It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

WTF is wrong with Trump?
He's successful, direct, succinct, is restoring America's place in the world, and is restoring constitutional government. All of the things you hate. That's why you think there is something "wrong".

That explains the trumpsplainin' you all have to engage in daily. :laugh2:
He's restoring us to going back from the Monroe Doctrine. LOL
We don't need NATO
We do, dope.
We don't, dimwit. We are completely and totally self-sustaining in every way. We have more natural resources (including oil) thanks to fracking. We are among the leaders in the world in agriculture. We have the largest, most powerful, most technologically advanced military in the world.

We don't need to be drug down by Europe into collapse - despite your desires. If Europe wants our help - they need to play by our rules. Because Barack Insane Obama was a community organizer, he didn't comprehend that reality. But President Trump has spent decades leading very large, successful organizations and understands how to leverage power properly. That means not exploiting another nation, but it also means not allowing them to take advantage of us and exploit us.

Here's the bottom line - the left is nothing but helpless children. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. The adults are in charge once again and we're going to Make America GREAT Again.
We don't, dimwit. We are completely and totally self-sustaining in every way.

We do, dope.
What do you imagine 'our largest trading partner' means to our economy?
It is precisely because of the stability that NATO has provided to the continent since the last war that made that possible.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:

When does NATO undertake policing operations, dope? That would be the role of the UN.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
I literally would never be able to show my face on USMB again if I had made a comment that insanely stupid. Hutch Starskey literally has no idea what the term "policing" means. :laugh:

You realize why these people vote Dumbocrat when you see them post. They are uninformed, uneducated, aren't capable of proper grammar, and can't form an independent thought.

Cite even one time NATO has undertaken such a mission.
youre an idiot, idiot..

I hear better taunts on a sixth grade school bus
That wasn't past tense (I've heard), that was present tense. So you're a school bus driver? No wonder you view the world as an idealistic elementary school student. That's your entire interaction with the world and source of "information".DERP DERP that you've added a link, I finally understand what you were referring to. You've been babbling like an idiot.

So I "conjugated" just fine, you dimwit. The problem is your reading comprehension (which is atrocious - like most progressives).

Wrongwinger said "I hear better taunts from 6th graders". I then responded with "that wasn't past tense" and added in parenthesis what the past tense would have been: (I've heard). I then pointed out "that was present tense".

So everything I said was 100% proper grammar. The issue is that you simply have a severe reading comprehension issue. Thanks for paying, dimwit.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
I literally would never be able to show my face on USMB again if I had made a comment that insanely stupid. Hutch Starskey literally has no idea what the term "policing" means. :laugh:

You realize why these people vote Dumbocrat when you see them post. They are uninformed, uneducated, aren't capable of proper grammar, and can't form an independent thought.
All hail Patirot, the only perfect human God allowed to exist on the planet.

Per usual, he has no clue what he is saying.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
I literally would never be able to show my face on USMB again if I had made a comment that insanely stupid. Hutch Starskey literally has no idea what the term "policing" means. :laugh:

You realize why these people vote Dumbocrat when you see them post. They are uninformed, uneducated, aren't capable of proper grammar, and can't form an independent thought.
All hail Patirot, the only perfect human God allowed to exist on the planet.

Per usual, he has no clue what he is saying.
Yep...nothing new.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:

When does NATO undertake policing operations, dope? That would be the role of the UN.
You just said (and I quote word-for-word) "NATO is an alliance united for common defense". :lmao:
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
This is literally Hutch Starskey :lmao:

View attachment 129789

Hutch...please don't upload your inappropriate home videos to USMB. Ok? Thanks.
Well Barack Insane Obama was 10x's the scum and you wanted to perform fellatio on him - so forgive us all if your views and opinions carry no weight with us.
you sound triggered pudding ...
Nah....that is for you snowflakes. You know - all of you parasitic pussies who mooch off of society because mommy and daddy taught all of you that you were "special" and "entitled" and that the world owed you something?

I was raised properly by real parents (who stayed married, didn't do drugs and alcohol like left-wing parents do, and didn't cheat on each other like left-wing parents do). They taught me the world didn't owe me anything and that life was tough. Therefore, I don't get "triggered".
Why is Crimea,Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, NK, etc, etc, the responsibility of the US? Why do you want this country to be entangled in all these stupid "mutual defense" pacts where we shoulder the bulk of the responsibility and expense?

Let me correct you on a false assumption really quickly -

I am NOT in support of dragging the US into Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars, like Obama did in Libya and Syria. I was for going to Afghanistan after 9/11/01. I did not agree with going into Iraq. I do support nations forming defense alliances and becoming / forming alliances. I do not agree with the idea that the US should shoulder the burden of most of the load and believe nations should be held accountable to meet their commitments.

Most NATO members are in compliance with the agreement. Defence spending is on track to hit 2 % of GDP by 2024.

The US ramped up defence spending under Reagan and hasn't stopped. That was YOUR choice. Nobody twisted your arm or forced Americans too do this. The only war you were involved in was the Cold War.

Of course after you bought all those new toys, you had to use them - Granada ???? (Seriously guys-WTF?), Gulf War, Iraq, and now Trump is ginning up the war drums to go after Korea.

War is such a great distraction for trouble at home.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:

When does NATO undertake policing operations, dope? That would be the role of the UN.
You just said (and I quote word-for-word) "NATO is an alliance united for common defense". :lmao:

How is that in any way policing? It's a military alliance, dope.
We aren't policing anything. NATO isnt policing anything, dope. NATO is an alliance united for common defense. It provides stability and certainty. Your understanding is that of a child. can't make this stuff up. Yes - Hutch Starskey really is that stupid. :lmao:

"We're NOT policing ANYTHING. We're providing defense for others". :lmao:
This is literally Hutch Starskey :lmao:

View attachment 129789

Hutch...please don't upload your inappropriate home videos to USMB. Ok? Thanks.

Stop humping my leg.

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