It is just astounding how republicans can continue to be in denial about Trump

I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails....

Bwuhahaha .....

What is amazing is after 3 years of non-stop denial you attempt to start a thread accusing Republicans of being in denial, and in your very 1st sentence you deny every criminal act, every criminal country the FBI publicly produced, Comey's testimony under oath in which he testified Hillary broke laws and lied, and Comey's public announcement during which he declared HILLARY BROKE LAWS...but was too stupid to know she was doing it...



I think the problem is that Trump is an outsider. He's cleaning up stuff, stuff that could destroy the U.S. Tactics that are used in nations where corruption and bribery are common.

Obama leaves office and buys a $15M mansion. Bidens sons deal with Biden openly talking about it. Is any of this of interest to anyone? China? Ukraine? Does it seem on the up and up for Hillarys Foundation to be well funded by global governments?

Trump isn't perfect, but he's been in office for 3 years, he isn't responsible for the global socialist desire to destroy capitalism and the U.S Republic. This should NOT be partisan, but it is and it cannot remain so.

No matter what happens with Trumps presidency, you can be sure he will expose as much as he can, especially if in fact they try to destroy his presidency. He was duly elected. Citizens should decide their government, not a cabal of elites as they do in Monarchies and Dictatorships.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails....

Bwuhahaha .....

What is amazing is after 3 years of non-stop denial you attempt to start a thread accusing Republicans of being in denial, and in your very 1st sentence you deny every criminal act, every criminal country the FBI publicly produced, Comey's testimony under oath in which he testified Hillary broke laws and lied, and Comey's public announcement during which he declared HILLARY BROKE LAWS...but was too stupid to know she was doing it...



Oh Christ I don’t give two shits what happens to Hillary. The FBI is welcome to investigate her all they want. Of course, there’s a reason they haven’t done much of anything lol
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

We already have a TDS thread for the day. Please move your grievances and possible updates regarding the deteriorating condition there.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

You think it should be illegal for a President to ask about a corruption investigation that was dropped due to a bribery?
It’s a wonder how Dim’s could have so blindly followed Obama down the rabbit hole, then drank the koolaid and prepared to follow Hillary into the abyss of corruption and deceit. Speaks volumes as to what defines todays Dimmy.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.
They are manufacturing tons of it tonight.
I think the problem is that Trump is an outsider. He's cleaning up stuff, stuff that could destroy the U.S. Tactics that are used in nations where corruption and bribery are common.

Obama leaves office and buys a $15M mansion. Bidens sons deal with Biden openly talking about it. Is any of this of interest to anyone? China? Ukraine? Does it seem on the up and up for Hillarys Foundation to be well funded by global governments?

Trump isn't perfect, but he's been in office for 3 years, he isn't responsible for the global socialist desire to destroy capitalism and the U.S Republic. This should NOT be partisan, but it is and it cannot remain so.

No matter what happens with Trumps presidency, you can be sure he will expose as much as he can, especially if in fact they try to destroy his presidency. He was duly elected. Citizens should decide their government, not a cabal of elites as they do in Monarchies and Dictatorships.
Lol at you thinking anything is getting "cleaned up" under this corrupt and illegitimate *administration*.
What is amazing is you and other's like you have continued to post the same moronic hyper-partisan horsehit non stop for three years now. But hey you guys go down this impeachment road and when it goes nowhere and could very easily end up helping Trump get reelected and even cost the Democrats the House remember those who warned you about this,
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.
You Trump - Russia collusion?

How'd that 3 year Muller investigation & conspiracy hysteria work out for you?
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

You think it should be illegal for a President to ask about a corruption investigation that was dropped due to a bribery?
He didn’t ask about any specific shit whatsoever besides ANY dirt on Biden. You do get that right? It’s not like his dumbass let alone the media believe this scandal about Biden is true. But let’s say for argument sake Biden did something illegal. That still doesn’t change Trump striking a deal with a foreign power to get dirt. That is illegal either way.

Also, if Trump was so concerned about Biden’s so called corruption, why would he have fucking Ukraine handle it. How do you not see how ridiculous you sound?
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

May we wait until we see the transcript before rushing to judgement? The Russia thing was BS as was the Kavanaugh thing. Your party is losing all sorts of credibility. What’s next? Private servers and smashed blackberries? Purchasing $15mil mansions? Stating you’re Native American when you’re not? Calling yourself Spartacus? Oh...nvm
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

You think it should be illegal for a President to ask about a corruption investigation that was dropped due to a bribery?
He didn’t ask about any specific shit whatsoever besides ANY dirt on Biden. You do get that right? It’s not like his dumbass let alone the media believe this scandal about Biden is true. But let’s say for argument sake Biden did something illegal. That still doesn’t change Trump striking a deal with a foreign power to get dirt. That is illegal either way.

Also, if Trump was so concerned about Biden’s so called corruption, why would he have fucking Ukraine handle it. How do you not see how ridiculous you sound?

So you read the transcript?
In the end this could be terrible news for Biden. His son made millions due to political connections.

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