It Keeps Getting Worse For Snowflakes 2.0 - 'Conservatives Outnumber Liberals'

Geez oh Petes, why didn't you say so? The Gu of Ga [as they say round these parts]...big fan of yours...wanna by a lava lamp?
No mother fucker but do you want a jolt of electricity through your frontal lobes to bring you Alive

wanna buy an autographed Ronald Reagan soiled Depends under garment ?
Page one... progressives are control freaks. Fact

I'm originally from Altoona Pa., when we use to travel there by car we use to drive through a town right before it called Tyrone...any relation?
Geez oh Petes, why didn't you say so? The Gu of Ga [as they say round these parts]...big fan of yours...wanna by a lava lamp?
No mother fucker but do you want a jolt of electricity through your frontal lobes to bring you Alive

wanna buy an autographed Ronald Reagan soiled Depends under garment ?
Page one... progressives are control freaks. Fact

I'm originally from Altoona Pa., when we use to travel there by car we use to drive through a town right before it called Tyrone...any relation?
Tyrone is an old Irish its possible
Geez oh Petes, why didn't you say so? The Gu of Ga [as they say round these parts]...big fan of yours...wanna by a lava lamp?
No mother fucker but do you want a jolt of electricity through your frontal lobes to bring you Alive

wanna buy an autographed Ronald Reagan soiled Depends under garment ?
Page one... progressives are control freaks. Fact

I'm originally from Altoona Pa., when we use to travel there by car we use to drive through a town right before it called Tyrone...any relation?
Tyrone is an old Irish its possible
Obama has been one of the best 'recruiters' Conservatives have ever had.

Yep...that's why Herr Drumplethinskin won the popular vote.......

And dems lost in historic numbers across the country.

"Historic"? :laugh:

Can you say 1000 seats of various gov positions lost to republicans?
I knew you could.
Ya might want to pluck that Kiwi outta your ass,it's affecting your thought process.
Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama
Obama did not come for your guns Rubes but the GOP is coming for your Health Care your Medicare and Your Social Security ...Good Luck Rubes you all are going to Need it .........:ack-1:
Barry already detroyed our health care and forced us all to buy his crap that is now collapsing.
and he did that after taking all you all 's guns and giving them to Muslim s
Being a condescending douche doesn't take away from the fact that Barry and the Democrats destroyed the health care system and replaced it with a failed stepping stone to Socialist Single payer, a system that monetarily punishes the poor who can't afford an over 100% increase in premiums.
U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)

So you're back to believing the polls.

and he did that after taking all you all 's guns and giving them to Muslim s
Being a condescending douche doesn't take away from the fact that Barry and the Democrats destroyed the health care system and replaced it with a failed stepping stone to Socialist Single payer, a system that monetarily punishes the poor who can't afford an over 100% increase in premiums.

Who are the poor people in America who pay full premium price for health insurance?
Who are the poor people in America who pay full premium price for health insurance?
Ask some of the people who just had their premiums go up over 100% and find they can't afford it now.
I want you to show me the poor people who are paying full health insurance premiums. You can't. You lied.
I never said 'full' premiums' - you did.

Here's what I said:

"... a system that monetarily punishes the poor who can't afford an over 100% increase in premiums."

Keep on lying, douche bag.
The 'fining Americans who can't pay for Barry-mandated health care' was SUCH a great Idea, as was the whole ACA:

Many Who Got Obamacare Subsidies Now Face Big Tax Bill | State of Health | KQED News

"Roberta and Curtis Campbell typically look forward to tax time. Most years, they receive a refund – a little extra cash to pay off credit card bills. But this year the couple got a shock: According to their tax preparer, they owe the IRS more than $6,000.

That’s the money the Campbells received from the federal government last year to make their Obamacare health coverage more affordable. Roberta, unemployed when she signed up for the plan, got a job halfway through the year and Curtis found full-time work. The couple’s total yearly income became too high to qualify for federal subsidies. Now they have to pay all the money back."

Obamacare fines rise as subsidies go to people who don't exist -

The IRS fined more than 7.5 million Americans who didn’t have health insurance in 2014, even as Obamacare subsidies flowed to people who didn’t even exist.

The Treasury Department reported last week the number of Americans who faced fines because of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate was significantly higher than the Obama administration expected. For 2014, the IRS projected that roughly 6 million would face fines, but the final total was 1.5 million higher. The average penalty collected for the 2014 tax year was about $200, the IRS reported.

So much for The ACA will 'NOT COST A DIME', will 'PAY FOR ITSELF', & will 'LOWER THE COST OF HEALTH CARE'...
Conservatives ran a majority of houses before the election and told you that its all liberals fault. So you voted them in even more and guesss what. They're going to blame it on liberals and keep going back to that well as long as its filled with Derp
Page eight in the Conservative playbook: Never accept blame! If there's a problem, do two things: tell people they must be frightened of it and point the blame to Liberals. Under no circumstances try to solve the problem, unless you try tax cuts to the rich.

Yeah, like spending eight years blaming everything on racists and one-percenters?

Ain't it funny how the libturds resemble and behave as they speak? they are racist, homophobe, play the blame game better than anyone, whine, complain insult and are the actual architects if how to be vile
:lmao:Trump’:lmao:s contrast with Obama in late 2008 is stunning: Obama entered 2009 with a 68 percent favorable rating. Today, Trump’s favorable rating stands at an anemic 43 percent. And if history is any indication, that rating is almost certain to go down once the new president takes office.:lmao:

Before Meeting With Trump Tech CEO Makes MAJOR Jobs Announcement!

"Donald Trump is set to have a major summit with leaders from the country’s tech industry tomorrow. The topic of course will be jobs.

Trump ran on two things: Jobs and Security. His cabinet picks show that he is already serious about making America Secure Again. His work on Carrier and the iPhone show that he’s ready to Make America Work Again!



Carrier and Foxconn (maker of the iPhone) have already pledged to keep or move 100s of jobs to the United States. Now another major tech company, IBM, is stepping up to the plate!"

Cause nobody really wants to keep the jobs in the US, right?

Read more: Before Meeting With Trump Tech CEO Makes MAJOR Jobs Announcement!

IBM 25,000 jobs. oops I guess his favorable rating will go down now right?
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Conservatives ran a majority of houses before the election and told you that its all liberals fault. So you voted them in even more and guesss what. They're going to blame it on liberals and keep going back to that well as long as its filled with Derp
Page eight in the Conservative playbook: Never accept blame! If there's a problem, do two things: tell people they must be frightened of it and point the blame to Liberals. Under no circumstances try to solve the problem, unless you try tax cuts to the rich.

Yeah, like spending eight years blaming everything on racists and one-percenters?

Had you not been a racist you would not have felt that scorn so acutely.
you mean if we hadn't been ignored because obummer is racist? You are spot fking on there bubba.

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