It looks like the Ds are Trying to Lose the Mid-Terms

Pelosi, Waters, both Clintons and Schumer have all been busy making Trump look good, What's next Obama explaining why he said nothing about the apology to American Indians that was in the 2010 Defense bill, he approves of the baby kebobs his party's founder used against the Creeks in the Horseshoe Bend operation in 1814?

This is the most half-witted mid-term campaign ever and the economy for the only time on record has more job openings than job seekers. This is the wrong time for a collective brain fart.
Tax cuts are crumbs
unemployment numbers don't matter
MS13 are good people
Guns are evil
Felons like pedophiles should vote and run for office

I mean who couldn't get behind this awesome agenda?????????????
What a nice pile of strawmen you have there! This is the height of your wit? Really?

You hate the truth...nothing I can do about it
Show me a link where Democrats believe pedophiles should run for office.

I'll wait here.
Dem plotting and scheming has failed, the 24/7 attacks on Trump have not persuaded voters to abandon president Trump hence the blue wave never materialized. If they fail to retake the House in Nov all hells going to break lose in the Dem party.
Pelosi, Waters, both Clintons and Schumer have all been busy making Trump look good, What's next Obama explaining why he said nothing about the apology to American Indians that was in the 2010 Defense bill, he approves of the baby kebobs his party's founder used against the Creeks in the Horseshoe Bend operation in 1814?

This is the most half-witted mid-term campaign ever and the economy for the only time on record has more job openings than job seekers. This is the wrong time for a collective brain fart.
Tax cuts are crumbs
unemployment numbers don't matter
MS13 are good people
Guns are evil
Felons like pedophiles should vote and run for office

I mean who couldn't get behind this awesome agenda?????????????
What a nice pile of strawmen you have there! This is the height of your wit? Really?

You hate the truth...nothing I can do about it
Show me a link where Democrats believe pedophiles should run for office.

I'll wait here.
They allowed fellons to vote and run for office....and now we get this
Admitted pedophile who advocated for incest, rape, white supremacy running for Congress

Larson served several months in federal prison for threatening to kill a U.S. president in 2008. It was a conviction that barred him from running for public office until 2016, when former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe enacted laws that restored that right to some felons.

great job Terry.......

not all of us are unemployed tards like the book of Job

I'm still waiting on that link which shows Democrats believe pedophiles should run for office.

And here you thought you could get away with manufacturing total bullshit. :lol:

No it's called unintended consequences you dipshit.....then why allow fellons to cant answer it, because it proves my theory......

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