It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Smart people wait until something happens and then commemorate it. remind us again what Barack Insane Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for?
First Black American President An historic achievement
Kudos to wrongwinger for at least acknowledging that Barack Insane Obama did absolutely nothing to deserve his award.

That is quite an achievement
No other black American managed to do it in 200 years
Convincing the American people to elect a black man who was born in Kenya and was a muslim is Nobel worthy

as long as he sells out the US by keeping 911 and Global Warming and every other Zionist fraud going.... which he did.

Some day, we will see Barack and W in front of a firing squad. On that day, I will once again be proud of America....
The fact that you are so easily duped


So, the "757" really did come in at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground....

and that video is "edited...."

Tell us, why did the "US" "news" media never show us any video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon????

It is an achievement because the US has had a long history of racial discrimination Convincing the American people to elect a black man who was born in Kenya and was a muslim is Nobel worthy
You just said it. The only case you have is a case for the American people. They are the one's who went to the polls and voted. Barack Insane Obama did absolutely nothing (as usual - that's all he's done his entire life).
So, the "757" really did come in at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground...
No. What actually happened is that George W. Bush convinced 1,200 employees to come into work that day, strap a suicide vest to their chest like the terrorists they were supposedly fighting, and blew themselves up. All to make you think that Osama Bin Laden was behind it. :laugh:

And oh yeah...somehow GWB got Osama Bin Laden to go on video and take responsibility for it :lmao:
So, the "757" really did come in at 500 mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground....
At some point, every plane that crashes had its nose 8 feet off the ground. Even this one... :lmao:

It is an achievement because the US has had a long history of racial discrimination Convincing the American people to elect a black man who was born in Kenya and was a muslim is Nobel worthy
You just said it. The only case you have is a case for the American people. They are the one's who went to the polls and voted. Barack Insane Obama did absolutely nothing (as usual - that's all he's done his entire life).
Well.....if you want to be proud about electing the Great Obama ....I guess you can be
I never said Trump is anti immigrant

If they are attractive and willing to go to bed with him, he is all for it. Provided they are from the right country and religion

If they are struggling to support their families he calls them murderers and rapists
You just can't stop lying, can you? You know that's a sign of mental illness, don't you?
Fat Donnie likes his immigrants with huge fake tits
To him, it is a criteria for admittance

Oh come on, you have a secret crush on him, don't you?
It is an achievement because the US has had a long history of racial discrimination Convincing the American people to elect a black man who was born in Kenya and was a muslim is Nobel worthy
You just said it. The only case you have is a case for the American people. They are the one's who went to the polls and voted. Barack Insane Obama did absolutely nothing (as usual - that's all he's done his entire life).
Well.....if you want to be proud about electing the Great Obama ....I guess you can be
Way to run from your own insane and idiotic comments. I would do the same if I were you.
It is an achievement because the US has had a long history of racial discrimination Convincing the American people to elect a black man who was born in Kenya and was a muslim is Nobel worthy
You just said it. The only case you have is a case for the American people. They are the one's who went to the polls and voted. Barack Insane Obama did absolutely nothing (as usual - that's all he's done his entire life).
Well.....if you want to be proud about electing the Great Obama ....I guess you can be
Way to run from your own insane and idiotic comments. I would do the same if I were you.

Here’s the difference: Barrack Obama never openly campaigned for the Nobel Peace Prize and was just as befuddled as the rest of us when he won it. Trump is openly claiming he deserves it.
Here’s the difference: Barrack Obama never openly campaigned for the Nobel Peace Prize and was just as befuddled as the rest of us when he won it. Trump is openly claiming he deserves it.
Well President Trump actually deserves it. He got North Korea to suspend their nuclear program, stop all missile testing, and shut down their nuclear site. He got Kim Jong Un to personally walk into the Demilitarized Zone and shake hands with South Korea’s president. And he got their regime to ask the U.S. to come to the table for talks.

Each of those are unprecedented and all deal with the most oppressive regime in the world.
It is an achievement because the US has had a long history of racial discrimination Convincing the American people to elect a black man who was born in Kenya and was a muslim is Nobel worthy
You just said it. The only case you have is a case for the American people. They are the one's who went to the polls and voted. Barack Insane Obama did absolutely nothing (as usual - that's all he's done his entire life).
Well.....if you want to be proud about electing the Great Obama ....I guess you can be
Way to run from your own insane and idiotic comments. I would do the same if I were you.
The Great Obama richly deserved his Nobel Peace Prize

Right up there with Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu

Obama is a civil rights pioneer
Where's the face palm emoji when ya need it?

Trump wants to limit speech (see the curflufle over the NFL and the anthem),

Ah, so you're a fucking liar. :thup:

Such is the way of you Stalinists.

views violent White Nationalists as 'decent people' (see Charlottesville)

You know liar, Trump said nothing of white nationalists, but of a general crowd.

HOWEVER you evil fucks of the Stalinist party DID specifically support MS-13.

It's just the way you evil traitors roll.

impugnes freedom of religion (see his Muslim travel ban),

There has never been a "Muslim travel ban," you're just a fucking liar.

Funny that you Stalinist shit eaters claim that ALL Muslims are terrorists. After all, Trump banned travel from 2% of Muslim countries that are directly involved in terrorism - yet you lie it is a "Muslim ban," hence you must think all Muslims are terrorists.

ignores the havoc of gun violence (see his flip flop after Parkland) and gleefully strips Americans of health care (see his continued attacks on the AHCA).

More fucking lies.

Name ONE person "tripped of health care" liar? Just one..

And yet I do not call Trump and his supporters Amti-American. I simply refer to him and them as morons.

Dude, you're not only anti-American, you are a fucking traitor and clear danger to all. You are the Nazis, you are the Khmer Rouge, you are the STASI, you are the Red Guard. You are what every vicious pack of animals before you were.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. We have learned, and we recognize you for what you are, pure evil.

You, through the evil party you follow, seek to end individual rights, You seek to enslave the nation under the dictatorship of your rulers. The death camps ALWAYS follow you - every last time. This ends with us putting you evil fuckers down, or with hundreds of millions murdered by you.

These are the stakes, and we all know it.
As Trump prepares for his high profile meeting with Kim Jong Un it is obvious he is poorly prepared and unfamiliar with the issues
Total proof you must be a hack reporter! Only idiots like that would put out a dumb ass comment that "he is poorly prepared"!

Yes, our President is poorly prepared

His security briefings are broken down to a simplistic level, he asks no questions, offers no guidance ........Trump is “present”

Trump does not read. He does no background work on his own

If he is lucky, Fox and Friends will do a show on what he should say

Hmmm... so tell me then...
A) How did he get $3.1 billion which is probably 31,000 times MORE than your net worth!

B) He had 22,450 employees in his private business which again is probably 22,450 times more than the people that work for you!

Somewhere in your obvious numbskull you should come to the conclusion you should shut the f...k up when it comes to criticizing Trump management style.

C) Oh and by the way The "Apprentice has been on TV for 7 years... 185 episodes. Over those 7 years 2,212,000,000 viewers!
The Apprentice (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia

So again considering before he was President he was seen by 2.2 billion people which is 2.2 billion I AM 100%, sure more than have seen you!

The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump
View attachment 195208

A). He was given his grandmas company that was worth almost a billion dollars in today’s money. And in the 45 years since then he has managed to triple its value. That is some shitty results, to put it mildly.

B). That is a misleading number. Trump Inc is a holding company, they own all or parts of lots of other companies but have no input in their day to day operations.

C). By this standard Alan Alda would make the perfect president as MASH had 256 episodes and was seen by far more people.

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Gosh Comrade, the next time you tell the truth will be the first time..


No lying scum, try a million.
If I had a multimillionaire daddy.....I would have made more money
So instead you go crying to his brother, Uncle Sam, for unlimited handouts?
When is our favorite billionaire going to release his taxes?
That's right! He did promise to do that...but...then, after all...his 'promises'?

Say Comrade, which president kept more promises, Trump or your Messiah? :dunno:
Total proof you must be a hack reporter! Only idiots like that would put out a dumb ass comment that "he is poorly prepared"!

Yes, our President is poorly prepared

His security briefings are broken down to a simplistic level, he asks no questions, offers no guidance ........Trump is “present”

Trump does not read. He does no background work on his own

If he is lucky, Fox and Friends will do a show on what he should say

Hmmm... so tell me then...
A) How did he get $3.1 billion which is probably 31,000 times MORE than your net worth!

B) He had 22,450 employees in his private business which again is probably 22,450 times more than the people that work for you!

Somewhere in your obvious numbskull you should come to the conclusion you should shut the f...k up when it comes to criticizing Trump management style.

C) Oh and by the way The "Apprentice has been on TV for 7 years... 185 episodes. Over those 7 years 2,212,000,000 viewers!
The Apprentice (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia

So again considering before he was President he was seen by 2.2 billion people which is 2.2 billion I AM 100%, sure more than have seen you!

The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump
View attachment 195208

A). He was given his grandmas company that was worth almost a billion dollars in today’s money. And in the 45 years since then he has managed to triple its value. That is some shitty results, to put it mildly.

B). That is a misleading number. Trump Inc is a holding company, they own all or parts of lots of other companies but have no input in their day to day operations.

C). By this standard Alan Alda would make the perfect president as MASH had 256 episodes and was seen by far more people.

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And again I'd bet $1,000 that Trump is worth 32,000 times your net worth, has 22,000 more times the number of people reporting directly or indirectly than YOU and has seen by billions more than you and you have the stupidity to admit it obviously by continuing to prove it with your comments!

Trump does have a higher net worth, but he started about a billion dollars ahead of me.

In the time that Trump has tripled his net worth mine has gone up 100 times that much. I have tripled my net worth in the last 6 years. Trump is a shitty businessman that has what he has by the luck of his birth.

Let me ask you, if you invested money 45 years ago and today it was worth 3 times as much as when you invested it, would you find that an acceptable rate of return?

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No, no he didn't shit fer brains.

Does your lying commie ass grasp that billion and million are vastly different numbers?

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