It is time to give Israel free hand in making Gaza a parking lot

Please show the state of Palestine on a map. With borders.
Show me the state of Israel before 1947, jews and Arabs lived together for years until the Zionists decided they wanted half the middle east.
US can start by not financing Hamas. They might also want to explain how they failed to warn the Israelis since there's no possible way the intelligence community here did not know what was about to happen. In any case you can be sure that Israel will think twice about sharing info in the future.

Israel should expel all Arabs from Gaza any that resist die, then annex the area and complete the annexing of the west bank as well. The terrorists are never going to stop ever, kill them all and seal the borders. The US should support Israel in this action and any terrorist lovers in the states should be warned of consequences if they act out INCLUDING member of Congress.

You should get your ideas of genocide to yourself.
I have just shown you there was a place named Palestine, Israel existed from 1947 a State established by terrorism.

A place named Palestine? No state. No government. No borders. There’s a place named Walmart.
We tend to forget that the WW2 bombing campaigns by the U.S. were intended to inflict the maximum amount of damage on cities regardless of civilian casualties in order to compel the maniacs to surrender. Thank God America was the only country that was capable of nuclear warfare at the time. Times have changed and almost every rogue nation has the Bomb. With a weak and possibly mentally impaired president it might not be a good idea to encourage the escalation of the Israel war with indiscriminate civilian bombing.
War is hell.
A place named Palestine? No state. No government. No borders. There’s a place named Walmart.
Hahaha, you mean the land of Canaan?
Show me the state of Israel before 1947, jews and Arabs lived together for years until the Zionists decided they wanted half the middle east.
View attachment 840514
That's a map of Mandatory Palestine, which was a mandate of the UK, not a sovierign nation.

Israel doesn't take up half of the Middle East...hahah what in the world are you talking about? Not even close.
the only people fantasizing are all you terror supporters that support Hamas.
You support terrorists, not just Israeli terrorists but terrorists in Syria like you did in Libya then some of them murdered your Ambassador, you supported them in Bosnia and Kosovo, so do me a favour and shut up lecturing others about terrorism.

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