It is actually a "good thing" that Trump pardoned Arpaio

Our racist President rode hatred of Hispanics, Muslims, gays, minorities....into a trip to the White House

Your race baiting lies failed then and will continue to fail.

You should be ashamed.
President McRacist rode to the presidency on fear and hatred

Even you admit that McRacist used your fear of Mexicans to obtain your undying loyalty

YOur race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole.

Trade and immigration were the issues that drove his campaign,

and only a liar or a fool would claim that either were not valid campaign issues.
President McRacist built a coalition of deplorables based on fear and hatred

His covering up the crimes of a racist thug like Arpaio only confirms it
President McRacist is the most racist President in a hundred years, most racist..... believe me
President McRacists embracing of racist thug Arpaio so soon after embracing the klan in Charlottesville cements his racist agenda

A Trump supporter once stated that Trump, "says what he means and means what he says".....
So, I'm willing to take Trump at his word that he IS a fucking racist....
NOt by looking. You got a detailed list of attendees we can go over?

Oh, wait, silly question.


You must, because out of hundreds of people, you are absolutely certain that none of them were good people.

Could you share that list, and evidence that everyone that showed up was bad?

Well, OBVIOUSLY Trump has that list.....since he most certainly stated that there were"fine people" among them............So, go on, ask Trump to share that list. I know that the group only has scumbags....bit Trump says differently,so....ask him and let us know........LOL
As right wing politicians had to struggle to lamely "defend" Trump's racist remarks,not only after Charlottesvile, but also at the campaign rally he held in Phoenix, now they'll have to continue the defense of Trump's pardoning.....

Bear in mind that Trump's saner staff had to write the "pardon", excusing it because Arpaio is 85 years old and had been in law enforcement (sic) for 50 plus years......NOT because the racist Arpaio was correct in defying a court conviction.

So, why is this considered "good"????

Well, it shows WHERE Trump's true racist convictions reside.....and how much he wants the very least.....hold on to his equally racist base of acolytes.

Bottom line: It is always good to expose Trump's racism.....

Do we really need more examples of the Comrade's tendencies to embrace racism and authoritarianism? He has taken the country back 70 years. The pardon was basically one thug pardoning another.

He needs practice to keep his crime family out of jail.
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There is a normal process in pardons. Obama continued the DOJ protocols set up by Dubya. In essence, the DOJ department in charge of pardons processes them without the White House's knowledge. Then they are forwarded with recommendations to the White House. White House staff doesn't send to the POTUS until they review and recommend to POTUS. This is what they call "double blind" pardon process. The last President not to do this was Clinton. Now President Trump.

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