It is just astounding how republicans can continue to be in denial about Trump

I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

You think it should be illegal for a President to ask about a corruption investigation that was dropped due to a bribery?
He didn’t ask about any specific shit whatsoever besides ANY dirt on Biden. You do get that right? It’s not like his dumbass let alone the media believe this scandal about Biden is true. But let’s say for argument sake Biden did something illegal. That still doesn’t change Trump striking a deal with a foreign power to get dirt. That is illegal either way.

Also, if Trump was so concerned about Biden’s so called corruption, why would he have fucking Ukraine handle it. How do you not see how ridiculous you sound?

The Ukraine was already investigating the company that Joe Jr worked for. That’s when Joe Senior threatened them to drop it, or else not get $1.2 Billion.

That’s all the dirt we need.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

If I'm ever reading one of your ridiculous threads and fall over dead from boredom... I've instructed my hubby to find you and kick your ass.
I think the problem is that Trump is an outsider. He's cleaning up stuff, stuff that could destroy the U.S. Tactics that are used in nations where corruption and bribery are common.

Obama leaves office and buys a $15M mansion. Bidens sons deal with Biden openly talking about it. Is any of this of interest to anyone? China? Ukraine? Does it seem on the up and up for Hillarys Foundation to be well funded by global governments?

Trump isn't perfect, but he's been in office for 3 years, he isn't responsible for the global socialist desire to destroy capitalism and the U.S Republic. This should NOT be partisan, but it is and it cannot remain so.

No matter what happens with Trumps presidency, you can be sure he will expose as much as he can, especially if in fact they try to destroy his presidency. He was duly elected. Citizens should decide their government, not a cabal of elites as they do in Monarchies and Dictatorships.

Obama's reaping his reward. Didn't jail any bankers from the great crash after he got in office. He went along to get along. Typical corporate democrat who's now reaping his rewards by giving speeches to wall streeters for half a mil per. Same as bill clinton. So much for them being the liberals and socialists the right wing accuses them of being although even a corporate democrat will help out the poor and working class a little now and then. Something no rat bastard republican would ever do.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

You think it should be illegal for a President to ask about a corruption investigation that was dropped due to a bribery?
He didn’t ask about any specific shit whatsoever besides ANY dirt on Biden. You do get that right? It’s not like his dumbass let alone the media believe this scandal about Biden is true. But let’s say for argument sake Biden did something illegal. That still doesn’t change Trump striking a deal with a foreign power to get dirt. That is illegal either way.

Also, if Trump was so concerned about Biden’s so called corruption, why would he have fucking Ukraine handle it. How do you not see how ridiculous you sound?

The Ukraine was already investigating the company that Joe Jr worked for. That’s when Joe Senior threatened them to drop it, or else not get $1.2 Billion.

That’s all the dirt we need.
How do you come up with this crap? Obviously that’s non sense but even if it wasn’t, you absolving Trump of any wrong doing is ridiculous. He by his own admission tried to get dirt on Biden from a foreign power.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

May we wait until we see the transcript before rushing to judgement? The Russia thing was BS as was the Kavanaugh thing. Your party is losing all sorts of credibility. What’s next? Private servers and smashed blackberries? Purchasing $15mil mansions? Stating you’re Native American when you’re not? Calling yourself Spartacus? Oh...nvm
Oh for fuck sake. Is Trump’s own admission not enough for you? Also, why is he trying so hard to suppress it if it would vindicate him?
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

If I'm ever reading one of your ridiculous threads and fall over dead from boredom... I've instructed my hubby to find you and kick your ass.
Lol pretty sure threats are against the rules here but you sound so incredibly lame that I don’t even care.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

You think it should be illegal for a President to ask about a corruption investigation that was dropped due to a bribery?
You didn't mention military aid.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

You think it should be illegal for a President to ask about a corruption investigation that was dropped due to a bribery?
He didn’t ask about any specific shit whatsoever besides ANY dirt on Biden. You do get that right? It’s not like his dumbass let alone the media believe this scandal about Biden is true. But let’s say for argument sake Biden did something illegal. That still doesn’t change Trump striking a deal with a foreign power to get dirt. That is illegal either way.

Also, if Trump was so concerned about Biden’s so called corruption, why would he have fucking Ukraine handle it. How do you not see how ridiculous you sound?

The Ukraine was already investigating the company that Joe Jr worked for. That’s when Joe Senior threatened them to drop it, or else not get $1.2 Billion.

That’s all the dirt we need.
How do you come up with this crap? Obviously that’s non sense but even if it wasn’t, you absolving Trump of any wrong doing is ridiculous. He by his own admission tried to get dirt on Biden from a foreign power.

What’s wrong with finding out if Biden did anything illegal? Isn’t “no one above the law”?

Just like it wasn’t wrong to get dirt on Hillary. The American public deserves to know the truth about Democrat crimes and corruption.
You’re just butt hurt because another Dem’s illegal activities have been exposed. Why don’t you people elect Dems that don’t break the law and abuse their authority?
Oh for fuck sake. Is Trump’s own admission not enough for you? Also, why is he trying so hard to suppress it if it would vindicate him?
Good grief.. This is the same shit we heard for 3 years during the Russia Collusion Witch Hunt, and Trump was 100% exonerated.

Every time Trump farts you have to go smell it and claim it proves he ate something illegal.

Biden is on tape bragging about bullying the Ukes into dropping the prosecutor doing the corruption investigation into the company that hired Biden's son to buy influence.

News Flash. It's both legal and proper for one nation's leader to request another country investigate suspected (or in this case known) corruption.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.
It’s not so much denial as it is blind partisanism – Republicans would never be critical of a Republican president, no matter how wrong and reprehensible that Republican president is.
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.
Hard to cope with folks not buckling to your multi year, multi million dollar temper tantrum, huh?
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.

May we wait until we see the transcript before rushing to judgement? The Russia thing was BS as was the Kavanaugh thing. Your party is losing all sorts of credibility. What’s next? Private servers and smashed blackberries? Purchasing $15mil mansions? Stating you’re Native American when you’re not? Calling yourself Spartacus? Oh...nvm
Oh for fuck sake. Is Trump’s own admission not enough for you? Also, why is he trying so hard to suppress it if it would vindicate him?

He said he asked about it he never said he bribed him. Learn the law. Impeachment may only take place if a high crime occurs. Asking a question is not a high crime. He is suppressing it to allow his attorneys to review it since people like you and people in the media have taken the stance of guilty until proven innocent. See Brett Kavanaugh.
I think the problem is that Trump is an outsider. He's cleaning up stuff, stuff that could destroy the U.S. Tactics that are used in nations where corruption and bribery are common.

Obama leaves office and buys a $15M mansion. Bidens sons deal with Biden openly talking about it. Is any of this of interest to anyone? China? Ukraine? Does it seem on the up and up for Hillarys Foundation to be well funded by global governments?

Trump isn't perfect, but he's been in office for 3 years, he isn't responsible for the global socialist desire to destroy capitalism and the U.S Republic. This should NOT be partisan, but it is and it cannot remain so.

No matter what happens with Trumps presidency, you can be sure he will expose as much as he can, especially if in fact they try to destroy his presidency. He was duly elected. Citizens should decide their government, not a cabal of elites as they do in Monarchies and Dictatorships.

Why does every question about Trump's corruption end up with defection?

I don't care about Obama, Hillary or Biden and you are welcome to investigate them all you lie... Go on... We have been here a thousand times and to if you want to investigate go on...

Now is Trump Corrupt is a totally different question... If he asked the Ukrainian President to investigate Biden, he is? Now let's see the evidence...
I mean my god, they wanted Hillary thrown in jail over emails yet they somehow pretend, as usual, that any negative press about Trump is simply “fake news”.
It’s not so much denial as it is blind partisanism – Republicans would never be critical of a Republican president, no matter how wrong and reprehensible that Republican president is.

Clinton and Obama set the bar so low, we will never have a Republican president that could reach it.

After Trump's phone-calls with other leaders kept getting leaked, transcripts of Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders have been kept on a secure server, which they claim is a COVER UP! Conversations between our president and foreign heads of state on a secure server? I should hope so! Where else would they be kept?

Susan Rice has acknowledged that the Obama administration did the same thing, one of the few sensible actions we can attribute to Rice and her crew. But there is a difference: President Obama didn’t have to worry about hostile, embedded bureaucrats leaking everything they could get their hands on to the New York Times or the Washington Post. But that is the world in which President Trump, sadly, lives. So, all the more reason why his conversations with foreign leaders should be kept on a secure server, so that they might possibly remain confidential.

It is not necessary, strictly speaking, for sensitive foreign communications to be maintained in a secure and confidential manner. There is an alternative: Trump could have hired some random IT person to set up a server in the bathroom of his house. He could have conducted foreign policy off the books–off our books, that is, since the Chinese, the Russians and anyone else would have quickly figured out how to camp on his “private” server and monitor all incoming and outgoing communications.

Why would anyone do anything so stupid? To avoid FOIA requests and thereby keep official communications secret from the American people, if not from the Russians and Chinese. But no senior U.S. official, sworn to protect the interests of Americans, would ever do anything so selfishly devious. Right?

Well, President Trump wouldn’t, anyway.
I think the problem is that Trump is an outsider. He's cleaning up stuff, stuff that could destroy the U.S. Tactics that are used in nations where corruption and bribery are common.

Obama leaves office and buys a $15M mansion. Bidens sons deal with Biden openly talking about it. Is any of this of interest to anyone? China? Ukraine? Does it seem on the up and up for Hillarys Foundation to be well funded by global governments?

Trump isn't perfect, but he's been in office for 3 years, he isn't responsible for the global socialist desire to destroy capitalism and the U.S Republic. This should NOT be partisan, but it is and it cannot remain so.

No matter what happens with Trumps presidency, you can be sure he will expose as much as he can, especially if in fact they try to destroy his presidency. He was duly elected. Citizens should decide their government, not a cabal of elites as they do in Monarchies and Dictatorships.
Lol at you thinking anything is getting "cleaned up" under this corrupt and illegitimate *administration*.

Trump was an outsider. The old guard shadow govt hates him. Trump should have had the DOJ investigating all of Os illegal activities in the ukraine, uncle joe and his son, from day one. Trump thought they'd all just go away. That's where his lack of the inner workings of the govt colon bite him all the time.
I think the problem is that Trump is an outsider. He's cleaning up stuff, stuff that could destroy the U.S. Tactics that are used in nations where corruption and bribery are common.

Obama leaves office and buys a $15M mansion. Bidens sons deal with Biden openly talking about it. Is any of this of interest to anyone? China? Ukraine? Does it seem on the up and up for Hillarys Foundation to be well funded by global governments?

Trump isn't perfect, but he's been in office for 3 years, he isn't responsible for the global socialist desire to destroy capitalism and the U.S Republic. This should NOT be partisan, but it is and it cannot remain so.

No matter what happens with Trumps presidency, you can be sure he will expose as much as he can, especially if in fact they try to destroy his presidency. He was duly elected. Citizens should decide their government, not a cabal of elites as they do in Monarchies and Dictatorships.

Why does every question about Trump's corruption end up with defection?

I don't care about Obama, Hillary or Biden and you are welcome to investigate them all you lie... Go on... We have been here a thousand times and to if you want to investigate go on...

Now is Trump Corrupt is a totally different question... If he asked the Ukrainian President to investigate Biden, he is? Now let's see the evidence...

What corruption?

REAL corruption is having a foreign government, a communist enemy at that; sending cash over for the benefit of having your industries and jobs shipped over so a few lazy, fat investors can make some easy money. As a bonus, maybe they can get a few people to look the other way when they ship fentanyl into the communities they destroy.

Any scumbag in ANY position of government or the security apparatus who lets this happen, is no friend of mine. You notice all of this happened since China entered the WTO? Coincidence?

Welcome to the new world of high bribery and theft of your nation. Wake up America, this is being done right in front of your face and they are desperate to prevent the clock from turning back on their easy money scheme.

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