It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
yeah, that last world war we just finished yesterday proves it.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
I literally would never be able to show my face on USMB again if I had made a comment that insanely stupid. Hutch Starskey literally has no idea what the term "policing" means. :laugh:

You realize why these people vote Dumbocrat when you see them post. They are uninformed, uneducated, aren't capable of proper grammar, and can't form an independent thought.
President Obama got a coalition to fight ISIS and terrorism
Barack Insane Obama's commitment to spreading islam is what created ISIS. He then armed both them and Al Qaeda to overthrow Assad and other secular leaders (Qaddafi, Mubarak, etc.).
Actually it was the Bush Doctrine of Nation Building in a politically sensitive region that opened the door to ISIS
Actually - it wasn't. ISIS didn't exist during the Bush Administration (because they were too fuck'n scared). Once Barack Insane Obama arrived on the scene and made it clear that advancing islam was his #1 foreign policy priority, the crazies were emboldened and came out of hiding. It only got worse once he started arming them.
Bush upset the apple cart and then left it to Obama to fix
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
I literally would never be able to show my face on USMB again if I had made a comment that insanely stupid. Hutch Starskey literally has no idea what the term "policing" means. :laugh:

You realize why these people vote Dumbocrat when you see them post. They are uninformed, uneducated, aren't capable of proper grammar, and can't form an independent thought.
All hail Patirot, the only perfect human God allowed to exist on the planet.
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


Oh wow, a fascist is spewing mindless hate at Trump. I'm shocked, just shocked..
Yes, it is more mindless

Trump has limited mental capabilities
President Obama got a coalition to fight ISIS and terrorism
Barack Insane Obama's commitment to spreading islam is what created ISIS. He then armed both them and Al Qaeda to overthrow Assad and other secular leaders (Qaddafi, Mubarak, etc.).
Actually it was the Bush Doctrine of Nation Building in a politically sensitive region that opened the door to ISIS
Actually - it wasn't. ISIS didn't exist during the Bush Administration (because they were too fuck'n scared). Once Barack Insane Obama arrived on the scene and made it clear that advancing islam was his #1 foreign policy priority, the crazies were emboldened and came out of hiding. It only got worse once he started arming them.
Bush upset the apple cart and then left it to Obama to fix

Yeah, Obama fixed it alright, like a pet owner fixes their cat or dog.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
Why can't you repubs get it thru your thick heads that we are not Mr Good guy We are in those countries protecting OUR benefits.......Russia has been trying for years to split us from our allies Took the moron less than 1/2 year
Bush upset the apple cart and then left it to Obama to fix
Actually - he didn't. ISIS didn't exist during the Bush Administration (because they were too fuck'n scared). Once Barack Insane Obama arrived on the scene and made it clear that advancing islam was his #1 foreign policy priority, the crazies were emboldened and came out of hiding. It only got worse once he started arming them.
Trump hasnt done jackshit in the country much less the world ...
Russia has been trying for years to split us from our allies Took the moron less than 1/2 year
Barack Insane Obama handled that his first day in office. He shipped back the bust of Winston Churchill to England - a gift that they had sent to us after 9/11. Then he insulted the hell out of Israel and supported radical islam, alienating Israel as well.

He pissed off our two biggest allies. That's just a simple fact. Both allies now love us once again. I could give a shit what the pussies in France think or what the collapsed socialist idiots in Greece think.
Trump hasnt done jackshit in the country much less the world ...
That's what you've been crying like a little bitch about for decades. You wanted to the U.S. to "stop doing jackshit in the world". You cried like a little bitch over Iraq. Now you're crying that President Trump is following your desires simply because he has a little "R" behind his name.

Dumbocrats are so stupid - they can't even remember their own position on issues. :lmao:
[Why can't you repubs get it thru your thick heads that we are not Mr Good guy We are in those countries protecting OUR benefits.......Russia has been trying for years to split us from our allies Took the moron less than 1/2 year

No one thinks you fascist democrats are "good guys." We see you as what you are, little Stalinists who would slaughter any person not faithfully reciting party dogma in a heart beat - IF you ever gained the power to do so,

We witnessed the holocaust, the killing fields, the Purges - we know exactly what you are and what you want.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
I literally would never be able to show my face on USMB again if I had made a comment that insanely stupid. Hutch Starskey literally has no idea what the term "policing" means. :laugh:

You realize why these people vote Dumbocrat when you see them post. They are uninformed, uneducated, aren't capable of proper grammar, and can't form an independent thought.
All hail Patirot, the only perfect human God allowed to exist on the planet.

who happens to be too stupid to conjugate the word "hear"


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