It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

With all this Russian intrigue, it's obvious "PARTY" is more important to Republicans! Ages ago, they would be up in arms concerning all things Russian, now Trump hasn't even acknowledged they contributed to shenanigans during the last campaign! Trump's so paranoid already, that extra doubt has taken him over the edge! I can't believe he's listening to anyone with the way he treated those leaders in Europe! Of course Putin's rubbing his hands together saying to himself, "money well spent on Trump!" :bang3: :cuckoo: :dunno:
Could you imagine the conservative response if Democrats were colluding with Russia?

Oh, no need to "imagine," Obama was caught red handed. Of course you hacks thought it was great.

Obama was at least in office when he made that comment! There was nothing unethical; get over yourself! :argue: :blahblah:
With all this Russian intrigue, it's obvious "PARTY" is more important to Republicans! Ages ago, they would be up in arms concerning all things Russian, now Trump hasn't even acknowledged they contributed to shenanigans during the last campaign! Trump's so paranoid already, that extra doubt has taken him over the edge! I can't believe he's listening to anyone with the way he treated those leaders in Europe! Of course Putin's rubbing his hands together saying to himself, "money well spent on Trump!" :bang3: :cuckoo: :dunno:
Could you imagine the conservative response if Democrats were colluding with Russia?

Oh, no need to "imagine," Obama was caught red handed. Of course you hacks thought it was great.

Obama was at least in office when he made that comment! There was nothing unethical; get over yourself! :argue: :blahblah:

Far less ethical than anything Trump has done - which turns out was nothing at all. Didn't stop the lying little Goebbels of the press though...

There just is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy...
Could you imagine the conservative response if Democrats were colluding with Russia?

Ummm.... Yeah, how 'wild' would it be if the FAKE NEWS, ALL-IN Liberal media actually reported how Democrats / Hillary / Obama have / are colluding with the Russians:

FLASHBACK--Obama Whispers Message for Putin in 2012: 'After My Election, I'll Have More Flexibility'

- "President Obama was running for re-election in March 2012, when a live microphone picked up his whispered conversation with then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Obama told Medvedev it was important for incoming President Vladimir Putin to "give me space" on missile defense and other difficult issues and that after the 2012 presidential election he would have "more flexibility." Medvedev said he would "transmit" the message to Putin."

It's Hillary, Obama who have boosted Putin's fortunes, not Trump

How the Clintons Sold Out U.S. National Interests to the Putin Regime

No One Mentions That The Russian Trail Leads To Democratic Lobbyists

- "The busy Podesta Group also
represented Uranium One, a uranium company acquired by the Russian government which received approval from Hillary Clinton’s State Department to mine for uranium in the U.S. and gave Russia twenty percent control of US uranium."

- "Rep. John Conyers (D., Mich.)
read Kremlin propaganda into the Congressional Record, referring to Ukrainian militia as “repulsive Neo Nazis” in denying Ukrainian forces ManPad weapons. Conyers floor speech was surely a notable success of some Kremlin lobbyist."

Former Clinton campaign manager under review for Russian ties

Report: Hillary's 2016 Campaign Chairman Has Ties To Putin-Linked Firm
- Podesta himself failed to disclose his Joule stock agreements when he started working for as a senior counselor to President Barack Obama in 2014. He also provided aid to Rusnano in 2015 even after he had left Joule. The ties between Podesta and Rusnano was enough for Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) to call for an investigation into the extent of Podesta's Russia ties.

Russia's Largest Bank Confirms Hiring Podesta Group To Lobby For Ending Sanctions | Zero Hedge

Both Sberbank and VTB Capital have faced severe cash shortages due to plunging oil prices, plus the U.S. sanctions. If Obama's sanctions were lifted, however, both banks could legally seek funds from American financial institutions. The lobbying campaign targeted Congress and the executive branch, with Podesta and other lobbyists arranging at least two meetings between Sberbank officers and Department of State officials, according to Elena Teplitskaya, Sberbank’s board chairman, who spoke to House aides in August.

“The Democrats are sitting there trying to convince us that the Russians are trying to throw the election to Trump,” a congressional aide who requested anonymity and met Teplitskaya told TheDCNF.

“And then they’re with us here in the House and meeting directly with the administration behind closed doors on the issue of the sanctions. The hypocrisy could not be any richer,” he said.

As the Caller puts it, "the discovery of high-profile Democrats like Podesta being paid lucrative fees for lobbying to lift U.S. sanctions on Russia contrasts with charges from Democrats that President Donald Trump and his key aides are soft on Russia while the Obama administration was tough on Moscow."

Podesta is one of the Democrat’s highest profile lobbyists who enjoys close personal and business connections to former Presidents Obama and Bill Clinton. John Podesta was chief of staff in Clinton’s White House and special counselor in the Obama White House.

The Sberbank-Podesta relationship goes back many years. Sberbank was the lead financial institution in the Russian deal to purchase Uranium One, owned by one of Bill Clinton’s closest friends, Frank Giustra. Giustra and Bill Clinton lead the Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership, an integral part of the Clinton Foundation. Giustra has additionally donated $25 million to the Clinton Foundation."

*** The bank Tony Podesta was working for is also known as the 'KGB BANK'!


We keep posting the facts and the fascist keep lying their heads off.
Trump's Lawyer Refuses to Cooperate with Congress w.r.t. Russia Investigation
From CNN: Trump lawyer Michael Cohen won't cooperate with Congress -

One of President Donald Trump's personal attorneys, Michael Cohen, has received an "invitation to provide information and testimony" that pertains to the Russia investigation to House and Senate intelligence committees, Cohen has confirmed.

"I respectfully declined to cooperate," Cohen said.
Trump Has Already Proved Himself a Russian Asset
May 30, 2017

Jonathan Chait: “Over the last several days, the Russia scandal has taken a darker turn. Friday night, the Washington Post reported that Jared Kushner tried during the presidential transition period to set up a secret communications channel with Moscow. Tuesday morning, CNN reported that, during the 2016 campaign, Russian officials discussed having leverage of a financial nature over Trump, which could be used to manipulate the Republican nominee. The exact nature of this relationship remains as yet unknown, but its parameters have shifted. The most innocent explanations of Donald Trump’s shadowy relationship with Russia have grown increasingly fanciful, while the most paranoid interpretations have grown increasingly more plausible.”

“Indeed, in another one of dramatic juxtapositions that would have seemed ham-handed in a spy thriller, the latest scandalous revelations came out just as Trump could be seen carrying out what looks for all the world like his end of a pact with Moscow. If the president did have an objective on his trip to Europe — a premise that, it goes without saying, cannot be assumed — it was to crack up the American alliance with Western Europe. That happens to have been Russia’s primary diplomatic objective since the end of World War II.”
The case we're making is that no one takes him seriously. They consider him an infantile tool who is not to be trust with secret Intel. just contradicted what your fellow left-wing pal said in post #461:
Trump is a laughing stock or would be if he wasn't dangerous.
I've bolded in red above where you said "we" so that you can't attempt to weasel out of this now by proclaiming that you had your own personal view on this. According to Sealy, the rest of the world sees President Trump as "dangerous" and thus fears him.
He cannot be trusted to keep his word or stick to his previously announced policy.
As I keep telling you - this thread is not about Barack Insane Obama. So please stop bringing him up. Yes, we all know that Obama could not be trusted to keep his word and that he was a pathological liar. And yes, we know he couldn't stick to his previously announced policy (such as closing Gitmo in his first 90 days as president). But the American people learned from their mistake and put a real leader in the White House now.
Angel Merkel is now the de facto leader of the free world.
Well that was while Barack Insane Obama was in office. He's gone now hon. You're having so much trouble keeping up. This is why you should stick to a Canadian political website. President Trump is indisputably the leader of the free world.
want me to buy you some conjugation lessons Mr. Past tense
My dear Mexican illegal alien....hear is not "past tense" of here. :lmao:

youre an idiot, idiot..

I hear better taunts on a sixth grade school bus
That wasn't past tense (I've heard), that was present tense. So you're a school bus driver? No wonder you view the world as an idealistic elementary school student. That's your entire interaction with the world and source of "information".DERP DERP

hey moron, if you heard something its past tense.

conjugate hear you dumbass... or ask a 4th grader to do it for you.


^^^^^ (post #415 this thread)


questions Einstein ?
The case we're making is that no one takes him seriously. They consider him an infantile tool who is not to be trust with secret Intel. just contradicted what your fellow left-wing pal said in post #461:
Trump is a laughing stock or would be if he wasn't dangerous.
I've bolded in red above where you said "we" so that you can't attempt to weasel out of this now by proclaiming that you had your own personal view on this. According to Sealy, the rest of the world sees President Trump as "dangerous" and thus fears him.
I have to admit if we woke up and rwnj's were all gone the world would be a better place.
I have expressed hatred for Trump for 35 years

Only your crew is unable to see what scum he is

Oh Bullshit.

You express hate for anyone Soros tells you to hate.

When Trump praised Clinton you loved him.
Tell me Uncensored ,,,if Trump had a D after his name you and your ilk wouldn't be losing your ****?
Trump made a lot of liberal promises like tariffing companies that send jobs overseas. I knew that was a lie but it was one of those lies that suckered the blue collar into voting for Trump. The union suckers liked what Trump was saying.
Tell me Uncensored ,,,if Trump had a D after his name you and your ilk wouldn't be losing your ****?

I was not a fan of Trump and didn't vote for him, but his actions won me over.

If he had a D after his name he would be pushing a globalist and anti-liberty agenda, since that is the goal of the democrats. But is he did exactly the same thing has down, the wall, ban on terrorists, name a pro-constitution justice to the court, etc. and absolutely I would support him.
I have expressed hatred for Trump for 35 years

Only your crew is unable to see what scum he is

Oh Bullshit.

You express hate for anyone Soros tells you to hate.

When Trump praised Clinton you loved him.
Tell me Uncensored ,,,if Trump had a D after his name you and your ilk wouldn't be losing your ****?
Trump made a lot of liberal promises like tariffing companies that send jobs overseas. I knew that was a lie but it was one of those lies that suckered the blue collar into voting for Trump. The union suckers liked what Trump was saying.

In fact it is you who are lying, as Trump is renegotiating NAFTA and has pulled out of Hillary's destructive TPP insanity.

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