It is actually a "good thing" that Trump pardoned Arpaio

You didn't address the point.

You said "without evidence".

I posted evidence.

THus your previous post where you pretended that birthers just assumed without evidence was proven to be a lie.

Because you knew this already existed.

So, far you have presented four "supporting arguments" to your conclusion that being a birther was stupid and racist.

1. that no one challenged Cruz being eligible. I proved that wrong. You ignored that. and reasserted your conclusion.

2. that no one challenge McCain being eligible. I proved that wrong. You ignored that. And reasserted your conclusion.

3. That they were stupid for not knowing that Obama's mother was in hawaii. I pointed out, over and over again that that was absurd, and eventually your dropped that and gave another reason for your conclusion.

4. That they assumed without evidence. I have presented evidence. YOu have attacked that evidence, but that is irrelevant to the fact that they did have evidence enough to ask questions.

This is where you drop your current supporting argument and invent another to support your "conclusion" that those that disagree with you are "Stupid or evul".

Cause you need to believe that.

Your "evidence" was debunked years ago
Your ability to deny any evidence that does not support your bizarre theories solidifies you as a Trump voter

Before you said there was no evidence to justify their suspicions.

Now you have moved the goal posts to that evidence was debunked long ago.

How many bios do you think that woman wrote each year and how long did she write them?

She "wrote" the bio of an author who was never published, not even in Law Review and she managed to get everything else perfect - 'cept the birth place.

Uh huh

That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Evidently, not many
She made a mistake based on a funny name and admitted it
Meanwhile, the Great State of Hawaii has repeatedly certified that Obama was born there

Even massive investigations by Donny McRacist and Sheriff Joe were unable to find evidence to the contrary

And the best you can do is pull out some erroneous bio in a school newspaper
You didn't address the point.

You said "without evidence".

I posted evidence.

THus your previous post where you pretended that birthers just assumed without evidence was proven to be a lie.

Because you knew this already existed.

So, far you have presented four "supporting arguments" to your conclusion that being a birther was stupid and racist.

1. that no one challenged Cruz being eligible. I proved that wrong. You ignored that. and reasserted your conclusion.

2. that no one challenge McCain being eligible. I proved that wrong. You ignored that. And reasserted your conclusion.

3. That they were stupid for not knowing that Obama's mother was in hawaii. I pointed out, over and over again that that was absurd, and eventually your dropped that and gave another reason for your conclusion.

4. That they assumed without evidence. I have presented evidence. YOu have attacked that evidence, but that is irrelevant to the fact that they did have evidence enough to ask questions.

This is where you drop your current supporting argument and invent another to support your "conclusion" that those that disagree with you are "Stupid or evul".

Cause you need to believe that.

Your "evidence" was debunked years ago
Your ability to deny any evidence that does not support your bizarre theories solidifies you as a Trump voter

Before you said there was no evidence to justify their suspicions.

Now you have moved the goal posts to that evidence was debunked long ago.

How many bios do you think that woman wrote each year and how long did she write them?

She "wrote" the bio of an author who was never published, not even in Law Review and she managed to get everything else perfect - 'cept the birth place.

Uh huh

That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Probably only the birthplace in one particular bio. He was an unpublished author at the time and she ran with a random birthplace, not even bothering with having the author proof the bio before it went to print
More stupidity from the Birthers
And people ask.....How could Trump have been elected?

Why does it demonstrate your stupidity?

Because to post nonsense like that, you have to:

1. Ignore the fact that the person who wrote that biography admits she made a mistake
2. Ignore that the State of Hawaii has repeatedly certified that Obama was born there

Oopps, Ninja'd.

It is not very credible that a reviewer would just assume that someone was from Kenya.

Obama had admitted in his bio that he :"struggled" with his "identity".

It is far more likely that he lied to the woman in order to appear more diverse and have a more, from a liberal's pov, compelling narrative. are piling on the stupid today

The woman admitted she made a wrong assumption. With a name like "Barack Obama" it is easy to draw that conclusion

Hey Correll....where do you fit on this chart?...

You didn't address the point.

You said "without evidence".

I posted evidence.

THus your previous post where you pretended that birthers just assumed without evidence was proven to be a lie.

Because you knew this already existed.

So, far you have presented four "supporting arguments" to your conclusion that being a birther was stupid and racist.

1. that no one challenged Cruz being eligible. I proved that wrong. You ignored that. and reasserted your conclusion.

2. that no one challenge McCain being eligible. I proved that wrong. You ignored that. And reasserted your conclusion.

3. That they were stupid for not knowing that Obama's mother was in hawaii. I pointed out, over and over again that that was absurd, and eventually your dropped that and gave another reason for your conclusion.

4. That they assumed without evidence. I have presented evidence. YOu have attacked that evidence, but that is irrelevant to the fact that they did have evidence enough to ask questions.

This is where you drop your current supporting argument and invent another to support your "conclusion" that those that disagree with you are "Stupid or evul".

Cause you need to believe that.

Your "evidence" was debunked years ago
Your ability to deny any evidence that does not support your bizarre theories solidifies you as a Trump voter

Pretty neat how all those Trump supporters are helping each other in Texas. They get it, you don't.

I saw New Yorkers do the same during 9-11 and Sandy
You are looking at it, unless you want us to believe it was a "racist conspiracy" by a white student to fudge his yearbook page...
You are looking at it, unless you want us to believe it was a "racist conspiracy" by a white student to fudge his yearbook page...
Wasn't a yearbook page

The poor woman made a mistake and now is embroiled in a conspiracy theory

How does a faulty bio entry supersede the certification of the State of Hawaii in the minds of nut job birthers?
Oopps, Ninja'd.

It is not very credible that a reviewer would just assume that someone was from Kenya.

Obama had admitted in his bio that he :"struggled" with his "identity".

It is far more likely that he lied to the woman in order to appear more diverse and have a more, from a liberal's pov, compelling narrative. are piling on the stupid today

The woman admitted she made a wrong assumption. With a name like "Barack Obama" it is easy to draw that conclusion

Hey Correll....where do you fit on this chart?...

You didn't address the point.

You said "without evidence".

I posted evidence.

THus your previous post where you pretended that birthers just assumed without evidence was proven to be a lie.

Because you knew this already existed.

So, far you have presented four "supporting arguments" to your conclusion that being a birther was stupid and racist.

1. that no one challenged Cruz being eligible. I proved that wrong. You ignored that. and reasserted your conclusion.

2. that no one challenge McCain being eligible. I proved that wrong. You ignored that. And reasserted your conclusion.

3. That they were stupid for not knowing that Obama's mother was in hawaii. I pointed out, over and over again that that was absurd, and eventually your dropped that and gave another reason for your conclusion.

4. That they assumed without evidence. I have presented evidence. YOu have attacked that evidence, but that is irrelevant to the fact that they did have evidence enough to ask questions.

This is where you drop your current supporting argument and invent another to support your "conclusion" that those that disagree with you are "Stupid or evul".

Cause you need to believe that.

Your "evidence" was debunked years ago
Your ability to deny any evidence that does not support your bizarre theories solidifies you as a Trump voter

Pretty neat how all those Trump supporters are helping each other in Texas. They get it, you don't.

I saw New Yorkers do the same during 9-11 and Sandy

And we heard it over and over. Did you like it then? You should like it now.
Your rudeness does not support your odd premise that it is stupid to not know where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

You are being an asshole. Fuck you.
You are either demonstrating your own ignorance or your total devotion to defending anything he does

Same thing actually

Nothing you are saying supports your weird premise that not knowing where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago, is moronic.

You can keep acting as though it is self evident, but you obviously are unable to support it at all.

Assuming because you don't know, that proves she must have been in Africa with no evidence supporting it is moronic
Even more moronic is ignoring all the evidence proving she was in Hawaii at the time including the State of Hawaii saying so

Birthers are way around it

Why did Obama tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"? Is Obama a moron?


More stupidity from the Birthers
And people ask.....How could Trump have been elected?

Why does it demonstrate your stupidity?

Because to post nonsense like that, you have to:

1. Ignore the fact that the person who wrote that biography admits she made a mistake
2. Ignore that the State of Hawaii has repeatedly certified that Obama was born there
1. ignore the fact that the person who wrote that biography is probably covering for Obama.
2. Ignore the fact that the State of Hawaii has never produced the original birth certificate and have only produced recently made copies.
Your "evidence" was debunked years ago
Your ability to deny any evidence that does not support your bizarre theories solidifies you as a Trump voter

Before you said there was no evidence to justify their suspicions.

Now you have moved the goal posts to that evidence was debunked long ago.

How many bios do you think that woman wrote each year and how long did she write them?

She "wrote" the bio of an author who was never published, not even in Law Review and she managed to get everything else perfect - 'cept the birth place.

Uh huh

That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Probably only the birthplace in one particular bio. He was an unpublished author at the time and she ran with a random birthplace, not even bothering with having the author proof the bio before it went to print
Random, and hit the country of his actual birth, Kenya, by accident.
Before you said there was no evidence to justify their suspicions.

Now you have moved the goal posts to that evidence was debunked long ago.

How many bios do you think that woman wrote each year and how long did she write them?

She "wrote" the bio of an author who was never published, not even in Law Review and she managed to get everything else perfect - 'cept the birth place.

Uh huh

That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Probably only the birthplace in one particular bio. He was an unpublished author at the time and she ran with a random birthplace, not even bothering with having the author proof the bio before it went to print
Random, and hit the country of his actual birth, Kenya, by accident.

^ only explanation that makes any sense
You are either demonstrating your own ignorance or your total devotion to defending anything he does

Same thing actually

Nothing you are saying supports your weird premise that not knowing where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago, is moronic.

You can keep acting as though it is self evident, but you obviously are unable to support it at all.

Assuming because you don't know, that proves she must have been in Africa with no evidence supporting it is moronic
Even more moronic is ignoring all the evidence proving she was in Hawaii at the time including the State of Hawaii saying so

Birthers are way around it

Why did Obama tell his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"? Is Obama a moron?


More stupidity from the Birthers
And people ask.....How could Trump have been elected?

Why does it demonstrate your stupidity?

Because to post nonsense like that, you have to:

1. Ignore the fact that the person who wrote that biography admits she made a mistake
2. Ignore that the State of Hawaii has repeatedly certified that Obama was born there
1. ignore the fact that the person who wrote that biography is probably covering for Obama.
2. Ignore the fact that the State of Hawaii has never produced the original birth certificate and have only produced recently made copies.
Birther logic

Anyone providing information that destroys my bizarre claims must be lying
Your "evidence" was debunked years ago
Your ability to deny any evidence that does not support your bizarre theories solidifies you as a Trump voter

Before you said there was no evidence to justify their suspicions.

Now you have moved the goal posts to that evidence was debunked long ago.

How many bios do you think that woman wrote each year and how long did she write them?

She "wrote" the bio of an author who was never published, not even in Law Review and she managed to get everything else perfect - 'cept the birth place.

Uh huh

That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Evidently, not many
She made a mistake based on a funny name and admitted it...r

What makes you think not many?

REgardless how credible is it that she remember clearly making that little piece of work, that probably took 15 20 minutes, when asked about it, what 30 years later?

She said that because she didn't want to be know as someone who was a problem for the first black president. NOt if she is working in Academia.

And anyone that works with names, such as writing bios, knows better than to make such assumptions, unless she is a complete moron.

To sum up, her denial is not credible, and thus your supporting argument that there was no evidence is debunked.
Before you said there was no evidence to justify their suspicions.

Now you have moved the goal posts to that evidence was debunked long ago.

How many bios do you think that woman wrote each year and how long did she write them?

She "wrote" the bio of an author who was never published, not even in Law Review and she managed to get everything else perfect - 'cept the birth place.

Uh huh

That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Evidently, not many
She made a mistake based on a funny name and admitted it...r

What makes you think not many?

REgardless how credible is it that she remember clearly making that little piece of work, that probably took 15 20 minutes, when asked about it, what 30 years later?

She said that because she didn't want to be know as someone who was a problem for the first black president. NOt if she is working in Academia.

And anyone that works with names, such as writing bios, knows better than to make such assumptions, unless she is a complete moron.

To sum up, her denial is not credible, and thus your supporting argument that there was no evidence is debunked.

People writing bios make mistakes....comes with the business

Not as bas as claiming you saw thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ though
She "wrote" the bio of an author who was never published, not even in Law Review and she managed to get everything else perfect - 'cept the birth place.

Uh huh

That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Evidently, not many
She made a mistake based on a funny name and admitted it...r

What makes you think not many?

REgardless how credible is it that she remember clearly making that little piece of work, that probably took 15 20 minutes, when asked about it, what 30 years later?

She said that because she didn't want to be know as someone who was a problem for the first black president. NOt if she is working in Academia.

And anyone that works with names, such as writing bios, knows better than to make such assumptions, unless she is a complete moron.

To sum up, her denial is not credible, and thus your supporting argument that there was no evidence is debunked.

People writing bios make mistakes....comes with the business

Not as bas as claiming you saw thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ though

I see there are no Muslims that celebrated the attack? We will never know how many approved because stealth jihad prohibits true feelings in favor of calculated deception. That liberals(progressives, and assorted fascist scum) recognize this makes no difference because their dis information is based on deception half truths and lies itself.
She "wrote" the bio of an author who was never published, not even in Law Review and she managed to get everything else perfect - 'cept the birth place.

Uh huh

That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Evidently, not many
She made a mistake based on a funny name and admitted it...r

What makes you think not many?

REgardless how credible is it that she remember clearly making that little piece of work, that probably took 15 20 minutes, when asked about it, what 30 years later?

She said that because she didn't want to be know as someone who was a problem for the first black president. NOt if she is working in Academia.

And anyone that works with names, such as writing bios, knows better than to make such assumptions, unless she is a complete moron.

To sum up, her denial is not credible, and thus your supporting argument that there was no evidence is debunked.

People writing bios make mistakes....comes with the business


Sure they do.

What is not credible is that she remembers such a minor "mistake" when asked about it 30 years later.

The bio is evidence that you said did not exist.

THat you knew existed when you said it did not exist.

That your OPINION is that it is evidence that has been explained away, does not mean that it does not exist.

AT this point, you owe birthers an apology for calling them racist, because the supporting arguments that you have used to

conclude they are racist have all been proved wrong.
That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Evidently, not many
She made a mistake based on a funny name and admitted it...r

What makes you think not many?

REgardless how credible is it that she remember clearly making that little piece of work, that probably took 15 20 minutes, when asked about it, what 30 years later?

She said that because she didn't want to be know as someone who was a problem for the first black president. NOt if she is working in Academia.

And anyone that works with names, such as writing bios, knows better than to make such assumptions, unless she is a complete moron.

To sum up, her denial is not credible, and thus your supporting argument that there was no evidence is debunked.

People writing bios make mistakes....comes with the business

Not as bas as claiming you saw thousands of Muslims dancing in NJ though

I see there are no Muslims that celebrated the attack? We will never know how many approved because stealth jihad prohibits true feelings in favor of calculated deception. That liberals(progressives, and assorted fascist scum) recognize this makes no difference because their dis information is based on deception half truths and lies itself.

Fat, lying Donnie said he SAW thousands dancing
That is why they call it a "mistake"
When everything is wrong it is either called a work of fiction or a Trump speech

How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Evidently, not many
She made a mistake based on a funny name and admitted it...r

What makes you think not many?

REgardless how credible is it that she remember clearly making that little piece of work, that probably took 15 20 minutes, when asked about it, what 30 years later?

She said that because she didn't want to be know as someone who was a problem for the first black president. NOt if she is working in Academia.

And anyone that works with names, such as writing bios, knows better than to make such assumptions, unless she is a complete moron.

To sum up, her denial is not credible, and thus your supporting argument that there was no evidence is debunked.

People writing bios make mistakes....comes with the business


Sure they do.

What is not credible is that she remembers such a minor "mistake" when asked about it 30 years later.

The bio is evidence that you said did not exist.

THat you knew existed when you said it did not exist.

That your OPINION is that it is evidence that has been explained away, does not mean that it does not exist.

AT this point, you owe birthers an apology for calling them racist, because the supporting arguments that you have used to

conclude they are racist have all been proved wrong.

Birthers are so cute when they get angry

Want to tell me about the fake moon landing now?
How many of those bios do you think that woman has written?

Evidently, not many
She made a mistake based on a funny name and admitted it...r

What makes you think not many?

REgardless how credible is it that she remember clearly making that little piece of work, that probably took 15 20 minutes, when asked about it, what 30 years later?

She said that because she didn't want to be know as someone who was a problem for the first black president. NOt if she is working in Academia.

And anyone that works with names, such as writing bios, knows better than to make such assumptions, unless she is a complete moron.

To sum up, her denial is not credible, and thus your supporting argument that there was no evidence is debunked.

People writing bios make mistakes....comes with the business


Sure they do.

What is not credible is that she remembers such a minor "mistake" when asked about it 30 years later.

The bio is evidence that you said did not exist.

THat you knew existed when you said it did not exist.

That your OPINION is that it is evidence that has been explained away, does not mean that it does not exist.

AT this point, you owe birthers an apology for calling them racist, because the supporting arguments that you have used to

conclude they are racist have all been proved wrong.

Birthers are so cute when they get angry

Want to tell me about the fake moon landing now?

I'm not angry.

YOu've engaged in real dialog here, offering real supporting arguments.

That is what I want when I visit this site.

We've reached a point where I have countered your arguments, you can't come up with a real defense of any of them, and you don't have the moral courage to face or admit that, and thus you are moving on to attacking me.

Pretty much the best the vast majority of libs are capable of .

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