It is time to give Israel free hand in making Gaza a parking lot

You support terrorists, not just Israeli terrorists but terrorists in Syria like you did in Libya then some of them murdered your Ambassador, you supported them in Bosnia and Kosovo, so do me a favour and shut up lecturing others about terrorism.
fuck off liar. The only time we have problems is when a democrat is President and flouts the law and ignores legally binding treaties to conduct war against someone he doesn't like.
The only time we have problems is when a democrat is President
Uh-huh. Which Democrat was president on 9-11-2001? Or during Gaddafi's Disco Bombing or the Lockerbie incident. I'm not accusing you of supporting terrorist but come on, our enemy are enemies of both parties. Divided we will fall.
fuck off liar. The only time we have problems is when a democrat is President and flouts the law and ignores legally binding treaties to conduct war against someone he doesn't like.
No you fuck off, i don't care who is President i am telling you your Government supports Islamist terrorists and have done for years same as my Country.
Uh-huh. Which Democrat was president on 9-11-2001? Or during Gaddafi's Disco Bombing or the Lockerbie incident. I'm not accusing you of supporting terrorist but come on, our enemy are enemies of both parties. Divided we will fall.
I doubt Lockerbie had anything to do with Libya, it was probably the Palestinian group the PFLP general command under George Habash a Christian, maybe working for Iran as revenge for the downing of a Iranian airliner in the Gulf, but it was politically convenient to blame Libya.
Uh-huh. Which Democrat was president on 9-11-2001? Or during Gaddafi's Disco Bombing or the Lockerbie incident. I'm not accusing you of supporting terrorist but come on, our enemy are enemies of both parties. Divided we will fall.
which President illegally attacked Libya and Syria? Without congressional approval I might add? Who was President when an ambassador was murdered and did nothing about it? which Presidents have given Billions to our enemy Iran more than once? Which President made a deal that allows Iran to get Nuclear weapons with no push back from US? want me to go on?
Far as I'm concerned they dont need any such permission.
So long as Israel is our ally, their actions reflect on us. If we allow the wholesale slaughter of Muslims, we will pay a price for it in the future. That's the cost of long term foreign entanglements. Our response should mirror our values. Support justice, hunting down and punishing those responsible, not blind vengeance.
which President illegally attacked Libya and Syria? Without congressional approval I might add? Who was President when an ambassador was murdered and did nothing about it? which Presidents have given Billions to our enemy Iran more than once? Which President made a deal that allows Iran to get Nuclear weapons with no push back from US? want me to go on?
You talk as if Obama was a seperate entity in the US, he was the President like Bill Clinton was when he supported Islamist terrorists, he was your President.
Israel should expel all Arabs from Gaza any that resist die, then annex the area and complete the annexing of the west bank as well. The terrorists are never going to stop ever, kill them all and seal the borders. The US should support Israel in this action and any terrorist lovers in the states should be warned of consequences if they act out INCLUDING member of Congress.

......warned of consequences if they act out INCLUDING member of Congress.

What do you mean,"...warned of the consequences if they act out..."?

Are you so loyal to a foreign country that you would threaten loyal Americans for considering America's best interests in the region?

There are more than 2 Billion Muslims around the world and about 50 years ago I spent 10 - 11 months hitch hiking, walking and living among some of them.

The two questions I was most frequently asked were:
  • "Why do Americans suddenly hate us?"
  • "Why does America help Israel kill the Palestinians and steal their land?"

I tried to explain the destructive influence of Right Wing Israeli lobbies and our pro Israel MSM but they couldn't understand how people as sophisticated as Americans could be so easily manipulated nor can I.

Things to consider before rushing off to fight another war for Israel (1):

Is it really in America's best interests to rush more American forces to the area to aid and abet Netanyahu's genocidal agenda?

My first loyalty is to the US and soaking distant soil with American blood killing Muslims for Zionist Settlers and "Greater Israel" is not in America's long term best interest.



AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003
Israel should expel all Arabs from Gaza any that resist die, then annex the area and complete the annexing of the west bank as well. The terrorists are never going to stop ever, kill them all and seal the borders. The US should support Israel in this action and any terrorist lovers in the states should be warned of consequences if they act out INCLUDING member of Congress.

The final solution right pal?
no but it will finally end the Palestinian problem for Israel.
There are 2 million people trapped here. They live in open air desert tent camps, with no support, or hope. Women, children and the elderly.

Israel doesn't allow them any movement, and Egypt won't allow them in.

They arent associated with Hamas.

They are victims caught in the middle.

Israel and Hamas both use them as cover.

And now you advocate for murdering them.

I can't tell the difference between you, hamas, or Israel

All murderous peas in the same pod.
So long as Israel is our ally, their actions reflect on us. If we allow the wholesale slaughter of Muslims, we will pay a price for it in the future. That's the cost of long term foreign entanglements. Our response should mirror our values. Support justice, hunting down and punishing those responsible, not blind vengeance.
That's not how wars are fought unless the object is too piss away your soldiers lives
President illegally attacked Libya and Syria? Without congressional approval I might add
None. The war power act was satisficed.

Who was President when an ambassador was murdered
The Ambassador decide to stay in the unfortified Compound that was still being upgraded. He made his entry into Libya in Benghazi and felt he was safe. The CIA offered their fortified compound and he refused.
Presidents have given Billions to our enemy Iran more than once?
You mean who gave them back their money we froze decades ago? The recent funds will not be released unless it is for humanitarian aid. None has been release yet.
Which President made a deal that allows Iran to get Nuclear weapons with no push back from US?
Iran doesn't have and is not allowed to get a nuclear weapon, but since the Trumpybear pulled out of the agreement they have increase their Uranium refining capacity and reduced the so called breakout time.
That's not how wars are fought unless the object is too piss away your soldiers lives
It's not our 'war'. Yet we will be judged by what we allow our allies to do. No different than what we do or don't allow the Ukrainians or anyone else to do in our name, through our support.
The final solution right pal?

For all the US taxpayer financed Holocaust theme parks, blockbuster Holocaust movies, Holocaust books, "Ms. Holocaust" contests and even "Holo-porn" (1) it doesn't look like many people learned what are called "the lessons of the Holocaust".

The bloodlust demanded by our keyboard commandos and "Israel Firsters" is deafening but there are no thoughts on what to do after Israel has murdered enough civilians and left the rest homeless.

Thanks for your "Final Solution" observation.

(1). "Israel's Nazi-porn problem"

EXCERPT " Yet the newsstands in the Tel Aviv bus station sold racks of semi-pornographic pulp novels known as "Stalags," whose utterly implausible, Penthouse Forum-meets-Marquis de Sade plots ventured into the most forbidden terrain imaginable. Stalags all followed essentially the same formula: An American or British World War II pilot (generally not Jewish) is shot down behind enemy lines, where he is imprisoned, tortured and raped by an entire phalanx of sadistic, voluptuous female SS officers. His body violated but his spirit unbroken, the plucky Yank or Brit escapes in the end to rape and murder his captors." CONTINUED
I have just shown you there was a place named Palestine, Israel existed from 1947 a State established by terrorism.
Most of Jordan was where they were supposed to be. But when the powers to be split it up the Muzzies wanted it all. They then attacked after we left to take it all by force.

Our Greatest Generation made this happen as these Muslims sided with Hitler in WWII
Grand Mufti ring a bell??
Most of Jordan was where they were supposed to be. But when the powers to be split it up the Muzzies wanted it all. They then attacked after we left to take it all by force.

Our Greatest Generation made this happen as these Muslims sided with Hitler in WWII
Grand Mufti ring a bell??
So, it was the UK who promised a homeland for the Arabs and the Jews in Palestine. What powers that be split it up again?

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