It just doesn't matter


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
All the arguing, hatred, it has to be this way it has to be that way. Most nds don't change and I. Reality IT JUST DOESNT MATTER. At 89 years of age I've heard this same garbage every 4 years. Yet the sun still rose and people woke up and labored most on jobs they greatly disliked. But they did it despite all the arguing. To those millions upon millions who know it doesn't matter and life goes on....I toast to you. america is alive and well and it's all good.
All the arguing, hatred, it has to be this way it has to be that way. Most nds don't change and I. Reality IT JUST DOESNT MATTER. At 89 years of age I've heard this same garbage every 4 years. Yet the sun still rose and people woke up and labored most on jobs they greatly disliked. But they did it despite all the arguing. To those millions upon millions who know it doesn't matter and life goes on....I toast to you. america is alive and well and it's all good.
....but the US is being destroyed by the Biden/Dems/ can't take in so many immigrants/illegals/etc and expect the standard of living to remain the same...and that's just economically
....125,000 refugees--that's not counting immigrants and illegals will be like the USSR 1980s/etc
All the arguing, hatred, it has to be this way it has to be that way. Most nds don't change and I. Reality IT JUST DOESNT MATTER. At 89 years of age I've heard this same garbage every 4 years. Yet the sun still rose and people woke up and labored most on jobs they greatly disliked. But they did it despite all the arguing. To those millions upon millions who know it doesn't matter and life goes on....I toast to you. america is alive and well and it's all good.
<giggle> You're quoting one of my favorite movies.
I've heard the "us is going to be destroyed" forever. Still here. Every new generation is more productive than the next. The only difference is workers are standing up for the themselves which is always a good thing thing.
All the arguing, hatred, it has to be this way it has to be that way. Most nds don't change and I. Reality IT JUST DOESNT MATTER. At 89 years of age I've heard this same garbage every 4 years. Yet the sun still rose and people woke up and labored most on jobs they greatly disliked. But they did it despite all the arguing. To those millions upon millions who know it doesn't matter and life goes on....I toast to you. america is alive and well and it's all good.

It's not a bad idea to toast the folks working hard and picking up the check for the circus the assclowns on the Beltway are having ... :thup:
But really ... I'm pretty sure they aren't working for that, but to make their own lives and communities a better place.

I've heard the "us is going to be destroyed" forever. Still here. Every new generation is more productive than the next. The only difference is workers are standing up for the themselves which is always a good thing thing.
Every generation is more productive than the next?

rotflmfao. Have you seen the idiots being turned out?
I've heard the "us is going to be destroyed" forever. Still here. Every new generation is more productive than the next. The only difference is workers are standing up for the themselves which is always a good thing thing.
wow----ever hear of Rome/Britain/Italy/Greece/USSR/etc etc ?? it's called learning history.......
....they were once POWERFUL/, they weren't destroyed, but they are nowhere near as powerful--economically or militarily as they once were must be it's criminals are HEROES and police bad--that in itself tells you the US is going down
I've heard the "us is going to be destroyed" forever. Still here. Every new generation is more productive than the next. The only difference is workers are standing up for the themselves which is always a good thing thing.
Every generation is more productive than the next?

rotflmfao. Have you seen the idiots being turned out?
..he must be on drugs
We are as strong as ever. Relax.
.....I've got some news for you--we are in HUGE debt....and the pandemic has made it worse
.....if you have ever read history, you would know that even Medieval communities were ''destroyed'' by taxes.....
We are as strong as ever. Relax.
.....I've got some news for you--we are in HUGE debt....and the pandemic has made it worse
.....if you have ever read history, you would know that even Medieval communities were ''destroyed'' by taxes.....

Asshole dickhead Dem's strategy has been to pile up the debt and lock in the spending THEN innocently claim they have no choice but to jack taxes up sky high. Bookmark this post!
We are as strong as ever. Relax.
.....I've got some news for you--we are in HUGE debt....and the pandemic has made it worse
.....if you have ever read history, you would know that even Medieval communities were ''destroyed'' by taxes.....

Asshole dickhead Dem's strategy has been to pile up the debt and lock in the spending THEN innocently claim they have no choice but to jack taxes up sky high. Bookmark this post!
..they needed to CUT taxes long ago--now he wants to raise it on the rich--who are ALREADY paying more than their fair share
Nobody said this country would end before. All presidents so far have been fairly in the center. Obama was the first far left liberal elected. Then Trump was far right. Now biden is even further left than Obama. Once Obamacare got shoved down Americans throats along partisan lines the table was set. Now the calls for unity fall on deaf ears. Liberals are saying "vote with us or we'll do it without you." That's not unity.
Nobody said this country would end before. All presidents so far have been fairly in the center. Obama was the first far left liberal elected. Then Trump was far right. Now biden is even further left than Obama. Once Obamacare got shoved down Americans throats along partisan lines the table was set. Now the calls for unity fall on deaf ears. Liberals are saying "vote with us or we'll do it without you." That's not unity.
Trump is little right of center, not far right.
He did reasonable things.
All the arguing, hatred, it has to be this way it has to be that way. Most nds don't change and I. Reality IT JUST DOESNT MATTER. At 89 years of age I've heard this same garbage every 4 years. Yet the sun still rose and people woke up and labored most on jobs they greatly disliked. But they did it despite all the arguing. To those millions upon millions who know it doesn't matter and life goes on....I toast to you. america is alive and well and it's all good.

Too bad that you're too old to miss the real fallout coming.
Debt be darned.... to me to s nd our the stimulus checks. It's not american to let people struggle.vva great nation does not do that.

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