It has become painfully, even fatally, obvious we have a police problem in this country......

My takeaway on this is we have a media out of control here. The way they sensationalize a few videos of questionable police shootings, as if to deliberately incite certain groups into a frenzy, that goes well beyond yellow journalism. The media has lawyers and knows history, and they also know what professional ethics, prudence and discretion means.
The media did not pull the trigger. The media did not protest. The media did not riot. Stop looking for scapegoats for the problem & focus on the actual problem. People, all of us, are responsible for our own actions regardless of what we see or hear in the media. Period
I think you missed the point, slow down hoss and take a breath. The media should show a little more restraint and professionalism. The judicial system is the final word here, not you or I on the internet second guessing. These videos shouldn't be shown, and all they DO is incite a backlash against police, and you and the media know it.
A DESERVED backlash
That is rather arrogant, if not biased. You sound rather hysterical. Isn't everyone innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? It isn't up to you or the media to make that call.
If you are considered innocent until proven guilty why was a man selling single cigs murdered? Why was a man selling cd's shot while being held down by two police? Why was a traffic stop treated as a death penalty case? Why are you pretending that only police are afforded the right to a fair trial?
Gramps. You are making lots of conclusions here. Given the emotional gravity of the situation, you get a hall pass.
Please, let the facts of the case be borne out before jumping to conclusions...
You'd be doing us all a favor.
Well.....the "problem" is concentrated on a small % who shouldn't be cops. Hiring standards have been lowered. So have training standards.

The simple math shows the "problem" isn't widespread. But out of 1,000,000 cops making 14,000,000 arrests per only takes about 5-10 bad videos per year to make it seem to be a massive problem.
It's widespread. The problem is cop culture.
It is more likely a person will be a victim of a lightning strike than being shot by a cop
What are the odds if you're Black?
Well.....the "problem" is concentrated on a small % who shouldn't be cops. Hiring standards have been lowered. So have training standards.

The simple math shows the "problem" isn't widespread. But out of 1,000,000 cops making 14,000,000 arrests per only takes about 5-10 bad videos per year to make it seem to be a massive problem.

Amercian Police are killing Citizens at a shocking rate. Possibly the most dangerous deadly Police Force on earth.
The Brazilian police forces put American forces to shame when it comes to murdering citizens.

I'm sure the numbers are pretty close. And don't forget, the U.S. also now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. So, are we living in a dangerous Police State? You betcha.
Here's the easy part. Don't be in violation of the law. 98% pf us go through life without a single interaction with law enforcement. That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints.
Anybody can be driving when their tail light bulb goes out.

Try not to be an ass.
Well.....the "problem" is concentrated on a small % who shouldn't be cops. Hiring standards have been lowered. So have training standards.

The simple math shows the "problem" isn't widespread. But out of 1,000,000 cops making 14,000,000 arrests per only takes about 5-10 bad videos per year to make it seem to be a massive problem.

Amercian Police are killing Citizens at a shocking rate. Possibly the most dangerous deadly Police Force on earth.
The Brazilian police forces put American forces to shame when it comes to murdering citizens.

I'm sure the numbers are pretty close. And don't forget, the U.S. also now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. So, are we living in a dangerous Police State? You betcha.
Here's the easy part. Don't be in violation of the law. 98% pf us go through life without a single interaction with law enforcement. That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints.

Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Not unless you have a village idiot for a cop checking you.
Well.....the "problem" is concentrated on a small % who shouldn't be cops. Hiring standards have been lowered. So have training standards.

The simple math shows the "problem" isn't widespread. But out of 1,000,000 cops making 14,000,000 arrests per only takes about 5-10 bad videos per year to make it seem to be a massive problem.

Amercian Police are killing Citizens at a shocking rate. Possibly the most dangerous deadly Police Force on earth.
The Brazilian police forces put American forces to shame when it comes to murdering citizens.

I'm sure the numbers are pretty close. And don't forget, the U.S. also now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. So, are we living in a dangerous Police State? You betcha.
Here's the easy part. Don't be in violation of the law. 98% pf us go through life without a single interaction with law enforcement. That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints.

Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?
Well.....the "problem" is concentrated on a small % who shouldn't be cops. Hiring standards have been lowered. So have training standards.

The simple math shows the "problem" isn't widespread. But out of 1,000,000 cops making 14,000,000 arrests per only takes about 5-10 bad videos per year to make it seem to be a massive problem.

Amercian Police are killing Citizens at a shocking rate. Possibly the most dangerous deadly Police Force on earth.
The Brazilian police forces put American forces to shame when it comes to murdering citizens.

I'm sure the numbers are pretty close. And don't forget, the U.S. also now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. So, are we living in a dangerous Police State? You betcha.
Here's the easy part. Don't be in violation of the law. 98% pf us go through life without a single interaction with law enforcement. That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints.
Anybody can be driving when their tail light bulb goes out.

Try not to be an ass.
Try not to be an ass and stay on point.
I was agreeing with you.. Jesus Christ. Does your partisanship run THAT deep?
BTW, I specifically excluded routine traffic stops.. Oy Vey.. Read the ENTIRE post.....
"That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints."....
For fuck's sake this ^ is the post to which you responded...
"If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless."

Yes he does. There wasn't in fact ANY situation, this officer created the entire incident through his fear. I mean the woman who's boyfriend is next to her shot and dying is far more composed than the cop.

Training for cops has to be changed. And psych evals have to weed out people that are easily scared or prone to improper reactions. The governor noted this would not have happened to a white man. It wouldn't have. If cops are this terrified of black men then they have to have a new policy in place where they stay behind the door of their car, wait for backup on every call, and have each person get out with hands up and walk backwards as we see them do on various occasions.

The OP is correct, this cop was scared shitless. FOR NO REASON. And an innocent man died in front of a 4 year old child. WTF is going on, this has to change!
Getting the "crap" beat out of you by police is nothing new. Hell, in my High School (back in the dark ages) it wasn't uncommon to come to school on Monday and see guys who had mouthed off to cops. In those days, you didn't mouth off to cops. You would "fall up the stairs" on the way to jail ;)

And the cops that did that should have been horribly killed for it. After a few dozen wind up nailed to crosses and screaming, the rest might smarten up.
"If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless."

Yes he does. There wasn't in fact ANY situation, this officer created the entire incident through his fear. I mean the woman who's boyfriend is next to her shot and dying is far more composed than the cop.

Training for cops has to be changed. And psych evals have to weed out people that are easily scared or prone to improper reactions. The governor noted this would not have happened to a white man. It wouldn't have. If cops are this terrified of black men then they have to have a new policy in place where they stay behind the door of their car, wait for backup on every call, and have each person get out with hands up and walk backwards as we see them do on various occasions.

The OP is correct, this cop was scared shitless. FOR NO REASON. And an innocent man died in front of a 4 year old child. WTF is going on, this has to change!
He was scared shitless because he obviously wasn't used to the citizens he interacted with having a gun on their person. If he really was a racist he would have killed the girlfriend and left no credible witnesses.
Just saw that minorities are 3x more likely to be searched at a stop, blacks more likely to be stopped by more than that, also to be busted for drugs tho no more likely to have them.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Traffic Stops
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Approximately 3% of all stopped drivers were searched by police during a traffic ... Police were more likely to search male drivers (4%) than female drivers (2%).
Police up to 28 times more likely to stop and search black people ... › Law › Stop and search
The Guardian
Jun 12, 2012 - Police forces are up to 28 times more likely to use stop-and-search ... alone ethnicminorities underwent more than 100,000 excessive searches ...
Black people still far more likely to be stopped and searched by police ... › News › UK › Crime
The Independent
Aug 6, 2015 - Black people are more likely than other ethnic groups to be stopped and ... would harm relations between minority communities and the police.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity' - USA Today
USA Today
Nov 19, 2014 - Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than people of other races, and ... policestopped and searched black drivers at rates markedly higher ...
Washington Monthly | Driving While Black
Washington Monthly
Searches are remarkably rare in traffic safety stops, and the driver's race has ... Indeed, the main difference is that blacks, unlike whites, are even more likely to ...
Just saw that minorities are 3x more likely to be searched at a stop, blacks more likely to be stopped by more than that, also to be busted for drugs tho no more likely to have them.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Traffic Stops
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Approximately 3% of all stopped drivers were searched by police during a traffic ... Police were more likely to search male drivers (4%) than female drivers (2%).
Police up to 28 times more likely to stop and search black people ... › Law › Stop and search
The Guardian
Jun 12, 2012 - Police forces are up to 28 times more likely to use stop-and-search ... alone ethnicminorities underwent more than 100,000 excessive searches ...
Black people still far more likely to be stopped and searched by police ... › News › UK › Crime
The Independent
Aug 6, 2015 - Black people are more likely than other ethnic groups to be stopped and ... would harm relations between minority communities and the police.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity' - USA Today
USA Today
Nov 19, 2014 - Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than people of other races, and ... policestopped and searched black drivers at rates markedly higher ...
Washington Monthly | Driving While Black
Washington Monthly
Searches are remarkably rare in traffic safety stops, and the driver's race has ... Indeed, the main difference is that blacks, unlike whites, are even more likely to ...
Amazing how blacks are stopped more but whites somehow get shot more....
Amercian Police are killing Citizens at a shocking rate. Possibly the most dangerous deadly Police Force on earth.
The Brazilian police forces put American forces to shame when it comes to murdering citizens.

I'm sure the numbers are pretty close. And don't forget, the U.S. also now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. So, are we living in a dangerous Police State? You betcha.
Here's the easy part. Don't be in violation of the law. 98% pf us go through life without a single interaction with law enforcement. That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints.

Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."
Just saw that minorities are 3x more likely to be searched at a stop, blacks more likely to be stopped by more than that, also to be busted for drugs tho no more likely to have them.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Traffic Stops
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Approximately 3% of all stopped drivers were searched by police during a traffic ... Police were more likely to search male drivers (4%) than female drivers (2%).
Police up to 28 times more likely to stop and search black people ... › Law › Stop and search
The Guardian
Jun 12, 2012 - Police forces are up to 28 times more likely to use stop-and-search ... alone ethnicminorities underwent more than 100,000 excessive searches ...
Black people still far more likely to be stopped and searched by police ... › News › UK › Crime
The Independent
Aug 6, 2015 - Black people are more likely than other ethnic groups to be stopped and ... would harm relations between minority communities and the police.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity' - USA Today
USA Today
Nov 19, 2014 - Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than people of other races, and ... policestopped and searched black drivers at rates markedly higher ...
Washington Monthly | Driving While Black
Washington Monthly
Searches are remarkably rare in traffic safety stops, and the driver's race has ... Indeed, the main difference is that blacks, unlike whites, are even more likely to ...
Amazing how blacks are stopped more but whites somehow get shot more....
Getting the "crap" beat out of you by police is nothing new. Hell, in my High School (back in the dark ages) it wasn't uncommon to come to school on Monday and see guys who had mouthed off to cops. In those days, you didn't mouth off to cops. You would "fall up the stairs" on the way to jail ;)

And the cops that did that should have been horribly killed for it. After a few dozen wind up nailed to crosses and screaming, the rest might smarten up.


That demonstrates how times have changed. Back in the day, we all knew the Cops that patrolled our streets, our neighborhoods - hell, many of them lived down the street from us.

Now, most Cops are insulated from the areas they patrol. You RARELY see cops "walking the beat" unless, and perhaps, you are in New York or maybe Jersey.

When a cop grabbed you by your collar, and marched you home - Dad was waiting to whip your ass. As we grew older, and more "punkish" cops would give you the ass whipping themselves.

I remember once, in Avondale AZ (my old man was an Officer at Luke AFB) my brother a I got picked up by the Sheriff for fighting at a dance. Some guy called us "military brats" and we got into a brawl.

The Sherrif picked us up, took us to jail and called our old man. Trust me when I tell you this: waiting for the old man to show up and kick our asses was harder than any ass kicking we could have gotten from the Sherrif.

The old man shows up, they turned us over to him and we went to the car. He asked us what the hell happened, we told him and nothing happened! He told us to knock the BS off - then said he was proud of us.
Just saw that minorities are 3x more likely to be searched at a stop, blacks more likely to be stopped by more than that, also to be busted for drugs tho no more likely to have them.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Traffic Stops
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Approximately 3% of all stopped drivers were searched by police during a traffic ... Police were more likely to search male drivers (4%) than female drivers (2%).
Police up to 28 times more likely to stop and search black people ... › Law › Stop and search
The Guardian
Jun 12, 2012 - Police forces are up to 28 times more likely to use stop-and-search ... alone ethnicminorities underwent more than 100,000 excessive searches ...
Black people still far more likely to be stopped and searched by police ... › News › UK › Crime
The Independent
Aug 6, 2015 - Black people are more likely than other ethnic groups to be stopped and ... would harm relations between minority communities and the police.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity' - USA Today
USA Today
Nov 19, 2014 - Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than people of other races, and ... policestopped and searched black drivers at rates markedly higher ...
Washington Monthly | Driving While Black
Washington Monthly
Searches are remarkably rare in traffic safety stops, and the driver's race has ... Indeed, the main difference is that blacks, unlike whites, are even more likely to ...
Amazing how blacks are stopped more but whites somehow get shot more....
You don't even have the balls to look up the actual statistics.
The Brazilian police forces put American forces to shame when it comes to murdering citizens.

I'm sure the numbers are pretty close. And don't forget, the U.S. also now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. So, are we living in a dangerous Police State? You betcha.
Here's the easy part. Don't be in violation of the law. 98% pf us go through life without a single interaction with law enforcement. That is save for traffic tickets or checkpoints.

Uh Huh... and if you're Black a checkpoint can be as deadly in America as one in Iraq.
Uh huh.....Examples please? Be specific. I want to see you dig up a single story verified by at least two sources where a black motorist was shot dead at a DWI checkpoint. Then in keeping with the hysterical "it happens all the time" approach( your claim) example of a second occurrence of the same.
Don't come on here making these blanket accusations and not be prepared to back your claims with facts..
Or are you going to call me racist?

I don't know if you are a racist, I have no idea. Do you habitually look for excuses when cops shoot Black men? Did you excuse that white cracker who arrested Sandra Bland?

Excuse me for conflating traffic stops/checkpoints/DWB. The two killings yesterday stand on their own. It's not up to me to give you stats. The Justice Dept. has done that. And the white Governor of Minnesota, Gov. Mark Dayton, said;

"At a press conference Thursday, Dayton called the shooting "totally unacceptable." He said he found both the shooting and the aftermath "absolutely appalling at all levels," noting in particular that no first aid was provided to Castile, while other police officers did attend to the officer who fired the shots. Dayton also criticized the "stark treatment" of Reynolds by police.

"Justice will be served," Dayton said. "Justice must be served."

"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white?" said Dayton. "I don't think it would have. So I'm forced to confront, and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront, that this kind of racism exists."[/QUOTE

that "white cracker"?? I would contend that it is YOU who is the racist.
Just saw that minorities are 3x more likely to be searched at a stop, blacks more likely to be stopped by more than that, also to be busted for drugs tho no more likely to have them.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Traffic Stops
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Approximately 3% of all stopped drivers were searched by police during a traffic ... Police were more likely to search male drivers (4%) than female drivers (2%).
Police up to 28 times more likely to stop and search black people ... › Law › Stop and search
The Guardian
Jun 12, 2012 - Police forces are up to 28 times more likely to use stop-and-search ... alone ethnicminorities underwent more than 100,000 excessive searches ...
Black people still far more likely to be stopped and searched by police ... › News › UK › Crime
The Independent
Aug 6, 2015 - Black people are more likely than other ethnic groups to be stopped and ... would harm relations between minority communities and the police.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity' - USA Today
USA Today
Nov 19, 2014 - Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than people of other races, and ... policestopped and searched black drivers at rates markedly higher ...
Washington Monthly | Driving While Black
Washington Monthly
Searches are remarkably rare in traffic safety stops, and the driver's race has ... Indeed, the main difference is that blacks, unlike whites, are even more likely to ...
Amazing how blacks are stopped more but whites somehow get shot more....
You don't even have the balls to look up the actual statistics.
Blacks killed by police 3.5x as often as whites, dupe.

Moskos reported that roughly 49 percent of those killed by officers from May 2013 to April 2015 were white, while 30 percent were black,” the Washington Times article said. “He also found that 19 percent were Hispanic.”

That may be true, but whites make up 63 percent of the population of this country. Blacks are just 12 percent.

When Mr. Moskos adjusted his data to account for that, he found that black men were 3.5 times more likely to be killed by cops than white men. That’s inconvenient.

So Mr. Moskos did what other deniers of reality on this issue do: He larded into the results data on the homicide rate among African Americans, and then proclaimed that if you take that data into account, whites are at higher risk than blacks.

A fairer analysis, at ProPublica, found that black males aged 15 to 19 were 21 times more likely to be killed by police than white males in that age group. And The Washington Post reports that unarmed black men were seven times more likely to be killed by police this year than unarmed white men.

The point of the “Black Lives Matter” movement is not that the lives of African Americans matter more than those of white Americans, but that they matter equally, and that historically they have been treated as though they do not.

Just saw that minorities are 3x more likely to be searched at a stop, blacks more likely to be stopped by more than that, also to be busted for drugs tho no more likely to have them.

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Traffic Stops
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Approximately 3% of all stopped drivers were searched by police during a traffic ... Police were more likely to search male drivers (4%) than female drivers (2%).
Police up to 28 times more likely to stop and search black people ... › Law › Stop and search
The Guardian
Jun 12, 2012 - Police forces are up to 28 times more likely to use stop-and-search ... alone ethnicminorities underwent more than 100,000 excessive searches ...
Black people still far more likely to be stopped and searched by police ... › News › UK › Crime
The Independent
Aug 6, 2015 - Black people are more likely than other ethnic groups to be stopped and ... would harm relations between minority communities and the police.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity' - USA Today
USA Today
Nov 19, 2014 - Blacks are far more likely to be arrested than people of other races, and ... policestopped and searched black drivers at rates markedly higher ...
Washington Monthly | Driving While Black
Washington Monthly
Searches are remarkably rare in traffic safety stops, and the driver's race has ... Indeed, the main difference is that blacks, unlike whites, are even more likely to ...
Amazing how blacks are stopped more but whites somehow get shot more....
You don't even have the balls to look up the actual statistics.
Blacks killed by police 3.5x as often as whites, dupe.
Except that doesn't work with your previous statistic...dupe.

If blacks are stopped more and killed less, then that effectively makes per capita almost irrelevant.

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