It is time to give Israel free hand in making Gaza a parking lot

^ Another conservative warmonger who doesn't know what genocide is.
Within the context of what is happening in Israel right now, your post is maybe the dumbest thing ever. You are a disgusting person. Why? Because you know damn well that the warmonger her is Hamas and that justice requires the war hammer to be brought down on them. The Palestinians are being victimized by Hamas. They should have severed ties with those fucking terrorists years ago.
Honestly, anyone who right now brings up their anti-Semitic tripe about Israel being invaders, occupiers, apartheid purveyors, etc.. - which is obviously intended to mitigate the barbaric acts of Hamas yesterday - is a piece of shit as a human being.
Israel should expel all Arabs from Gaza any that resist die, then annex the area and complete the annexing of the west bank as well. The terrorists are never going to stop ever, kill them all and seal the borders. The US should support Israel in this action and any terrorist lovers in the states should be warned of consequences if they act out INCLUDING member of Congress.
They SHOULD do all this, but they won't. Any more than we will ever expel the blacks who have murdered so many of our citizens.
As the muslim monsters just showed Israel and normal people in the U.S....they will never, ever stop murdering, raping, and torturing innocent people until they are dead. There will just be moments in time where they are planning and gathering strength, but never a time where they will not eventually attack.....

Absolute fact.
We tend to forget that the WW2 bombing campaigns by the U.S. were intended to inflict the maximum amount of damage on cities regardless of civilian casualties in order to compel the maniacs to surrender. Thank God America was the only country that was capable of nuclear warfare at the time. Times have changed and almost every rogue nation has the Bomb. With a weak and possibly mentally impaired president it might not be a good idea to encourage the escalation of the Israel war with indiscriminate civilian bombing.
Up yours

They slaughtered unarmed women and children for the mostbl part.

Now they gonna pay. I could care less uf Gaza becomes a parking lot now.

So you have no problem with Israeli Military killing innocent Women and Children of Gazza.

But you have an objection to Hamas killing innocent Women and Children of Isreal.

No double standard there...

Personally I condemn both..

Nice to see you want to execute 590,000 people as a collective punishment... That was the similar excuses Hitler used for against the Jews...
So you have no problem with Israeli Military killing innocent Women and Children of Gazza.

But you have an objection to Hamas killing innocent Women and Children of Isreal.

No double standard there...

Personally I condemn both..

Nice to see you want to execute 590,000 people as a collective punishment... That was the similar excuses Hitler used for against the Jews...
Not at all. Total War. Fuck em.
You never learn, the state of Israel was built on terror and they continue terror to this day, keep people in cages like Gaza and they will break out one day, over the years thousands of Palestinians have been killed by Israel Palestinians cleansed their land stolen homes stolen sometimes by fanatics from New York, and your answer is a Nazi style reprisal, in fact some of the rhetoric on this thread is reminiscent of Nazi language.
Please show the state of Palestine on a map. With borders.
Pardon me for objecting but American colonists didn't drag naked women's dead bodies through the streets and post it on the internet.
What are you talking about you ignorant fucktard? They displayed naked slaves at auction blocks. Even oiled them up to make their skin glisten and make them look healthier than they were after a few months in the bottom of a cargo hold.

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