It really doesn't make sense to me why republicans have no respect for ANY leftwing policies

Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

I found that opening statements particularly humorous because if there is one thing that truly defines a Liberal it is a profound emotional connection to government and it's role in our lives. Liberals want government to regulate everything, tax everything and everyone that makes any money and otherwise be our nanny from womb to tomb. Liberals seems to have a sincere desire to improve the lives of poor people but they erroneously believe the government is the best way to help the poor. That has been proven to be a spectacular failure given the introduction of LBJs "The Great Society" in 1964. Look at any measure of quality of life for poor people in America since 1964 and it is down, down down.
I don't understand where this myth comes from that liberals want the gov to tax and regulate everything. Democrats of all people don't push that. Hell if they did they would make much less money.

I want a moderately regulated market. I want people to be taxed based on their income. That's it.
We need to make these things clear. If I was unsure, how could we expect Billy to know he was being spoken to?
Billy is too fucking stupid to even care about. Making sure Billy knows what is a huge waste of time. Focus on people that have the intelligence level of a hamster at the least.
The OP opinion is based on leftist talking points that simply don't hold water.

Republicans are not against clean air, water and reasonable laws to keep people honest. Liberals always go too far.

Insisting that paint has no lead is reasonable. Insisting that buckets all have tiny holes that cause the water to leak out is insane, yet a Dem wanted that in response to a child drowning in a bucket of water the mom was using to clean floors.

Keeping water sources clean is something no one argues against and the majority on both sides agree that polluting water is absolutely not allowed, but Dems want to control every water source, even man-made ones and areas that are only wet after rains. Again, they go too far.

We all want clean air. We all breathe the same air. No one wants to inhale harmful stuff. Yet, the Dems want to restrict things like wood burning fireplaces, which only forces people to pay more to utility companies to stay warm in winter. Sounds like a regulation designed to help out the big, evil companies.

We all want quality and affordable healthcare. Republicans wanted to allow health insurance companies to compete across state lines because they know competition brings down costs. Allowing cheaper drugs in from Canada and other places would also put Big Pharms on notice that they need to price their drugs more competitively. But the Dems allowed Big Pharms to keep a monopoly and refused to allow competition among insurers, which bought the costs up. Forcing people to purchase health insurance or pay fines meant more money to insurance companies and they don't have to keep costs low. Another big gift to the big "evil" companies from the Dems. Funny how insurance companies were the problem until Dems padded their pockets with Obamacare money. So, costs are higher than ever and the quality of care has suffered.

Dems have found ways to tax virtually everything in life from possessions to rain water. They want people to pay a tax on rain that falls on their property and goes down the drain, yet fine people if they set barrels in their yard to catch rain water to use in their gardens. Liberals want that water going down the drain (even though they levied a tax for this "burden"). People can then turn their hoses on and pay for watering their gardens. We pay taxes on that, too. Then Dems bitch because people use too much water and will probably increase taxes on it.

Everyone believes in helping the disabled and downtrodden. The Republicans and some Dems supported the welfare to work program to help people while they are down and also help them eventually get off welfare. Now we are back to keeping people trapped on welfare by not insisting that they work to improve their situation. That is the Dems idea of benevolence. Over time, we end up with more poor people who have no idea how to climb out of it. They vote for those who promise to increase their benefits. They fear those who would expect them to work. Dems prefer permanent voters instead of productive citizens. And that is necessary for Socialism.

Obama and the Dems want to encourage illegal immigration. It means more welfare recipients. They tell us that the illegals will help our economy, yet they did nothing to help Mexico's economy.

The Dems want cap and trade, which is touted as a solution to global warming. All the plan does is redistribute money and the ones who came up with it will end up grotesquely wealthy. Goldman Sachs (the real 1%) will end up with most of the world's money because the "trade" part will help them suck up money like a vacuum.

Foreign policy seems to be a matter of appeasing our enemies and not standing up for ourselves. Even when threatened or attacked, liberals would rather that we take the blame for offending the enemy by our existence. They think Obama's fundamental transformation will please the enemy. In other words, stop being free Americans with all our rights and liberty.

Dems want big government and high taxes. Obama wants to raise death taxes.

Dem policies are all about high taxes, government control and killing the middle class. That is why I don't support them.
1) Even if liberals go to far on regulating business on protecting the environment, republicans don't do nearly enough to protect the environment. Either way, if you support regulations to protect the environment, you are favoring leftwing policy.

2) Competition does bring down costs but not enough for poor people to afford many life saving treatments like oncology. Making insurance companies more competitive to bring down costs is something ObamaCare does anyway.

3) Welfare is a very broad term. I don't know exactly what illegals qualify for, but i guarantee you programs like SNAP is not one of them. They never have. Overall, healthcare costs have not gone up. Many have gone down. Granted how much ObamaCare has to do with that is unclear.
4) With exception of Muslims the world over, Obama has higher approval ratings globally than Bush did.
We need to make these things clear. If I was unsure, how could we expect Billy to know he was being spoken to?
Billy is too fucking stupid to even care about. Making sure Billy knows what is a huge waste of time. Focus on people that have the intelligence level of a hamster at the least.
You and I both know you can't argue with my "liberal talking points"
Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

I found that opening statements particularly humorous because if there is one thing that truly defines a Liberal it is a profound emotional connection to government and it's role in our lives. Liberals want government to regulate everything, tax everything and everyone that makes any money and otherwise be our nanny from womb to tomb. Liberals seems to have a sincere desire to improve the lives of poor people but they erroneously believe the government is the best way to help the poor. That has been proven to be a spectacular failure given the introduction of LBJs "The Great Society" in 1964. Look at any measure of quality of life for poor people in America since 1964 and it is down, down down.
Shipping our industrial base to China and turning us into a lousy unstable service based economy couldn't have had a thing to do it? No free market economic theory was ever meant to raise all boats.
Shipping our industrial base to China is the end result of labor unions pricing themselves at a point where the average person can't afford US made products. You want a 60 LED TV? Try pricing a US made set.You will pay at least 50% more for an inferior product. Element assembles TV's in Detroit. Their 50" is a 60 Hz set that retails at $300 to $350. You can buy Chinese or Korean sets of the same size with 12Hz refresh rates for $250 or less if you shop around, but a quality 50" 120Hz name brand will run $500.
The OP opinion is based on leftist talking points that simply don't hold water.

Republicans are not against clean air, water and reasonable laws to keep people honest. Liberals always go too far.

Insisting that paint has no lead is reasonable. Insisting that buckets all have tiny holes that cause the water to leak out is insane, yet a Dem wanted that in response to a child drowning in a bucket of water the mom was using to clean floors.

Keeping water sources clean is something no one argues against and the majority on both sides agree that polluting water is absolutely not allowed, but Dems want to control every water source, even man-made ones and areas that are only wet after rains. Again, they go too far.

We all want clean air. We all breathe the same air. No one wants to inhale harmful stuff. Yet, the Dems want to restrict things like wood burning fireplaces, which only forces people to pay more to utility companies to stay warm in winter. Sounds like a regulation designed to help out the big, evil companies.

We all want quality and affordable healthcare. Republicans wanted to allow health insurance companies to compete across state lines because they know competition brings down costs. Allowing cheaper drugs in from Canada and other places would also put Big Pharms on notice that they need to price their drugs more competitively. But the Dems allowed Big Pharms to keep a monopoly and refused to allow competition among insurers, which bought the costs up. Forcing people to purchase health insurance or pay fines meant more money to insurance companies and they don't have to keep costs low. Another big gift to the big "evil" companies from the Dems. Funny how insurance companies were the problem until Dems padded their pockets with Obamacare money. So, costs are higher than ever and the quality of care has suffered.

Dems have found ways to tax virtually everything in life from possessions to rain water. They want people to pay a tax on rain that falls on their property and goes down the drain, yet fine people if they set barrels in their yard to catch rain water to use in their gardens. Liberals want that water going down the drain (even though they levied a tax for this "burden"). People can then turn their hoses on and pay for watering their gardens. We pay taxes on that, too. Then Dems bitch because people use too much water and will probably increase taxes on it.

Everyone believes in helping the disabled and downtrodden. The Republicans and some Dems supported the welfare to work program to help people while they are down and also help them eventually get off welfare. Now we are back to keeping people trapped on welfare by not insisting that they work to improve their situation. That is the Dems idea of benevolence. Over time, we end up with more poor people who have no idea how to climb out of it. They vote for those who promise to increase their benefits. They fear those who would expect them to work. Dems prefer permanent voters instead of productive citizens. And that is necessary for Socialism.

Obama and the Dems want to encourage illegal immigration. It means more welfare recipients. They tell us that the illegals will help our economy, yet they did nothing to help Mexico's economy.

The Dems want cap and trade, which is touted as a solution to global warming. All the plan does is redistribute money and the ones who came up with it will end up grotesquely wealthy. Goldman Sachs (the real 1%) will end up with most of the world's money because the "trade" part will help them suck up money like a vacuum.

Foreign policy seems to be a matter of appeasing our enemies and not standing up for ourselves. Even when threatened or attacked, liberals would rather that we take the blame for offending the enemy by our existence. They think Obama's fundamental transformation will please the enemy. In other words, stop being free Americans with all our rights and liberty.

Dems want big government and high taxes. Obama wants to raise death taxes.

Dem policies are all about high taxes, government control and killing the middle class. That is why I don't support them.
1) Even if liberals go to far on regulating business on protecting the environment, republicans don't do nearly enough to protect the environment. Either way, if you support regulations to protect the environment, you are favoring leftwing policy.

2) Competition does bring down costs but not enough for poor people to afford many life saving treatments like oncology. Making insurance companies more competitive to bring down costs is something ObamaCare does anyway.

3) Welfare is a very broad term. I don't know exactly what illegals qualify for, but i guarantee you programs like SNAP is not one of them. They never have. Overall, healthcare costs have not gone up. Many have gone down. Granted how much ObamaCare has to do with that is unclear.
4) With exception of Muslims the world over, Obama has higher approval ratings globally than Bush did.
Frankly, I don't much care what people in other countries think of our President. If I were POTUS, I would rather be respected than liked.
I could care less whether or not Muslim extremists give obama a favorable rating. In fact, I'd much rather they feared him.
Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

I found that opening statements particularly humorous because if there is one thing that truly defines a Liberal it is a profound emotional connection to government and it's role in our lives. Liberals want government to regulate everything, tax everything and everyone that makes any money and otherwise be our nanny from womb to tomb. Liberals seems to have a sincere desire to improve the lives of poor people but they erroneously believe the government is the best way to help the poor. That has been proven to be a spectacular failure given the introduction of LBJs "The Great Society" in 1964. Look at any measure of quality of life for poor people in America since 1964 and it is down, down down.
I don't understand where this myth comes from that liberals want the gov to tax and regulate everything. Democrats of all people don't push that. Hell if they did they would make much less money.

I want a moderately regulated market. I want people to be taxed based on their income. That's it.
How about we tax everyone at the same rate? Why should I pay $300,000/year to the IRS when you get $6,000 back in EITC? Are the roads I drive gold plated? Do the cops come in chauffeur driven limos? Hell! Your six kids are getting 10 or 12 grand's worth of education each and mine are grown up and paying for schools where they have no kids either.

Sorry guy. I can't afford your irresponsibility any longer.
Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

I found that opening statements particularly humorous because if there is one thing that truly defines a Liberal it is a profound emotional connection to government and it's role in our lives. Liberals want government to regulate everything, tax everything and everyone that makes any money and otherwise be our nanny from womb to tomb. Liberals seems to have a sincere desire to improve the lives of poor people but they erroneously believe the government is the best way to help the poor. That has been proven to be a spectacular failure given the introduction of LBJs "The Great Society" in 1964. Look at any measure of quality of life for poor people in America since 1964 and it is down, down down.
I don't understand where this myth comes from that liberals want the gov to tax and regulate everything. Democrats of all people don't push that. Hell if they did they would make much less money.

I want a moderately regulated market. I want people to be taxed based on their income. That's it.

Ok, here are two examples of the myth of Liberals desire to expand the tax everything. Income Inequality is a codename for tax the rich and give it to the poor. Second America has one of, if not the highest Corporate tax rates in the world. Then we hear Obama slamming corporations for "taking American jobs overseas". Well guess what, business is competitive and profit driven. If you want them back, lower the damn corporate tax rate! You also state you want to see people taxed based on their income. We already have nearly half of wage earners that pay no Federal tax and the upper earners paying progressively higher percentages. Are you saying that's not enough?
Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

I found that opening statements particularly humorous because if there is one thing that truly defines a Liberal it is a profound emotional connection to government and it's role in our lives. Liberals want government to regulate everything, tax everything and everyone that makes any money and otherwise be our nanny from womb to tomb. Liberals seems to have a sincere desire to improve the lives of poor people but they erroneously believe the government is the best way to help the poor. That has been proven to be a spectacular failure given the introduction of LBJs "The Great Society" in 1964. Look at any measure of quality of life for poor people in America since 1964 and it is down, down down.
I don't understand where this myth comes from that liberals want the gov to tax and regulate everything. Democrats of all people don't push that. Hell if they did they would make much less money.

I want a moderately regulated market. I want people to be taxed based on their income. That's it.
How about we tax everyone at the same rate? Why should I pay $300,000/year to the IRS when you get $6,000 back in EITC? Are the roads I drive gold plated? Do the cops come in chauffeur driven limos? Hell! Your six kids are getting 10 or 12 grand's worth of education each and mine are grown up and paying for schools where they have no kids either.

Sorry guy. I can't afford your irresponsibility any longer.
Like I've said before, taxing the wealthy the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. They are the main source of revenue whether you like it or not. Poor people cannot afford a flat tax. If you want the poor to pay more in taxes, you raise the miminum wage high enough. That is what's fair.

God it's so typical on here for you rightwing scum bags to automatically assume I am poor because I am liberal. You people are so scummy and so narrow minded it makes me sick.
Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

I found that opening statements particularly humorous because if there is one thing that truly defines a Liberal it is a profound emotional connection to government and it's role in our lives. Liberals want government to regulate everything, tax everything and everyone that makes any money and otherwise be our nanny from womb to tomb. Liberals seems to have a sincere desire to improve the lives of poor people but they erroneously believe the government is the best way to help the poor. That has been proven to be a spectacular failure given the introduction of LBJs "The Great Society" in 1964. Look at any measure of quality of life for poor people in America since 1964 and it is down, down down.
I don't understand where this myth comes from that liberals want the gov to tax and regulate everything. Democrats of all people don't push that. Hell if they did they would make much less money.

I want a moderately regulated market. I want people to be taxed based on their income. That's it.

Ok, here are two examples of the myth of Liberals desire to expand the tax everything. Income Inequality is a codename for tax the rich and give it to the poor. Second America has one of, if not the highest Corporate tax rates in the world. Then we hear Obama slamming corporations for "taking American jobs overseas". Well guess what, business is competitive and profit driven. If you want them back, lower the damn corporate tax rate! You also state you want to see people taxed based on their income. We already have nearly half of wage earners that pay no Federal tax and the upper earners paying progressively higher percentages. Are you saying that's not enough?
Yeah, no shit we have the highest corporate tax rate. We also have the second biggest economy in the world and a massive defense budget.

Oh, and the official corporate tax rate means jack shit because these corporations get away with paying much less.

Revenue as a percentage of GDP is near the historic low, so no, the wealthy don't pay enough. If you want the poor to pay more in taxes, then raise the goddamn minimum wage high enough for it. 18 million people make less than 10.10 per your. How many more make less than 15 per hour?
Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

I found that opening statements particularly humorous because if there is one thing that truly defines a Liberal it is a profound emotional connection to government and it's role in our lives. Liberals want government to regulate everything, tax everything and everyone that makes any money and otherwise be our nanny from womb to tomb. Liberals seems to have a sincere desire to improve the lives of poor people but they erroneously believe the government is the best way to help the poor. That has been proven to be a spectacular failure given the introduction of LBJs "The Great Society" in 1964. Look at any measure of quality of life for poor people in America since 1964 and it is down, down down.
I don't understand where this myth comes from that liberals want the gov to tax and regulate everything. Democrats of all people don't push that. Hell if they did they would make much less money.

I want a moderately regulated market. I want people to be taxed based on their income. That's it.
How about we tax everyone at the same rate? Why should I pay $300,000/year to the IRS when you get $6,000 back in EITC? Are the roads I drive gold plated? Do the cops come in chauffeur driven limos? Hell! Your six kids are getting 10 or 12 grand's worth of education each and mine are grown up and paying for schools where they have no kids either.

Sorry guy. I can't afford your irresponsibility any longer.
Like I've said before, taxing the wealthy the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. They are the main source of revenue whether you like it or not. Poor people cannot afford a flat tax. If you want the poor to pay more in taxes, you raise the miminum wage high enough. That is what's fair.

God it's so typical on here for you rightwing scum bags to automatically assume I am poor because I am liberal. You people are so scummy and so narrow minded it makes me sick.
Fair? To who? Then you're taxing businesses by requiring them to pay more for labor and as we know, corporations don't pay taxes. They pass the cost along to the consumer. Minimum wage hikes are inflationary; every time. They result in fewer jobs, more small business failures and higher prices for goods. You could double the minimum wage and Mickey D's would be selling more expensive burgers with less staff. The only way to fix income inequality is to educate the low wage earners and turn them into high wage earners. You can't tax people into poverty to erase poverty.
The first thing you have to fix is the entitlement mentality.

I don't owe you shit. IF I choose to give you some help, that's on me. Lord knows I do MY part. You are not entitled to what I work for, what I earn as a result of investment in my business or what I've managed to save. IT'S MINE.

Talk about scumbags! You already get too big a piece of what I earn and you want more. GFY!!

Get rid of the mentality that working hard is "acting white", that the government owes you a place to live and food to eat. If you're not making enough money to feed your kids, remember that you had them, I didn't. Get off your ass and learn a skill that is worth more than flipping a damned burger.
Damn son, if you're hungry, stop by. I'll feed you, but if you want to sit on your ass and wait for your EBT card to be recharged, go fuck yourself.
Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

I found that opening statements particularly humorous because if there is one thing that truly defines a Liberal it is a profound emotional connection to government and it's role in our lives. Liberals want government to regulate everything, tax everything and everyone that makes any money and otherwise be our nanny from womb to tomb. Liberals seems to have a sincere desire to improve the lives of poor people but they erroneously believe the government is the best way to help the poor. That has been proven to be a spectacular failure given the introduction of LBJs "The Great Society" in 1964. Look at any measure of quality of life for poor people in America since 1964 and it is down, down down.
I don't understand where this myth comes from that liberals want the gov to tax and regulate everything. Democrats of all people don't push that. Hell if they did they would make much less money.

I want a moderately regulated market. I want people to be taxed based on their income. That's it.
How about we tax everyone at the same rate? Why should I pay $300,000/year to the IRS when you get $6,000 back in EITC? Are the roads I drive gold plated? Do the cops come in chauffeur driven limos? Hell! Your six kids are getting 10 or 12 grand's worth of education each and mine are grown up and paying for schools where they have no kids either.

Sorry guy. I can't afford your irresponsibility any longer.
Like I've said before, taxing the wealthy the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. They are the main source of revenue whether you like it or not. Poor people cannot afford a flat tax. If you want the poor to pay more in taxes, you raise the miminum wage high enough. That is what's fair.

God it's so typical on here for you rightwing scum bags to automatically assume I am poor because I am liberal. You people are so scummy and so narrow minded it makes me sick.
Fair? To who? Then you're taxing businesses by requiring them to pay more for labor and as we know, corporations don't pay taxes. They pass the cost along to the consumer. Minimum wage hikes are inflationary; every time. They result in fewer jobs, more small business failures and higher prices for goods. You could double the minimum wage and Mickey D's would be selling more expensive burgers with less staff. The only way to fix income inequality is to educate the low wage earners and turn them into high wage earners. You can't tax people into poverty to erase poverty.
The first thing you have to fix is the entitlement mentality.

I don't owe you shit. IF I choose to give you some help, that's on me. Lord knows I do MY part. You are not entitled to what I work for, what I earn as a result of investment in my business or what I've managed to save. IT'S MINE.

Talk about scumbags! You already get too big a piece of what I earn and you want more. GFY!!

Get rid of the mentality that working hard is "acting white", that the government owes you a place to live and food to eat. If you're not making enough money to feed your kids, remember that you had them, I didn't. Get off your ass and learn a skill that is worth more than flipping a damned burger.
Damn son, if you're hungry, stop by. I'll feed you, but if you want to sit on your ass and wait for your EBT card to be recharged, go fuck yourself.
There is nothing inflationary about raising the minimum wage you doofus. The jobs lost and the price increase depends on how high it is raised. Raising the minumum wage to 10.10 for instance, would raise prices by pennies on the dollar and would only kill a couple hundred thousand jobs. Over time, the boost in consumer spending from bigger paychecks would create jobs. We would regain any jobs lost and more. This is a consumer driven economy dumbshit. 70% of it comes from consumer demand.

You are also too stupid to understand today's job market. Low wage jobs significantly outnumber higher wage jobs. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept low wage jobs. Oh and if we did train poor people to become more skilled, who the fuck would pay for that training?

Aren't you one of those conservatives that supports raising the minimum wage? Why criticize me bashing republicans if you don't give ANY credit for Obama and other liberals' push for this?
I criticize you for saying republicans are dumb or uneducated for not sharing your or every liberal viewpoint .I will stop doing this when when you put away that broad brush you like to paint people with.
I never said republicans were uneducated. Just answer this question: have you ever given praise to a liberal like Obama for pushing for a raise to minimum wage?
Never. Never will, either. Why would I praise someone for putting people out of work and companies out of business?
You know republicans do too. Government workers lose their jobs because of republican policies. They also cost the economy. The famous gov shut down cost the economy $24 billion and put thousands of people on furlough.
Government workers SHOULD lose their jobs. We should have a defense department, a State Department, a Judiciary, a Justice Department, A treasury, a post office and Congress. About half of the 4.3 million federal jobs aren't justified by the US Constitution.

That's about $150 billion for nothing more than the likelihood that unionized federal employees are likely solid Democrat voters.

What a fan you must be of Obama then!

I criticize you for saying republicans are dumb or uneducated for not sharing your or every liberal viewpoint .I will stop doing this when when you put away that broad brush you like to paint people with.
I never said republicans were uneducated. Just answer this question: have you ever given praise to a liberal like Obama for pushing for a raise to minimum wage?
Never. Never will, either. Why would I praise someone for putting people out of work and companies out of business?
You know republicans do too. Government workers lose their jobs because of republican policies. They also cost the economy. The famous gov shut down cost the economy $24 billion and put thousands of people on furlough.
Government workers SHOULD lose their jobs. We should have a defense department, a State Department, a Judiciary, a Justice Department, A treasury, a post office and Congress. About half of the 4.3 million federal jobs aren't justified by the US Constitution.

That's about $150 billion for nothing more than the likelihood that unionized federal employees are likely solid Democrat voters.
Perhaps it is true 4.3 million government jobs aren't justified by the constitution (however i seriously doubt it is that many), but as a country evolves, so must government. I don't care if they aren't all justified by the constitution. That really isn't important if they really do serve a vital role

I wish to see the passage within the constitution that says what Ernie is saying...No where do I see it. ;)
If you insist on voting republican, you should at least educate yourself on policy so you can have a balanced perspective. I think many republicans take government for granted. Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

Doesn't it bother you republicans have no respect for our nation's crumbling infrastructure? How about scientific research to improve policy?

Take consumer protection laws. Don't you think there should be LAWS in place that restrict the amount of lead in paint? How about keeping carcigenics out of our foods and pharmaceuticals? Self regulation is fantasy. Did you know sodium bicarbonate is a cancer causing ingredient in pork products? I guarantee you most Americans don't know that. Corporations save money by using certain ingredients that are harmful to one's health. Some of these ingredients make food taste better for instance. Doesnt that disturb you? How about trans fat? Shoudnt we have LAWS that bar including it in our foods? How about keeping chemicals out of cigarettes to make them even more addictive?

How about credit card companies making critical terms more transparent in their contracts to the average consumer?

Shouldn't there be laws that protect consumers? Just answer the question: yes or no? Do you really think republicans in power care about these issues? Hell no.

How can you not see how powerful and corrupt many corporations are? Remember when Oprah was sued for defamation by the meat industry for simply saying she would never eat a hamburger? Talk about an assault on free speech.

Consumer protection is a leftwing ideology.

Doesn't it disturb you that corporate crime prosecution is so low? Do you really think republicans will do ANYTHING about that? Now granted SOME democrats won't do anything about it either, but at least it can be said this is a progressive issue.

If republicans considered these things, they would consider voting for people like Elizabeth Warren.

Again, they are the party of stupid. They don't study politics, they repeat politics.
I love my science programs!
I love my tax paved streets and bridges!
I love that old people get ssi and services
I love my clean water and air!
I love my fda making sure our food is good!

Why even vote for government if its only job is to bomb the shit out of other countries?

We had roads, bridges, hospitals, schools and transportation before government jumped in. Scientists were discovering things long before government funded them. Sometimes, funding people means pressuring them to come to certain conclusions. The private sector did all those things because they were needed. And they did it much more efficiently than government can. Shame that we waste billions each year now just because the bureaucracy gobbles up money and has less to show for it than the average private company. Big government lovers are just control freaks who wait for brilliant people to invent things so they can jump in and take over after the hard work is done.

Federally-funded projects are always more expensive, but not better quality. Studies have shown this.

The FDA doesn't ensure our food and medicines are good, as evidenced by the countless lawsuits each year. FDA-approved drugs are often crap that kill or seriously harm people. But, people trusted the drugs because the government said they were safe. Of course, Obamacare loves the Big Pharms and politicians who get financed by them during elections are repaying favors. I'd feel better about an independent private company testing drugs. Government promises a lot, but delivers very little. Most of their regulations are more about getting their hands on money than about safety.

Everyone wants clean water and air. We all breathe the same air. Why do people think some would deliberately destroy something they and their families need, too?

Government inspections are often lax and the inspectors don't catch problems. Why would they make anyone feel safer? I'd rather put my faith in some local businesses who have their own standards and adhere to them, regardless of what government does. Many have higher standards than government.

Social security isn't much and most can't live off that comfortably. Many don't bother starting a retirement fund on their own because they trust that government will take care of them. And wealthy people get SS checks, too. Why can't they opt out if they want to? When a Texas county did an experiment and privatized the retirement program, people ended up with $400,000 and up. Much nicer retirement than the measly check most get, but, hey, why not just put your trust in a program that is going bankrupt, thanks to government mismanagement?

Liberals start with the premise that all people are stupid and/or dishonest and go from there. Politicians are the most crooked people on earth and yet so many trust them.
I criticize you for saying republicans are dumb or uneducated for not sharing your or every liberal viewpoint .I will stop doing this when when you put away that broad brush you like to paint people with.
I never said republicans were uneducated. Just answer this question: have you ever given praise to a liberal like Obama for pushing for a raise to minimum wage?
Never. Never will, either. Why would I praise someone for putting people out of work and companies out of business?
You know republicans do too. Government workers lose their jobs because of republican policies. They also cost the economy. The famous gov shut down cost the economy $24 billion and put thousands of people on furlough.
Government workers SHOULD lose their jobs. We should have a defense department, a State Department, a Judiciary, a Justice Department, A treasury, a post office and Congress. About half of the 4.3 million federal jobs aren't justified by the US Constitution.

That's about $150 billion for nothing more than the likelihood that unionized federal employees are likely solid Democrat voters.

What a fan you must be of Obama then!

Don't even know how to respond to that, other than "Hell no!"
I never said republicans were uneducated. Just answer this question: have you ever given praise to a liberal like Obama for pushing for a raise to minimum wage?
Never. Never will, either. Why would I praise someone for putting people out of work and companies out of business?
You know republicans do too. Government workers lose their jobs because of republican policies. They also cost the economy. The famous gov shut down cost the economy $24 billion and put thousands of people on furlough.
Government workers SHOULD lose their jobs. We should have a defense department, a State Department, a Judiciary, a Justice Department, A treasury, a post office and Congress. About half of the 4.3 million federal jobs aren't justified by the US Constitution.

That's about $150 billion for nothing more than the likelihood that unionized federal employees are likely solid Democrat voters.
Perhaps it is true 4.3 million government jobs aren't justified by the constitution (however i seriously doubt it is that many), but as a country evolves, so must government. I don't care if they aren't all justified by the constitution. That really isn't important if they really do serve a vital role

I wish to see the passage within the constitution that says what Ernie is saying...No where do I see it. ;)
Article 1, Section 8

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and Post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution

Don't see anything about education or roads other than for the delivery of mail. I see nothing about minimum wages, campaign contributions or public housing.
I see no mandate for forcing citizens to purchase health insurance and nothing that gives the Executive branch the power to restrict the use of private property to save an "endangered" owl.

Then we get the 10th Amendment:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
If you insist on voting republican, you should at least educate yourself on policy so you can have a balanced perspective. I think many republicans take government for granted. Their overly emotional philosophy on the role of government blinds them in seeing it realistically and critically.

Doesn't it bother you republicans have no respect for our nation's crumbling infrastructure? How about scientific research to improve policy?

Take consumer protection laws. Don't you think there should be LAWS in place that restrict the amount of lead in paint? How about keeping carcigenics out of our foods and pharmaceuticals? Self regulation is fantasy. Did you know sodium bicarbonate is a cancer causing ingredient in pork products? I guarantee you most Americans don't know that. Corporations save money by using certain ingredients that are harmful to one's health. Some of these ingredients make food taste better for instance. Doesnt that disturb you? How about trans fat? Shoudnt we have LAWS that bar including it in our foods? How about keeping chemicals out of cigarettes to make them even more addictive?

How about credit card companies making critical terms more transparent in their contracts to the average consumer?

Shouldn't there be laws that protect consumers? Just answer the question: yes or no? Do you really think republicans in power care about these issues? Hell no.

How can you not see how powerful and corrupt many corporations are? Remember when Oprah was sued for defamation by the meat industry for simply saying she would never eat a hamburger? Talk about an assault on free speech.

Consumer protection is a leftwing ideology.

Doesn't it disturb you that corporate crime prosecution is so low? Do you really think republicans will do ANYTHING about that? Now granted SOME democrats won't do anything about it either, but at least it can be said this is a progressive issue.

If republicans considered these things, they would consider voting for people like Elizabeth Warren.

First of all, you're a fucking idiot

Second: We have laws and regulations for all the things you've mentioned

3rd. You're a fucking idiot

Fourth thing? How about any links or sources to substantiate these claims you make


You're a fucing idiot

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