It is not okay to be white

Nothing of substance in the article..

Infowars, so what do you expect?

Maybe if you were a little smarter and didn't follow your idiots for friends advice you wouldn't end up falling on the same mentality levels.

It's on the Texas news jerk off.....

Even the National Enquirer broke the story about John Edwards. Just because someone doesn't agree with what Alex Jones is saying, doesn't mean they should discount him entirely.

If htey bothered to watch the video which isn't alex it's a compilation of all these indoctrinated assholes mentioned how " YOU'RE A WHITE MALE" , gawd they are sick in the head, the people saying it are all freaking white..
If you haven't already check the video near the end of the article look at these morons.

View attachment 227202

Idiots are just validating their white-guilt and self-hatred by assuming Alex Jones had anything to do with your post.
Fort Worth residents say they are terrorized by “It’s Okay To Be White” signs posted in their neighborhood.
It Is NOT Okay To Be White!

Oh and it plays on the loons really well feel guilty for being white lmfao , and you all can't figure out why we call you idiots.
Your so stupid you pay thousands of dollars for you kids to be trendy leftist idiots and have ANTIFA raised bastards with no guts and then feels gulty for being white never in history have we had leftist liberal whites being the biggest gawd dam assholes out of all other groups of color, not colored whatever the fk you are the white are worst than all of them.
This is turning out to be a bit of a desperate day for you, isn't it?
Nothing of substance in the article..

Infowars, so what do you expect?

Maybe if you were a little smarter and didn't follow your idiots for friends advice you wouldn't end up falling on the same mentality levels.

It's on the Texas news jerk off.....

Even the National Enquirer broke the story about John Edwards. Just because someone doesn't agree with what Alex Jones is saying, doesn't mean they should discount him entirely.

If htey bothered to watch the video which isn't alex it's a compilation of all these indoctrinated assholes mentioned how " YOU'RE A WHITE MALE" , gawd they are sick in the head, the people saying it are all freaking white..
If you haven't already check the video near the end of the article look at these morons.

View attachment 227202

Idiots are just validating their white-guilt and self-hatred by assuming Alex Jones had anything to do with your post.

You would think their intelligence level would teach them what " CULTURAL WARFARE " is and how it's used. It's so amazing in this aspect how they can't see how this works.

I mean shit like this is what starts their pathetic retardation symptoms

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) inherited the mantle of covert action operations as a legacy from its OSS predecessor, which had had considerable success in conducting disinformation operations during World War 2. But there was from the start considerable opposition to continuing such programs as they were both expensive and subject to devastating blowback when they were identified and exposed. In Western Europe, powerful domestic communist parties were quick to publicize U.S. intelligence missteps, but nevertheless the ability to manipulate the news and information media to place stories critical of the Soviets and their allies led to major programs that funded magazines and books while also seeking to acquire a cadre of journalists that would produce pieces on demand proved too tempting to ignore.

70 Years of Disinformation: CIA Funded Opinion Magazines in Europe
Nothing of substance in the article..

Infowars, so what do you expect?

Maybe if you were a little smarter and didn't follow your idiots for friends advice you wouldn't end up falling on the same mentality levels.

It's on the Texas news jerk off.....

Even the National Enquirer broke the story about John Edwards. Just because someone doesn't agree with what Alex Jones is saying, doesn't mean they should discount him entirely.

If htey bothered to watch the video which isn't alex it's a compilation of all these indoctrinated assholes mentioned how " YOU'RE A WHITE MALE" , gawd they are sick in the head, the people saying it are all freaking white..
If you haven't already check the video near the end of the article look at these morons.

View attachment 227202

Idiots are just validating their white-guilt and self-hatred by assuming Alex Jones had anything to do with your post.

Infowars, so what do you expect?

Maybe if you were a little smarter and didn't follow your idiots for friends advice you wouldn't end up falling on the same mentality levels.

It's on the Texas news jerk off.....

Even the National Enquirer broke the story about John Edwards. Just because someone doesn't agree with what Alex Jones is saying, doesn't mean they should discount him entirely.

If htey bothered to watch the video which isn't alex it's a compilation of all these indoctrinated assholes mentioned how " YOU'RE A WHITE MALE" , gawd they are sick in the head, the people saying it are all freaking white..
If you haven't already check the video near the end of the article look at these morons.

View attachment 227202

Idiots are just validating their white-guilt and self-hatred by assuming Alex Jones had anything to do with your post.


Infowars, so what do you expect?

Maybe if you were a little smarter and didn't follow your idiots for friends advice you wouldn't end up falling on the same mentality levels.

It's on the Texas news jerk off.....

Even the National Enquirer broke the story about John Edwards. Just because someone doesn't agree with what Alex Jones is saying, doesn't mean they should discount him entirely.

If htey bothered to watch the video which isn't alex it's a compilation of all these indoctrinated assholes mentioned how " YOU'RE A WHITE MALE" , gawd they are sick in the head, the people saying it are all freaking white..
If you haven't already check the video near the end of the article look at these morons.

View attachment 227202

Idiots are just validating their white-guilt and self-hatred by assuming Alex Jones had anything to do with your post.



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