Invisible Institute, spent years investigating police misconduct in Chicago public housing projects but was frustrated by the department’s failure to release any information on the subject — not even its own records of complaints against officers. In collaboration with the University of Chicago’s Mandel Legal Aid Clinic, Kalven pursued lawsuits against the department, first forcing the city to release lists of the officers with several complaints against them. The Invisible Institute then filed a series of Freedom of Information Act requests to obtain all complaints against police officers from Jan. 1, 2011, through Dec. 7, 2015. (Efforts to compel the release of still more complaint data are ongoing but are at risk because of legal action by the Fraternal Order of Police.)

The extensive catalog of complaints against officers appears to bear out the theory of a few bad apples: Among the 7,758 police officers who received a complaint during that time period, more than half received less than one per year (officers with zero complaints do not appear in the database).
"Meanwhile, the bad apples seem to be the ones racking up the grievances.


To avoid the overworked “bad apple” metaphor, the Invisible Institute prefers to call officers with many complaints against them “repeaters.” Repeaters only make up a small fraction of the more than 12,000 officers on Chicago’s force — perhaps 1 percent to 10 percent of the officers in the database, depending on where you draw the line — but are responsible for a huge fraction of the complaints: 10 percent of the officers who had received complaints generated 30 percent of the total departmental complaints since 2011. The 10 individual repeaters with the most complaints in the past five years averaged 23.4 complaints against them in that span."
What is the definition of a "complaint"?.....Does this include snotty ass drivers who call the police department to bitch about a speeding ticket?
Stats dismissed as tripe.

Good grief one has to practice to be so willfully ignorant.

Your comment dismissed as tripe.
I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.

Oh, is "white cracker" not politically correct? Does it offend your delicate sensitivities?
If by racist you mean I hate white people who are always looking for ways to criminalize Black behavior and manufacturing excuses to justify any shooting or beating of them by cops you would be right. Contend all you want, forget the liberty nonsense, or the pursuit of happiness, in this case I'm the one defending the right to life itself.

I'm going to assume that you are white, if you are not - my bad. The term "white cracker" is as polarizing as "******". Look, if you hate your own race, there isn't much I can do to help your sorry ass. It's your right, I suppose to be patently stupid.
Just the stupid ones. You know, GOP.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.

Oh, is "white cracker" not politically correct? Does it offend your delicate sensitivities?
If by racist you mean I hate white people who are always looking for ways to criminalize Black behavior and manufacturing excuses to justify any shooting or beating of them by cops you would be right. Contend all you want, forget the liberty nonsense, or the pursuit of happiness, in this case I'm the one defending the right to life itself.

I'm going to assume that you are white, if you are not - my bad. The term "white cracker" is as polarizing as "******". Look, if you hate your own race, there isn't much I can do to help your sorry ass. It's your right, I suppose to be patently stupid.

"White Cracker" is as polarizing as "******"? Yeah, only if that white guy being offended has been shit on for 400 yrs. 250 yrs of slavery, about 100 yrs. of KKK and Jim Crow and another 50 yrs at least of discrimination and unofficial segregation. It's your kind of stupidity keeping the country in the dark ages. That's the kind of nonsense statement that identifies the white supremacist know-nothings that don't deserve a voice in the discussion. If yours is an unconscious WS like they say ignorance is no excuse.
With your dumbass mindset there will be all of those things in the future.
Except that doesn't work with your previous statistic...dupe.

If blacks are stopped more and killed less, then that effectively makes per capita almost irrelevant.
They're stopped, arrested, searched, and killed and everything else more, stupid.
Read your own link retard.

Even the New York Times wasn't stupid enough to claim more blacks were killed by the police than whites.

Their argument was that blacks are only 12% of the population and they are disproportionately killed.
Duh. 3.5 times as often. Ay caramba.
And whites are killed almost twice as much moron.
And by the way the only ones acting hysterical in this thread are the ardent police defenders. All I suggested was that we need to look seriously into our hiring practices to ensure we get the best men/women for the job. If you consider that hysterical your grip on reality is tenuous at best.

You’re not wrong.

I wonder (and this is way out of left field and I know you’ll “let me have it” for saying so…) about term limits for police officers. Have you ever dealt with a first year cop vs a cop who has been on the force for 10-15 years who “knows things”.

I am dead set against term limits for politicians. But I’m told that once you are in office for a while, you become“reluctant to listen to new ideas”, that term limits “would attract improved people”, And this of career politicians: “It’s like they live in a vacuum”. I would think that the same thing happens to many officers? One big difference is that you can vote a political figure out of office, we don’t hold elections for most police officers. I’m not talking about cops becoming lawless marauders shaking down business owners for protection…but I am talking about moving more experienced cops into mandatory supervisory positions to where they come out as back-up, to where they devise strategies, to where they, perhaps spend more time trying to prevent crime than showing up to serve criminal warrants. Let the gals and guys who are fresh to the job chase guys down the alleys, who memorize the staggering amount of statutes, procedures, and policies a cop is expected to know, and frankly get some of the (anec tdotal here) 300+ pounds cops we’ve all encountered, off the street.

Until someone cuts in front of you in line at starbucks. Then you will scream for that three hundred plus pound cop who ony knows old stuff to come save you.
It seems like they could just have prospective hires watch a scene of violent domination, while wearing just sweatpants.

If anything pops up, don't hire the fucker.

Secondly, have them wear cameras.
And by the way the only ones acting hysterical in this thread are the ardent police defenders. All I suggested was that we need to look seriously into our hiring practices to ensure we get the best men/women for the job. If you consider that hysterical your grip on reality is tenuous at best.

You’re not wrong.

I wonder (and this is way out of left field and I know you’ll “let me have it” for saying so…) about term limits for police officers. Have you ever dealt with a first year cop vs a cop who has been on the force for 10-15 years who “knows things”.

I am dead set against term limits for politicians. But I’m told that once you are in office for a while, you become“reluctant to listen to new ideas”, that term limits “would attract improved people”, And this of career politicians: “It’s like they live in a vacuum”. I would think that the same thing happens to many officers? One big difference is that you can vote a political figure out of office, we don’t hold elections for most police officers. I’m not talking about cops becoming lawless marauders shaking down business owners for protection…but I am talking about moving more experienced cops into mandatory supervisory positions to where they come out as back-up, to where they devise strategies, to where they, perhaps spend more time trying to prevent crime than showing up to serve criminal warrants. Let the gals and guys who are fresh to the job chase guys down the alleys, who memorize the staggering amount of statutes, procedures, and policies a cop is expected to know, and frankly get some of the (anec tdotal here) 300+ pounds cops we’ve all encountered, off the street.

Until someone cuts in front of you in line at starbucks. Then you will scream for that three hundred plus pound cop who ony knows old stuff to come save you.

If I do call for the police, it won't be because of cutters at Starbucks. Us regulars give the high sign to the barista and they take care of it for us.

As for the police, I didn't know you could request a cop of a certain dimensions
And by the way the only ones acting hysterical in this thread are the ardent police defenders. All I suggested was that we need to look seriously into our hiring practices to ensure we get the best men/women for the job. If you consider that hysterical your grip on reality is tenuous at best.

You’re not wrong.

I wonder (and this is way out of left field and I know you’ll “let me have it” for saying so…) about term limits for police officers. Have you ever dealt with a first year cop vs a cop who has been on the force for 10-15 years who “knows things”.

I am dead set against term limits for politicians. But I’m told that once you are in office for a while, you become“reluctant to listen to new ideas”, that term limits “would attract improved people”, And this of career politicians: “It’s like they live in a vacuum”. I would think that the same thing happens to many officers? One big difference is that you can vote a political figure out of office, we don’t hold elections for most police officers. I’m not talking about cops becoming lawless marauders shaking down business owners for protection…but I am talking about moving more experienced cops into mandatory supervisory positions to where they come out as back-up, to where they devise strategies, to where they, perhaps spend more time trying to prevent crime than showing up to serve criminal warrants. Let the gals and guys who are fresh to the job chase guys down the alleys, who memorize the staggering amount of statutes, procedures, and policies a cop is expected to know, and frankly get some of the (anec tdotal here) 300+ pounds cops we’ve all encountered, off the street.

Until someone cuts in front of you in line at starbucks. Then you will scream for that three hundred plus pound cop who ony knows old stuff to come save you.

If I do call for the police, it won't be because of cutters at Starbucks. Us regulars give the high sign to the barista and they take care of it for us.

As for the police, I didn't know you could request a cop of a certain dimensions

Yup. They aim to please. Very diverse cops are these days.
Well.....the "problem" is concentrated on a small % who shouldn't be cops. Hiring standards have been lowered. So have training standards.

The simple math shows the "problem" isn't widespread. But out of 1,000,000 cops making 14,000,000 arrests per only takes about 5-10 bad videos per year to make it seem to be a massive problem.
These events call into question every shooting that wasn't caught on camera.

If you have a broken tail light they should just mail you the ticket. Don't even approach the car.

Blacks need to police black ghettos.

Blacks really do need to take their communities back, and I don't mean from whitey. I think when we look closely at the problem were going to see cops have a real scary job.

But I'm not making excuses for bad cops. They need to be retrained and old schoolers need to retire early.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

First .. and again .. I apologize for misjudging you earlier.

You should know that this is nothing new. African-Americans have lived with this evil all our lives. If anything, it's gotten better. The difference is technology has advanced to the point that we can bring this horror right into your living room. What you see on your screen today was far, far worse just a few short years ago.

Through black alliance with democrats and liberals, we've reduced the incidences of police terrorism and horrors. But these horrors are still intolerable, still evil, decidedly racist.

Republicans and conservatives have always been blind to these horrors, and most will remain so no matter what they see.

I mentor middle school at-risk boys. When I meet them again next Tuesday, this will be what they want to talk about .. and again, they will ask why do I believe in a system that hates us. I won't deny that the system is not racist, nor that it doesn't target us .. it is, and it does. But I will remind them of all the horrors that we've been through, remind them of what has been accomplished. I will tell them that all that has been accomplished came through alliances with people of conscience, people who find racism and these horrors as intolerable as we do.

Politically, who would that be? I applaud your awareness, but typically, it would not be republicans.

The question of why blacks are overwhelmingly democrats has thus been answered.

Irrespective of her faults, Hillary Clinton is speaking directly to this issue and taking a stance. Trump hasn't said a word.

The question of why blacks will overwhelmingly go to the polls to vote for Hillary Clinton has been answered.

My point to you is that although you didn't see them, these horrors have been going on unabated long before technology opened your eyes to the truth.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

First .. and again .. I apologize for misjudging you earlier.

You should know that this is nothing new. African-Americans have lived with this evil all our lives. If anything, it's gotten better. The difference is technology has advanced to the point that we can bring this horror right into your living room. What you see on your screen today was far, far worse just a few short years ago.

Through black alliance with democrats and liberals, we've reduced the incidences of police terrorism and horrors. But these horrors are still intolerable, still evil, decidedly racist.

Republicans and conservatives have always been blind to these horrors, and most will remain so no matter what they see.

I mentor middle school at-risk boys. When I meet them again next Tuesday, this will be what they want to talk about .. and again, they will ask why do I believe in a system that hates us. I won't deny that the system is not racist, nor that it doesn't target us .. it is, and it does. But I will remind them of all the horrors that we've been through, remind them of what has been accomplished. I will tell them that all that has been accomplished came through alliances with people of conscience, people who find racism and these horrors as intolerable as we do.

Politically, who would that be? I applaud your awareness, but typically, it would not be republicans.

The question of why blacks are overwhelmingly democrats has thus been answered.

Irrespective of her faults, Hillary Clinton is speaking directly to this issue and taking a stance. Trump hasn't said a word.

The question of why blacks will overwhelmingly go to the polls to vote for Hillary Clinton has been answered.

My point to you is that although you didn't see them, these horrors have been going on unabated long before technology opened your eyes to the truth.

You don't mentor crap. And unless you were of age in the 60's you haven't experienced anything you mention.

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