It is Extremely Morally Wrong To Vote For Donald Trump!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It was my hope like masses of Americans hope that the Trump Presidential run would be like the Ted Kennedy Presidential run in 1980 initially the polls are great for the candidate, in Ted Kennedy's case the reason was that people were nostalgic for the appeal and mystique of his brother John F. Kennedy Presidency but when it came close to the actual votes they considered what the candidate would do once elected in Ted Kennedy's case be a tax and spend liberal and his poll numbers then went into the basement. In Donald Trump's case this is not happening the reality of a Trump presidency is not stirring his supporters consciences to change their minds he is still leading in the polls and this is alarming. The analysts say that Trump's base consists of working class Americans, low and middle income ones, my comments on this development will be different from the ordinary publicly heard comments on the Trump campaign for it will have a religious perspective.

Since America is largely a Christian nation one can conclude you Trump supporters are probably mostly all Christians whatever the denomination it really doesn't matter because as Christians you believe in the existence of a God and believe the Bible guides one on how to learn about God. Where is your thinking whatever Christian denomination you stem from or belong to you cannot deny the biblical truths that one day when you die you will have a judgment day before God, the format is not important, where you will have to account for your life, the deeds you committed during your life, where it will be determined based on those deeds whether you go to heaven or hell the Bible has an abundances of references to this reality two that spring to mind are the parable of the virgins with their oil flasks and the other is the parable of servants given talons to hold while their master is on a trip! The other truth referenced explicitly in the Bible is that a human being has a continual duty to do what is good and avoid what is evil meaning in part to love one's neighbor. These religious realities should move these Americans to absolutely not support the Donald Trump presidency because a reasonable person must conclude that Donald Trump is not only going to bring badness upon America as President but tremendous badness this means it is not only sinful to support and vote for Mr. Trump but it is grievously sinful!

A Donald Trump presidency will definitely without a doubt bring about the deaths of Americans probably many Americans. His history of anti-Muslim remarks have consequences which cannot be escaped; not only his recent call to temporarily ban Muslims from coming into this country, but his comments calling for letting Vladimir Putin do whatever he wants militarily in Syria because all the anti-Assad forces we don't know who they are they are all likely radical Islamists wiping as many of them out as possible is the best outcome for America. Or Mr. Trumps comments that America should have taken possession of Iraqi oil fields and sold the oil to pay for the cost of the Iraq war is perceived as an extremely anti-Muslin statement for Iraq is a Muslim nation its oil fields belong to the Iraqi people such an act violates their sovereign rights. Even excluding all of Mr. Trumps past anti-Muslim comments many Muslims throughout the world think Western culture and specifically American culture is threatening their culture if one then overlays these remarks of Mr. Trump these remarks will clearly incentivize fringe Muslims to perpetuate violence against the West to preserve their culture. A sensible person would also conclude that a President Trump with his history plus his mouth which will likely spew further anti-Muslim rhetoric will impair and impede the trust the American government needs from Muslim countries and groups to succeed in its unavoidable task of bringing about the cessation of any significant size group of radical Islamism in the world so as to protect people throughout the world from a terrorism dangers from this ideology!

Mr. Trump is clearly not suited to be President. His emotional/psychological make-up is deficient for a President. This is evidenced by his continual display of the pattern that if someone verbally attacks him he has to attack that person back and tries for the counterattack to be harder. A President needs to be focused on big picture concerns often crucially important concerns he or she cannot be drawn into these emotional retaliation episodes that continually mire Mr. Trump. Donald Trump also has this emotional proclivity about getting the great deal he is always going to get this, that or the other great deal for the American people and this other guy got a bad deal or is incapable of getting a great deal. A President Trump with his disordered emotional need to get a great deal will very very likely agree to terms in his deals that are extremely bad for select groups of Americans and are overall extremely morally bad outcomes, for instance, taking away compelling parts of the safety net or government helping hand that is vitally important to people, the goal should be to diminish government hand-outs by expanding and improving opportunities for Americans to succeed not throwing Americans out of the boat. Mr. Trump also holds the character flaw where he ignores realities that trustworthy people don't ignore which simply makes him a person that one cannot fully trust he is not reliable to lead a country which unfortunately makes him unsuitable to be President; this is evidenced by his initiative that he as President is going to just deport illegal immigrants en masse he cannot do this these people have legal rights to be brought before a Judge and plead their case against deportation or Mr. Trumps claims that in dealing with China on trade if China doesn't stop their cheating he is just going to impose tariffs on Chinese imports he as President cannot do that for any long period of time because there is various domestic and international laws that would stop this initiative.

Americans don't commonly talk like this on politics but the stakes for America warrant this. It is really morally bad behavior for a person to support and vote for Donald Trump as President. He would be a very dangerous President, his make-up could put the country on a trajectory where the country fails and this wonderful God given blessing of America is lost forever. Trump supporters need to remember things in America can get dramatically worse, a reckless President like Mr. Trump could readily increase the chasm between the have and the have nots in America. It is not a moral defense for Mr. Trump supporters to say career politicians always fail the American people the standard of living for Americans has been steadily getting worse over the last twenty years give a non-career politician like Mr. Trump a try. This grievance is legitimate the answer is for heeding public calls for major changes to the nations constitution such as stop gerrymandering voting districts they need to be drawn by fixed algorithms, electoral college votes need to stop being distributed at the state level on a winner take all basis rather a percentage of vote basis needs to be used, and 501(C)(3) need to get their wings clipped the right of free speech does not equate with the right to give as much money to these groups as one wants. Similarly Trump supporters need to remember it is not morally legitimate to fight evil with evil punishing those responsible for our broken political system with a reckless dangerous President is not morally okay in the least.

This same admonishment can be said to Ted Cruz's supporters it is extremely morally wrong to support and vote for Ted Cruz for President of the United States. He is unsuited from a character and values standpoint to be President of the United States. Any person that as President would not raise the nation's debt ceiling with the current state of the law that does not provide absolute protections against default on American sovereign debt does not hold the character to be President for this behavior by a U.S. President would cause equity and bond markets world-wide to collapse the human suffering resulting would be staggering. Ted Cruz has made it clear in his Senate record that he would do such a reckless thing. Ted Cruz's inclination to shut down the government also underscores this character shortcoming! There is also something about Ted Cruz's make-up that makes him unsuited to be president (a President should have a certain level of care for others it is needed to accomplish what the President needs to accomplish) he seems to relish not getting along with people not fitting in it is okay to be one's own person it's okay to follow one's conscience on important principles but there is also the quality in human being of trying to get along, trying to work and trying to live with people one can do this and still be faithful to these aspects of one's person, Ted Cruz has a problem in this area. This is evidenced by his extreme unpopularity in the Senate, one has to have really significant personal shortcomings not to be liked in that exclusive small club called the Senate for that group even likes the "brain dead" Senator Bob Corker and the "narrow minded" Senator Jeff Sessions!
It was my hope like masses of Americans hope that the Trump Presidential run would be like the Ted Kennedy Presidential run in 1980 initially the polls are great for the candidate, in Ted Kennedy's case the reason was that people were nostalgic for the appeal and mystique of his brother John F. Kennedy Presidency but when it came close to the actual votes they considered what the candidate would do once elected in Ted Kennedy's case be a tax and spend liberal and his poll numbers then went into the basement. In Donald Trump's case this is not happening the reality of a Trump presidency is not stirring his supporters consciences to change their minds he is still leading in the polls and this is alarming. The analysts say that Trump's base consists of working class Americans, low and middle income ones, my comments on this development will be different from the ordinary publicly heard comments on the Trump campaign for it will have a religious perspective.

Since America is largely a Christian nation one can conclude you Trump supporters are probably mostly all Christians whatever the denomination it really doesn't matter because as Christians you believe in the existence of a God and believe the Bible guides one on how to learn about God. Where is your thinking whatever Christian denomination you stem from or belong to you cannot deny the biblical truths that one day when you die you will have a judgment day before God, the format is not important, where you will have to account for your life, the deeds you committed during your life, where it will be determined based on those deeds whether you go to heaven or hell the Bible has an abundances of references to this reality two that spring to mind are the parable of the virgins with their oil flasks and the other is the parable of servants given talons to hold while their master is on a trip! The other truth referenced explicitly in the Bible is that a human being has a continual duty to do what is good and avoid what is evil meaning in part to love one's neighbor. These religious realities should move these Americans to absolutely not support the Donald Trump presidency because a reasonable person must conclude that Donald Trump is not only going to bring badness upon America as President but tremendous badness this means it is not only sinful to support and vote for Mr. Trump but it is grievously sinful!

A Donald Trump presidency will definitely without a doubt bring about the deaths of Americans probably many Americans. His history of anti-Muslim remarks have consequences which cannot be escaped; not only his recent call to temporarily ban Muslims from coming into this country, but his comments calling for letting Vladimir Putin do whatever he wants militarily in Syria because all the anti-Assad forces we don't know who they are they are all likely radical Islamists wiping as many of them out as possible is the best outcome for America. Or Mr. Trumps comments that America should have taken possession of Iraqi oil fields and sold the oil to pay for the cost of the Iraq war is perceived as an extremely anti-Muslin statement for Iraq is a Muslim nation its oil fields belong to the Iraqi people such an act violates their sovereign rights. Even excluding all of Mr. Trumps past anti-Muslim comments many Muslims throughout the world think Western culture and specifically American culture is threatening their culture if one then overlays these remarks of Mr. Trump these remarks will clearly incentivize fringe Muslims to perpetuate violence against the West to preserve their culture. A sensible person would also conclude that a President Trump with his history plus his mouth which will likely spew further anti-Muslim rhetoric will impair and impede the trust the American government needs from Muslim countries and groups to succeed in its unavoidable task of bringing about the cessation of any significant size group of radical Islamism in the world so as to protect people throughout the world from a terrorism dangers from this ideology!

Mr. Trump is clearly not suited to be President. His emotional/psychological make-up is deficient for a President. This is evidenced by his continual display of the pattern that if someone verbally attacks him he has to attack that person back and tries for the counterattack to be harder. A President needs to be focused on big picture concerns often crucially important concerns he or she cannot be drawn into these emotional retaliation episodes that continually mire Mr. Trump. Donald Trump also has this emotional proclivity about getting the great deal he is always going to get this, that or the other great deal for the American people and this other guy got a bad deal or is incapable of getting a great deal. A President Trump with his disordered emotional need to get a great deal will very very likely agree to terms in his deals that are extremely bad for select groups of Americans and are overall extremely morally bad outcomes, for instance, taking away compelling parts of the safety net or government helping hand that is vitally important to people, the goal should be to diminish government hand-outs by expanding and improving opportunities for Americans to succeed not throwing Americans out of the boat. Mr. Trump also holds the character flaw where he ignores realities that trustworthy people don't ignore which simply makes him a person that one cannot fully trust he is not reliable to lead a country which unfortunately makes him unsuitable to be President; this is evidenced by his initiative that he as President is going to just deport illegal immigrants en masse he cannot do this these people have legal rights to be brought before a Judge and plead their case against deportation or Mr. Trumps claims that in dealing with China on trade if China doesn't stop their cheating he is just going to impose tariffs on Chinese imports he as President cannot do that for any long period of time because there is various domestic and international laws that would stop this initiative.

Americans don't commonly talk like this on politics but the stakes for America warrant this. It is really morally bad behavior for a person to support and vote for Donald Trump as President. He would be a very dangerous President, his make-up could put the country on a trajectory where the country fails and this wonderful God given blessing of America is lost forever. Trump supporters need to remember things in America can get dramatically worse, a reckless President like Mr. Trump could readily increase the chasm between the have and the have nots in America. It is not a moral defense for Mr. Trump supporters to say career politicians always fail the American people the standard of living for Americans has been steadily getting worse over the last twenty years give a non-career politician like Mr. Trump a try. This grievance is legitimate the answer is for heeding public calls for major changes to the nations constitution such as stop gerrymandering voting districts they need to be drawn by fixed algorithms, electoral college votes need to stop being distributed at the state level on a winner take all basis rather a percentage of vote basis needs to be used, and 501(C)(3) need to get their wings clipped the right of free speech does not equate with the right to give as much money to these groups as one wants. Similarly Trump supporters need to remember it is not morally legitimate to fight evil with evil punishing those responsible for our broken political system with a reckless dangerous President is not morally okay in the least.

This same admonishment can be said to Ted Cruz's supporters it is extremely morally wrong to support and vote for Ted Cruz for President of the United States. He is unsuited from a character and values standpoint to be President of the United States. Any person that as President would not raise the nation's debt ceiling with the current state of the law that does not provide absolute protections against default on American sovereign debt does not hold the character to be President for this behavior by a U.S. President would cause equity and bond markets world-wide to collapse the human suffering resulting would be staggering. Ted Cruz has made it clear in his Senate record that he would do such a reckless thing. Ted Cruz's inclination to shut down the government also underscores this character shortcoming! There is also something about Ted Cruz's make-up that makes him unsuited to be president (a President should have a certain level of care for others it is needed to accomplish what the President needs to accomplish) he seems to relish not getting along with people not fitting in it is okay to be one's own person it's okay to follow one's conscience on important principles but there is also the quality in human being of trying to get along, trying to work and trying to live with people one can do this and still be faithful to these aspects of one's person, Ted Cruz has a problem in this area. This is evidenced by his extreme unpopularity in the Senate, one has to have really significant personal shortcomings not to be liked in that exclusive small club called the Senate for that group even likes the "brain dead" Senator Bob Corker and the "narrow minded" Senator Jeff Sessions!
Do you get paid by the word?
What's morally wrong is for the GOP leadership to try and sink his candidacy. People in office are suppose work for their base. Everyone knows the GOP leadership has been screwing the base over for decades, but if that's what they want, they have the right to be self screwed. For people to decide how others should live their lives is just plain wrong. Shades of gay rights and women's rights.
What's morally wrong is for the GOP leadership to try and sink his candidacy. People in office are suppose work for their base. Everyone knows the GOP leadership has been screwing the base over for decades, but if that's what they want, they have the right to be self screwed. For people to decide how others should live their lives is just plain wrong. Shades of gay rights and women's rights.

Democrats have been screwing their base for a long time. They want the votes and try to appease the base during the elections years and then screw them over by blaming others. It's just plain wrong.
So basically the OP is a Kool-Aid drinking liberal who ignores that Obama exhibits the very same behavior and worse, got it. /eyeroll
After Obama it is hard to say who and what is morally wrong to vote for..

Obama has lower the standards to near epic portions..
That's bullshit and you know it. You people have repeated that crap so many times you actually start to believe it. It's tarded what little brains you have.
It was my hope like masses of Americans hope that the Trump Presidential run would be like the Ted Kennedy Presidential run in 1980 initially the polls are great for the candidate, in Ted Kennedy's case the reason was that people were nostalgic for the appeal and mystique of his brother John F. Kennedy Presidency but when it came close to the actual votes they considered what the candidate would do once elected in Ted Kennedy's case be a tax and spend liberal and his poll numbers then went into the basement. In Donald Trump's case this is not happening the reality of a Trump presidency is not stirring his supporters consciences to change their minds he is still leading in the polls and this is alarming. The analysts say that Trump's base consists of working class Americans, low and middle income ones, my comments on this development will be different from the ordinary publicly heard comments on the Trump campaign for it will have a religious perspective.

Since America is largely a Christian nation one can conclude you Trump supporters are probably mostly all Christians whatever the denomination it really doesn't matter because as Christians you believe in the existence of a God and believe the Bible guides one on how to learn about God. Where is your thinking whatever Christian denomination you stem from or belong to you cannot deny the biblical truths that one day when you die you will have a judgment day before God, the format is not important, where you will have to account for your life, the deeds you committed during your life, where it will be determined based on those deeds whether you go to heaven or hell the Bible has an abundances of references to this reality two that spring to mind are the parable of the virgins with their oil flasks and the other is the parable of servants given talons to hold while their master is on a trip! The other truth referenced explicitly in the Bible is that a human being has a continual duty to do what is good and avoid what is evil meaning in part to love one's neighbor. These religious realities should move these Americans to absolutely not support the Donald Trump presidency because a reasonable person must conclude that Donald Trump is not only going to bring badness upon America as President but tremendous badness this means it is not only sinful to support and vote for Mr. Trump but it is grievously sinful!

A Donald Trump presidency will definitely without a doubt bring about the deaths of Americans probably many Americans. His history of anti-Muslim remarks have consequences which cannot be escaped; not only his recent call to temporarily ban Muslims from coming into this country, but his comments calling for letting Vladimir Putin do whatever he wants militarily in Syria because all the anti-Assad forces we don't know who they are they are all likely radical Islamists wiping as many of them out as possible is the best outcome for America. Or Mr. Trumps comments that America should have taken possession of Iraqi oil fields and sold the oil to pay for the cost of the Iraq war is perceived as an extremely anti-Muslin statement for Iraq is a Muslim nation its oil fields belong to the Iraqi people such an act violates their sovereign rights. Even excluding all of Mr. Trumps past anti-Muslim comments many Muslims throughout the world think Western culture and specifically American culture is threatening their culture if one then overlays these remarks of Mr. Trump these remarks will clearly incentivize fringe Muslims to perpetuate violence against the West to preserve their culture. A sensible person would also conclude that a President Trump with his history plus his mouth which will likely spew further anti-Muslim rhetoric will impair and impede the trust the American government needs from Muslim countries and groups to succeed in its unavoidable task of bringing about the cessation of any significant size group of radical Islamism in the world so as to protect people throughout the world from a terrorism dangers from this ideology!

Mr. Trump is clearly not suited to be President. His emotional/psychological make-up is deficient for a President. This is evidenced by his continual display of the pattern that if someone verbally attacks him he has to attack that person back and tries for the counterattack to be harder. A President needs to be focused on big picture concerns often crucially important concerns he or she cannot be drawn into these emotional retaliation episodes that continually mire Mr. Trump. Donald Trump also has this emotional proclivity about getting the great deal he is always going to get this, that or the other great deal for the American people and this other guy got a bad deal or is incapable of getting a great deal. A President Trump with his disordered emotional need to get a great deal will very very likely agree to terms in his deals that are extremely bad for select groups of Americans and are overall extremely morally bad outcomes, for instance, taking away compelling parts of the safety net or government helping hand that is vitally important to people, the goal should be to diminish government hand-outs by expanding and improving opportunities for Americans to succeed not throwing Americans out of the boat. Mr. Trump also holds the character flaw where he ignores realities that trustworthy people don't ignore which simply makes him a person that one cannot fully trust he is not reliable to lead a country which unfortunately makes him unsuitable to be President; this is evidenced by his initiative that he as President is going to just deport illegal immigrants en masse he cannot do this these people have legal rights to be brought before a Judge and plead their case against deportation or Mr. Trumps claims that in dealing with China on trade if China doesn't stop their cheating he is just going to impose tariffs on Chinese imports he as President cannot do that for any long period of time because there is various domestic and international laws that would stop this initiative.

Americans don't commonly talk like this on politics but the stakes for America warrant this. It is really morally bad behavior for a person to support and vote for Donald Trump as President. He would be a very dangerous President, his make-up could put the country on a trajectory where the country fails and this wonderful God given blessing of America is lost forever. Trump supporters need to remember things in America can get dramatically worse, a reckless President like Mr. Trump could readily increase the chasm between the have and the have nots in America. It is not a moral defense for Mr. Trump supporters to say career politicians always fail the American people the standard of living for Americans has been steadily getting worse over the last twenty years give a non-career politician like Mr. Trump a try. This grievance is legitimate the answer is for heeding public calls for major changes to the nations constitution such as stop gerrymandering voting districts they need to be drawn by fixed algorithms, electoral college votes need to stop being distributed at the state level on a winner take all basis rather a percentage of vote basis needs to be used, and 501(C)(3) need to get their wings clipped the right of free speech does not equate with the right to give as much money to these groups as one wants. Similarly Trump supporters need to remember it is not morally legitimate to fight evil with evil punishing those responsible for our broken political system with a reckless dangerous President is not morally okay in the least.

This same admonishment can be said to Ted Cruz's supporters it is extremely morally wrong to support and vote for Ted Cruz for President of the United States. He is unsuited from a character and values standpoint to be President of the United States. Any person that as President would not raise the nation's debt ceiling with the current state of the law that does not provide absolute protections against default on American sovereign debt does not hold the character to be President for this behavior by a U.S. President would cause equity and bond markets world-wide to collapse the human suffering resulting would be staggering. Ted Cruz has made it clear in his Senate record that he would do such a reckless thing. Ted Cruz's inclination to shut down the government also underscores this character shortcoming! There is also something about Ted Cruz's make-up that makes him unsuited to be president (a President should have a certain level of care for others it is needed to accomplish what the President needs to accomplish) he seems to relish not getting along with people not fitting in it is okay to be one's own person it's okay to follow one's conscience on important principles but there is also the quality in human being of trying to get along, trying to work and trying to live with people one can do this and still be faithful to these aspects of one's person, Ted Cruz has a problem in this area. This is evidenced by his extreme unpopularity in the Senate, one has to have really significant personal shortcomings not to be liked in that exclusive small club called the Senate for that group even likes the "brain dead" Senator Bob Corker and the "narrow minded" Senator Jeff Sessions!

Do you have a spot on the Trinity Broadcast Channel? What a load of hot air!! LOL!! Get a pulpit or better yet, check yourself into an asylum.
It was my hope like masses of Americans hope that the Trump Presidential run would be like the Ted Kennedy Presidential run in 1980 initially the polls are great for the candidate, in Ted Kennedy's case the reason was that people were nostalgic for the appeal and mystique of his brother John F. Kennedy Presidency but when it came close to the actual votes they considered what the candidate would do once elected in Ted Kennedy's case be a tax and spend liberal and his poll numbers then went into the basement. In Donald Trump's case this is not happening the reality of a Trump presidency is not stirring his supporters consciences to change their minds he is still leading in the polls and this is alarming. The analysts say that Trump's base consists of working class Americans, low and middle income ones, my comments on this development will be different from the ordinary publicly heard comments on the Trump campaign for it will have a religious perspective.

Since America is largely a Christian nation one can conclude you Trump supporters are probably mostly all Christians whatever the denomination it really doesn't matter because as Christians you believe in the existence of a God and believe the Bible guides one on how to learn about God. Where is your thinking whatever Christian denomination you stem from or belong to you cannot deny the biblical truths that one day when you die you will have a judgment day before God, the format is not important, where you will have to account for your life, the deeds you committed during your life, where it will be determined based on those deeds whether you go to heaven or hell the Bible has an abundances of references to this reality two that spring to mind are the parable of the virgins with their oil flasks and the other is the parable of servants given talons to hold while their master is on a trip! The other truth referenced explicitly in the Bible is that a human being has a continual duty to do what is good and avoid what is evil meaning in part to love one's neighbor. These religious realities should move these Americans to absolutely not support the Donald Trump presidency because a reasonable person must conclude that Donald Trump is not only going to bring badness upon America as President but tremendous badness this means it is not only sinful to support and vote for Mr. Trump but it is grievously sinful!

A Donald Trump presidency will definitely without a doubt bring about the deaths of Americans probably many Americans. His history of anti-Muslim remarks have consequences which cannot be escaped; not only his recent call to temporarily ban Muslims from coming into this country, but his comments calling for letting Vladimir Putin do whatever he wants militarily in Syria because all the anti-Assad forces we don't know who they are they are all likely radical Islamists wiping as many of them out as possible is the best outcome for America. Or Mr. Trumps comments that America should have taken possession of Iraqi oil fields and sold the oil to pay for the cost of the Iraq war is perceived as an extremely anti-Muslin statement for Iraq is a Muslim nation its oil fields belong to the Iraqi people such an act violates their sovereign rights. Even excluding all of Mr. Trumps past anti-Muslim comments many Muslims throughout the world think Western culture and specifically American culture is threatening their culture if one then overlays these remarks of Mr. Trump these remarks will clearly incentivize fringe Muslims to perpetuate violence against the West to preserve their culture. A sensible person would also conclude that a President Trump with his history plus his mouth which will likely spew further anti-Muslim rhetoric will impair and impede the trust the American government needs from Muslim countries and groups to succeed in its unavoidable task of bringing about the cessation of any significant size group of radical Islamism in the world so as to protect people throughout the world from a terrorism dangers from this ideology!

Mr. Trump is clearly not suited to be President. His emotional/psychological make-up is deficient for a President. This is evidenced by his continual display of the pattern that if someone verbally attacks him he has to attack that person back and tries for the counterattack to be harder. A President needs to be focused on big picture concerns often crucially important concerns he or she cannot be drawn into these emotional retaliation episodes that continually mire Mr. Trump. Donald Trump also has this emotional proclivity about getting the great deal he is always going to get this, that or the other great deal for the American people and this other guy got a bad deal or is incapable of getting a great deal. A President Trump with his disordered emotional need to get a great deal will very very likely agree to terms in his deals that are extremely bad for select groups of Americans and are overall extremely morally bad outcomes, for instance, taking away compelling parts of the safety net or government helping hand that is vitally important to people, the goal should be to diminish government hand-outs by expanding and improving opportunities for Americans to succeed not throwing Americans out of the boat. Mr. Trump also holds the character flaw where he ignores realities that trustworthy people don't ignore which simply makes him a person that one cannot fully trust he is not reliable to lead a country which unfortunately makes him unsuitable to be President; this is evidenced by his initiative that he as President is going to just deport illegal immigrants en masse he cannot do this these people have legal rights to be brought before a Judge and plead their case against deportation or Mr. Trumps claims that in dealing with China on trade if China doesn't stop their cheating he is just going to impose tariffs on Chinese imports he as President cannot do that for any long period of time because there is various domestic and international laws that would stop this initiative.

Americans don't commonly talk like this on politics but the stakes for America warrant this. It is really morally bad behavior for a person to support and vote for Donald Trump as President. He would be a very dangerous President, his make-up could put the country on a trajectory where the country fails and this wonderful God given blessing of America is lost forever. Trump supporters need to remember things in America can get dramatically worse, a reckless President like Mr. Trump could readily increase the chasm between the have and the have nots in America. It is not a moral defense for Mr. Trump supporters to say career politicians always fail the American people the standard of living for Americans has been steadily getting worse over the last twenty years give a non-career politician like Mr. Trump a try. This grievance is legitimate the answer is for heeding public calls for major changes to the nations constitution such as stop gerrymandering voting districts they need to be drawn by fixed algorithms, electoral college votes need to stop being distributed at the state level on a winner take all basis rather a percentage of vote basis needs to be used, and 501(C)(3) need to get their wings clipped the right of free speech does not equate with the right to give as much money to these groups as one wants. Similarly Trump supporters need to remember it is not morally legitimate to fight evil with evil punishing those responsible for our broken political system with a reckless dangerous President is not morally okay in the least.

This same admonishment can be said to Ted Cruz's supporters it is extremely morally wrong to support and vote for Ted Cruz for President of the United States. He is unsuited from a character and values standpoint to be President of the United States. Any person that as President would not raise the nation's debt ceiling with the current state of the law that does not provide absolute protections against default on American sovereign debt does not hold the character to be President for this behavior by a U.S. President would cause equity and bond markets world-wide to collapse the human suffering resulting would be staggering. Ted Cruz has made it clear in his Senate record that he would do such a reckless thing. Ted Cruz's inclination to shut down the government also underscores this character shortcoming! There is also something about Ted Cruz's make-up that makes him unsuited to be president (a President should have a certain level of care for others it is needed to accomplish what the President needs to accomplish) he seems to relish not getting along with people not fitting in it is okay to be one's own person it's okay to follow one's conscience on important principles but there is also the quality in human being of trying to get along, trying to work and trying to live with people one can do this and still be faithful to these aspects of one's person, Ted Cruz has a problem in this area. This is evidenced by his extreme unpopularity in the Senate, one has to have really significant personal shortcomings not to be liked in that exclusive small club called the Senate for that group even likes the "brain dead" Senator Bob Corker and the "narrow minded" Senator Jeff Sessions!
Do you get paid by the word?


L. Ron Hubbard got tired of three cents a word, and started a creepy science-fiction religion. Look how many bought it.

Same with the Democrats. They'll buy anything.
After Obama it is hard to say who and what is morally wrong to vote for..

Obama has lower the standards to near epic portions..
That's bullshit and you know it. You people have repeated that crap so many times you actually start to believe it. It's tarded what little brains you have.

See how the far left drones can not admit to what they have done..

Obama is worse than Bush and you voted for him twice..
"It is Extremely Morally Wrong To Vote For Donald Trump!"


I thought morality was kind of an on/off switch. I didn't know it was a dimmer switch.

This is great! I can covet my neighbors wife to the point that she gives me a blow job, but no further than that.

Since morality is relative ... we can pretty much rationalize anything. Even voting for Trump, or Obama for that matter.
It was my hope like masses of Americans hope that the Trump Presidential run would be like the Ted Kennedy Presidential run in 1980 initially the polls are great for the candidate, in Ted Kennedy's case the reason was that people were nostalgic for the appeal and mystique of his brother John F. Kennedy Presidency but when it came close to the actual votes they considered what the candidate would do once elected in Ted Kennedy's case be a tax and spend liberal and his poll numbers then went into the basement. In Donald Trump's case this is not happening the reality of a Trump presidency is not stirring his supporters consciences to change their minds he is still leading in the polls and this is alarming. The analysts say that Trump's base consists of working class Americans, low and middle income ones, my comments on this development will be different from the ordinary publicly heard comments on the Trump campaign for it will have a religious perspective.

Since America is largely a Christian nation one can conclude you Trump supporters are probably mostly all Christians whatever the denomination it really doesn't matter because as Christians you believe in the existence of a God and believe the Bible guides one on how to learn about God. Where is your thinking whatever Christian denomination you stem from or belong to you cannot deny the biblical truths that one day when you die you will have a judgment day before God, the format is not important, where you will have to account for your life, the deeds you committed during your life, where it will be determined based on those deeds whether you go to heaven or hell the Bible has an abundances of references to this reality two that spring to mind are the parable of the virgins with their oil flasks and the other is the parable of servants given talons to hold while their master is on a trip! The other truth referenced explicitly in the Bible is that a human being has a continual duty to do what is good and avoid what is evil meaning in part to love one's neighbor. These religious realities should move these Americans to absolutely not support the Donald Trump presidency because a reasonable person must conclude that Donald Trump is not only going to bring badness upon America as President but tremendous badness this means it is not only sinful to support and vote for Mr. Trump but it is grievously sinful!

A Donald Trump presidency will definitely without a doubt bring about the deaths of Americans probably many Americans. His history of anti-Muslim remarks have consequences which cannot be escaped; not only his recent call to temporarily ban Muslims from coming into this country, but his comments calling for letting Vladimir Putin do whatever he wants militarily in Syria because all the anti-Assad forces we don't know who they are they are all likely radical Islamists wiping as many of them out as possible is the best outcome for America. Or Mr. Trumps comments that America should have taken possession of Iraqi oil fields and sold the oil to pay for the cost of the Iraq war is perceived as an extremely anti-Muslin statement for Iraq is a Muslim nation its oil fields belong to the Iraqi people such an act violates their sovereign rights. Even excluding all of Mr. Trumps past anti-Muslim comments many Muslims throughout the world think Western culture and specifically American culture is threatening their culture if one then overlays these remarks of Mr. Trump these remarks will clearly incentivize fringe Muslims to perpetuate violence against the West to preserve their culture. A sensible person would also conclude that a President Trump with his history plus his mouth which will likely spew further anti-Muslim rhetoric will impair and impede the trust the American government needs from Muslim countries and groups to succeed in its unavoidable task of bringing about the cessation of any significant size group of radical Islamism in the world so as to protect people throughout the world from a terrorism dangers from this ideology!

Mr. Trump is clearly not suited to be President. His emotional/psychological make-up is deficient for a President. This is evidenced by his continual display of the pattern that if someone verbally attacks him he has to attack that person back and tries for the counterattack to be harder. A President needs to be focused on big picture concerns often crucially important concerns he or she cannot be drawn into these emotional retaliation episodes that continually mire Mr. Trump. Donald Trump also has this emotional proclivity about getting the great deal he is always going to get this, that or the other great deal for the American people and this other guy got a bad deal or is incapable of getting a great deal. A President Trump with his disordered emotional need to get a great deal will very very likely agree to terms in his deals that are extremely bad for select groups of Americans and are overall extremely morally bad outcomes, for instance, taking away compelling parts of the safety net or government helping hand that is vitally important to people, the goal should be to diminish government hand-outs by expanding and improving opportunities for Americans to succeed not throwing Americans out of the boat. Mr. Trump also holds the character flaw where he ignores realities that trustworthy people don't ignore which simply makes him a person that one cannot fully trust he is not reliable to lead a country which unfortunately makes him unsuitable to be President; this is evidenced by his initiative that he as President is going to just deport illegal immigrants en masse he cannot do this these people have legal rights to be brought before a Judge and plead their case against deportation or Mr. Trumps claims that in dealing with China on trade if China doesn't stop their cheating he is just going to impose tariffs on Chinese imports he as President cannot do that for any long period of time because there is various domestic and international laws that would stop this initiative.

Americans don't commonly talk like this on politics but the stakes for America warrant this. It is really morally bad behavior for a person to support and vote for Donald Trump as President. He would be a very dangerous President, his make-up could put the country on a trajectory where the country fails and this wonderful God given blessing of America is lost forever. Trump supporters need to remember things in America can get dramatically worse, a reckless President like Mr. Trump could readily increase the chasm between the have and the have nots in America. It is not a moral defense for Mr. Trump supporters to say career politicians always fail the American people the standard of living for Americans has been steadily getting worse over the last twenty years give a non-career politician like Mr. Trump a try. This grievance is legitimate the answer is for heeding public calls for major changes to the nations constitution such as stop gerrymandering voting districts they need to be drawn by fixed algorithms, electoral college votes need to stop being distributed at the state level on a winner take all basis rather a percentage of vote basis needs to be used, and 501(C)(3) need to get their wings clipped the right of free speech does not equate with the right to give as much money to these groups as one wants. Similarly Trump supporters need to remember it is not morally legitimate to fight evil with evil punishing those responsible for our broken political system with a reckless dangerous President is not morally okay in the least.

This same admonishment can be said to Ted Cruz's supporters it is extremely morally wrong to support and vote for Ted Cruz for President of the United States. He is unsuited from a character and values standpoint to be President of the United States. Any person that as President would not raise the nation's debt ceiling with the current state of the law that does not provide absolute protections against default on American sovereign debt does not hold the character to be President for this behavior by a U.S. President would cause equity and bond markets world-wide to collapse the human suffering resulting would be staggering. Ted Cruz has made it clear in his Senate record that he would do such a reckless thing. Ted Cruz's inclination to shut down the government also underscores this character shortcoming! There is also something about Ted Cruz's make-up that makes him unsuited to be president (a President should have a certain level of care for others it is needed to accomplish what the President needs to accomplish) he seems to relish not getting along with people not fitting in it is okay to be one's own person it's okay to follow one's conscience on important principles but there is also the quality in human being of trying to get along, trying to work and trying to live with people one can do this and still be faithful to these aspects of one's person, Ted Cruz has a problem in this area. This is evidenced by his extreme unpopularity in the Senate, one has to have really significant personal shortcomings not to be liked in that exclusive small club called the Senate for that group even likes the "brain dead" Senator Bob Corker and the "narrow minded" Senator Jeff Sessions!
Do you get paid by the word?


L. Ron Hubbard got tired of three cents a word, and started a creepy science-fiction religion. Look how many bought it.

Same with the Democrats. They'll buy anything.
It's OK to paint Republicans with a broad brush because they are 90% white and nearly all Christian. Democrats are everyone else.
What's morally wrong is for the GOP leadership to try and sink his candidacy. People in office are suppose work for their base. Everyone knows the GOP leadership has been screwing the base over for decades, but if that's what they want, they have the right to be self screwed. For people to decide how others should live their lives is just plain wrong. Shades of gay rights and women's rights.

Democrats have been screwing their base for a long time. They want the votes and try to appease the base during the elections years and then screw them over by blaming others. It's just plain wrong.
Democrats are for child care. They are for a livable minimum wage. They want all Americans to have an education and health care. Democrats want a clean country with safe and well paying jobs.

All things Republicans are against How do we know? GOP policies spell it out. You want me to list them?

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