It is NOT FAKE News folks.......


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
President Trump has helped perpetuate the meme tha MSM creates "Fake News" and he uses the wrong adjective.

Here is a perfect example.
How many of the MSM call it "Trump's Wall"? Why?
President Trump is upholding the Constitution which clearly states
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,
Preamble to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Why does the MSM create the impression this is "Trump's wall" when all he is doing is defending the country?
It is NOT fake news but biased and out of context reporting.

Another example: "Trump anti-immigrant"! Really? With a grandmother that was a legal immigrant and a wife that is a legal immigrant he is against all immigrants?

Another example : Trump is anti Jewish because he supports Nazis. Really? With a daughter who converted to Judaism and a Jewish son in law? Seriously?

These are just a few examples where Trump is wrong declaring "FAKE" news but certainly doing what they do..take it out of context present it in a biased method.

And why does the MSM do this? They HATE TRUMP more than they love the truth and America!
Correct. There is a significant difference between "fake news"and bias.

The "mainstream media" is generally biased to the Left. Obviously.

Trump & Co. commandeered the term "Fake News" to take attention and heat away from the websites that were originally labeled as "Fake News", i.e., Breitbart, Alex Jones, WND, etc., because of their purely fabricated stories that were somehow believed by many. Trump leveraged his bully pulpit (Twitter, most of all, of course) to completely divert and change the meaning of the term.

Between bias and fabrication, there's very little intellectual honesty floating around out there right now.
Fake news is KNOWINGLY reporting that Nikki Haley bought $50,000 curtains for the Apartment for the UN ambassador for the United States when they were purchased by Obama’s Ambassador.

They lied to make Trump look bad....then the retraction is released, but buried.

To me, this bullshit lie exemplifies the fake news media.
I’m sorry, calling someone anti Semitic when they aren’t isn’t just bias, it is fake.
It will be the same day that the Comet Hale Bop collides with a Blue Moon during a bombardment of Brigadoon by flying pigs when the average Trump supporter will admit that

Trump is a liar without invoking “all politicians lie” or “What about _______’
That the Special Counsel investigation has merit based on the Russians hacking the DNC at the same time Trump’s campaign was meeting with Russians and subsequently lying about the meetings
That Obama was born in the US

When they cop to the truth on anything, perhaps there can be a discussion about how the media treats the Trumps.


That being said, the newsworthiness of anything is this:

Man bites dog.

It’s not news when the dog bites the man.

News is the reporting of the incorrect, the wrong, the untruthfulness. This is inherently damaging to the newsmakers who are, in this case, the Trumps. If they didn’t like it, they shouldn’t have run for the President.
And yes they do have a high saturation of negative stories because, well, that’s news. Trump’s incessant lying is newsworthy because it’s easily proven false and the default position of most people is to expect to hear truth from their elected officials.

The news covered Monica and Bill, I saw Hillary nearly collapsing getting helped into the van about 2000 times. I am well aware of the embarrassing e-mails that Wikileaks released. I don’t watch Fox. I don’t watch MSNBC. I seldom watch CNN. I do watch ABC news often and listen to NPR and check the AP frequently. How’d I get that news if the media is so ultra biased in favor of the Clintons and the Democrats?
It will be the same day that the Comet Hale Bop collides with a Blue Moon during a bombardment of Brigadoon by flying pigs when the average Trump supporter will admit that

Trump is a liar without invoking “all politicians lie” or “What about _______’
That the Special Counsel investigation has merit based on the Russians hacking the DNC at the same time Trump’s campaign was meeting with Russians and subsequently lying about the meetings
That Obama was born in the US

When they cop to the truth on anything, perhaps there can be a discussion about how the media treats the Trumps.


That being said, the newsworthiness of anything is this:

Man bites dog.

It’s not news when the dog bites the man.

News is the reporting of the incorrect, the wrong, the untruthfulness. This is inherently damaging to the newsmakers who are, in this case, the Trumps. If they didn’t like it, they shouldn’t have run for the President.
And yes they do have a high saturation of negative stories because, well, that’s news. Trump’s incessant lying is newsworthy because it’s easily proven false and the default position of most people is to expect to hear truth from their elected officials.

The news covered Monica and Bill, I saw Hillary nearly collapsing getting helped into the van about 2000 times. I am well aware of the embarrassing e-mails that Wikileaks released. I don’t watch Fox. I don’t watch MSNBC. I seldom watch CNN. I do watch ABC news often and listen to NPR and check the AP frequently. How’d I get that news if the media is so ultra biased in favor of the Clintons and the Democrats?
Spot on!
Correct. There is a significant difference between "fake news"and bias.

The "mainstream media" is generally biased to the Left. Obviously.

Trump & Co. commandeered the term "Fake News" to take attention and heat away from the websites that were originally labeled as "Fake News", i.e., Breitbart, Alex Jones, WND, etc., because of their purely fabricated stories that were somehow believed by many. Trump leveraged his bully pulpit (Twitter, most of all, of course) to completely divert and change the meaning of the term.

Between bias and fabrication, there's very little intellectual honesty floating around out there right now.
Case ya haven't noticed CNN made up lot of stories last year. No facts bias ....just BS
Correct. There is a significant difference between "fake news"and bias.

The "mainstream media" is generally biased to the Left. Obviously.

Trump & Co. commandeered the term "Fake News" to take attention and heat away from the websites that were originally labeled as "Fake News", i.e., Breitbart, Alex Jones, WND, etc., because of their purely fabricated stories that were somehow believed by many. Trump leveraged his bully pulpit (Twitter, most of all, of course) to completely divert and change the meaning of the term.

Between bias and fabrication, there's very little intellectual honesty floating around out there right now.

That’s a hell of a spin bud....ALL sane people understand that “fake news” is any news reported that ISN’T the whole truth and nothing but the truth without bias. News with a bias twist and or embellishment isn’t slightly fake, it’s fucking fake as the intent of the report is to push an ideal, an agenda and not to enlighten viewers. This is simple shit for third graders.
Correct. There is a significant difference between "fake news"and bias.

The "mainstream media" is generally biased to the Left. Obviously.

Trump & Co. commandeered the term "Fake News" to take attention and heat away from the websites that were originally labeled as "Fake News", i.e., Breitbart, Alex Jones, WND, etc., because of their purely fabricated stories that were somehow believed by many. Trump leveraged his bully pulpit (Twitter, most of all, of course) to completely divert and change the meaning of the term.

Between bias and fabrication, there's very little intellectual honesty floating around out there right now.

That’s a hell of a spin bud....ALL sane people understand that “fake news” is any news reported that ISN’T the whole truth and nothing but the truth without bias. News with a bias twist and or embellishment isn’t slightly fake, it’s fucking fake as the intent of the report is to push an ideal, an agenda and not to enlighten viewers. This is simple shit for third graders.
And one of the obedient bunnies weighs in...
"Fake news" is a news story that is either false, fabricated, or presented in a way intended to deceive the reader. "Fake news" includes stories that lack the substantiation that an ethical journalist would require.

ALL of the stories about the Mueller team's private activities, intentions,, deliberations, conclusions, and planned actions are "fake." All.

Latest example: The Democrat, Trump-hating daughter of a dead podiatrist claims that her father gave Trump a false diagnosis of heel spurs as a favor to Fred Trump, their landlord.

The story is defamatory, biased, and uncorroborated. No reputable journalist or publication would ever publish such a story.




'Nuf said.
President Trump has helped perpetuate the meme tha MSM creates "Fake News" and he uses the wrong adjective.

Here is a perfect example.
How many of the MSM call it "Trump's Wall"? Why?
President Trump is upholding the Constitution which clearly states
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,
Preamble to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Why does the MSM create the impression this is "Trump's wall" when all he is doing is defending the country?
It is NOT fake news but biased and out of context reporting.

Another example: "Trump anti-immigrant"! Really? With a grandmother that was a legal immigrant and a wife that is a legal immigrant he is against all immigrants?

Another example : Trump is anti Jewish because he supports Nazis. Really? With a daughter who converted to Judaism and a Jewish son in law? Seriously?

These are just a few examples where Trump is wrong declaring "FAKE" news but certainly doing what they do..take it out of context present it in a biased method.

And why does the MSM do this? They HATE TRUMP more than they love the truth and America!

There is also Fake News by omission. They suppress News that is adverse to the Democrats. The MSM protects the corrupt Democrat politicians.
President Trump has helped perpetuate the meme tha MSM creates "Fake News" and he uses the wrong adjective.

Here is a perfect example.
How many of the MSM call it "Trump's Wall"? Why?
President Trump is upholding the Constitution which clearly states
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,
Preamble to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Why does the MSM create the impression this is "Trump's wall" when all he is doing is defending the country?
It is NOT fake news but biased and out of context reporting.

Another example: "Trump anti-immigrant"! Really? With a grandmother that was a legal immigrant and a wife that is a legal immigrant he is against all immigrants?

Another example : Trump is anti Jewish because he supports Nazis. Really? With a daughter who converted to Judaism and a Jewish son in law? Seriously?

These are just a few examples where Trump is wrong declaring "FAKE" news but certainly doing what they do..take it out of context present it in a biased method.

And why does the MSM do this? They HATE TRUMP more than they love the truth and America!
You left out "tRump is a hypocrite".
President Trump has helped perpetuate the meme tha MSM creates "Fake News" and he uses the wrong adjective.

Here is a perfect example.
How many of the MSM call it "Trump's Wall"? Why?
President Trump is upholding the Constitution which clearly states
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,
Preamble to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Why does the MSM create the impression this is "Trump's wall" when all he is doing is defending the country?
It is NOT fake news but biased and out of context reporting.

Another example: "Trump anti-immigrant"! Really? With a grandmother that was a legal immigrant and a wife that is a legal immigrant he is against all immigrants?

Another example : Trump is anti Jewish because he supports Nazis. Really? With a daughter who converted to Judaism and a Jewish son in law? Seriously?

These are just a few examples where Trump is wrong declaring "FAKE" news but certainly doing what they do..take it out of context present it in a biased method.

And why does the MSM do this? They HATE TRUMP more than they love the truth and America!
Trump Jr bashed the fake news the other day

Jr tweeted You know how MSM journalists could avoid having to spend millions on a #superbowl comercial to gain some undeserved credibility? How about report the news and not their leftist BS for a change.

Someone replied back:

Like when they reported your illegal meeting with the Russians & you lied & said it was about adoptions? Or your father said there was no contact between the campaign & Russians or denied he’d paid off porn stars to cover up his affairs & the press was right & you guys lied?

Trying to discredit the media won’t change the fact you lied to Congress junior
Correct. There is a significant difference between "fake news"and bias.

The "mainstream media" is generally biased to the Left. Obviously.

Trump & Co. commandeered the term "Fake News" to take attention and heat away from the websites that were originally labeled as "Fake News", i.e., Breitbart, Alex Jones, WND, etc., because of their purely fabricated stories that were somehow believed by many. Trump leveraged his bully pulpit (Twitter, most of all, of course) to completely divert and change the meaning of the term.

Between bias and fabrication, there's very little intellectual honesty floating around out there right now.
Actually, I remember it was Facebook censoring content because people were posting "fake" news stories.

I could be wrong.
President Trump has helped perpetuate the meme tha MSM creates "Fake News" and he uses the wrong adjective.

Here is a perfect example.
How many of the MSM call it "Trump's Wall"? Why?
President Trump is upholding the Constitution which clearly states
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,
Preamble to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

Why does the MSM create the impression this is "Trump's wall" when all he is doing is defending the country?
It is NOT fake news but biased and out of context reporting.

Another example: "Trump anti-immigrant"! Really? With a grandmother that was a legal immigrant and a wife that is a legal immigrant he is against all immigrants?

Another example : Trump is anti Jewish because he supports Nazis. Really? With a daughter who converted to Judaism and a Jewish son in law? Seriously?

These are just a few examples where Trump is wrong declaring "FAKE" news but certainly doing what they do..take it out of context present it in a biased method.

And why does the MSM do this? They HATE TRUMP more than they love the truth and America!
It's simply lies being told by liars. The media has become radically biased, and they just can't seem to separate their seething bias from facts, and honest reporting. To these types of people it is a Jihad, and lying and misrepresentation of facts are simply one of the tools in their tool box.
who gives two shits what the habitual liar says ?

he's waaaaaaaaaaay past that point.
Correct. There is a significant difference between "fake news"and bias.

The "mainstream media" is generally biased to the Left. Obviously.

Trump & Co. commandeered the term "Fake News" to take attention and heat away from the websites that were originally labeled as "Fake News", i.e., Breitbart, Alex Jones, WND, etc., because of their purely fabricated stories that were somehow believed by many. Trump leveraged his bully pulpit (Twitter, most of all, of course) to completely divert and change the meaning of the term.

Between bias and fabrication, there's very little intellectual honesty floating around out there right now.
Hillary coined the term "fake news".....Got turned back on her and her media toadies in a scant few weeks.

Three stories from January can be very accurately defined as truly fake news.

  • The alleged repub outrage over AOC dancing
  • The fabrication about Trump suborning perjury
  • The Covington boys
Then there was the smearing of Lindsey Graham (whom I have no particular brief for) for allegedly being gay.

The lamestream media can be very accurately deemed to be fake news.

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