It looks like Trump fired Preet Barrarah because Veselnitskaya asked him to

No it won't. You claimed I was for everything on your silly list, and that link certainly doesn't show that. Admit you are lying.

Don't lie, though as a Nazi it is your nature to lie; I challenged you to list how your filthy party differs from the platform I listed.

So? It's your claim. Your responsibility to prove it. That should be easy to do for the other RWNJs here, but credible proof will be harder for you to come up with.
Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

Wilbur Ross was on the board of directors for a Cyprus bank where many Russian agents kept accounts in order to hide money from the country... including Putin.

Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.
So he was president of a bank that had some shady customers. Name one bank that doesn't.

All you turds have is a bunch of 7 degrees from Kevin Bacon type of stuff.

I didn't say he was President.. I said he was on the board of directors. The Bank of Cyprus is known for being a shady bank for criminals to hide their money... There is no 7 degrees, he is a direct link. Period.
The "direct link" to what? He was only one guy on the board of directors. Hillary was the actual director, if not officially, of CGI, a corrupt money laundering scheme.
Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.

Of course she is, what you accuse Trump of is what your party in fact did.

I don't have a party... and Hillary is no longer relevant. If she is please tell me how so. What position in government does she hold?
Yep, never mind the crooked douche bag all you snowflakes voted for. What we did and said in the past isn't relevant. Only what we are saying now.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who did I vote for? :lmao:

I love when the best argument a Trump supporter can come up with is, "Well your candidate is more crooked than our's!" :poop:
In other words, you voted for a crook, and now we are supposed to believe you actually believe in upholding the law.
And who told you this is what Democrats want?

Democrats have told us over and over and over.

No. That's just the voices in your head.

Oh, is that who is demanding "single payer" and violently suppressing speech hated by your party? :dunno:

I have no idea what the voices in your head are saying or doing. Talk to your therapist.

So you are lying that you Nazi democrats are NOT demanding single payer? Really? :lmao:

I would love to see single payer, but I know it won't happen now, with RWNJs in control. I'm certainly not demanding it.
Wilbur Ross was on the board of directors for a Cyprus bank where many Russian agents kept accounts in order to hide money from the country... including Putin.

Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.
So he was president of a bank that had some shady customers. Name one bank that doesn't.

All you turds have is a bunch of 7 degrees from Kevin Bacon type of stuff.

I didn't say he was President.. I said he was on the board of directors. The Bank of Cyprus is known for being a shady bank for criminals to hide their money... There is no 7 degrees, he is a direct link. Period.
The "direct link" to what? He was only one guy on the board of directors. Hillary was the actual director, if not officially, of CGI, a corrupt money laundering scheme.

Do I think Clinton is a crook? Yep... but after all the investigations done by all the Conservatives over all the years... none has come up with anything to make it stick. Yet you guys repeat it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.

Of course she is, what you accuse Trump of is what your party in fact did.

I don't have a party... and Hillary is no longer relevant. If she is please tell me how so. What position in government does she hold?
Yep, never mind the crooked douche bag all you snowflakes voted for. What we did and said in the past isn't relevant. Only what we are saying now.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Who did I vote for? :lmao:

I love when the best argument a Trump supporter can come up with is, "Well your candidate is more crooked than our's!" :poop:
In other words, you voted for a crook, and now we are supposed to believe you actually believe in upholding the law.

I voted for a crook? You know who I voted for? You should know... as I've said several times on this forum... but you still don't know, you just assume you do.
Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

Wilbur Ross was on the board of directors for a Cyprus bank where many Russian agents kept accounts in order to hide money from the country... including Putin.

Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.

Of course she is, what you accuse Trump of is what your party in fact did.

I don't have a party... and Hillary is no longer relevant. If she is please tell me how so. What position in government does she hold?

You are a leftist, supporter of the Nazi democrats, even if you do not belong to their filthy party. Hillary is merely 6 months from ending the United States Republic, she is highly relevant.
Do I think Clinton is a crook? Yep... but after all the investigations done by all the Conservatives over all the years... none has come up with anything to make it stick. Yet you guys repeat it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


Being declared above the laws that govern commoners is not innocence.
Wilbur Ross was on the board of directors for a Cyprus bank where many Russian agents kept accounts in order to hide money from the country... including Putin.

Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.

Of course she is, what you accuse Trump of is what your party in fact did.

I don't have a party... and Hillary is no longer relevant. If she is please tell me how so. What position in government does she hold?

You are a leftist, supporter of the Nazi democrats, even if you do not belong to their filthy party. Hillary is merely 6 months from ending the United States Republic, she is highly relevant.

I am? Funny I have never voted for a Democrat in my life. Pretty astounding how stupid you Trump supporters are that you can't understand that just because someone doesn't support Trump doesn't automatically mean they are a liberal.

Please go on and tell me how Hillary is still relevant and has any power to do anything in the government of the U.S. What's her position within the government again?
Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.
So he was president of a bank that had some shady customers. Name one bank that doesn't.

All you turds have is a bunch of 7 degrees from Kevin Bacon type of stuff.

I didn't say he was President.. I said he was on the board of directors. The Bank of Cyprus is known for being a shady bank for criminals to hide their money... There is no 7 degrees, he is a direct link. Period.
The "direct link" to what? He was only one guy on the board of directors. Hillary was the actual director, if not officially, of CGI, a corrupt money laundering scheme.

Do I think Clinton is a crook? Yep... but after all the investigations done by all the Conservatives over all the years... none has come up with anything to make it stick. Yet you guys repeat it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
So it's OK if you voted for a crook since she got away with it? I'm in aw of your ethical standards. And you think I'm supposed to accept your attacks on Trump as motivated by a love of virtue?
Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.

Of course she is, what you accuse Trump of is what your party in fact did.

I don't have a party... and Hillary is no longer relevant. If she is please tell me how so. What position in government does she hold?

You are a leftist, supporter of the Nazi democrats, even if you do not belong to their filthy party. Hillary is merely 6 months from ending the United States Republic, she is highly relevant.

I am? Funny I have never voted for a Democrat in my life. Pretty astounding how stupid you Trump supporters are that you can't understand that just because someone doesn't support Trump doesn't automatically mean they are a liberal.

Please go on and tell me how Hillary is still relevant and has any power to do anything in the government of the U.S. What's her position within the government again?
Everything else you post indicates your a leftwinger. Your posts on Trump indicate that you're in the terminal phase.
Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.

Of course she is, what you accuse Trump of is what your party in fact did.

I don't have a party... and Hillary is no longer relevant. If she is please tell me how so. What position in government does she hold?

You are a leftist, supporter of the Nazi democrats, even if you do not belong to their filthy party. Hillary is merely 6 months from ending the United States Republic, she is highly relevant.

I am? Funny I have never voted for a Democrat in my life. Pretty astounding how stupid you Trump supporters are that you can't understand that just because someone doesn't support Trump doesn't automatically mean they are a liberal.

Please go on and tell me how Hillary is still relevant and has any power to do anything in the government of the U.S. What's her position within the government again?
Everything else you post indicates your a leftwinger. Your posts on Trump indicate that you're in the terminal phase.

Everything I post indicates I'm a leftwinger? You mean like being Pro-life? Pro-guns? Pro-death penalty? Yep that definitely sounds like a leftwinger...
& i'm sure mueller is very interested to hear what mr. bharara has to say in the matter as well.... since he was fired.. (& as comey was & did ) he is free to testify any which way being that he is a private citizen now... :popcorn:
Excuse me? There is ever only one way to testify: accurately, completely and truthfully, aka, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

i should have clarified. i meant to say in a public hearing. i do not think he is 'beholden' to remain silent regarding classified info since he is no longer beholden to any law enforcement agency.
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

that would be in his...................... now.........





The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

Wilbur Ross was on the board of directors for a Cyprus bank where many Russian agents kept accounts in order to hide money from the country... including Putin.

Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

lol.... yes....i heard that is where she sold all that uranium!!!! :lmao::laugh2::eusa_dance:
& i'm sure mueller is very interested to hear what mr. bharara has to say in the matter as well.... since he was fired.. (& as comey was & did ) he is free to testify any which way being that he is a private citizen now... :popcorn:
Excuse me? There is ever only one way to testify: accurately, completely and truthfully, aka, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

i should have clarified. i meant to say in a public hearing. i do not think he is 'beholden' to remain silent regarding classified info since he is no longer beholden to any law enforcement agency.
Okay. TY for the clarification.
Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.
So he was president of a bank that had some shady customers. Name one bank that doesn't.

All you turds have is a bunch of 7 degrees from Kevin Bacon type of stuff.

I didn't say he was President.. I said he was on the board of directors. The Bank of Cyprus is known for being a shady bank for criminals to hide their money... There is no 7 degrees, he is a direct link. Period.
The "direct link" to what? He was only one guy on the board of directors. Hillary was the actual director, if not officially, of CGI, a corrupt money laundering scheme.

Do I think Clinton is a crook? Yep... but after all the investigations done by all the Conservatives over all the years... none has come up with anything to make it stick. Yet you guys repeat it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

that would be in his...................... now.........





In other words, you don't have a clue.
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


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