It is actually a "good thing" that Trump pardoned Arpaio

NOt by looking. You got a detailed list of attendees we can go over?

Oh, wait, silly question.


You must, because out of hundreds of people, you are absolutely certain that none of them were good people.

Could you share that list, and evidence that everyone that showed up was bad?

Well, OBVIOUSLY Trump has that list.....since he most certainly stated that there were"fine people" among them............So, go on, ask Trump to share that list. I know that the group only has scumbags....bit Trump says differently,so....ask him and let us know........LOL

Nah, I think Trump must made the safe assumption that in any large group of diverse people, that some would be "fine".

You guys, are the ones that seem certain that not only was he WRONG, but that he was KNOWINGLY calling Klansmen or nazi's "fine".

That demonstrates a much more definitive knowledge of the crowd.

So, please share it, also with the evidence that you have that lets you know that TRUMP also had that info, to show how you "know" that he was siding with the klan instead of making an POSSIBLE mistake.

Otherwise, you are just guessing, and pretending that your guess is concrete data, and then judging Trump as though that was true AND that he somehow "knew" what you are pretending as fact.

Because otherwise, you lefties are just partisans flinging shit at a wall to see what will stick.

So, which is it?

"Fine" people show up at a rally full of Nazis and KKK and think it is a good idea to march along with them

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted.......not "Save our Statues"

Donnie McRacist does not care

Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.
Your race baiting lies failed then and will continue to fail.

You should be ashamed.
President McRacist rode to the presidency on fear and hatred

Even you admit that McRacist used your fear of Mexicans to obtain your undying loyalty

YOur race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole.

Trade and immigration were the issues that drove his campaign,

and only a liar or a fool would claim that either were not valid campaign issues.
President McRacist built a coalition of deplorables based on fear and hatred

His covering up the crimes of a racist thug like Arpaio only confirms it

Something only a race baiting asshole would say.

Trade and Immigration flipped voters and thus states that were happy voting for Obama just 4 years ago.

How can it not bother you to know that you are being an asshole?

Donnie McRacist built a campaign on "I hate them just as much as you do

Those voters and states voted for Obama twice.

Hardly the "haters" you vilely smear them as.

You should be ashamed.

I really hope that those voters, are paying attention to how you liberals are vilifying them. And learning the truth, ie that you have nothing but contempt for them.
You leftist scum have no honor!

Sheriff Joe was unfairly persecuted by a tyrannical activist judge!

Believe it or not illegal immigration is against the law and the police MUST fight it! He was persecuting or targeting a specific group based on race, rather he was targeting illegal immigrants, who in AZ are largely Hispanic.

This hackdavist judge is a scum bag!

Tyranny in this country is coming from the bench not from the executive branch

Sent from my iPhone using
NOt by looking. You got a detailed list of attendees we can go over?

Oh, wait, silly question.


You must, because out of hundreds of people, you are absolutely certain that none of them were good people.

Could you share that list, and evidence that everyone that showed up was bad?

Well, OBVIOUSLY Trump has that list.....since he most certainly stated that there were"fine people" among them............So, go on, ask Trump to share that list. I know that the group only has scumbags....bit Trump says differently,so....ask him and let us know........LOL

Nah, I think Trump must made the safe assumption that in any large group of diverse people, that some would be "fine".

You guys, are the ones that seem certain that not only was he WRONG, but that he was KNOWINGLY calling Klansmen or nazi's "fine".

That demonstrates a much more definitive knowledge of the crowd.

So, please share it, also with the evidence that you have that lets you know that TRUMP also had that info, to show how you "know" that he was siding with the klan instead of making an POSSIBLE mistake.

Otherwise, you are just guessing, and pretending that your guess is concrete data, and then judging Trump as though that was true AND that he somehow "knew" what you are pretending as fact.

Because otherwise, you lefties are just partisans flinging shit at a wall to see what will stick.

So, which is it?

"Fine" people show up at a rally full of Nazis and KKK and think it is a good idea to march along with them

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted.......not "Save our Statues"

Donnie McRacist does not care

Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.

"Good people" don't march down the street with torches, shouting. Nazi propaganda. The Comrade is cleverly deflecting so his racist base will continue to grovel at his feet. He is playing the "I am not an autocrat" game. Then with a wink and a nod, he encourages his white supremacist base,

Questioning a birth certificate is racist?

Oh, you can bet your half brain that questioning the first half-black president birth is fucking RACIST...Only morons would dispute THAT.......
Especially when they never question the birthplace of their Canadian born candidate

From that right wing rag, the Washington Post.

Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president

"Mary Brigid McManamon is a constitutional law professor at Widener University’s Delaware Law School.

Donald Trump is actually right about something: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is not a natural-born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president or vice president of the United States."


Taking legal advice from a birther

You said that no one questioned Cruz's eligibility to be President, as part of your argument that Birtherism had to be racist.

I just posted an article from a major newspaper arguing the Cruz could not be President because he was born in Canada.

That undermines your race baiting claim that Birtherism has to be because Obama was black.

Naturally you are too liberal, I mean dishonest to admit that.

Real easy to confuse those two words, dont' you know.

Don't ask me

You are the one who voted for a racist birther
NOt by looking. You got a detailed list of attendees we can go over?

Oh, wait, silly question.


You must, because out of hundreds of people, you are absolutely certain that none of them were good people.

Could you share that list, and evidence that everyone that showed up was bad?

Well, OBVIOUSLY Trump has that list.....since he most certainly stated that there were"fine people" among them............So, go on, ask Trump to share that list. I know that the group only has scumbags....bit Trump says differently,so....ask him and let us know........LOL

Nah, I think Trump must made the safe assumption that in any large group of diverse people, that some would be "fine".

You guys, are the ones that seem certain that not only was he WRONG, but that he was KNOWINGLY calling Klansmen or nazi's "fine".

That demonstrates a much more definitive knowledge of the crowd.

So, please share it, also with the evidence that you have that lets you know that TRUMP also had that info, to show how you "know" that he was siding with the klan instead of making an POSSIBLE mistake.

Otherwise, you are just guessing, and pretending that your guess is concrete data, and then judging Trump as though that was true AND that he somehow "knew" what you are pretending as fact.

Because otherwise, you lefties are just partisans flinging shit at a wall to see what will stick.

So, which is it?

"Fine" people show up at a rally full of Nazis and KKK and think it is a good idea to march along with them

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted.......not "Save our Statues"

Donnie McRacist does not care

Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.
Donnie McRacist claims good people march with Nazis

Good people to him.......
They elected him president
Oh, you can bet your half brain that questioning the first half-black president birth is fucking RACIST...Only morons would dispute THAT.......
Especially when they never question the birthplace of their Canadian born candidate

From that right wing rag, the Washington Post.

Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president

"Mary Brigid McManamon is a constitutional law professor at Widener University’s Delaware Law School.

Donald Trump is actually right about something: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is not a natural-born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president or vice president of the United States."


Taking legal advice from a birther

You said that no one questioned Cruz's eligibility to be President, as part of your argument that Birtherism had to be racist.

I just posted an article from a major newspaper arguing the Cruz could not be President because he was born in Canada.

That undermines your race baiting claim that Birtherism has to be because Obama was black.

Naturally you are too liberal, I mean dishonest to admit that.

Real easy to confuse those two words, dont' you know.

Don't ask me

You are the one who voted for a racist birther

I didn't ask you anything.

I disproved two of your arguments supporting your claim that birthism is racist.

And you failed to address that, and yet continue to act on your vile assumption that it is racist.

You are a race baiting asshole who is happy to smear good people with vile insults.
NOt by looking. You got a detailed list of attendees we can go over?

Oh, wait, silly question.


You must, because out of hundreds of people, you are absolutely certain that none of them were good people.

Could you share that list, and evidence that everyone that showed up was bad?

Well, OBVIOUSLY Trump has that list.....since he most certainly stated that there were"fine people" among them............So, go on, ask Trump to share that list. I know that the group only has scumbags....bit Trump says differently,so....ask him and let us know........LOL

Nah, I think Trump must made the safe assumption that in any large group of diverse people, that some would be "fine".

You guys, are the ones that seem certain that not only was he WRONG, but that he was KNOWINGLY calling Klansmen or nazi's "fine".

That demonstrates a much more definitive knowledge of the crowd.

So, please share it, also with the evidence that you have that lets you know that TRUMP also had that info, to show how you "know" that he was siding with the klan instead of making an POSSIBLE mistake.

Otherwise, you are just guessing, and pretending that your guess is concrete data, and then judging Trump as though that was true AND that he somehow "knew" what you are pretending as fact.

Because otherwise, you lefties are just partisans flinging shit at a wall to see what will stick.

So, which is it?

"Fine" people show up at a rally full of Nazis and KKK and think it is a good idea to march along with them

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted.......not "Save our Statues"

Donnie McRacist does not care

Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.
Donnie McRacist claims good people march with Nazis

Good people to him.......
They elected him president

President Trump knows that there are tens of millions if not more, good people in this country that don't want historical statues removed for no reason.

And assumes that some of those good people likely showed up to a rally promoted as being against that.

A completely reasonable assumption.

YOu assume otherwise, and are vilely insulting good people based on your unsupported assumption.

Well, OBVIOUSLY Trump has that list.....since he most certainly stated that there were"fine people" among them............So, go on, ask Trump to share that list. I know that the group only has scumbags....bit Trump says differently,so....ask him and let us know........LOL

Nah, I think Trump must made the safe assumption that in any large group of diverse people, that some would be "fine".

You guys, are the ones that seem certain that not only was he WRONG, but that he was KNOWINGLY calling Klansmen or nazi's "fine".

That demonstrates a much more definitive knowledge of the crowd.

So, please share it, also with the evidence that you have that lets you know that TRUMP also had that info, to show how you "know" that he was siding with the klan instead of making an POSSIBLE mistake.

Otherwise, you are just guessing, and pretending that your guess is concrete data, and then judging Trump as though that was true AND that he somehow "knew" what you are pretending as fact.

Because otherwise, you lefties are just partisans flinging shit at a wall to see what will stick.

So, which is it?

"Fine" people show up at a rally full of Nazis and KKK and think it is a good idea to march along with them

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted.......not "Save our Statues"

Donnie McRacist does not care

Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.
Donnie McRacist claims good people march with Nazis

Good people to him.......
They elected him president

President Trump knows that there are tens of millions if not more, good people in this country that don't want historical statues removed for no reason.

And assumes that some of those good people likely showed up to a rally promoted as being against that.

A completely reasonable assumption.

YOu assume otherwise, and are vilely insulting good people based on your unsupported assumption.


I saw the torchlight parade........right out of Nazi Germany
Chants against Jews and signs or chants to save the statues

Donnie McRacist seems to think Nazis are good people
Nah, I think Trump must made the safe assumption that in any large group of diverse people, that some would be "fine".

You guys, are the ones that seem certain that not only was he WRONG, but that he was KNOWINGLY calling Klansmen or nazi's "fine".

That demonstrates a much more definitive knowledge of the crowd.

So, please share it, also with the evidence that you have that lets you know that TRUMP also had that info, to show how you "know" that he was siding with the klan instead of making an POSSIBLE mistake.

Otherwise, you are just guessing, and pretending that your guess is concrete data, and then judging Trump as though that was true AND that he somehow "knew" what you are pretending as fact.

Because otherwise, you lefties are just partisans flinging shit at a wall to see what will stick.

So, which is it?

"Fine" people show up at a rally full of Nazis and KKK and think it is a good idea to march along with them

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted.......not "Save our Statues"

Donnie McRacist does not care

Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.
Donnie McRacist claims good people march with Nazis

Good people to him.......
They elected him president

President Trump knows that there are tens of millions if not more, good people in this country that don't want historical statues removed for no reason.

And assumes that some of those good people likely showed up to a rally promoted as being against that.

A completely reasonable assumption.

YOu assume otherwise, and are vilely insulting good people based on your unsupported assumption.


I saw the torchlight parade........right out of Nazi Germany
Chants against Jews and signs or chants to save the statues

Donnie McRacist seems to think Nazis are good people

You are aware that nazis do not have a monopoly on torches right?








If Trump was half the racist you whack jobs think he is, you would have real issues and policies to point to, instead of this bullshit.
You leftist scum have no honor!

Sheriff Joe was unfairly persecuted by a tyrannical activist judge!

Believe it or not illegal immigration is against the law and the police MUST fight it! He was persecuting or targeting a specific group based on race, rather he was targeting illegal immigrants, who in AZ are largely Hispanic.

This hackdavist judge is a scum bag!

Tyranny in this country is coming from the bench not from the executive branch

Sent from my iPhone using
Would it be impolite to point out that the DOJ under Dubya started the investigation into Sheriff Joe? And that Sheriff Joe ignored the judge's order for a full year before the judge took contempt action? And that the action was taken on motion from the prosecution not sui sponte from the bench? Your "activist" narrative could be correct but is certainly undermined bu these facts.
"Fine" people show up at a rally full of Nazis and KKK and think it is a good idea to march along with them

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted.......not "Save our Statues"

Donnie McRacist does not care

Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.
Donnie McRacist claims good people march with Nazis

Good people to him.......
They elected him president

President Trump knows that there are tens of millions if not more, good people in this country that don't want historical statues removed for no reason.

And assumes that some of those good people likely showed up to a rally promoted as being against that.

A completely reasonable assumption.

YOu assume otherwise, and are vilely insulting good people based on your unsupported assumption.


I saw the torchlight parade........right out of Nazi Germany
Chants against Jews and signs or chants to save the statues

Donnie McRacist seems to think Nazis are good people

You are aware that nazis do not have a monopoly on torches right?








If Trump was half the racist you whack jobs think he is, you would have real issues and policies to point to, instead of this bullshit.

Too funny

Now, you and Donnie McRacist think they were just fine Christians carrying those torches
Did the anti-Jewish chants tip them off at all?

Donnie McRacist.....Some of them were fine people....My ass
Oh, you've have video showing that that was the whole of the protest? Or are you just making shit up to support your smearing of good people.

NOte the lack of a question mark on that last one.
Donnie McRacist claims good people march with Nazis

Good people to him.......
They elected him president

President Trump knows that there are tens of millions if not more, good people in this country that don't want historical statues removed for no reason.

And assumes that some of those good people likely showed up to a rally promoted as being against that.

A completely reasonable assumption.

YOu assume otherwise, and are vilely insulting good people based on your unsupported assumption.


I saw the torchlight parade........right out of Nazi Germany
Chants against Jews and signs or chants to save the statues

Donnie McRacist seems to think Nazis are good people

You are aware that nazis do not have a monopoly on torches right?








If Trump was half the racist you whack jobs think he is, you would have real issues and policies to point to, instead of this bullshit.

Too funny

Now, you and Donnie McRacist think they were just fine Christians carrying those torches
Did the anti-Jewish chants tip them off at all?

Donnie McRacist.....Some of them were fine people....My ass

More and more you have to invent strawmen to defend your position.

How can you not see that that means you are wrong?
Donnie McRacist claims good people march with Nazis

Good people to him.......
They elected him president

President Trump knows that there are tens of millions if not more, good people in this country that don't want historical statues removed for no reason.

And assumes that some of those good people likely showed up to a rally promoted as being against that.

A completely reasonable assumption.

YOu assume otherwise, and are vilely insulting good people based on your unsupported assumption.


I saw the torchlight parade........right out of Nazi Germany
Chants against Jews and signs or chants to save the statues

Donnie McRacist seems to think Nazis are good people

You are aware that nazis do not have a monopoly on torches right?








If Trump was half the racist you whack jobs think he is, you would have real issues and policies to point to, instead of this bullshit.

Too funny

Now, you and Donnie McRacist think they were just fine Christians carrying those torches
Did the anti-Jewish chants tip them off at all?

Donnie McRacist.....Some of them were fine people....My ass

More and more you have to invent strawmen to defend your position.

How can you not see that that means you are wrong?

Our President is an avowed racist
He built a coalition based on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims, gays and minorities

Donnie McRacist represents a low part in our modern society

Make America Racist Again
President Trump knows that there are tens of millions if not more, good people in this country that don't want historical statues removed for no reason.

And assumes that some of those good people likely showed up to a rally promoted as being against that.

A completely reasonable assumption.

YOu assume otherwise, and are vilely insulting good people based on your unsupported assumption.


I saw the torchlight parade........right out of Nazi Germany
Chants against Jews and signs or chants to save the statues

Donnie McRacist seems to think Nazis are good people

You are aware that nazis do not have a monopoly on torches right?








If Trump was half the racist you whack jobs think he is, you would have real issues and policies to point to, instead of this bullshit.

Too funny

Now, you and Donnie McRacist think they were just fine Christians carrying those torches
Did the anti-Jewish chants tip them off at all?

Donnie McRacist.....Some of them were fine people....My ass

More and more you have to invent strawmen to defend your position.

How can you not see that that means you are wrong?

Our President is an avowed racist
He built a coalition based on hatred of Mexicans, Muslims, gays and minorities

Donnie McRacist represents a low part in our modern society

Make America Racist Again

Our President is not an "avowed racist". YOu are a race baiting and lying asshole.

He built a coalition built on speaking out for the ignored working class and middle class Middle Americans, especially in the Rust Belt. You are a race baiting and lying asshole.

President Trump represents the Traditional Backbone of this great nation. You are just a over educated snob.

NOTHING Of Trumps platform, policies or personal character supports your vile race baiting.

You are an asshole and a liar and you should be ashamed of your self.
After the Civil Rights era, we assumed we had become a more tolerant nation
We even elected a mixed race President

But the racists in our midst did not go away, they seethed under a black President, invented stories that he was not really an American

Donnie McRacist was a leader in the movement trying to invalidate the Obama Presidency on baseless myths

The racists among us rallied around McRacist and he even kicked off his campaign with a hate filled tirade against Mexicans and calls to build an impregnable barrier. McRacist then went on a crusade against peaceful American Muslims and reinstilled fear and loathing of those who were different. He even relived fantasies about them celebrating the 9-11 attacks

Make America Racist Again
After the Civil Rights era, we assumed we had become a more tolerant nation
We even elected a mixed race President

But the racists in our midst did not go away, they seethed under a black President, invented stories that he was not really an American

Donnie McRacist was a leader in the movement trying to invalidate the Obama Presidency on baseless myths

The racists among us rallied around McRacist and he even kicked off his campaign with a hate filled tirade against Mexicans and calls to build an impregnable barrier. McRacist then went on a crusade against peaceful American Muslims and reinstilled fear and loathing of those who were different. He even relived fantasies about them celebrating the 9-11 attacks

Make America Racist Again

After the Civil Rights Era, we hoped that we had become a much more tolerant nation.

We even elected a Black President.

BUT, we quickly found that normal partisan opposition was smeared as racism.

THis revealed that this hard built "tolerance" was a one way street with Whites being more tolerant, of among other things, not being allowed to criticize a black president without being called vile names.

Donald Trump, of course, did not base a campaign on any of that. He choose to speak out for the working class poor and middle class Middle America.

Trade and Immigration, two policies that had been crafted without consideration for the cost born by those two groups, drove him to victory.

Now, the Left, their arrogant assumption of victory crushed, is responding the only way they know how.

By lying about their enemies being racist.

They are vile race baiting assholes like that.
President Trump is a ardent Birther.......which means either

a. He is extremely stupid and gullible
b. He is a racist
c. a combination of the two
President Trump is a ardent Birther.......which means either

a. He is extremely stupid and gullible
b. He is a racist
c. a combination of the two

And once again, the liberal can't imagine anyone thinking differently than him unless they are stupid or evil.

This is about your mental limitations.

Hey, remember when you argued that it had to be racist, because no one questioned Cruz or McCain being eligible?

And then I posted links to major newpapers questioning whether Cruz AND McCain were eligible?

Then you remember how you admitted that you were wrong about that, and apologized for calling people racist based on your faulty reasoning?

Yeah, I was kidding about that last one.

Instead what you did was just drop your supposed arguments in favor of your conclusion, and then just start reasserting your conclusions WITHOUT any supporting arguments now, and resumed vilely smearing people for no reason.

Other than them disagreeing with you.

What type of person does that make you?
President Trump is a ardent Birther.......which means either

a. He is extremely stupid and gullible
b. He is a racist
c. a combination of the two

And once again, the liberal can't imagine anyone thinking differently than him unless they are stupid or evil.

This is about your mental limitations.

Hey, remember when you argued that it had to be racist, because no one questioned Cruz or McCain being eligible?

And then I posted links to major newpapers questioning whether Cruz AND McCain were eligible?

Then you remember how you admitted that you were wrong about that, and apologized for calling people racist based on your faulty reasoning?

Yeah, I was kidding about that last one.

Instead what you did was just drop your supposed arguments in favor of your conclusion, and then just start reasserting your conclusions WITHOUT any supporting arguments now, and resumed vilely smearing people for no reason.

Other than them disagreeing with you.

What type of person does that make you?

Which is it?

a, b or c?

No other excuse for being a Birther

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