It is actually a "good thing" that Trump pardoned Arpaio

President Trump is a ardent Birther.......which means either

a. He is extremely stupid and gullible
b. He is a racist
c. a combination of the two

And once again, the liberal can't imagine anyone thinking differently than him unless they are stupid or evil.

This is about your mental limitations.

Hey, remember when you argued that it had to be racist, because no one questioned Cruz or McCain being eligible?

And then I posted links to major newpapers questioning whether Cruz AND McCain were eligible?

Then you remember how you admitted that you were wrong about that, and apologized for calling people racist based on your faulty reasoning?

Yeah, I was kidding about that last one.

Instead what you did was just drop your supposed arguments in favor of your conclusion, and then just start reasserting your conclusions WITHOUT any supporting arguments now, and resumed vilely smearing people for no reason.

Other than them disagreeing with you.

What type of person does that make you?

Which is it?

a, b or c?

No other excuse for being a Birther

There is no excuse for having your supporting arguments demolished and it not affecting your position at all.

It shows that you are happy to smear good people based with the vilest of insults just because they disagree with you.

The quickness with which you gave up your supporting arguments, shows that you knew they were bullshit when you made them.

I guess you liberals are used to not being called on your bullshit.

Too much time in the bubble.
President Trump is a ardent Birther.......which means either

a. He is extremely stupid and gullible
b. He is a racist
c. a combination of the two

What does a birth certificate have to do with race?

I already demolished his supporting arguments for his conclusion.

HE just ignored that and kept smearing.

Arguing the facts is obviously a waste of time with him now.
There was a time when America strove to be Reagans "Shining city on a hill"

The country all other nations admired, the country they emulated, the country that set the moral high ground

With the election of Donnie McRacist we have revealed to all our racist underbelly. A country terrified of Mexicans, a country that despises immigrants, a country that resents everything that is not white, male and Christian

The rest of the world now looks down on us....and we deserve it
President Trump is a ardent Birther.......which means either

a. He is extremely stupid and gullible
b. He is a racist
c. a combination of the two

What does a birth certificate have to do with race?

Can you believe Birthers actually believe Obama was born in AFRICA?

How freak'n stupid can you get

Err, why is that any harder to believe that believing that Cruz was born in Canada or that McCain was born in Panama?
There was a time when America strove to be Reagans "Shining city on a hill"

The country all other nations admired, the country they emulated, the country that set the moral high ground

With the election of Donnie McRacist we have revealed to all our racist underbelly. A country terrified of Mexicans, a country that despises immigrants, a country that resents everything that is not white, male and Christian

The rest of the world now looks down on us....and we deserve it

Except that wanting to have a real border is not racist.

The only embarrassment going on, is the hissy fit that you lefties are having.
President Trump is a ardent Birther.......which means either

a. He is extremely stupid and gullible
b. He is a racist
c. a combination of the two

What does a birth certificate have to do with race?

Can you believe Birthers actually believe Obama was born in AFRICA?

How freak'n stupid can you get

Err, why is that any harder to believe that believing that Cruz was born in Canada or that McCain was born in Panama?

Maybe because their mothers actually lived in those countries at the time of their birth while Obama's mother never visited Africa

Donnie McRacist has to be pretty stupid to believe something like that
Don't you agree?
There was a time when America strove to be Reagans "Shining city on a hill"

The country all other nations admired, the country they emulated, the country that set the moral high ground

With the election of Donnie McRacist we have revealed to all our racist underbelly. A country terrified of Mexicans, a country that despises immigrants, a country that resents everything that is not white, male and Christian

The rest of the world now looks down on us....and we deserve it

Except that wanting to have a real border is not racist.

The only embarrassment going on, is the hissy fit that you lefties are having.

What has become of Reagans "Shining city on a hill"

Europe’s once-positive worldview of U.S. slips under Trump
President Trump is a ardent Birther.......which means either

a. He is extremely stupid and gullible
b. He is a racist
c. a combination of the two

What does a birth certificate have to do with race?

Can you believe Birthers actually believe Obama was born in AFRICA?

How freak'n stupid can you get

Err, why is that any harder to believe that believing that Cruz was born in Canada or that McCain was born in Panama?

Maybe because their mothers actually lived in those countries at the time of their birth while Obama's mother never visited Africa

Donnie McRacist has to be pretty stupid to believe something like that
Don't you agree?

He wasn't sure where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

That's not stupid.

Indeed, pretending that is stupid is pretty stupid.

Do you know that words actually have real meanings, and don't change just to give you an easy way to pretend to score a partisan point?
There was a time when America strove to be Reagans "Shining city on a hill"

The country all other nations admired, the country they emulated, the country that set the moral high ground

With the election of Donnie McRacist we have revealed to all our racist underbelly. A country terrified of Mexicans, a country that despises immigrants, a country that resents everything that is not white, male and Christian

The rest of the world now looks down on us....and we deserve it

Except that wanting to have a real border is not racist.

The only embarrassment going on, is the hissy fit that you lefties are having.

What has become of Reagans "Shining city on a hill"

Europe’s once-positive worldview of U.S. slips under Trump

If our allies are offended by our needed to take care of ourselves first for a change, they were never our allies.
President Trump is a ardent Birther.......which means either

a. He is extremely stupid and gullible
b. He is a racist
c. a combination of the two

What does a birth certificate have to do with race?

Can you believe Birthers actually believe Obama was born in AFRICA?

How freak'n stupid can you get

Err, why is that any harder to believe that believing that Cruz was born in Canada or that McCain was born in Panama?

Maybe because their mothers actually lived in those countries at the time of their birth while Obama's mother never visited Africa

Donnie McRacist has to be pretty stupid to believe something like that
Don't you agree?

He wasn't sure where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

That's not stupid.

Indeed, pretending that is stupid is pretty stupid.

Do you know that words actually have real meanings, and don't change just to give you an easy way to pretend to score a partisan point?

Damn...You a birther too?

You are just as stupid as your master Donnie McRacist
What does a birth certificate have to do with race?

Can you believe Birthers actually believe Obama was born in AFRICA?

How freak'n stupid can you get

Err, why is that any harder to believe that believing that Cruz was born in Canada or that McCain was born in Panama?

Maybe because their mothers actually lived in those countries at the time of their birth while Obama's mother never visited Africa

Donnie McRacist has to be pretty stupid to believe something like that
Don't you agree?

He wasn't sure where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

That's not stupid.

Indeed, pretending that is stupid is pretty stupid.

Do you know that words actually have real meanings, and don't change just to give you an easy way to pretend to score a partisan point?

Damn...You a birther too?

You are just as stupid as your master Donnie McRacist

Your rudeness does not support your odd premise that it is stupid to not know where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

You are being an asshole. Fuck you.
Well, OBVIOUSLY Trump has that list.....since he most certainly stated that there were"fine people" among them............So, go on, ask Trump to share that list. I know that the group only has scumbags....bit Trump says differently,so....ask him and let us know........LOL

Nah, I think Trump must made the safe assumption that in any large group of diverse people, that some would be "fine".

You guys, are the ones that seem certain that not only was he WRONG, but that he was KNOWINGLY calling Klansmen or nazi's "fine".

That demonstrates a much more definitive knowledge of the crowd.

So, please share it, also with the evidence that you have that lets you know that TRUMP also had that info, to show how you "know" that he was siding with the klan instead of making an POSSIBLE mistake.

Otherwise, you are just guessing, and pretending that your guess is concrete data, and then judging Trump as though that was true AND that he somehow "knew" what you are pretending as fact.

Because otherwise, you lefties are just partisans flinging shit at a wall to see what will stick.

So, which is it?

"Fine" people show up at a rally full of Nazis and KKK and think it is a good idea to march along with them

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted.......not "Save our Statues"

Donnie McRacist does not care

Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.
Donnie McRacist claims good people march with Nazis

Good people to him.......
They elected him president

President Trump knows that there are tens of millions if not more, good people in this country that don't want historical statues removed for no reason.

And assumes that some of those good people likely showed up to a rally promoted as being against that.

A completely reasonable assumption.

YOu assume otherwise, and are vilely insulting good people based on your unsupported assumption.


The decision to take down confederate statues belongs to each community, not racist from out of town or the COMRADE.
Can you believe Birthers actually believe Obama was born in AFRICA?

How freak'n stupid can you get

Err, why is that any harder to believe that believing that Cruz was born in Canada or that McCain was born in Panama?

Maybe because their mothers actually lived in those countries at the time of their birth while Obama's mother never visited Africa

Donnie McRacist has to be pretty stupid to believe something like that
Don't you agree?

He wasn't sure where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

That's not stupid.

Indeed, pretending that is stupid is pretty stupid.

Do you know that words actually have real meanings, and don't change just to give you an easy way to pretend to score a partisan point?

Damn...You a birther too?

You are just as stupid as your master Donnie McRacist

Your rudeness does not support your odd premise that it is stupid to not know where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

You are being an asshole. Fuck you.
No, actually nothing says.......I am a stupid moron as much as being a birther
It demonstrates a complete gullibility and inability to reason

Guess I can sign you up as well as our President
It's not a good thing if you believe in the rule of law.

All of Orange Jesus's worshippers who are cheering this don't care about crime.

What they care about is crime by people of a certain skin color.
Err, why is that any harder to believe that believing that Cruz was born in Canada or that McCain was born in Panama?

Maybe because their mothers actually lived in those countries at the time of their birth while Obama's mother never visited Africa

Donnie McRacist has to be pretty stupid to believe something like that
Don't you agree?

He wasn't sure where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

That's not stupid.

Indeed, pretending that is stupid is pretty stupid.

Do you know that words actually have real meanings, and don't change just to give you an easy way to pretend to score a partisan point?

Damn...You a birther too?

You are just as stupid as your master Donnie McRacist

Your rudeness does not support your odd premise that it is stupid to not know where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

You are being an asshole. Fuck you.
No, actually nothing says.......I am a stupid moron as much as being a birther
It demonstrates a complete gullibility and inability to reason

Guess I can sign you up as well as our President

Your rudeness does not support your odd premise that it is stupid to not know where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

You are being an asshole. Fuck you.
Maybe because their mothers actually lived in those countries at the time of their birth while Obama's mother never visited Africa

Donnie McRacist has to be pretty stupid to believe something like that
Don't you agree?

He wasn't sure where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

That's not stupid.

Indeed, pretending that is stupid is pretty stupid.

Do you know that words actually have real meanings, and don't change just to give you an easy way to pretend to score a partisan point?

Damn...You a birther too?

You are just as stupid as your master Donnie McRacist

Your rudeness does not support your odd premise that it is stupid to not know where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

You are being an asshole. Fuck you.
No, actually nothing says.......I am a stupid moron as much as being a birther
It demonstrates a complete gullibility and inability to reason

Guess I can sign you up as well as our President

Your rudeness does not support your odd premise that it is stupid to not know where some random hippie chick was 56 years ago.

You are being an asshole. Fuck you.
You are either demonstrating your own ignorance or your total devotion to defending anything he does

Same thing actually
Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.
Donnie McRacist claims good people march with Nazis

Good people to him.......
They elected him president

President Trump knows that there are tens of millions if not more, good people in this country that don't want historical statues removed for no reason.

And assumes that some of those good people likely showed up to a rally promoted as being against that.

A completely reasonable assumption.

YOu assume otherwise, and are vilely insulting good people based on your unsupported assumption.


I saw the torchlight parade........right out of Nazi Germany
Chants against Jews and signs or chants to save the statues

Donnie McRacist seems to think Nazis are good people

You are aware that nazis do not have a monopoly on torches right?








If Trump was half the racist you whack jobs think he is, you would have real issues and policies to point to, instead of this bullshit.

Too funny

Now, you and Donnie McRacist think they were just fine Christians carrying those torches
Did the anti-Jewish chants tip them off at all?

Donnie McRacist.....Some of them were fine people....My ass

Just like the BLM.

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