It is time to settle up with Dr. Fauci

It's not that he's blamed for CV19; he's blamed for his response to it. The fact that he abolished the Pandemic Response group as soon as he got into office didn't help matters, nor did his daily press conferences where he continually downplayed the scope of the Pandemic while thousands of people were dying.

As for the vaccines, I'll be happy to credit him with pushing the development that got us a vaccine in record time. The issue is a lot of his base are anti-vaxers, and so even as he was helping to get a vaccine developed, he was also saying you shouldn't take it, it's dangerous, and hey, why not just inject bleach? That'll kill the germs!
You are a rookie so I will cure your lack of knowledge nicely. I do not know where you got that information. My guess is the media. But the media was not interested in truth, they wanted Trump gond. Trump did not tell us to inject bleach. He asked professionals about some thing used as a disinfectant. Bleach was his word for disinfectant. Trump had no power to slow the disease down. Governors tried and they did not slow it. How could Trump as one person over a central government do what Governors could not do? Trump urged Americans to take the vaccine and led the way using it. I don't believe his base are anti vaxer's. But the first vaccine did not guarantee you would not get CV at all. It was like a slow leak fix.
now youre having uncontrolled outbursts..

you need to seek help quick before you start throwing things,,
Sure............Maybe some of this........


Hard pass.

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