It Keeps Getting Worse For Snowflakes 2.0 - 'Conservatives Outnumber Liberals'

U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)
Rather depends on the particular issue.

It is not an all or nothing platform you are tied to.

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U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)

Everyone in this this thread should know---------> it really doesn't make a difference what you think, it makes a difference if you show up in the numbers at the voting booth.

All of us can claim whatever we want; no matter if conservative or liberal, but if you do NOT vote to insure your ideas are instituted, then what good are the ideas?

The left has run this country for almost 3 decades, and that is because people who would normally resist this crap, fell asleep at the wheel. Are you awake? You sure? We have a whole lot of making up to do, and the left is going to call you really bad names. Ignore them! They are phony, and do your utmost to hose their agenda! Even if you do the wrong thing, that is ok! They have done the wrong thing so many times, we get a pass. It is time they have to worry about getting things back to neutral instead of us. Make them work!

Good luck!
U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)

Everyone in this this thread should know---------> it really doesn't make a difference what you think, it makes a difference if you show up in the numbers at the voting booth.

All of us can claim whatever we want; no matter if conservative or liberal, but if you do NOT vote to insure your ideas are instituted, then what good are the ideas?

The left has run this country for almost 3 decades, and that is because people who would normally resist this crap, fell asleep at the wheel. Are you awake? You sure? We have a whole lot of making up to do, and the left is going to call you really bad names. Ignore them! They are phony, and do your utmost to hose their agenda! Even if you do the wrong thing, that is ok! They have done the wrong thing so many times, we get a pass. It is time they have to worry about getting things back to neutral instead of us. Make them work!

Good luck!

probably quite a few of the anti-trump malcontents did not even bother to vote, they just mouth off and gripe for the sake of having someone listen to them, even if they have nothing valid to say
U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)

Everyone in this this thread should know---------> it really doesn't make a difference what you think, it makes a difference if you show up in the numbers at the voting booth.

All of us can claim whatever we want; no matter if conservative or liberal, but if you do NOT vote to insure your ideas are instituted, then what good are the ideas?

The left has run this country for almost 3 decades, and that is because people who would normally resist this crap, fell asleep at the wheel. Are you awake? You sure? We have a whole lot of making up to do, and the left is going to call you really bad names. Ignore them! They are phony, and do your utmost to hose their agenda! Even if you do the wrong thing, that is ok! They have done the wrong thing so many times, we get a pass. It is time they have to worry about getting things back to neutral instead of us. Make them work!

Good luck!

probably quite a few of the anti-trump malcontents did not even bother to vote, they just mouth off and gripe for the sake of having someone listen to them, even if they have nothing valid to say

Could be true, I dunno, ask Coyote-)
Conservatives ran a majority of houses before the election and told you that its all liberals fault. So you voted them in even more and guesss what. They're going to blame it on liberals and keep going back to that well as long as its filled with Derp
Page eight in the Conservative playbook: Never accept blame! If there's a problem, do two things: tell people they must be frightened of it and point the blame to Liberals. Under no circumstances try to solve the problem, unless you try tax cuts to the rich.
Can you post a link to that book?
U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)

You left out the Moderates. Hillary won the Moderate vote by 12 points. That's where the rest of the left is.
FYI, it wasn't Trump nor Eric who were offering hunting trips or w/e for cash.

The Trump Foundation was offering dinner with Trump for donations to a children's hospital (pretty sure it was a hospital may have just been a kid charity, medical care or something like that idk - sorry I'm hot and heavy learning a new coding language so things are fuzzy.)

That said, they said the understood the concerns and would ditch it. I think it was Eric who expressed it was a sad day when doing the right thing was seen as wrong -- I'd add because of shitty politics, rather than any real impropriety.
muh lekshuns. voldamar pootin n th rushins hakked muh lekshuns. raysis drumph ain't muh pressdent.

- Your typical SJW
Conservatives ran a majority of houses before the election and told you that its all liberals fault. So you voted them in even more and guesss what. They're going to blame it on liberals and keep going back to that well as long as its filled with Derp
Page eight in the Conservative playbook: Never accept blame! If there's a problem, do two things: tell people they must be frightened of it and point the blame to Liberals. Under no circumstances try to solve the problem, unless you try tax cuts to the rich.
Can you post a link to that book?
C'mon! You know the Conservative playbook, don't ya? It hasn't changed since 1919.

Page one: when having to choose between the people and the businesses they work for, side with the business. There's where the job providers are.

Page two: never forget to label 'the other'. Tacitly or overtly keep those dog whistles blowing. Your base is where the votes are.

Page three: science is bad. Science tells us that we are, indeed, mammals, not divine inspirations. Science tells us that we indeed can screw up the environment. And science tells us things about our society we would just as soon ignore.

Page four: all our politics are malleable, unless we say so. We have campaigned as segregationists, a president who called out the US Army on our own war heroes, fiscal hawks and small government zealots. But we can find a paradigm for everything if we just believe the business world. After all, when have businesses screwed up worse than Washington?

Page five: quick! find a scapegoat! Use whatever minority you want. Blacks, Gays, Women, Native Americans, chinks, gooks and sheenies. There should always be someplace to place the blame.

Page six: when in doubt, call people names. Commie is a good start. For the less politically literate, use any scary sounding name, even if they are contradictory. For example: it's perfectly acceptable to call a Liberal both a Commie and a Fascist.

Page seven: refer to page six and the political smear to rhetorically draw and quarter your opponent. Publish lies or computer hacks from your secret admirer like a fifteen year old girl, look directly into the camera and lie. Whatever it takes.
Last edited:
Conservatives ran a majority of houses before the election and told you that its all liberals fault. So you voted them in even more and guesss what. They're going to blame it on liberals and keep going back to that well as long as its filled with Derp
Page eight in the Conservative playbook: Never accept blame! If there's a problem, do two things: tell people they must be frightened of it and point the blame to Liberals. Under no circumstances try to solve the problem, unless you try tax cuts to the rich.
Can you post a link to that book?
C'mon! You know the Conservative playbook, don't ya? It hasn't changed since 1919.

Page one: when having to choose between the people and the businesses they work for, side with the business. There's where the job providers are.

Page two: never forget to label 'the other'. Tacitly or overtly keep those dog whistles blowing. Your base is where the votes are.

Page three: science is bad. Science tells us that we are, indeed, mammals, not divine inspirations. Science tells us that we indeed can screw up the environment. And science tells us things about our society we would just as soon ignore.

Page four: all our politics are malleable, unless we say so. We have campaigned as segregationists, a president who called out the US Army on our own war heroes, fiscal hawks and small government zealots. But we can find a paradigm for everything if we just believe the business world. After all, when have businesses screwed up worse than Washington?

Page five: quick! find a scapegoat! Use whatever minority you want. Blacks, Gays, Wome, Native Americans, chinks, gooks and sheenies. There should always be someplace to place the blame.

Page six: when in doubt, call people names. Commie is a good start. For the less politically literate, use any scary sounding name, even if they are contradictory. For example: it's perfectly acceptable to call a Liberal both a Commie and a Faci.

Page seven: refer to page six and the political smear to rhetorically draw and quarter your opponent. Publish lies or computer hacks from your secret admirer like a fifteen year old girl, look directly into the camera and lie. Whatever it takes.
Here's mine.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat
When people grow up and mature they become conservatives.
grow up.jpg
U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)

Welllll....when you actually look at the poll - conservatives are decreasing and liberals are increasing.
U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)

Welllll....when you actually look at the poll - conservatives are decreasing and liberals are increasing.
We've seen how accurate and truthful those polls are, haven't we?
U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)

Welllll....when you actually look at the poll - conservatives are decreasing and liberals are increasing.
We've seen how accurate and truthful those polls are, haven't we?


Why don't you tell that to the OP who seems to be in enraptured by it?

(i.e. polls are accurate and truthful when they support Trump or the right)
U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin

According to Gallup:
"Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s. That remained the case in 2016, when an average of 36% of U.S. adults throughout the year identified themselves as conservative and 25% as liberal."

(That sound you here is snowflake heads exploding all across America. :p)

Welllll....when you actually look at the poll - conservatives are decreasing and liberals are increasing.
We've seen how accurate and truthful those polls are, haven't we?


Why don't you tell that to the OP who seems to be in enraptured by it?

(i.e. polls are accurate and truthful when they support Trump or the right)
How do you know that? They're all full of crap like you are.

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