It is time for the States to call a Constitutional Convention.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Article V of the United States Constitution:
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

The Federal Government is an agent of the States, as it is a compact between the sovereign States, that has been delegated certain powers that are of the common interest of all the States, whilst reserving all other powers to either the States or the People (in accordance to which powers the People have delegated to their State in their state constitution).

In the event that the Federal Government was to become too overbearing and tyrannical, such that it would refuse to remedy its injustices and wrongs, the Founders ensured that the ULTIMATE SOVEREIGNTY of the States remained intact by allowing them to amend (or outright abolish/replace) the Constitution without the approval of the General Government.

We have reached an era where the General Government will NOT correct itself, it is now the DUTY of the States to ARREST these EVILS and to interpose and interdict on behalf of their respective People.

Petition and lobby your State Legislatures for a Constitutional Convention, an outright abolition of the CURRENT federal government should be the aim, whilst updating certain provisions in order to prevent the same evils from arising once again.

Think about it, either we have a peaceful revolution through a Constitutional Convention, or it comes down to a violent and EXTREMELY bloody revolution instead, that will probably last a couple of decades, and we may end up with a WORSE government than what we currently have.
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This is the only peaceful remedy, the federal government will never correct itself, and the States failed to uphold the Nullification Doctrines after the 1860's.
This is the only peaceful remedy, the federal government will never correct itself, and the States failed to uphold the Nullification Doctrines after the 1860's.

There is no ‘remedy’ needed.

The Republic is functioning exactly as the Framers intended.

The only problem is the reactionary right, fearful, authoritarian conservatives who perceive a loss of their privilege and status, and the need to compel those who dare to dissent and exercise their right to individual liberty to conform to rightist dogma.
This is the only peaceful remedy, the federal government will never correct itself, and the States failed to uphold the Nullification Doctrines after the 1860's.

There is no ‘remedy’ needed.

The Republic is functioning exactly as the Framers intended.

The only problem is the reactionary right, fearful, authoritarian conservatives who perceive a loss of their privilege and status, and the need to compel those who dare to dissent and exercise their right to individual liberty to conform to rightist dogma.

The NSA, working as the Framers intended!

Hail Satan infant slayer!
This is the only peaceful remedy, the federal government will never correct itself, and the States failed to uphold the Nullification Doctrines after the 1860's.

There is no ‘remedy’ needed.

The Republic is functioning exactly as the Framers intended.

The only problem is the reactionary right, fearful, authoritarian conservatives who perceive a loss of their privilege and status, and the need to compel those who dare to dissent and exercise their right to individual liberty to conform to rightist dogma.

The NSA, working as the Framers intended!

Hail Satan infant slayer!
The Founding Fathers did it also, Alien/Sedition Act.
Hey, didn't you already start this same stupid thread a week or two ago?

What's wrong? Have you run out of new stupid ideas?
The OP is right but for the wrong reasons.

Government most certainly isn't functioning the way the framers intended; otherwise the framers wouldn't have signed on to something so dis-functional.

Political parties are fine but their influence needs to be restrained. Unchecked, the influence trumps the work that needs to be done. Most sane republicans knew that universal background checks are a good idea. Yet most voted against it; it wasn't because of their reasoning; it was political calculation.

So yes, we need to update the country's business model. Most businesses have a plan that is out of date within 5 years; ours has been cooking along for 200+ years. We need an updated one big time.

In short-

Force one house of the Congress to have a full body vote on the work submitted to it by the other house within 30-60 days. No exceptions.

Force redistricting to be a random process free of influence; I propose a zipcode lottery as to where an House members from a state have the zip codes of that state divided equally among them (you have 20 house members and 200 zip codes in your state, each member represents the people in 10 zip codes chosen at random).

Force Congress to start from $0.00 every 10 years or so. Any expenditure over a certain amount (call it $100 million or whatever) needs to be voted on separately in a bill unto itself. It will make for some long nights at Capitol Hill but when guys and gals have to put their name next to a bill to study the flow rate of ketchup; they may think twice and not vote for it. If the bill is just called "stimulus" it's full of pork and deniability. I would be okay with Congress having to do that outside of the 10 year 0.00 rule as well.
Article V of the United States Constitution:
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

The Federal Government is an agent of the States, as it is a compact between the sovereign States, that has been delegated certain powers that are of the common interest of all the States, whilst reserving all other powers to either the States or the People (in accordance to which powers the People have delegated to their State in their state constitution).

In the event that the Federal Government was to become too overbearing and tyrannical, such that it would refuse to remedy its injustices and wrongs, the Founders ensured that the ULTIMATE SOVEREIGNTY of the States remained intact by allowing them to amend (or outright abolish/replace) the Constitution without the approval of the General Government.

We have reached an era where the General Government will NOT correct itself, it is now the DUTY of the States to ARREST these EVILS and to interpose and interdict on behalf of their respective People.

Petition and lobby your State Legislatures for a Constitutional Convention, an outright abolition of the CURRENT federal government should be the aim, whilst updating certain provisions in order to prevent the same evils from arising once again.

Think about it, either we have a peaceful revolution through a Constitutional Convention, or it comes down to a violent and EXTREMELY bloody revolution instead, that will probably last a couple of decades, and we may end up with a WORSE government than what we currently have.

I'm to the point where I don't see how the written law helps us at all if there is no will to enforce the laws. I could spout off the top of my head a number of ways Obama and company have violated the laws and Constitution, yet no one is there to remedy the situation. How then can changing the Constitution remedy anything? The powers that be will simply subvert the process or ignore it. Once power is centralized like it is now, there is no going back.
Bout time we held a Constitutional convention

We need to get rid of that pesky second amendment that is killing our children
Bout time we held a Constitutional convention

We need to get rid of that pesky second amendment that is killing our children

AHHHEEMMM. I don't think that is quite what the right winger second amendment had in mind.

But an interesting idea.
Beyond dropping our second amendment, here is what we need to do to fix government

1. Drop the filibuster
2. Allow the president to fill his cabinet and department heads without Congressional approval. Congress only approves Supreme Court nominees
3. Take the gerrymandering of Congressional districts out of partisan politics
4. Limit Supreme Court terms to 30 years

We have people on video willing to sign away their rights. We The People clearly no longer understand how good we've had it. We The People care more about Kim Kardashian's baby than we do about the document from which this country operates.

Are you really sure you want to go down this road? Talk about "fundamental change". You ain't see nothin' yet.

I do not believe our 18th century constitution is serving we citizens very well in the 21st century.

I am also unconvinced that this nation's state legislatures could send people to a Constitutional Convention that will craft a better document than the one we have.

Why not?

Because the corruption of government is not limited to the Federal government but exists in our state legislatures as well. see (ALEC Exposed) as one fine example of that.

How bloody depressing is that?
Beyond dropping our second amendment, here is what we need to do to fix government

1. Drop the filibuster
2. Allow the president to fill his cabinet and department heads without Congressional approval. Congress only approves Supreme Court nominees
3. Take the gerrymandering of Congressional districts out of partisan politics
4. Limit Supreme Court terms to 30 years

5. Term limit for ALL elected officials. Senate: two term, House four terms.
6. Outlaw or at least severely limit packing bills with unrelated pork.
7. Line item veto for the President. To balance that, limit the President to issue executive orders to national security matters.
Beyond dropping our second amendment, here is what we need to do to fix government

1. Drop the filibuster
2. Allow the president to fill his cabinet and department heads without Congressional approval. Congress only approves Supreme Court nominees
3. Take the gerrymandering of Congressional districts out of partisan politics
4. Limit Supreme Court terms to 30 years

5. Term limit for ALL elected officials. Senate: two term, House four terms.
6. Outlaw or at least severely limit packing bills with unrelated pork.
7. Line item veto for the President. To balance that, limit the President to issue executive orders to national security matters.

I agree with everything but the line item veto. I think it gives the President too much power
Beyond dropping our second amendment, here is what we need to do to fix government

1. Drop the filibuster
2. Allow the president to fill his cabinet and department heads without Congressional approval. Congress only approves Supreme Court nominees
3. Take the gerrymandering of Congressional districts out of partisan politics
4. Limit Supreme Court terms to 30 years

5. Term limit for ALL elected officials. Senate: two term, House four terms.
6. Outlaw or at least severely limit packing bills with unrelated pork.
7. Line item veto for the President. To balance that, limit the President to issue executive orders to national security matters.

I agree with everything but the line item veto. I think it gives the President too much power

No, it does not.

As the system is presently, it forces the President to approve unlimited, shameless pork as long as it is attached to a bill that NEEDS to be signed into law.

I am not saying that line item veto for a president would never be abused, but the fact that most presidents actually have asked for it, may indicate that the abuse is by far more with the pork-loading legislators than with the president.
Libtards have been trying to get a Constitutional Convention to overturn the Constitution for many years. Specifically to do two things, repeal the Bill of Rights and institute a new Bill of Rights as to what government must do for individuals. They should have no such opportunity. If anything, the country should just divide with liberals able to govern themselves as they see fit.
This is the only peaceful remedy, the federal government will never correct itself, and the States failed to uphold the Nullification Doctrines after the 1860's.

There is no ‘remedy’ needed.

The Republic is functioning exactly as the Framers intended.

The only problem is the reactionary right, fearful, authoritarian conservatives who perceive a loss of their privilege and status, and the need to compel those who dare to dissent and exercise their right to individual liberty to conform to rightist dogma.

That stupidity right there is the exact reason why there will never be a peaceful resolution to our problems. Only violent revolution is going to work...when have you ever seen government with this much power just give up that power? Its like a drug...they are addicted to the power. Plain and simple and there are far to many simpleton fucks who like how things are...They would love prison where they take care of you and your every single need. Unless the military helped the people take back the country it will come down to the collapse of the US and then wars breaking out..racial wars,guerrilla wars,ideological wars...all over the country.We will end up with at least 10 nations maybe more.
5. Term limit for ALL elected officials. Senate: two term, House four terms.
6. Outlaw or at least severely limit packing bills with unrelated pork.
7. Line item veto for the President. To balance that, limit the President to issue executive orders to national security matters.

I agree with everything but the line item veto. I think it gives the President too much power

No, it does not.

As the system is presently, it forces the President to approve unlimited, shameless pork as long as it is attached to a bill that NEEDS to be signed into law.

I am not saying that line item veto for a president would never be abused, but the fact that most presidents actually have asked for it, may indicate that the abuse is by far more with the pork-loading legislators than with the president.

I totally agree on unrelated pork being added to bills

Congress has a Constitutional role to write legislation and pass it. The President has a role to approve or disapprove that legislation. By giving the President a line item veto, he can personally craft that legislation by striking out those portions he doesn't like and make Congress assemble 2/3 of its members to override his deletions

I just think it can be abused and gives the President too much power
Libtards have been trying to get a Constitutional Convention to overturn the Constitution for many years. Specifically to do two things, repeal the Bill of Rights and institute a new Bill of Rights as to what government must do for individuals. They should have no such opportunity. If anything, the country should just divide with liberals able to govern themselves as they see fit.

Can you provide a single example of Liberals calling for a Constitutional Convention?
Can you point out any serious Liberal calling for the repeal of the Bill of Rights?

I say you are lying
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