It is actually a "good thing" that Trump pardoned Arpaio

The Comrade thinks the National Enquirer is a major media paper and is still peddling conspiracy theories.

But what do you expect from someone who lies an average of 4 times a day.
There is a normal process in pardons. Obama continued the DOJ protocols set up by Dubya. In essence, the DOJ department in charge of pardons processes them without the White House's knowledge. Then they are forwarded with recommendations to the White House. White House staff doesn't send to the POTUS until they review and recommend to POTUS. This is what they call "double blind" pardon process. The last President not to do this was Clinton. Now President Trump

Indeed......and I believe that DOJ actually has a separate office just in charge of reviewing potential pardon requests.
There is a normal process in pardons. Obama continued the DOJ protocols set up by Dubya. In essence, the DOJ department in charge of pardons processes them without the White House's knowledge. Then they are forwarded with recommendations to the White House. White House staff doesn't send to the POTUS until they review and recommend to POTUS. This is what they call "double blind" pardon process. The last President not to do this was Clinton. Now President Trump

Indeed......and I believe that DOJ actually has a separate office just in charge of reviewing potential pardon requests.
It still reports to the Deputy AG but you are correct it is a separate office. There are internal guidelines and factors they use to see if someone should receive either s pardon or clemency. Factors include length of sentence served, remorse, prospects for positive lawful rest of life etc. Most often these actions are used for people who have already served their time in order to expunge their criminal record. Very few receive a pardon and walk out of jail. They are typically but not always already on the street.
[QUOTE="Soggy in NOLA, post: 18036840, member: 20241"]What does a birth certificate have to do with race? McCain's origin of birth was questioned.[/QUOTE]

Here's a little assignment for you to address your question.......
When was Obama's birth certificate FIRST questioned, and when was McCain?
I'm no racist......look at these photos of me hanging out with black people

How many minorities in executive positions in Trump International?

Trump didn't make the meme, and you failed utterly to address the point.

Trump was quite famous for a long time, and no one called him a racist, until he was a problem for you fuckers.

Shows that your lies are self serving bullshit.

Trump surrounded himself with celebrities.....some of whom were black

What he didn't do is surround himself with blacks in his business or hire them in Trump management

Miss Venezuela called him a racist.....does that count?
Too bad the trump ass-kissers have their brains encased in cement. They'll never see what a fucking phony the Orange Doosh is.

As soon as you figure out the real phony is sitting at home you will feel better.
You're right, the real phony is sitting at home. Sitting at home sending out brainless tweets. That's all the phony Orange Maggot is good for.

And you posting nonsense from your computer accomplishes what, but pulling on a rip. You can change what he does just like he is doing to Obama. All you have to do is elect a president. In the meantime suck it up and keep your fingers crossed things don't get better.

Then you can wonder whose fault it is, I am sure obstructionists will have no stigma attached to them.
Trump didn't make the meme, and you failed utterly to address the point.

Trump was quite famous for a long time, and no one called him a racist, until he was a problem for you fuckers.

Shows that your lies are self serving bullshit.

Trump surrounded himself with celebrities.....some of whom were black

What he didn't do is surround himself with blacks in his business or hire them in Trump management

Miss Venezuela called him a racist.....does that count?
Too bad the trump ass-kissers have their brains encased in cement. They'll never see what a fucking phony the Orange Doosh is.

As soon as you figure out the real phony is sitting at home you will feel better.
You're right, the real phony is sitting at home. Sitting at home sending out brainless tweets. That's all the phony Orange Maggot is good for.

And you posting nonsense from your computer accomplishes what, but pulling on a rip. You can change what he does just like he is doing to Obama. All you have to do is elect a president. In the meantime suck it up and keep your fingers crossed things don't get better.

Then you can wonder whose fault it is, I am sure obstructionists will have no stigma attached to them.
Talk about posting nonsense! You were unable to construct a single coherent sentence out of the bunch you posted.
Talk about posting nonsense! You were unable to construct a single coherent sentence out of the bunch you posted.

The English language is a tough hurdle for LastAmender.......Be kind....he's trying.
Questioning a birth certificate is racist?

Oh, you can bet your half brain that questioning the first half-black president birth is fucking RACIST...Only morons would dispute THAT.......
Especially when they never question the birthplace of their Canadian born candidate

From that right wing rag, the Washington Post.

Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president

"Mary Brigid McManamon is a constitutional law professor at Widener University’s Delaware Law School.

Donald Trump is actually right about something: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is not a natural-born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president or vice president of the United States."
Especially when they never question the birthplace of their Canadian born candidate

Or the one born in Panama.

From that right wing rag, hte New York Times.

A Citizen, but ‘Natural Born’? McCain’s Eligibility to Be President Is Disputed by Professor

"In the most detailed examination yet of Senator John McCain’s eligibility to be president, a law professor at the University of Arizona has concluded that neither Mr. McCain’s birth in 1936 in the Panama Canal Zone nor the fact that his parents were American citizens is enough to satisfy the constitutional requirement that the president must be a “natural-born citizen.”
Our racist President rode hatred of Hispanics, Muslims, gays, minorities....into a trip to the White House

Your race baiting lies failed then and will continue to fail.

You should be ashamed.
President McRacist rode to the presidency on fear and hatred

Even you admit that McRacist used your fear of Mexicans to obtain your undying loyalty

YOur race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole.

Trade and immigration were the issues that drove his campaign,

and only a liar or a fool would claim that either were not valid campaign issues.
President McRacist built a coalition of deplorables based on fear and hatred

His covering up the crimes of a racist thug like Arpaio only confirms it

Something only a race baiting asshole would say.

Trade and Immigration flipped voters and thus states that were happy voting for Obama just 4 years ago.

How can it not bother you to know that you are being an asshole?
President McRacists embracing of racist thug Arpaio so soon after embracing the klan in Charlottesville cements his racist agenda

A Trump supporter once stated that Trump, "says what he means and means what he says".....
So, I'm willing to take Trump at his word that he IS a fucking racist....

He said that? I don't suppose you would be so kind as to link to the quote?

LOL! Rhetorical question. I know you lefties don't do shit like that.
NOt by looking. You got a detailed list of attendees we can go over?

Oh, wait, silly question.


You must, because out of hundreds of people, you are absolutely certain that none of them were good people.

Could you share that list, and evidence that everyone that showed up was bad?

Well, OBVIOUSLY Trump has that list.....since he most certainly stated that there were"fine people" among them............So, go on, ask Trump to share that list. I know that the group only has scumbags....bit Trump says differently,so....ask him and let us know........LOL

Nah, I think Trump must made the safe assumption that in any large group of diverse people, that some would be "fine".

You guys, are the ones that seem certain that not only was he WRONG, but that he was KNOWINGLY calling Klansmen or nazi's "fine".

That demonstrates a much more definitive knowledge of the crowd.

So, please share it, also with the evidence that you have that lets you know that TRUMP also had that info, to show how you "know" that he was siding with the klan instead of making an POSSIBLE mistake.

Otherwise, you are just guessing, and pretending that your guess is concrete data, and then judging Trump as though that was true AND that he somehow "knew" what you are pretending as fact.

Because otherwise, you lefties are just partisans flinging shit at a wall to see what will stick.

So, which is it?
Joe Arpaio may challenge Jeff Flake for Arizona Senate seat: Exclusive

Absolutely.....It is always good news and simply "great" when an 85 year old fucked up racist runs for congress as a republican....thanks......LOL

Questioning a birth certificate is racist?

Oh, you can bet your half brain that questioning the first half-black president birth is fucking RACIST...Only morons would dispute THAT.......
Especially when they never question the birthplace of their Canadian born candidate

From that right wing rag, the Washington Post.

Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president

"Mary Brigid McManamon is a constitutional law professor at Widener University’s Delaware Law School.

Donald Trump is actually right about something: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is not a natural-born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president or vice president of the United States."


Taking legal advice from a birther
NOt by looking. You got a detailed list of attendees we can go over?

Oh, wait, silly question.


You must, because out of hundreds of people, you are absolutely certain that none of them were good people.

Could you share that list, and evidence that everyone that showed up was bad?

Well, OBVIOUSLY Trump has that list.....since he most certainly stated that there were"fine people" among them............So, go on, ask Trump to share that list. I know that the group only has scumbags....bit Trump says differently,so....ask him and let us know........LOL

Nah, I think Trump must made the safe assumption that in any large group of diverse people, that some would be "fine".

You guys, are the ones that seem certain that not only was he WRONG, but that he was KNOWINGLY calling Klansmen or nazi's "fine".

That demonstrates a much more definitive knowledge of the crowd.

So, please share it, also with the evidence that you have that lets you know that TRUMP also had that info, to show how you "know" that he was siding with the klan instead of making an POSSIBLE mistake.

Otherwise, you are just guessing, and pretending that your guess is concrete data, and then judging Trump as though that was true AND that he somehow "knew" what you are pretending as fact.

Because otherwise, you lefties are just partisans flinging shit at a wall to see what will stick.

So, which is it?

"Fine" people show up at a rally full of Nazis and KKK and think it is a good idea to march along with them

"Jews will not replace us" was chanted.......not "Save our Statues"

Donnie McRacist does not care
Last edited:
Our racist President rode hatred of Hispanics, Muslims, gays, minorities....into a trip to the White House

Your race baiting lies failed then and will continue to fail.

You should be ashamed.
President McRacist rode to the presidency on fear and hatred

Even you admit that McRacist used your fear of Mexicans to obtain your undying loyalty

YOur race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole.

Trade and immigration were the issues that drove his campaign,

and only a liar or a fool would claim that either were not valid campaign issues.
President McRacist built a coalition of deplorables based on fear and hatred

His covering up the crimes of a racist thug like Arpaio only confirms it

Something only a race baiting asshole would say.

Trade and Immigration flipped voters and thus states that were happy voting for Obama just 4 years ago.

How can it not bother you to know that you are being an asshole?

Donnie McRacist built a campaign on "I hate them just as much as you do
Questioning a birth certificate is racist?

Oh, you can bet your half brain that questioning the first half-black president birth is fucking RACIST...Only morons would dispute THAT.......
Especially when they never question the birthplace of their Canadian born candidate

From that right wing rag, the Washington Post.

Ted Cruz is not eligible to be president

"Mary Brigid McManamon is a constitutional law professor at Widener University’s Delaware Law School.

Donald Trump is actually right about something: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is not a natural-born citizen and therefore is not eligible to be president or vice president of the United States."


Taking legal advice from a birther

You said that no one questioned Cruz's eligibility to be President, as part of your argument that Birtherism had to be racist.

I just posted an article from a major newspaper arguing the Cruz could not be President because he was born in Canada.

That undermines your race baiting claim that Birtherism has to be because Obama was black.

Naturally you are too liberal, I mean dishonest to admit that.

Real easy to confuse those two words, dont' you know.

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