It is time to start arresting for false claims

Nobody was abused. The lying bitch probably had a friend write the letter. 65 women came out and stated Kavanaugh is a fine upstanding man and always was.

Even the FBI laughed at this letter. An anonymous friend of a friend in high school was attacked by Kavanaugh who had no record of any trouble in school or with police, that was someplace that had a door that locked from the outside instead of inside like every door I've seen in my life.

But yeah, you libs will believe that.
I get it. Women are liars & the abusers never did it. Based on what?????? You don't know this person. Hell, you don't know the abuser. But hey, women lie & men NEVER EVER abuse women. I

Do you libs hear this stuff in your head, or do you plan to tell these kinds of lies on purpose?

Against the chagrin of liberals, in this country, you need to prove a crime to charge somebody with one. Sorry we live in a civilized society where we make up the rules case by case or to appease your side of the fence.

Hey, before DumBama got elected, one of my friends caught him in the bathroom with some guy having sex. Do you believe my friend because he said so?
I remember when someone was claiming he was gay.

Someone or a member of Congress? A member of Congress to make such allegations just before his election?

What member of Congress made allegations about Kavanaugh? She got a letter. She gave it to the Justice Dept. End of issue.
And yet, who wrote that letter? Did a certain member of Congress pen such a dubious document? Author redacted? Author not wishing to be identified or questioned? Are these leftist haters that incredibly stupid that they can't smell a shit sandwich as they eat every bite?
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

I think people should be arrested and imprisoned for making unproven claims to harm somebody's reputation or name. Diane Frankenstein should be in jail this very minute.

Actually, there are laws about this.

A letter sent to a Senator about a crime should be turned over for investigation.

But hey, you people love those that abuse women. Your trump vote proves this.

Nobody was abused. The lying bitch probably had a friend write the letter. 65 women came out and stated Kavanaugh is a fine upstanding man and always was.

Even the FBI laughed at this letter. An anonymous friend of a friend in high school was attacked by Kavanaugh who had no record of any trouble in school or with police, that was someplace that had a door that locked from the outside instead of inside like every door I've seen in my life.

But yeah, you libs will believe that.
Isn't it interesting how the GOP had those 65 women and their statement ready to go....right you think they knew about this woman and were withholding the info?
Yeh, yeh, yeah! Social media is the sole realm of left-tards. Conservatives don't access social media or respond to ridiculous bullshit. F**k, you shits are so blinded by your hatred.
I get it. Women are liars & the abusers never did it. Based on what?????? You don't know this person. Hell, you don't know the abuser. But hey, women lie & men NEVER EVER abuse women. I

Do you libs hear this stuff in your head, or do you plan to tell these kinds of lies on purpose?

Against the chagrin of liberals, in this country, you need to prove a crime to charge somebody with one. Sorry we live in a civilized society where we make up the rules case by case or to appease your side of the fence.

Hey, before DumBama got elected, one of my friends caught him in the bathroom with some guy having sex. Do you believe my friend because he said so?
I remember when someone was claiming he was gay.

Someone or a member of Congress? A member of Congress to make such allegations just before his election?

What member of Congress made allegations about Kavanaugh? She got a letter. She gave it to the Justice Dept. End of issue.
And yet, who wrote that letter? Did a certain member of Congress pen such a dubious document? Author redacted? Author not wishing to be identified or questioned? Are these leftist haters that incredibly stupid that they can't smell a shit sandwich as they eat every bite?

why would they smell this shit sandwich when they have been eating them along

It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

I think people should be arrested and imprisoned for making unproven claims to harm somebody's reputation or name. Diane Frankenstein should be in jail this very minute.

Actually, there are laws about this.

A letter sent to a Senator about a crime should be turned over for investigation.

But hey, you people love those that abuse women. Your trump vote proves this.

Nobody was abused. The lying bitch probably had a friend write the letter. 65 women came out and stated Kavanaugh is a fine upstanding man and always was.

Even the FBI laughed at this letter. An anonymous friend of a friend in high school was attacked by Kavanaugh who had no record of any trouble in school or with police, that was someplace that had a door that locked from the outside instead of inside like every door I've seen in my life.

But yeah, you libs will believe that.
Isn't it interesting how the GOP had those 65 women and their statement ready to go....right you think they knew about this woman and were withholding the info?
Yeh, yeh, yeah! Social media is the sole realm of left-tards. Conservatives don't access social media or respond to ridiculous bullshit. F**k, you shits are so blinded by your hatred.

Fuck you assswipe because your oranmge hero lives on social media you stupid shit./
I get it. Women are liars & the abusers never did it. Based on what?????? You don't know this person. Hell, you don't know the abuser. But hey, women lie & men NEVER EVER abuse women. I

Do you libs hear this stuff in your head, or do you plan to tell these kinds of lies on purpose?

Against the chagrin of liberals, in this country, you need to prove a crime to charge somebody with one. Sorry we live in a civilized society where we make up the rules case by case or to appease your side of the fence.

Hey, before DumBama got elected, one of my friends caught him in the bathroom with some guy having sex. Do you believe my friend because he said so?
I remember when someone was claiming he was gay.

Someone or a member of Congress? A member of Congress to make such allegations just before his election?

What member of Congress made allegations about Kavanaugh? She got a letter. She gave it to the Justice Dept. End of issue.
And yet, who wrote that letter? Did a certain member of Congress pen such a dubious document? Author redacted? Author not wishing to be identified or questioned? Are these leftist haters that incredibly stupid that they can't smell a shit sandwich as they eat every bite?
Since the author has identified herself, I guess that make you look likr the total ass you are.
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.

It is also time to start arresting media editors who publish heinous stories, charges and accusations against politicians they oppose right before elections in an attempt to derail elections with absolutely no evidence to back up the claims, and to especially start arresting former Secretaries of State who actively cavort with hostile foreign enemies in direct conflict with and at the harm to their own government and charge them with sedition and treason.
Goodness...a whole smorgasbord of rights and freedoms under attack there.
Certainly. How about that old right and freedom to confront one's accuser. Or even more important, what about due justice under the law? Accusation does not equal guilt. What are the Pelosis of the world afraid of?
I totally agree.

Now apply that to the conspiracy theories and accusations directed at Hillary Clinton.
Absolutely! I would love to see Hillary confront her accusers and, using factual, verifiable information, disprove all those accusations.
She did. Hillary testified for hours for the FBI.
Actually, there are laws about this.

A letter sent to a Senator about a crime should be turned over for investigation.

But hey, you people love those that abuse women. Your trump vote proves this.

Nobody was abused. The lying bitch probably had a friend write the letter. 65 women came out and stated Kavanaugh is a fine upstanding man and always was.

Even the FBI laughed at this letter. An anonymous friend of a friend in high school was attacked by Kavanaugh who had no record of any trouble in school or with police, that was someplace that had a door that locked from the outside instead of inside like every door I've seen in my life.

But yeah, you libs will believe that.
I get it. Women are liars & the abusers never did it. Based on what?????? You don't know this person. Hell, you don't know the abuser. But hey, women lie & men NEVER EVER abuse women. I
So, 65+ women, who are not shy of providing their names and other info, are a bunch of lying whores, and one alleged "victim" claiming an incident that took place 17-some-odd years ago, in high school, and who allegedly refuses to reveal her name, etc, is some kind of paragon of virtue? All I can say is, the court of public opinion is anything but impartial and this whole incident stinks like a pile of shit as high as your house (unless you live underground).

It wasn't even the victim making that claim. It's a different person who says she seen the entire thing. You know, those anonymous people that come out against Trump all the time?

Ooops! I missed that. Even better, an anonymous witness to an alleged incident that occurred during some high school fete some 30-odd years ago. At the least, the statute of limitations has long passed. It amazes me more every day the lengths these haters will go to in order to discredit President Trump and anyone or anything positively associated with him.

No one needs to go far to discredit Trump.
The thing is....INCEL type trumpanzees don't think abusing women is any kind of crime.

And Commies don't think allegations need any kind of evidence. Just make the accusations and that's good enough for them as long as the allegations are made against a Republican.

So, you think if there are no witnesses & no visible damage, it id OK to rape & grobe women. Wow, just like your orange buddy.

No I don't. Do you think that it's okay to make claims that are false for political purposes and promote your parties agenda?

There you go again, assuming the woman is lying.

You voted for Trump & he accused Ted Cruz's father of being involved in the assassination of JFK. Trump accused Hillary of being a crook. He accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her ancestry.

Trump is the biggest liar when it comes to talking about hos opponents.

And YOU slobber all over him. So really, STFU

What does Trump have to do with this? We are talking about Kavanaugh here. Yes, I assume the bimbo is lying. Why?

For one, she never reported the incident to any authoritative figure.

Two, she never came out before even though he's been a judge for many years.

Three, her claim is that she didn't tell her husband about it until therapy in 2015. She teaches Clinical Psychology for crying out loud. You mean to tell me she held this in for 30 years as a highly trained psychologist, and needed therapy to come out with this?

She claims the assault was KIavanaugh and somebody else at a party. Who is this somebody else that she won't identify?

Kavanaugh has never been accused of wrongdoing in his life up to this point. Men that rape or try to rape women don't do it once. They are psychopaths that have a history of such activity.

She wrote to Frankenstein claiming that she is a constituent of hers, meaning that she is a hard leftist who (like all leftists) is upset at the court tilting towards constitutionalism.

A lot of high school girls don't report this type of incident. She spoke up when the slimeball got nominated for the USSC. I'm waiting for Kavanaugh to deny it under oath. Has he?
And Commies don't think allegations need any kind of evidence. Just make the accusations and that's good enough for them as long as the allegations are made against a Republican.

So, you think if there are no witnesses & no visible damage, it id OK to rape & grobe women. Wow, just like your orange buddy.

No I don't. Do you think that it's okay to make claims that are false for political purposes and promote your parties agenda?

There you go again, assuming the woman is lying.

You voted for Trump & he accused Ted Cruz's father of being involved in the assassination of JFK. Trump accused Hillary of being a crook. He accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her ancestry.

Trump is the biggest liar when it comes to talking about hos opponents.

And YOU slobber all over him. So really, STFU

What does Trump have to do with this? We are talking about Kavanaugh here. Yes, I assume the bimbo is lying. Why?

For one, she never reported the incident to any authoritative figure.

Two, she never came out before even though he's been a judge for many years.

Three, her claim is that she didn't tell her husband about it until therapy in 2015. She teaches Clinical Psychology for crying out loud. You mean to tell me she held this in for 30 years as a highly trained psychologist, and needed therapy to come out with this?

She claims the assault was KIavanaugh and somebody else at a party. Who is this somebody else that she won't identify?

Kavanaugh has never been accused of wrongdoing in his life up to this point. Men that rape or try to rape women don't do it once. They are psychopaths that have a history of such activity.

She wrote to Frankenstein claiming that she is a constituent of hers, meaning that she is a hard leftist who (like all leftists) is upset at the court tilting towards constitutionalism.

A lot of high school girls don't report this type of incident. She spoke up when the slimeball got nominated for the USSC. I'm waiting for Kavanaugh to deny it under oath. Has he?

He has denied it already, and listening to a news report today, they found the other guy she claimed assisted in this supposed attack. His response was that she is nuts.

I’m dying to see her testify under oath to the US Congress. I would also like them to dig up the name of the host who threw this party to see what they have to say about it.

We all know what this is: a stall tactic. If it was genuine in any way, Frankenstein would have presented it when she supposedly got the letter two months ago. But as we all know, had she done that, the matter would have been cleared up long before now and he would be confirmed this week.

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It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.
yep. either side, don't care. this shit has to stop. if you can't verify your claims in a legitimate court of law, shut the fuck up.
we're living in an age of fake news. Trump thought McCain had gotten out of prison in Nam before the others. Moderate Dog Mattis had to correct him that it was the other way around, according to Bob Woodward.
Hey Mr. Constitution. The requirements to be a President in the US are right there in that document. Try reading it sometime.
So, if the Constitution does not say that then President should not be a total asshole & fraud, its ok. I get it.

And this evidently is not in that document: “The President, Vice President and civil officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”J
The thing is....INCEL type trumpanzees don't think abusing women is any kind of crime.

And Commies don't think allegations need any kind of evidence. Just make the accusations and that's good enough for them as long as the allegations are made against a Republican.

So, you think if there are no witnesses & no visible damage, it id OK to rape & grobe women. Wow, just like your orange buddy.

No I don't. Do you think that it's okay to make claims that are false for political purposes and promote your parties agenda?
Great response! Thanks for putting that forward...
As a white married man I think it's time wealthy powerful men are knocked back a peg. They think because they have money and a hatred for lesser working americans they can get away with whatever. Not any more. Good deal.
It is time to ARREST politicians for false claims to law enforcement. It is also time to arrest ANY politician that leaks classified information. They deserve jail time for their illegal actions.
yep. either side, don't care. this shit has to stop. if you can't verify your claims in a legitimate court of law, shut the fuck up.
Tell your butt buddy Trump. You voted for hom so you have no ground. So Fuck you.
So, you think if there are no witnesses & no visible damage, it id OK to rape & grobe women. Wow, just like your orange buddy.

No I don't. Do you think that it's okay to make claims that are false for political purposes and promote your parties agenda?

There you go again, assuming the woman is lying.

You voted for Trump & he accused Ted Cruz's father of being involved in the assassination of JFK. Trump accused Hillary of being a crook. He accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her ancestry.

Trump is the biggest liar when it comes to talking about hos opponents.

And YOU slobber all over him. So really, STFU

What does Trump have to do with this? We are talking about Kavanaugh here. Yes, I assume the bimbo is lying. Why?

For one, she never reported the incident to any authoritative figure.

Two, she never came out before even though he's been a judge for many years.

Three, her claim is that she didn't tell her husband about it until therapy in 2015. She teaches Clinical Psychology for crying out loud. You mean to tell me she held this in for 30 years as a highly trained psychologist, and needed therapy to come out with this?

She claims the assault was KIavanaugh and somebody else at a party. Who is this somebody else that she won't identify?

Kavanaugh has never been accused of wrongdoing in his life up to this point. Men that rape or try to rape women don't do it once. They are psychopaths that have a history of such activity.

She wrote to Frankenstein claiming that she is a constituent of hers, meaning that she is a hard leftist who (like all leftists) is upset at the court tilting towards constitutionalism.

A lot of high school girls don't report this type of incident. She spoke up when the slimeball got nominated for the USSC. I'm waiting for Kavanaugh to deny it under oath. Has he?

He has denied it already, and listening to a news report today, they found the other guy she claimed assisted in this supposed attack. His response was that she is nuts.

I’m dying to see her testify under oath to the US Congress. I would also like them to dig up the name of the host who threw this party to see what they have to say about it.

We all know what this is: a stall tactic. If it was genuine in any way, Frankenstein would have presented it when she supposedly got the letter two months ago. But as we all know, had she done that, the matter would have been cleared up long before now and he would be confirmed this week.

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He denied it. Whew that settles it.

Now it is not an assault from years ago. It is whether Kavanaugh just lied.
No I don't. Do you think that it's okay to make claims that are false for political purposes and promote your parties agenda?

There you go again, assuming the woman is lying.

You voted for Trump & he accused Ted Cruz's father of being involved in the assassination of JFK. Trump accused Hillary of being a crook. He accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her ancestry.

Trump is the biggest liar when it comes to talking about hos opponents.

And YOU slobber all over him. So really, STFU

What does Trump have to do with this? We are talking about Kavanaugh here. Yes, I assume the bimbo is lying. Why?

For one, she never reported the incident to any authoritative figure.

Two, she never came out before even though he's been a judge for many years.

Three, her claim is that she didn't tell her husband about it until therapy in 2015. She teaches Clinical Psychology for crying out loud. You mean to tell me she held this in for 30 years as a highly trained psychologist, and needed therapy to come out with this?

She claims the assault was KIavanaugh and somebody else at a party. Who is this somebody else that she won't identify?

Kavanaugh has never been accused of wrongdoing in his life up to this point. Men that rape or try to rape women don't do it once. They are psychopaths that have a history of such activity.

She wrote to Frankenstein claiming that she is a constituent of hers, meaning that she is a hard leftist who (like all leftists) is upset at the court tilting towards constitutionalism.

A lot of high school girls don't report this type of incident. She spoke up when the slimeball got nominated for the USSC. I'm waiting for Kavanaugh to deny it under oath. Has he?

He has denied it already, and listening to a news report today, they found the other guy she claimed assisted in this supposed attack. His response was that she is nuts.

I’m dying to see her testify under oath to the US Congress. I would also like them to dig up the name of the host who threw this party to see what they have to say about it.

We all know what this is: a stall tactic. If it was genuine in any way, Frankenstein would have presented it when she supposedly got the letter two months ago. But as we all know, had she done that, the matter would have been cleared up long before now and he would be confirmed this week.

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He denied it. Whew that settles it.

Now it is not an assault from years ago. It is whether Kavanaugh just lied.

Are you blind or something? Let's go through what came out today:

Ford claims she doesn't know where the house is at where the supposed assault took place.
She claims she doesn't even remember what year it was, month or even season.
She claims she doesn't know who hosted the party.
She erased her entire Facebook account including pictures of her in a pussy hat while protesting.

Now, it's much more than just Kavanaugh claiming his innocence. This bimbo's story has more holes in it than swiss cheese. She is a Democrat operative plain and simple, so she's lying to help the Democrats stall this nomination until after the midterms.
Nobody was abused. The lying bitch probably had a friend write the letter. 65 women came out and stated Kavanaugh is a fine upstanding man and always was.

Even the FBI laughed at this letter. An anonymous friend of a friend in high school was attacked by Kavanaugh who had no record of any trouble in school or with police, that was someplace that had a door that locked from the outside instead of inside like every door I've seen in my life.

But yeah, you libs will believe that.
I get it. Women are liars & the abusers never did it. Based on what?????? You don't know this person. Hell, you don't know the abuser. But hey, women lie & men NEVER EVER abuse women. I
So, 65+ women, who are not shy of providing their names and other info, are a bunch of lying whores, and one alleged "victim" claiming an incident that took place 17-some-odd years ago, in high school, and who allegedly refuses to reveal her name, etc, is some kind of paragon of virtue? All I can say is, the court of public opinion is anything but impartial and this whole incident stinks like a pile of shit as high as your house (unless you live underground).

It wasn't even the victim making that claim. It's a different person who says she seen the entire thing. You know, those anonymous people that come out against Trump all the time?

Ooops! I missed that. Even better, an anonymous witness to an alleged incident that occurred during some high school fete some 30-odd years ago. At the least, the statute of limitations has long passed. It amazes me more every day the lengths these haters will go to in order to discredit President Trump and anyone or anything positively associated with him.

It doesn't surprise me at all. Remember when Gingrich ran into trouble when talking to somebody else about a case he was involved in?

This was back in the 90's mind you, when technology wasn't anywhere near what it is today. They found some leftist retired school teacher stating he had a scanner that was able to pickup cell phone calls (which was illegal) and said as they were driving to some vacation spot, he heard Newt Gingrich making this call, and he recognized Newt's voice immediately.

The claim was they just happened to have a tape recorder available. After all, don't we all ride around with an illegal scanner and tape recorder? And he (not the DNC) recorded this cell phone call between Gingrich and somebody else discussing the case which a judge ordered him not to.

The truth is cell phone calls cannot be recorded using a simple illegal scanner. That's because the transmission and reception are on two totally different frequencies. You would need a very expensive and sophisticated device to pull off something like that.

When his wife testified that she immediately knew Gingrich's voice once she heard it, a Republican Congressman asked her what color hair Gingrich had? She became nervous and said "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE???"

The retired teacher was found to be very active and loyal to the Democrat party. So Democrats have a history of pulling stunts like this. This college professor is a highly trained psychologist, who now claims she didn't ever tell her story until therapy in 2015.
It boggles the mind how many of these bimbettes can't recall anything as life-impactinting until their victim becomes the subject of public scrutiny. C'mon gals, this shit is...well, shit! I'm so tired of these *metoo beactches crawling out of the woodwork on command.

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