It Is A Wall. Bleeeeeeve Me.

Carivan and Tijuana stand off............U.S. military put up the Razor Wire in 7 rows and built tent cities..........Climb that Razor wire......LOL

probably drive a semi-cab thru that one and it's gone..

The new walls would stop that semi.........but probably damage the steel and concrete a bit..........

But hey............The establishment wall to safe us all is the ticket.

Heard one of the new House Dems we're gonna get on TV today. He said "walls are 4th century technology".. So the collective IQ of Congress is gonna be 12 points lower in January if that's the debate point they're trying to use.

Never seen a sensor or drone actually chase down anyone and arrest them.. That's the picture these minions of morons want to see.

Perhaps they need to look at Turkey........who built a wall across the entire Syrian Border......403 miles worth.........and are now building a wall across their boundaries with Iraq and Iran. LOL



They laid a concrete foundation and set and anchored preformed concrete barriers.......with wire on top...
If we're going to eventually allow any and all in who can get here, I think Dimocrats should put their money where their mouths are and host these people by bringing them into their own homes.
Fuck you asshole. No one wants open borders. Quit lying.

FUCK YOU ASSHOLE, Dimocrats will always have a reason to avoid enforcing our immigration laws.
Trump made a huge strategic mistake when he decided to make his campaign for the Wall so ignorant and hateful against Hispanics. It attracted the wrong crowd to his base AND it made it impossible for anyone who was fair minded to support the Wall.
Now he can't make any headway. Border security is fine, as far as I'm concerned, and a physical barrier where people are walking over the border on a daily basis is certainly a good use of funds. Why make border patrol chase them around playing tag when those folks could be stopped cold before getting in? If they can't get over the border, they can't request asylum, either, can they? Unless they go through the proper channels.

It would help.

Sweet as honey.

One new prototype wall installed.
That section was built before Trump was president.
Well sir.........I thought different.............glad I wasn't under oath here then..........You would turn the screws and say I lied and say I'll send your entire family to prison for the rest of your life if you don't say what I want you to say...........

I'll check that one out because I thought it was a partial prototype...........

In the mean time I'll sell my house to pay for the lawyers as you do a proctology exam of my history and find one time I didn't Pay for my milk in grade school.......OMFG.......Justice is coming.........

Is that how the law works now Mr. Mueller........Off topic of course.

One new prototype wall installed.
That section was built before Trump was president.
Well sir.........I thought different.............glad I wasn't under oath here then..........You would turn the screws and say I lied and say I'll send your entire family to prison for the rest of your life if you don't say what I want you to say...........

I'll check that one out because I thought it was a partial prototype...........

In the mean time I'll sell my house to pay for the lawyers as you do a proctology exam of my history and find one time I didn't Pay for my milk in grade school.......OMFG.......Justice is coming.........

Is that how the law works now Mr. Mueller........Off topic of course.
No, I wouldn't accuse you of lying about posting that. I might call you a moron for not knowing what the fuck you're posting. Or I might call you a mindless lemming for posting something without first checking it out. But I wouldn't say you lied.
Agency moves ahead with ‘transparent’ prototypes for Trump’s border wall

Trump sees chance for 'solar' Mexico border wall | The Express Tribune
In this March 30, 2017 file photo, Workers use a crane to lift a segment of a new fence into place on the U.S. side of the border with Mexico, where Sunland Park, New Mexico, meets the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, As President Donald Trump’s administration fights to fund a new, multibillion-dollar border wall, government lawyers are still settling claims with Texas landowners over the fence Congress approved more than a decade ago. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Hmmmm............Mr. Mueller according to several articles these repairs and walls were being installed in 2017....the picture with a crane shows it being installed in 2017.

Are you LYING TO ME MR. MUELLER............Someone get out the Iron Maiden.........time to make Mr. Mueller SING..........

One new prototype wall installed.
That section was built before Trump was president.
Well sir.........I thought different.............glad I wasn't under oath here then..........You would turn the screws and say I lied and say I'll send your entire family to prison for the rest of your life if you don't say what I want you to say...........

I'll check that one out because I thought it was a partial prototype...........

In the mean time I'll sell my house to pay for the lawyers as you do a proctology exam of my history and find one time I didn't Pay for my milk in grade school.......OMFG.......Justice is coming.........

Is that how the law works now Mr. Mueller........Off topic of course.
No, I wouldn't accuse you of lying about posting that. I might call you a moron for not knowing what the fuck you're posting. Or I might call you a mindless lemming for posting something without first checking it out. But I wouldn't say you lied.
Well Mr. Mueller you call anyone who disagrees with you a it has lost it's effectiveness.........

Now I just looked at that picture......and it's being used on all the major media outlets .....CNN, ABC, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post,.........I only posted a few and one showed that thing being placed in 2017........

So.......let's say I'm a call all the Media outlets using the same picture Morons as well......You need to employ equal justice under the law............isn't that correct Mr. Mueller...........

Do you back down that those articles show that wall in reference to Trump.......and the construction picture showing it being installed in 2017.
Agency moves ahead with ‘transparent’ prototypes for Trump’s border wall

Trump sees chance for 'solar' Mexico border wall | The Express Tribune

Trump seeks billions for border wall, US still paying for fence
In this March 30, 2017 file photo, Workers use a crane to lift a segment of a new fence into place on the U.S. side of the border with Mexico, where Sunland Park, New Mexico, meets the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, As President Donald Trump’s administration fights to fund a new, multibillion-dollar border wall, government lawyers are still settling claims with Texas landowners over the fence Congress approved more than a decade ago. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Hmmmm............Mr. Mueller according to several articles these repairs and walls were being installed in 2017....the picture with a crane shows it being installed in 2017.

Are you LYING TO ME MR. MUELLER............Someone get out the Iron Maiden.........time to make Mr. Mueller SING..........

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how rightarded you morons can be. It's quite entertaining, to be honest.

Dumbfuck, that's not the photo you posted. This is...

Click on it and read the caption....

Children play at a newly built section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall at Sunland Park, U.S. opposite the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico November 18, 2016. Picture taken from the Mexico side of the U.S.-Mexico border. Picture taken November 18, 2016. REUTERS/Jose Luis Gonzalez​

So remind me ... who was president on November 18, 2016? You're not saying it was Trump, are ya?

Agency moves ahead with ‘transparent’ prototypes for Trump’s border wall

Trump sees chance for 'solar' Mexico border wall | The Express Tribune

Trump seeks billions for border wall, US still paying for fence
In this March 30, 2017 file photo, Workers use a crane to lift a segment of a new fence into place on the U.S. side of the border with Mexico, where Sunland Park, New Mexico, meets the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, As President Donald Trump’s administration fights to fund a new, multibillion-dollar border wall, government lawyers are still settling claims with Texas landowners over the fence Congress approved more than a decade ago. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Hmmmm............Mr. Mueller according to several articles these repairs and walls were being installed in 2017....the picture with a crane shows it being installed in 2017.

Are you LYING TO ME MR. MUELLER............Someone get out the Iron Maiden.........time to make Mr. Mueller SING..........

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how rightarded you morons can be. It's quite entertaining, to be honest.

Dumbfuck, that's not the photo you posted. This is...

Click on it and read the caption....

Children play at a newly built section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall at Sunland Park, U.S. opposite the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico November 18, 2016. Picture taken from the Mexico side of the U.S.-Mexico border. Picture taken November 18, 2016. REUTERS/Jose Luis Gonzalez​

So remind me ... who was president on November 18, 2016? You're not saying it was Trump, are ya?

Yet portions of that same FENCE are being installed in 2017..........used by every major media outlet using those SAME PICTURES........

So........why are they doing that if you are correct...........and believe me........I don't trust the LYING MSM anymore........but that one picture showed a 2017 picture of putting those EXACT panels in place...........using a LULL............
Agency moves ahead with ‘transparent’ prototypes for Trump’s border wall

Trump sees chance for 'solar' Mexico border wall | The Express Tribune

Trump seeks billions for border wall, US still paying for fence
In this March 30, 2017 file photo, Workers use a crane to lift a segment of a new fence into place on the U.S. side of the border with Mexico, where Sunland Park, New Mexico, meets the Anapra neighborhood of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, As President Donald Trump’s administration fights to fund a new, multibillion-dollar border wall, government lawyers are still settling claims with Texas landowners over the fence Congress approved more than a decade ago. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd)

Hmmmm............Mr. Mueller according to several articles these repairs and walls were being installed in 2017....the picture with a crane shows it being installed in 2017.

Are you LYING TO ME MR. MUELLER............Someone get out the Iron Maiden.........time to make Mr. Mueller SING..........

It never ceases to amaze me to see just how rightarded you morons can be. It's quite entertaining, to be honest.

Dumbfuck, that's not the photo you posted. This is...

Click on it and read the caption....

Children play at a newly built section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall at Sunland Park, U.S. opposite the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico November 18, 2016. Picture taken from the Mexico side of the U.S.-Mexico border. Picture taken November 18, 2016. REUTERS/Jose Luis Gonzalez​

So remind me ... who was president on November 18, 2016? You're not saying it was Trump, are ya?

Yet portions of that same FENCE are being installed in 2017..........used by every major media outlet using those SAME PICTURES........

So........why are they doing that if you are correct...........and believe me........I don't trust the LYING MSM anymore........but that one picture showed a 2017 picture of putting those EXACT panels in place...........using a LULL............
Holyfuckingshit! :ack-1:

Rather than just admit you're an imbecile, you're seriously prepared to double down on stupid, huh? Moron, that's still not Trump's wall, despite the project spanning into the early days of his administration....

Border Patrol erecting new fence in Sunland Park

The Associated PressPublished 4:32 p.m. MT Aug. 8, 2016 | Updated 4:33 p.m. MT Aug. 8, 2016

SUNLAND PARK, N.M. (AP) — Amid a debate over erecting a new border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, the U.S. Border Patrol says it is finishing an 18-foot-tall steel fence in the last stretch of unwalled, urban borderline in New Mexico.


The new fence will be made of rust-colored steel columns and is part of an $11 million project authorized by the Bush Administration, the Secure Fence Act of 2006. It will supplant the chain link fencing erected in the 1980s. The new barrier will be reinforced 5 feet underground with steel panels to prevent smugglers from building underground tunnels.


Construction is expected to finish early in 2017.​

The only remaining question I have is -- why can't you figure this shit out without a Liberal having to educate you? Shirley you can find this same info on the Internet like I did, right?
Trump claims wall construction has started — it hasn’t

Seems that a lot of the funding is from old contracts to repair the old fences with new 30 foot fences with current funding........So it appears that a lot of the funding is Not the NEW STYLE WALL......but repairs and upgrades to existing fencing via old contracts.........

So these photo's show same style walls being put in but are not the new prototypes that funding is being argued over........but are being done under Trump.......

And the MSM is using these same style photos all over the place saying the new Trump Wall.........

Being played by the talking heads again...........and misleading the actual facts from all sides for politics including Trump....who is taking credit for the work to repair and replace fencing...........

Amazing isn't it...............

Thanks for the information.......and showing the lies of the MSM all over the place and even Trump saying new wall for Fencing repair ...........and the new wall which is a Lie.............

Government lying to us............LOCK THEM ALL UP MR. MUELLER...........make sure it's equal justice under the law.......and you take down the MSM for lying to the people as well............I'd enjoy that.
Border Wall Contract Awards in California | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Border Wall Contract Awards in California

Release Date:
December 21, 2018

WASHINGTON – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), has awarded a contract to construct up to 14 miles of secondary wall and up to 15 miles of primary pedestrian replacement wall in California within the U.S. Border Patrol’s (USBP) San Diego, Yuma, and El Centro Sectors. The contract was awarded on December 20, 2018 to SLSCO Ltd. using CBP’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 appropriations. The total contract value, including options, is approximately $287 million. Construction for the San Diego secondary is anticipated to begin in February 2019 and construction for the primary pedestrian replacement wall is anticipated to begin in July 2019.

The contract award includes approximately $156 million for the primary pedestrian replacement wall project, including approximately $68 million in the contract base and approximately $88 million in unawarded options. The primary pedestrian replacement wall project will include replacement of various outdated designs with new 30 ft. tall steel bollard wall. The approximately 15 miles supported in the contract base and options include approximately 11 miles in Calexico, approximately three miles in Tecate, and approximately one mile in Andrade, California. These locations represent the top operational priorities for replacement for the USBP and will improve each respective Sector’s ability to impede and deny illegal border crossings and the drug and human smuggling activities of transnational criminal organizations.

The contract award includes approximately $131 million for the secondary wall project, including approximately $101 million in the contract base and approximately $30 million in unawarded options. The secondary wall project will include the replacement of existing secondary barrier with a 30 ft. tall steel bollard wall. This project is adjacent to the San Diego primary fence replacement project that is currently under construction. These two important barriers, in combination with a patrol road and technology, create an enforcement zone for the USBP as part of the border wall system. Given the high-density population in San Diego-Tijuana urban area, the stronger infrastructure is critically important.
Trump claims wall construction has started — it hasn’t

Seems that a lot of the funding is from old contracts to repair the old fences with new 30 foot fences with current funding........So it appears that a lot of the funding is Not the NEW STYLE WALL......but repairs and upgrades to existing fencing via old contracts.........

So these photo's show same style walls being put in but are not the new prototypes that funding is being argued over........but are being done under Trump.......

And the MSM is using these same style photos all over the place saying the new Trump Wall.........

Being played by the talking heads again...........and misleading the actual facts from all sides for politics including Trump....who is taking credit for the work to repair and replace fencing...........

Amazing isn't it...............

Thanks for the information.......and showing the lies of the MSM all over the place and even Trump saying new wall for Fencing repair ...........and the new wall which is a Lie.............

Government lying to us............LOCK THEM ALL UP MR. MUELLER...........make sure it's equal justice under the law.......and you take down the MSM for lying to the people as well............I'd enjoy that.
Oh? Post a link to where you found that on the MSM attributing that to Trump....
Trump claims wall construction has started — it hasn’t

Seems that a lot of the funding is from old contracts to repair the old fences with new 30 foot fences with current funding........So it appears that a lot of the funding is Not the NEW STYLE WALL......but repairs and upgrades to existing fencing via old contracts.........

So these photo's show same style walls being put in but are not the new prototypes that funding is being argued over........but are being done under Trump.......

And the MSM is using these same style photos all over the place saying the new Trump Wall.........

Being played by the talking heads again...........and misleading the actual facts from all sides for politics including Trump....who is taking credit for the work to repair and replace fencing...........

Amazing isn't it...............

Thanks for the information.......and showing the lies of the MSM all over the place and even Trump saying new wall for Fencing repair ...........and the new wall which is a Lie.............

Government lying to us............LOCK THEM ALL UP MR. MUELLER...........make sure it's equal justice under the law.......and you take down the MSM for lying to the people as well............I'd enjoy that.
Oh? Post a link to where you found that on the MSM attributing that to Trump....
I posted 3 a bit ago.........

Is Donald Trump's border wall already being built?

Calling it a wall...........but it's upgrades to the fence.........not the prototype wall.......I've shown the pictures of the X I beams to stop vehicles.......but this is the exact same fence we are arguing about..........20 foot fence..........but done under the old guidelines and not the new prototype walls everyone is talking about.

This is newsweek.........calling it a wall..........and so is's still a better barrier than the old X I beams the establishment bragged about in 2006......that a kid with a Huffy Bike could jump over.

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