It is True: Hamas Palestinians Murdered Jewish Babies By Cutting Off Their Heads and Burning them Alive

Anyone with a sense of individual rights and the rule of law, has to support the Palestinians.
They are the natives, and have been for 10,000 years.
God brought them back for the purpose of sparking the end time conflagration that will involve most of the world.
even the women "get off.." on it Read the koran-----in the city NOW CALLED
MEDINA------the holy rapist called NABI ------decided to fiddle with the genitalia
of the Jewish boys looking for pubic hairs------any kid with pubic hairs got beheaded
----his bevy of sluts were the audience------and thus the "wives" of muhummad-
laughed and got "EXCITED" The glorious event is memorialized in the not so
Columbus celebrated how easy it was to subdue and rape and enslave the Arawaks and plenty of Americans celebrate him.
Anyone with a sense of individual rights and the rule of law, has to support the Palestinians.
They are the natives, and have been for 10,000 years.
Well, somethings wrong with them as no other Arab country wants to help them. Or maybe these other countries want the Palestinians to be the catalyst for an all-out war on Israel, therefore they allow them to continue suffering at the hands of the Israelis. Maybe this the time. :omg:

They do not believe in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Their pedophile prophet tired sloppily to copy the “Allah” from the Bible but contradicted himself so much they are not compatible in any way as the same “Allah”.

They are pretty much he same as Rabbinic Jews who reinvented their religion a couple hundred years after Christ.
The Christian Bible celebrates rape and incest. They're all filled with contradictions because they're all make believe.
The Quran is very strict that Moslems can only behead, because it is the quickest and least painful.
So then those other acts were not done by Moslems.
Mutilation is a cherished behavior of the savages of the world.
The Bible documents such behaviors, it doesn't 'celebrate' them.
Lot was saved from the destruction of Gomorrah after he offered his daughters to be raped to protect the angels wasn't he? It was his wife who got smote for daring to witness God's wrath, not Lot or his incest plotting children.

There's also Abraham who's devotion was such that he was willing to murder his own son at God's command and for this willingness to murder his child for God is rewarded by him being the seed of the Israelites.
Got any video proof?

when ISIL committed there acts it was all on video. I’ve seen it on video on some of those Gore websites. Videos of them putting men in the cages and then drowning them alive. Putting men into a car in blowing it up with a bazooka. And of course the beheading videos.

In any event from the videos, everybody have seen so far they were bad too. I mean it was awful seeing the Hamas people gunning down people in their cars and running away.

Israeli also has Jews who have committed evil actions. The only difference is you people your types either don’t condemn it, or you lash out and are rude to people who tell you the truth.

Either you’re going to lie and call people “anti-Semitic” or “supporters of hamas” or you’re going to be a proper gentleman and learn how to have a real conversation. It’s up to you doesnt bother me either way.
I gave you a citation, you stupid schmuck.
Lot was saved from the destruction of Gomorrah after he offered his daughters to be raped to protect the angels wasn't he? It was his wife who got smote for daring to witness God's wrath, not Lot or his incest plotting children.

There's also Abraham who's devotion was such that he was willing to murder his own son at God's command and for this willingness to murder his child for God is rewarded by him being the seed of the Israelites.
So then, these behaviors are openly celebrated in churches today? We know they are celebrated outside of the church. :omg:
Columbus celebrated how easy it was to subdue and rape and enslave the Arawaks and plenty of Americans celebrate him.

And what Europeans were doing to each other at the time was different how?

You still had serfs in Eastern Europe at the time of Columbus.
The obvious result of celebrating bad behavior, which would be teaching it in Sunday school.
They don't teach putting God above yourself and even your family and children in church? And that occasionally doesn't have poor consequences?
Columbus celebrated how easy it was to subdue and rape and enslave the Arawaks and plenty of Americans celebrate him.
there is a COLUMBUS sect of what religion? There is a religion that calls Columbus saint or prophet----Columbus determines the US code of law?

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