It looks like Trump fired Preet Barrarah because Veselnitskaya asked him to

The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


It cracks me up when snowflakes claim they are well adjusted!
yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


It cracks me up when snowflakes claim they are well adjusted!

keep lying about the Donald, loony toon.

you shouldn't be criticizing anyone's mental health... whiny little bitch who cries when people point out your guy is a pathetic loser.
Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

Hillary isn't President... she is no longer relevant to the conversation. Wilbur Ross is the current Secretary of Commerce.

Of course she is, what you accuse Trump of is what your party in fact did.

I don't have a party... and Hillary is no longer relevant. If she is please tell me how so. What position in government does she hold?

You are a leftist, supporter of the Nazi democrats, even if you do not belong to their filthy party. Hillary is merely 6 months from ending the United States Republic, she is highly relevant.

I am? Funny I have never voted for a Democrat in my life. Pretty astounding how stupid you Trump supporters are that you can't understand that just because someone doesn't support Trump doesn't automatically mean they are a liberal.

Please go on and tell me how Hillary is still relevant and has any power to do anything in the government of the U.S. What's her position within the government again?

You have been a consistent leftist since you showed up here, and you are one of the dogs..
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


It cracks me up when snowflakes claim they are well adjusted!

keep lying about the Donald, loony toon.

you shouldn't be criticizing anyone's mental health... whiny little bitch who cries when people point out your guy is a pathetic loser.

You Nazis lost.

Renounce your civil war, end your incessant treason, become Americans, then you will deserve civil treatment. But as of now, you are fucking Nazi scum and many of us are dedicated to never allowing your kind of filth to rule again.
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

So let me get this straight, being a lobbyist for Russia IS GOOD when it's Hillary's chief of staff, but bad if it's the other side? So the whole idea of standards to you is just a matter of party? Your party can do no wrong?

Bartiromo asked Podesta why he failed to disclose his role in Joule as required by law when he entered the White House in January 2014 to serve as counselor to President Barack Obama.

“Maria, that’s not true. I fully disclosed and was completely compliant,” Podesta shot back.

But according to his own financial disclosure form, Podesta only listed two of the three entities that made up Joule Unlimited, failing to disclose his presence on the board of the Dutch-registered Stichting Joule Global Foundation.

When Bartiromo pressed Podesta on the whereabouts of his 75,000 shares of Joule stock, Podesta resorted to Clintonesque semantics: “I didn’t have any stock in any Russian company!”}

ANYTHING you Nazi scum accuse the opposition of, it is a certainty that you are doing it.
yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

Wilbur Ross was on the board of directors for a Cyprus bank where many Russian agents kept accounts in order to hide money from the country... including Putin.

Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

lol.... yes....i heard that is where she sold all that uranium!!!! :lmao::laugh2::eusa_dance:

How much in bribes did the Arkansas Mafia rake in from Putin? We know that Bill was bribed a cool quarter million. And Mafia Don Hillary was indeed one of 9 who granted Putin the rights And yes, Putin bribed her for her vote.
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


It's only bad if Republicans do it, eh Herr Himmler?

You're such a fraud.
Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


It cracks me up when snowflakes claim they are well adjusted!

keep lying about the Donald, loony toon.

you shouldn't be criticizing anyone's mental health... whiny little bitch who cries when people point out your guy is a pathetic loser.

You Nazis lost.

Renounce your civil war, end your incessant treason, become Americans, then you will deserve civil treatment. But as of now, you are fucking Nazi scum and many of us are dedicated to never allowing your kind of filth to rule again.
Her Himmler, the right wing having nothing but repeal, means no political legislation, Only the command economics of executive orders.
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

that would be in his...................... now.........





In other words, you don't have a clue.

& what are the odds there is no there 'there'


drumpf owing the rooooskies bigley?

go ahead & 'splain away why it hasn't coughed up its tax returns to squash this 'witch hunt'.

if it could, it would. but it can't or it will get busted. which will happen anyway.
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

that would be in his...................... now.........





In other words, you don't have a clue.

& what are the odds there is no there 'there'


drumpf owing the rooooskies bigley?

go ahead & 'splain away why it hasn't coughed up its tax returns to squash this 'witch hunt'.

if it could, it would. but it can't or it will get busted. which will happen anyway.

isn't it the orange sociopath who says if you're not giving information it's because you have something to hide?
Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


It cracks me up when snowflakes claim they are well adjusted!

keep lying about the Donald, loony toon.

you shouldn't be criticizing anyone's mental health... whiny little bitch who cries when people point out your guy is a pathetic loser.

You Nazis lost.

Renounce your civil war, end your incessant treason, become Americans, then you will deserve civil treatment. But as of now, you are fucking Nazi scum and many of us are dedicated to never allowing your kind of filth to rule again.

nazis, trash boy? let us know when Dems kill 11 million of their own people.

stop embarrassing yourself.
uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


It cracks me up when snowflakes claim they are well adjusted!

keep lying about the Donald, loony toon.

you shouldn't be criticizing anyone's mental health... whiny little bitch who cries when people point out your guy is a pathetic loser.

You Nazis lost.

Renounce your civil war, end your incessant treason, become Americans, then you will deserve civil treatment. But as of now, you are fucking Nazi scum and many of us are dedicated to never allowing your kind of filth to rule again.

nazis, trash boy? let us know when Dems kill 11 million of their own people.

stop embarrassing yourself.

They put 100,000 Japanese Americans in concentration camps.
yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


It's only bad if Republicans do it, eh Herr Himmler?

You're such a fraud.

you're an asshole.
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

The plot thickens.

yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

uh-huh. & if john podesta didn't register as a foreign agent....( is he?????????)..... like manafort & flynn failed to do ..... then appropriate action will be taken. however, me thinx that is NOT the case... because.... well..... it would have come out by now. like manafort & flynn's lack of balls to declare that on their security forms.

also.... any russian dealings by podesta's 'group' didn't include SANCTIONED business' or people....( did it ?????) like ummmmmmm.....who was it now?...... oh yaaaaaaaaa.... panty waist kushner. if that were the case, then shirley it would have been revealed by now.

hmmmmm..... sounds like it might be a whole lotta nothing. but feel free to think your fascist traitor & his ilk will come out 'winners' in this sick adventure they put all of us in.

it's gonna end pretty badly for them. & your party. oh & b4 you start spewing about nazis....i'm not a (D).

So let me get this straight, being a lobbyist for Russia IS GOOD when it's Hillary's chief of staff, but bad if it's the other side? So the whole idea of standards to you is just a matter of party? Your party can do no wrong?

Bartiromo asked Podesta why he failed to disclose his role in Joule as required by law when he entered the White House in January 2014 to serve as counselor to President Barack Obama.

“Maria, that’s not true. I fully disclosed and was completely compliant,” Podesta shot back.

But according to his own financial disclosure form, Podesta only listed two of the three entities that made up Joule Unlimited, failing to disclose his presence on the board of the Dutch-registered Stichting Joule Global Foundation.

When Bartiromo pressed Podesta on the whereabouts of his 75,000 shares of Joule stock, Podesta resorted to Clintonesque semantics: “I didn’t have any stock in any Russian company!”}

ANYTHING you Nazi scum accuse the opposition of, it is a certainty that you are doing it.

lol........... okey dokey.... the NY post? rupert murdock's rag? <<yawn>>

anyhoo- podesta isn't under a microscope, now is he? no. that would be your guy in the whitehouse.

& it wouldn't surprise me if you believe flynn & his boy tweeting some sick shit of him running a child sex ring in a non existant basement of a pizza joint?


yeah, but Donald's financial dealings with Russia are irrelevant to his behavior as president. :rofl:
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

that would be in his...................... now.........





In other words, you don't have a clue.

& what are the odds there is no there 'there'


drumpf owing the rooooskies bigley?

go ahead & 'splain away why it hasn't coughed up its tax returns to squash this 'witch hunt'.

if it could, it would. but it can't or it will get busted. which will happen anyway.

isn't it the orange sociopath who says if you're not giving information it's because you have something to hide?

Neurotic projection is the most common variety of projection and most clearly meets the definition of defense mechanism. In this type of projection, people may attribute feelings, motives, or attitudes they find unacceptable in themselves to someone else.

i have never seen a worse case than that vile creature.
What "financial dealings," dingbat?

Oh the Trump Group is a registered agent for the Russian government and a lobbyist for Rusnano, a Kremlin-backed investment fund founded by Vladimir Putin.

Of wait, that's John Podesta, chief of staff for Hillary.

Nazi scum jillian is just fucking lying and accusing the opposition of what it is she and her traitorous Nazi party are in fact doing...

Wilbur Ross was on the board of directors for a Cyprus bank where many Russian agents kept accounts in order to hide money from the country... including Putin.

Was Hillary on the board as well? May have well been, considering how much Russian cash flowed into her greedy maw...

lol.... yes....i heard that is where she sold all that uranium!!!! :lmao::laugh2::eusa_dance:

How much in bribes did the Arkansas Mafia rake in from Putin? We know that Bill was bribed a cool quarter million. And Mafia Don Hillary was indeed one of 9 who granted Putin the rights And yes, Putin bribed her for her vote.

of course it's nothing... except to mentally ill lying trump loons.

oh nooooooo.... don't look at Donald... look at Dems.


It cracks me up when snowflakes claim they are well adjusted!

keep lying about the Donald, loony toon.

you shouldn't be criticizing anyone's mental health... whiny little bitch who cries when people point out your guy is a pathetic loser.

You Nazis lost.

Renounce your civil war, end your incessant treason, become Americans, then you will deserve civil treatment. But as of now, you are fucking Nazi scum and many of us are dedicated to never allowing your kind of filth to rule again.

nazis, trash boy? let us know when Dems kill 11 million of their own people.

stop embarrassing yourself.

They put 100,000 Japanese Americans in concentration camps.

totally an immoral thing to do. but guess what? we as AMERICANS have evolved; that is until your orange orangutan was installed. now it wants to take this country backwards.

BTW... your dear leader's dear leader over in commieland has those set ups right now for so called 'enemies of the state'. unless- of course- they are outright murdered instead. but that hasn't stopped the yam from being putin's bitch, now has it?
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.

I know--it's reading like the best spy novel in the last 100 years. Little Jeffy Sessions is in deep--deep shit himself from last night's leak.

"Russia’s ambassador to Washington told his superiors in Moscow that he discussed campaign-related matters, including policy issues important to Moscow, with Jeff Sessions during the 2016 presidential race, contrary to public assertions by the embattled attorney general, according to current and former U.S. officials.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak’s accounts of two conversations with Sessions — then a top foreign policy adviser to Republican candidate Donald Trump — were intercepted by U.S. spy agencies, which monitor the communications of senior Russian officials in the United States and in Russia. Sessions initially failed to disclose his contacts with Kislyak and then said that the meetings were not about the Trump campaign.

One U.S. official said that Sessions — who testified that he had no recollection of an April encounter — has provided “misleading” statements that are “contradicted by other evidence.” A former official said that the intelligence indicates that Sessions and Kislyak had “substantive” discussions on matters including Trump’s positions on Russia-related issues and prospects for U.S.-Russia relations in a Trump administration."

Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show


These Trump dumbass's never had a clue there were being closely watched since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
totally an immoral thing to do. but guess what? we as AMERICANS have evolved; that is until your orange orangutan was installed. now it wants to take this country backwards.

BTW... your dear leader's dear leader over in commieland has those set ups right now for so called 'enemies of the state'. unless- of course- they are outright murdered instead. but that hasn't stopped the yam from being putin's bitch, now has it?

Do you consider yourself American? You seek an international dictatorship where America is a mere vassal state to a global government out of Brussels or Beijing. You are openly anti-American. I consider you a traitor.

Russia hasn't been Communist for the last quarter century, which is why they no longer have the undying support of those like you. Further, there is vastly greater ties between Mafia Boss Hillary and the Russians than there ever was with Trump, not that you care. Your demagoguery is mere slander, you have no care for the content, only that you smear the enemy of your filthy fascist party.
nazis, trash boy? let us know when Dems kill 11 million of their own people.

stop embarrassing yourself.

You wouldn't hesitate. Your fellow Nazis want to push the Jews into the sea in Israel on behalf of Obama's Terrorist allies. Many of you scum democrats contemplate the final solution to the Christian problem.

Tell me fraud, how does your Antisemitic party actually differ from the Nazis of the 1920's? If fact you don't, not at all.

{We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!}

So, was that written by Bernie? Obviously not, Bernie is dolt who could never compose anything that elegant. Maybe Obama? McCauliff?

Nope, it was Gregor Strasser, right hand of Adolf Hitler in defining the values of the party that you follow.
nazis, trash boy? let us know when Dems kill 11 million of their own people.

stop embarrassing yourself.

You wouldn't hesitate. Your fellow Nazis want to push the Jews into the sea in Israel on behalf of Obama's Terrorist allies. Many of you scum democrats contemplate the final solution to the Christian problem.

Tell me fraud, how does your Antisemitic party actually differ from the Nazis of the 1920's? If fact you don't, not at all.

{We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system!}

So, was that written by Bernie? Obviously not, Bernie is dolt who could never compose anything that elegant. Maybe Obama? McCauliff?

Nope, it was Gregor Strasser, right hand of Adolf Hitler in defining the values of the party that you follow.
The snowflakes all applauded that statement when someone read it out loud at an ANTIFA gathering. They keep denying that they are fascists, but the evidence that they are is irrefutable.

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