It Might Be A Good Time To Talk About That 3 AM Phone Call..

Dear Obama lovers:

One day before September 11, al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri posted a 42-minute video on Jihadist forums urging Libyans to attack Americans to avenge the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi, the terror organization’s second-in-command, whom U.S. drones killed in June of 2012 in Pakistan.

In the video, al-Zawahri said al-Libi’s “blood is calling, urging and inciting you to fight and kill the Crusaders,” leading up to a date heralded and celebrated by radical Islamists.

Another version of the video was actually posted on YouTube on September 9 and yet, President Barack Obama, who has not attended an intelligence briefing since September 5, and his administration did not beef up security at the embassy and consulate on September 11. There were no Marines present to protect Americans abroad, as the Islamic mobs overwhelmed what little security presence there was.

Al-Qaeda Catches Obama White House Flat-Footed During Egypt, Libya Attacks

Breitbart is NOT news they are propaganda

Huffo Puffo is not news, they are propaganda
Sadam was the Big Heavy in the middle east.

he had the big army and the big guns.

He was shit but he was still a cork in the bottle.

He was the shit cork that kept the bottle......well ......bottled

If we had not attacked Iraq Iran would still be completely contained and have NO nuclear capability. You can that Bush for unleashing Iran.

Yes Im glad sadam is gone but Im also glad Kaddafi is gone.

What blows my mind is how the right wing gets mad that these people are trying to become democracies.

They now seem to hate democracy.

Its messy.

They dont even like the fact that the US is a democracy
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

How about embassies being attacked and we can't get the president's attention at 5 in the evening enough to come back and have a cabinet meeting? Screw the 3 am call! We can't get him off the campaign trail to do the business in a crisis, just when can he do business?

1. He refuses to meet with Netanyhu when Iran is on the brink of war....

2. He can't come back and meet with intelligence and military about the attacks on the already attacked embassies in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen let alone others that may be in danger

3. Moody's just warned of even another credit downgrade

4. Bernanke is expected to come out and comment on the Fed today

5. The Chicago Teachers strike, entering its fourth day is now thought to be illegal, putting more emphasis on possible court involvement and his complacency on the side of the unions

6. Economists are warning of dropping off the fiscal cliff while we just topped the $16 Trillion deficit

But there's no reason to be working today. :mad:
Dear Obama lovers:

One day before September 11, al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri posted a 42-minute video on Jihadist forums urging Libyans to attack Americans to avenge the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi, the terror organization’s second-in-command, whom U.S. drones killed in June of 2012 in Pakistan.

In the video, al-Zawahri said al-Libi’s “blood is calling, urging and inciting you to fight and kill the Crusaders,” leading up to a date heralded and celebrated by radical Islamists.

Another version of the video was actually posted on YouTube on September 9 and yet, President Barack Obama, who has not attended an intelligence briefing since September 5, and his administration did not beef up security at the embassy and consulate on September 11. There were no Marines present to protect Americans abroad, as the Islamic mobs overwhelmed what little security presence there was.

Al-Qaeda Catches Obama White House Flat-Footed During Egypt, Libya Attacks

Breitbart is NOT news they are propaganda

Are you disputing the information or the source?? Youtube had the video on 9/9, Obama doesn't attend security briefings. And the source is the problem?? hahahahaha what a dummy you are.
Sadam was the Big Heavy in the middle east.

he had the big army and the big guns.

He was shit but he was still a cork in the bottle.

He was the shit cork that kept the bottle......well ......bottled

If we had not attacked Iraq Iran would still be completely contained and have NO nuclear capability. You can that Bush for unleashing Iran.

Yes Im glad sadam is gone but Im also glad Kaddafi is gone.

What blows my mind is how the right wing gets mad that these people are trying to become democracies.

They now seem to hate democracy.

Its messy.

They dont even like the fact that the US is a democracy

The U.S. is NOT a democracy. :rolleyes:
It's a republic, whereby democracy is restrained on a foundation of Constitutional Law.

Democracy is mob rule. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch.
dear fucking idiot.

Robmoney doesnt even know anything about foriegn policy.

Hes unfit for president

And here comes the poopy mouth. Romney knows how to deal with foreign LEADERS, he won't bow to them and he won't apologize for being American.

Obama is now saying what Romney did yesterday. Stoopid, stoopid potty mouth.

Yeah...even if it means ANOTHER war where our kids become statistics and we pour hundreds of billions of dollars into yet ANOTHER country that hates our guts, right?
dear fucking idiot.

Robmoney doesnt even know anything about foriegn policy.

Hes unfit for president

What Obama knew about foreign policy in 2008 was neatly summed up by Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Presidential Primaries in that year.

and her lie about that didnt work did it?

Robmoney thought Russia was our biggest threat.
The man has NO curiosity about the world.

he knows nothing because he doesnt care

His big stupid pie hole also gave Putin an excuse to walk away from nuclear arms negotiations.

Thanks Mittens ...YOU FUCKIN IDIOT!!!!
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

How about embassies being attacked and we can't get the president's attention at 5 in the evening enough to come back and have a cabinet meeting? Screw the 3 am call! We can't get him off the campaign trail to do the business in a crisis, just when can he do business?

1. He refuses to meet with Netanyhu when Iran is on the brink of war....

2. He can't come back and meet with intelligence and military about the attacks on the already attacked embassies in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen let alone others that may be in danger

3. Moody's just warned of even another credit downgrade

4. Bernanke is expected to come out and comment on the Fed today

5. The Chicago Teachers strike, entering its fourth day is now thought to be illegal, putting more emphasis on possible court involvement and his complacency on the side of the unions

6. Economists are warning of dropping off the fiscal cliff while we just topped the $16 Trillion deficit

But there's no reason to be working today. :mad:

This Republic demands a REAL leader.
dear fucking idiot.

Robmoney doesnt even know anything about foriegn policy.

Hes unfit for president

And here comes the poopy mouth. Romney knows how to deal with foreign LEADERS, he won't bow to them and he won't apologize for being American.

Obama is now saying what Romney did yesterday. Stoopid, stoopid potty mouth.

Yeah...even if it means ANOTHER war where our kids become statistics and we pour hundreds of billions of dollars into yet ANOTHER country that hates our guts, right?

It's showing weakness which encourages the bad behavior of our enemies. Like Obama, you appear to believe that these people can be appeased. But there's NOTHING short of our destruction that would actually achieve that.
Ahhh.. the 'My Pet Goat' criticism again... yawn... like he was supposed to jump up and freak out a bunch of 6 year olds... :rolleyes:

THAT is your concern???.. the sensitivities of a few 6 year olds when thousands of Americans are being smashed into buildings at that very moment? No sir THAT is the responsibility of the teacher of the class. AND the parents of the children to consol their little brats when they get home. The president has MUCH BIGGER fish to fry at that moment and if you or BUSH or OBAMA or ROMNEY doesn't get that then they need to find some other form of employment.

I expect MY president to immediately get his ass up and into Air Force One and start to take care of business. Period...end of story.

Sticking the President on Air Force One right at that moment? So he could get shot out of the sky? I am sure while he was finishing the book, his team was accessing what was going on and gathering information and keeping the President safe.

The criticism with Romney was speaking before getting all the facts.
Your criticism with Bush is waiting to get more facts.

Not sure what you would want. I am sure that the President and his team in Florida spent 10-15 minutes after the book reading, accessing and processing information and deciding what were the next best steps.
What Obama knew about foreign policy in 2008 was neatly summed up by Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Presidential Primaries in that year.

and her lie about that didnt work did it?

Robmoney thought Russia was our biggest threat.
The man has NO curiosity about the world.

he knows nothing because he doesnt care

His big stupid pie hole also gave Putin an excuse to walk away from nuclear arms negotiations.

Thanks Mittens ...YOU FUCKIN IDIOT!!!!

Putin is an old-style Soviet. And he's plunked himself down between our goal of keeping the nutjobs in Iran from going nuclear and their goal of terrorizing their neighbors and the world. Obama sticking his head in the sand and refusing to notice isn't even slowing 'em down.
So tell us what Bush should have done differently?? Tell the 6 year old kids to hide under their desks while he flies to DC.

The MSM is spinning this bull again. OBAMA doesn't even see the need to attend DAILY security briefings. He's weak and his foreign policy includes killing innocents with drones. The left sees this as a good thing. Holy mother of God!!
and her lie about that didnt work did it?

Robmoney thought Russia was our biggest threat.
The man has NO curiosity about the world.

he knows nothing because he doesnt care

His big stupid pie hole also gave Putin an excuse to walk away from nuclear arms negotiations.

Thanks Mittens ...YOU FUCKIN IDIOT!!!!

Putin is an old-style Soviet. And he's plunked himself down between our goal of keeping the nutjobs in Iran from going nuclear and their goal of terrorizing their neighbors and the world. Obama sticking his head in the sand and refusing to notice isn't even slowing 'em down.

Oh but he'll have more freedom to allow Putin to have more bombs than we do when he doesn't have to run for re-election again. ;)
And here comes the poopy mouth. Romney knows how to deal with foreign LEADERS, he won't bow to them and he won't apologize for being American.

Obama is now saying what Romney did yesterday. Stoopid, stoopid potty mouth.

Yeah...even if it means ANOTHER war where our kids become statistics and we pour hundreds of billions of dollars into yet ANOTHER country that hates our guts, right?

It's showing weakness which encourages the bad behavior of our enemies. Like Obama, you appear to believe that these people can be appeased. But there's NOTHING short of our destruction that would actually achieve that.

You are oblivious to the facts. Bush refused to follow Ossama into Pakistan. Obama appeased no one. He sent the SEAL team into Pakistan to blow off a section of that murderous piece of shit's skull.
As a long time Republican, Mitt Romney's recent remarks about the crisis in Egypt and Libya we not timed very well, and knowing that the deaths of 4 Americans had come to pass, then speaking on the matter in a political light did not bring a lot of credit to his foreign policy credentials. Generally speaking in times of crisis our nation sets aside political feelings and comes together as Americans and we do not offer political opinions of US policy in the middle of those crisis especially when American lives have been lost, and are still at stake. Gov. Romney would have gone a long way to cement his foreign policy image had he waited 24 to 48 hours and then expressed a political opinion and , expressed only a feeling for the loss of American lives and a united opinion prior to that. Having said this, I have yet to find where the current President actually "apologized" to anyone during this crisis and perhaps if I missed something here, someone else might be able to point to where in the Preisdents wording he actually did so. Gov. Romney has made several good points in his foreign policy offerings in my humble opinion and it would appear whomever advised him to come out and offer his opinion on this crisis didn't think of this nation first prior to doing so.
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

How about embassies being attacked and we can't get the president's attention at 5 in the evening enough to come back and have a cabinet meeting? Screw the 3 am call! We can't get him off the campaign trail to do the business in a crisis, just when can he do business?

1. He refuses to meet with Netanyhu when Iran is on the brink of war....

2. He can't come back and meet with intelligence and military about the attacks on the already attacked embassies in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen let alone others that may be in danger

3. Moody's just warned of even another credit downgrade

4. Bernanke is expected to come out and comment on the Fed today

5. The Chicago Teachers strike, entering its fourth day is now thought to be illegal, putting more emphasis on possible court involvement and his complacency on the side of the unions

6. Economists are warning of dropping off the fiscal cliff while we just topped the $16 Trillion deficit

But there's no reason to be working today. :mad:

This is my complaint with Obama, he seems more engaged with being re-elected than he does with running the country. We are in a crisis in the middle east and I'm sure that he is in contact with his Cabinet, however, I wonder how he cannot miss a beat with his campaigning? It seems to me he could address the nation on what is happening and what the US is going to do and who he has been in contact with.

This is a real crisis, let's see him take control and be what we elected him for. He has commented on every stupid issue, having a beer with a cop and a professor, his kid looking like Trevon and on and on.

This is a real issue, let's get some real leadership.
And here comes the poopy mouth. Romney knows how to deal with foreign LEADERS, he won't bow to them and he won't apologize for being American.

Obama is now saying what Romney did yesterday. Stoopid, stoopid potty mouth.

Yeah...even if it means ANOTHER war where our kids become statistics and we pour hundreds of billions of dollars into yet ANOTHER country that hates our guts, right?

It's showing weakness which encourages the bad behavior of our enemies. Like Obama, you appear to believe that these people can be appeased. But there's NOTHING short of our destruction that would actually achieve that.

bullshit. investigating the scene, determining who is responsible and taking appropriate action is the logical, intelligent route to travel....going off half cocked, screaming and blustering like a madman is the opposite and will result in yet another unaffordable war with more of OUR fellow Americans paying the ultimate price. That is NOT appeasement, that is rationality.

The film....probably by some fucktard right winter....may have been the catalyst of this violence....don't you think it MIGHT be time to stop dehumanizing people from cultures we don't understand and don't really care to?

BTW, your bullshit Democracy analogy is so fucking old and tired. If you want a truer one, it's this..... A Republic is where there are three sheep deciding what's for dinner....however, one sheep is safe in a field of clover, the other two are outside of the fenceline, surrounded by wolves and pounding at the gate in fear.... the sheep inside the gate says "don't be so fucking lazy.....get your own field!".
Romney couldn't even visit the Olympics without insulting our closest ally.

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