It has become painfully, even fatally, obvious we have a police problem in this country......

And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

No we have a dumb ass liberal problem in this country, I am older then you by a few years, how many times have you been shot at by the cops?

The cops are not the problem.
I've had them draw their weapons on me several times. I got into a physical altercation with one. Any one of those instances could have resulted in my death. Am I just lucky or does it go deeper?

Officer MISSED an opportunity!
You are one sick puppy, hater dupe.
And by the way the only ones acting hysterical in this thread are the ardent police defenders. All I suggested was that we need to look seriously into our hiring practices to ensure we get the best men/women for the job. If you consider that hysterical your grip on reality is tenuous at best.

You’re not wrong.

I wonder (and this is way out of left field and I know you’ll “let me have it” for saying so…) about term limits for police officers. Have you ever dealt with a first year cop vs a cop who has been on the force for 10-15 years who “knows things”.

I am dead set against term limits for politicians. But I’m told that once you are in office for a while, you become“reluctant to listen to new ideas”, that term limits “would attract improved people”, And this of career politicians: “It’s like they live in a vacuum”. I would think that the same thing happens to many officers? One big difference is that you can vote a political figure out of office, we don’t hold elections for most police officers. I’m not talking about cops becoming lawless marauders shaking down business owners for protection…but I am talking about moving more experienced cops into mandatory supervisory positions to where they come out as back-up, to where they devise strategies, to where they, perhaps spend more time trying to prevent crime than showing up to serve criminal warrants. Let the gals and guys who are fresh to the job chase guys down the alleys, who memorize the staggering amount of statutes, procedures, and policies a cop is expected to know, and frankly get some of the (anecdotal here) 300+ pounds cops we’ve all encountered, off the street.
And I believe congress needs to get involved.

First & foremost this is not an excuse for thuggish or criminal behavior. Nor is it a condemnation of police in general.

In the past I have created threads saying that the black community needs to get control of the culture in their inner cities.

Now it is time to recognize that we have a problem in the police community. It has become terribly obvious that temperament & judgment is an issue that the police departments across our nation are not paying a lot of attention to with regard to their hiring practices. So many police shootings seem to be questionable and it usually boils down to judgment. It makes me wonder if the screening process for selecting candidates is adequate. I also wonder if the pay is too low? So low that it attracts too many of the wrong individuals? It's like we just hire whomever applies as long as they pass a back ground check with little regard to their psychological well being or ability to function under extreme stress.
If you watch the video posted to Facebook after this latest shooting you can hear the sheer terror in the officers voice AFTER he had already killed the individual. He sounded like a child who was scared shitless.
Perhaps some nation wide standards could alleviate some of the problems with bad hires. We give these men and women a great deal of power over our daily lives so why not create some rational standards by which we determine who receives that power?

No we have a dumb ass liberal problem in this country, I am older then you by a few years, how many times have you been shot at by the cops?

The cops are not the problem.
I've had them draw their weapons on me several times. I got into a physical altercation with one. Any one of those instances could have resulted in my death. Am I just lucky or does it go deeper?

Officer MISSED an opportunity!
You are one sick puppy, hater dupe.

And you are one fucked up Communist!
A DESERVED backlash
That is rather arrogant, if not biased. You sound rather hysterical. Isn't everyone innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? It isn't up to you or the media to make that call.
If you are considered innocent until proven guilty why was a man selling single cigs murdered? Why was a man selling cd's shot while being held down by two police? Why was a traffic stop treated as a death penalty case? Why are you pretending that only police are afforded the right to a fair trial?
I am not against prosecuting a police officer for acting rashly or recklessly. But that is a matter that the judicial system needs to decide, not a lynch mob fired up by a reckless and rash media with an ax to grind. And right now, the media reminds me of the yellow journalists of the Hearst era, waving the bloody shirt school of yellow journalism. All they are trying to do is pander and play to a political agenda. I have had it with these people.
This thread isn't about the media or the guilt or innocence of any particular cop. Reread the op & try again. Stay on topic.
Astounding. Sad. Never mind the facts, lets lynch somebody? You know how that sounds..? The media imprudently put this out here. Damn the facts. Hmm, let's not question the media, stay on the rails and think like a good robot liberal. I hope you realize the justice system IS the final decider, not bloggers or the media, right? Your outrage is duly noted.
Lynch who you stupid fuck? This thread is not about ANY ONE INDIVIDUAL but rather the hiring practices which CLEARLY need guidelines. Your inability to understand this is a reflection of YOU not me.
What "nationwide standard" could be adopted. It's great to say "we need to do something "...but what?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't have the answers but I would start with some type of psychological testing and not just some multiple choice quiz who's answers can be easily manipulated. Second raise the standards & the pay to attract better candidates.

I would think a lot more training, along with psyc testing. Any sign of bigotry toward anyone--is reason not to hire. I agree--I think we have scraped the bottom of the barrel on a lot of these hires. Simply passing a background check isn't cutting it.

I also agree--that this is coming from the minut minority that paints a broad mark on all law enforcement and the only way to stop it, is law enforcement needs to get rid of the bad, that they know of, before another instance like this happens again.
Last edited:
And by the way the only ones acting hysterical in this thread are the ardent police defenders. All I suggested was that we need to look seriously into our hiring practices to ensure we get the best men/women for the job. If you consider that hysterical your grip on reality is tenuous at best.

You’re not wrong.

I wonder (and this is way out of left field and I know you’ll “let me have it” for saying so…) about term limits for police officers. Have you ever dealt with a first year cop vs a cop who has been on the force for 10-15 years who “knows things”.

I am dead set against term limits for politicians. But I’m told that once you are in office for a while, you become“reluctant to listen to new ideas”, that term limits “would attract improved people”, And this of career politicians: “It’s like they live in a vacuum”. I would think that the same thing happens to many officers? One big difference is that you can vote a political figure out of office, we don’t hold elections for most police officers. I’m not talking about cops becoming lawless marauders shaking down business owners for protection…but I am talking about moving more experienced cops into mandatory supervisory positions to where they come out as back-up, to where they devise strategies, to where they, perhaps spend more time trying to prevent crime than showing up to serve criminal warrants. Let the gals and guys who are fresh to the job chase guys down the alleys, who memorize the staggering amount of statutes, procedures, and policies a cop is expected to know, and frankly get some of the (anecdotal here) 300+ pounds cops we’ve all encountered, off the street.

Term limits for cops??? Yeeeeeah......that would damage the already difficult recruiting process 50% more.

Most bad cops are under 5 years in. Statistically....50% of ALL COPS quit within 5 years anyway. Hot heads burn out or get in trouble early.

Older veteran cops aren't the problem.
And by the way the only ones acting hysterical in this thread are the ardent police defenders. All I suggested was that we need to look seriously into our hiring practices to ensure we get the best men/women for the job. If you consider that hysterical your grip on reality is tenuous at best.

You’re not wrong.

I wonder (and this is way out of left field and I know you’ll “let me have it” for saying so…) about term limits for police officers. Have you ever dealt with a first year cop vs a cop who has been on the force for 10-15 years who “knows things”.

I am dead set against term limits for politicians. But I’m told that once you are in office for a while, you become“reluctant to listen to new ideas”, that term limits “would attract improved people”, And this of career politicians: “It’s like they live in a vacuum”. I would think that the same thing happens to many officers? One big difference is that you can vote a political figure out of office, we don’t hold elections for most police officers. I’m not talking about cops becoming lawless marauders shaking down business owners for protection…but I am talking about moving more experienced cops into mandatory supervisory positions to where they come out as back-up, to where they devise strategies, to where they, perhaps spend more time trying to prevent crime than showing up to serve criminal warrants. Let the gals and guys who are fresh to the job chase guys down the alleys, who memorize the staggering amount of statutes, procedures, and policies a cop is expected to know, and frankly get some of the (anecdotal here) 300+ pounds cops we’ve all encountered, off the street.

That's the most dumbest thing I heard
You know how hard it is to get cops to deal with nim rods Luke you?
Bullshit. Kicking a punks ass and shooting someone are far different (in case you weren't aware)

That is true. I think the German Police are probably the best at it to. They are very hands off until someone gets so bad that EVERYONE around the asshole would agree they need their ass beat. And that's what happens. How do you think there can be mass quantities of alcohol consumed at Oktoberfest, and yet there is almost no violence?

The idiots know that if they do stupid things they will deserve what they get.

But, it is a very, very fine line that separates brutality from a good, and deserved, ass kicking.
Remind me west all when the Germans have the constitution of the U.S.A.

Never said they did, and I also pointed out the very vine line they tread when they administer their "justice". The one thing I can say is they resort to violence very, very rarely.

I remember a time when I tried to kick out a cops back window..I was mad as hell and the cop called for back up..

He called and they dragged me out the cop car.

One cop told me let's go at it.

I said " hell no" and went back into the cop car...

The judge was funny he told me he was going to let me out sooner but since I was being an asshole he kept me locked up...

Cops are not the enemy's they are just doing their jobs.
Are you black? lol. I agree but I'm white too.
And by the way the only ones acting hysterical in this thread are the ardent police defenders. All I suggested was that we need to look seriously into our hiring practices to ensure we get the best men/women for the job. If you consider that hysterical your grip on reality is tenuous at best.

You’re not wrong.

I wonder (and this is way out of left field and I know you’ll “let me have it” for saying so…) about term limits for police officers. Have you ever dealt with a first year cop vs a cop who has been on the force for 10-15 years who “knows things”.

I am dead set against term limits for politicians. But I’m told that once you are in office for a while, you become“reluctant to listen to new ideas”, that term limits “would attract improved people”, And this of career politicians: “It’s like they live in a vacuum”. I would think that the same thing happens to many officers? One big difference is that you can vote a political figure out of office, we don’t hold elections for most police officers. I’m not talking about cops becoming lawless marauders shaking down business owners for protection…but I am talking about moving more experienced cops into mandatory supervisory positions to where they come out as back-up, to where they devise strategies, to where they, perhaps spend more time trying to prevent crime than showing up to serve criminal warrants. Let the gals and guys who are fresh to the job chase guys down the alleys, who memorize the staggering amount of statutes, procedures, and policies a cop is expected to know, and frankly get some of the (anecdotal here) 300+ pounds cops we’ve all encountered, off the street.

That's the most dumbest thing I heard
You know how hard it is to get cops to deal with nim rods Luke you?

“Most dumbest”? Ask “Luke” how silly you sound.
And by the way the only ones acting hysterical in this thread are the ardent police defenders. All I suggested was that we need to look seriously into our hiring practices to ensure we get the best men/women for the job. If you consider that hysterical your grip on reality is tenuous at best.

You’re not wrong.

I wonder (and this is way out of left field and I know you’ll “let me have it” for saying so…) about term limits for police officers. Have you ever dealt with a first year cop vs a cop who has been on the force for 10-15 years who “knows things”.

I am dead set against term limits for politicians. But I’m told that once you are in office for a while, you become“reluctant to listen to new ideas”, that term limits “would attract improved people”, And this of career politicians: “It’s like they live in a vacuum”. I would think that the same thing happens to many officers? One big difference is that you can vote a political figure out of office, we don’t hold elections for most police officers. I’m not talking about cops becoming lawless marauders shaking down business owners for protection…but I am talking about moving more experienced cops into mandatory supervisory positions to where they come out as back-up, to where they devise strategies, to where they, perhaps spend more time trying to prevent crime than showing up to serve criminal warrants. Let the gals and guys who are fresh to the job chase guys down the alleys, who memorize the staggering amount of statutes, procedures, and policies a cop is expected to know, and frankly get some of the (anecdotal here) 300+ pounds cops we’ve all encountered, off the street.

That's the most dumbest thing I heard
You know how hard it is to get cops to deal with nim rods Luke you?

“Most dumbest”? Ask “Luke” how silly you sound.

But you love me admit it...
And by the way the only ones acting hysterical in this thread are the ardent police defenders. All I suggested was that we need to look seriously into our hiring practices to ensure we get the best men/women for the job. If you consider that hysterical your grip on reality is tenuous at best.

You’re not wrong.

I wonder (and this is way out of left field and I know you’ll “let me have it” for saying so…) about term limits for police officers. Have you ever dealt with a first year cop vs a cop who has been on the force for 10-15 years who “knows things”.

I am dead set against term limits for politicians. But I’m told that once you are in office for a while, you become“reluctant to listen to new ideas”, that term limits “would attract improved people”, And this of career politicians: “It’s like they live in a vacuum”. I would think that the same thing happens to many officers? One big difference is that you can vote a political figure out of office, we don’t hold elections for most police officers. I’m not talking about cops becoming lawless marauders shaking down business owners for protection…but I am talking about moving more experienced cops into mandatory supervisory positions to where they come out as back-up, to where they devise strategies, to where they, perhaps spend more time trying to prevent crime than showing up to serve criminal warrants. Let the gals and guys who are fresh to the job chase guys down the alleys, who memorize the staggering amount of statutes, procedures, and policies a cop is expected to know, and frankly get some of the (anecdotal here) 300+ pounds cops we’ve all encountered, off the street.

Term limits for cops??? Yeeeeeah......that would damage the already difficult recruiting process 50% more.

Most bad cops are under 5 years in. Statistically....50% of ALL COPS quit within 5 years anyway. Hot heads burn out or get in trouble early.

Older veteran cops aren't the problem.


if you’re in Congress and are in a position of Power, you get more corrupt, complacent, and out of touch as you get older


If you’re the Police and are in a position of Power, you don’t get more corrupt, complacent, and out of touch as you get older


Infections you get while you’re in the Hospital (or campuses) are most often the result of documented unsanitary procedure or what we call violation of the “sterile technique”. The data is not what I call conclusive yet but I’m on the team monitoring it and so far it looks like those most responsible are our long-term nurses who “know how to give a shot”…. as they tell us when you try some coaching.
Yes. The standards that are required to be a cop are now very low. And the training is minimal. They are not trained on how to actually BE cops. They are trained to be social workers and paper pushers. Then, when they get into a sticky situation that a cop from the old days would have recognized as not being actually dangerous, they shoot first, and ask questions later.

Here in NYC an officer is now able to be SUED PERSONALLY for his actions....I don't blame the police for TAKING THEIR TIME to answer calls. Lights and Sirens traveling at 25 MPH, and HOPING to get there in time to MAKE A REPORT and NOT get into a confrontation, as the crime rate under our Socialist mayor continues to CREEP UP once again!

Police officers have ALWAYS been able to be sued personally. It is not new. Title 18 Section 243 IIRC "Denial of Civil Liberties Under Color of Authority" is the relevant piece you want to look up.

NO, they have not, they were covered under THEIR DEPT. in NYC until 2 years ago! BTW what year was that section mandated?

Nope. The law I referenced is a FEDERAL LAW. It trumps all state and city laws. The problem is the legal establishment tried like hell to hide it from the general public lest the government officials be made to pay for their sins.

Really? Federal Law trumps state and local law? Wow. Who'd a figured that. Let's tell San Francisco (sanctuary city) and Denver (pot sales and sanctuary city).

It's funny how that works, isn't it? :)

When Liberals want laws enforced - it's OK. When they don't? Ignore the law.

Sadly, what you say is true. To a point.
That is rather arrogant, if not biased. You sound rather hysterical. Isn't everyone innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? It isn't up to you or the media to make that call.
If you are considered innocent until proven guilty why was a man selling single cigs murdered? Why was a man selling cd's shot while being held down by two police? Why was a traffic stop treated as a death penalty case? Why are you pretending that only police are afforded the right to a fair trial?
I am not against prosecuting a police officer for acting rashly or recklessly. But that is a matter that the judicial system needs to decide, not a lynch mob fired up by a reckless and rash media with an ax to grind. And right now, the media reminds me of the yellow journalists of the Hearst era, waving the bloody shirt school of yellow journalism. All they are trying to do is pander and play to a political agenda. I have had it with these people.
This thread isn't about the media or the guilt or innocence of any particular cop. Reread the op & try again. Stay on topic.
Astounding. Sad. Never mind the facts, lets lynch somebody? You know how that sounds..? The media imprudently put this out here. Damn the facts. Hmm, let's not question the media, stay on the rails and think like a good robot liberal. I hope you realize the justice system IS the final decider, not bloggers or the media, right? Your outrage is duly noted.
Lynch who you stupid fuck? This thread is not about ANY ONE INDIVIDUAL but rather the hiring practices which CLEARLY need guidelines. Your inability to understand this is a reflection of YOU not me.
Yellow journalists were heroes who pointed out horrible injustices. Read "The Good Old Days-They were Terrible!". Pub dupes live in a dream world of the old days. See Ronnie Raygun.
If you are considered innocent until proven guilty why was a man selling single cigs murdered? Why was a man selling cd's shot while being held down by two police? Why was a traffic stop treated as a death penalty case? Why are you pretending that only police are afforded the right to a fair trial?
I am not against prosecuting a police officer for acting rashly or recklessly. But that is a matter that the judicial system needs to decide, not a lynch mob fired up by a reckless and rash media with an ax to grind. And right now, the media reminds me of the yellow journalists of the Hearst era, waving the bloody shirt school of yellow journalism. All they are trying to do is pander and play to a political agenda. I have had it with these people.
This thread isn't about the media or the guilt or innocence of any particular cop. Reread the op & try again. Stay on topic.
Astounding. Sad. Never mind the facts, lets lynch somebody? You know how that sounds..? The media imprudently put this out here. Damn the facts. Hmm, let's not question the media, stay on the rails and think like a good robot liberal. I hope you realize the justice system IS the final decider, not bloggers or the media, right? Your outrage is duly noted.
Lynch who you stupid fuck? This thread is not about ANY ONE INDIVIDUAL but rather the hiring practices which CLEARLY need guidelines. Your inability to understand this is a reflection of YOU not me.
Yellow journalists were heroes who pointed out horrible injustices. Read "The Good Old Days-They were Terrible!". Pub dupes live in a dream world of the old days. See Ronnie Raygun.
Shut up tard
I am not against prosecuting a police officer for acting rashly or recklessly. But that is a matter that the judicial system needs to decide, not a lynch mob fired up by a reckless and rash media with an ax to grind. And right now, the media reminds me of the yellow journalists of the Hearst era, waving the bloody shirt school of yellow journalism. All they are trying to do is pander and play to a political agenda. I have had it with these people.
This thread isn't about the media or the guilt or innocence of any particular cop. Reread the op & try again. Stay on topic.
Astounding. Sad. Never mind the facts, lets lynch somebody? You know how that sounds..? The media imprudently put this out here. Damn the facts. Hmm, let's not question the media, stay on the rails and think like a good robot liberal. I hope you realize the justice system IS the final decider, not bloggers or the media, right? Your outrage is duly noted.
Lynch who you stupid fuck? This thread is not about ANY ONE INDIVIDUAL but rather the hiring practices which CLEARLY need guidelines. Your inability to understand this is a reflection of YOU not me.
Yellow journalists were heroes who pointed out horrible injustices. Read "The Good Old Days-They were Terrible!". Pub dupes live in a dream world of the old days. See Ronnie Raygun.
Shut up tard
Wasn't talking to you, shyttehead. lol. Just when you doing so well lol...
That is rather arrogant, if not biased. You sound rather hysterical. Isn't everyone innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? It isn't up to you or the media to make that call.
If you are considered innocent until proven guilty why was a man selling single cigs murdered? Why was a man selling cd's shot while being held down by two police? Why was a traffic stop treated as a death penalty case? Why are you pretending that only police are afforded the right to a fair trial?
I am not against prosecuting a police officer for acting rashly or recklessly. But that is a matter that the judicial system needs to decide, not a lynch mob fired up by a reckless and rash media with an ax to grind. And right now, the media reminds me of the yellow journalists of the Hearst era, waving the bloody shirt school of yellow journalism. All they are trying to do is pander and play to a political agenda. I have had it with these people.
This thread isn't about the media or the guilt or innocence of any particular cop. Reread the op & try again. Stay on topic.
Astounding. Sad. Never mind the facts, lets lynch somebody? You know how that sounds..? The media imprudently put this out here. Damn the facts. Hmm, let's not question the media, stay on the rails and think like a good robot liberal. I hope you realize the justice system IS the final decider, not bloggers or the media, right? Your outrage is duly noted.
Lynch who you stupid fuck? This thread is not about ANY ONE INDIVIDUAL but rather the hiring practices which CLEARLY need guidelines. Your inability to understand this is a reflection of YOU not me.
Relax. Your insults and misdirection are amusing, but, I disagree with you. The Media and it's lack of discretion on these police shootings is more to the point, and a far larger issue. No, the media didn't pull the trigger, but they did show poor if not bad judgment floating this out there when they could have just shown more discretion. They cause riots and feed into such acrimony that get peoplet hurt. And the truth comes out later that almost always show a different picture. Let's let the legal system work here, not our bigoted opinions and our mouths.
This thread isn't about the media or the guilt or innocence of any particular cop. Reread the op & try again. Stay on topic.
Astounding. Sad. Never mind the facts, lets lynch somebody? You know how that sounds..? The media imprudently put this out here. Damn the facts. Hmm, let's not question the media, stay on the rails and think like a good robot liberal. I hope you realize the justice system IS the final decider, not bloggers or the media, right? Your outrage is duly noted.
Lynch who you stupid fuck? This thread is not about ANY ONE INDIVIDUAL but rather the hiring practices which CLEARLY need guidelines. Your inability to understand this is a reflection of YOU not me.
Yellow journalists were heroes who pointed out horrible injustices. Read "The Good Old Days-They were Terrible!". Pub dupes live in a dream world of the old days. See Ronnie Raygun.
Shut up tard
Wasn't talking to you, shyttehead. lol. Just when you doing so well lol...
You quoted me you inept fuck
If you are considered innocent until proven guilty why was a man selling single cigs murdered? Why was a man selling cd's shot while being held down by two police? Why was a traffic stop treated as a death penalty case? Why are you pretending that only police are afforded the right to a fair trial?
I am not against prosecuting a police officer for acting rashly or recklessly. But that is a matter that the judicial system needs to decide, not a lynch mob fired up by a reckless and rash media with an ax to grind. And right now, the media reminds me of the yellow journalists of the Hearst era, waving the bloody shirt school of yellow journalism. All they are trying to do is pander and play to a political agenda. I have had it with these people.
This thread isn't about the media or the guilt or innocence of any particular cop. Reread the op & try again. Stay on topic.
Astounding. Sad. Never mind the facts, lets lynch somebody? You know how that sounds..? The media imprudently put this out here. Damn the facts. Hmm, let's not question the media, stay on the rails and think like a good robot liberal. I hope you realize the justice system IS the final decider, not bloggers or the media, right? Your outrage is duly noted.
Lynch who you stupid fuck? This thread is not about ANY ONE INDIVIDUAL but rather the hiring practices which CLEARLY need guidelines. Your inability to understand this is a reflection of YOU not me.
Relax. Your insults and misdirection are amusing, but, I disagree with you. The Media and it's lack of discretion on these police shootings is more to the point, and a far larger issue. No, the media didn't pull the trigger, but they did show poor if not bad judgment floating this out there when they could have just shown more discretion. They cause riots and feed into such acrimony that get peoplet hurt. And the truth comes out later that almost always show a different picture. Let's let the legal system work here, not our bigoted opinions and our mouths.
Almost always

That is not good enough when human life is at stake
Here in NYC an officer is now able to be SUED PERSONALLY for his actions....I don't blame the police for TAKING THEIR TIME to answer calls. Lights and Sirens traveling at 25 MPH, and HOPING to get there in time to MAKE A REPORT and NOT get into a confrontation, as the crime rate under our Socialist mayor continues to CREEP UP once again!

Police officers have ALWAYS been able to be sued personally. It is not new. Title 18 Section 243 IIRC "Denial of Civil Liberties Under Color of Authority" is the relevant piece you want to look up.

NO, they have not, they were covered under THEIR DEPT. in NYC until 2 years ago! BTW what year was that section mandated?

Nope. The law I referenced is a FEDERAL LAW. It trumps all state and city laws. The problem is the legal establishment tried like hell to hide it from the general public lest the government officials be made to pay for their sins.

Really? Federal Law trumps state and local law? Wow. Who'd a figured that. Let's tell San Francisco (sanctuary city) and Denver (pot sales and sanctuary city).

It's funny how that works, isn't it? :)

When Liberals want laws enforced - it's OK. When they don't? Ignore the law.

Sadly, what you say is true. To a point.

Not really "to a point". It is the crux of liberalism. Ignore laws that they don't like. If it weren't true, there would be arrests in all the sanctuary cities (of elected officials) and the Governor of Colorado, the Mayor of Denver would be arrested, the pot confiscated and destroyed and the shop owners placed into custody.

However, the federal government chooses NOT to do its job and enforce the law.

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