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It really is baffling to me republicans still think the wall is a good idea

It is still baffling to me that Democrats and snowflakes feel:

- Surrendering the US southern border national security is a good idea

- Surrendering Nationall Security is a good idea

- Allowing Mexican Drug Cartels to control out Southern border and violate our laws and kill our people is a good idea

- An Open Border policy, after 9/11, after tons of smuggled fentenal is killing thousands of Americans, after rapists / pedophiles / violent gangs / violent murderers / etc... victimizing US citizens is a good idea...

- Importing COVID, giving millions of illegals flooding into the US exemptions to the quarantine / mask / vaccine mandates and dumping illegals all over the US whe so many Americans are still dying from the virus is a good idea

- Joe Buden facilitating and engaging in human, child, and sex trafficking by criminally shipping and dumping illegals all over the US without notifying local and state officials they are coming is a good idea

- Giving / rewarding illegals / criminals with tax-payer-funded medical, housing, food,education, etc...while intentionally 'fucking' American citizens, intentionally forcing prices to rise, Inflation to explode faster than it has in decades, etc... is a good idea

- The US President intentionally violating nothing US Constitution and US laws to facilitate all of this, this illegal invasion, destroying this nation while continuing to out US lives at risk, is a good thing
2021 Democrats are GLOBALISTS. They have no sense of NATIONAL Security, as they are INTERnationalists, and do not care about the USA.

They know the American people are not in support of all their anti-America, anti-white, anti-police, looney inclusion of everyone everywhere ideas, and as such, they NEED aliens to flood the US, to provides VOTES for Democrats.
CNN, the media whose 'reporters' and employees masturbate on-air, sexually harass co-workers while protecting governors for doing the same, who aid criminals and attempt to help them cover up crimes, and who engage in pedophilia and child sex trafficking.....whose company has had to retract countless lies / stories and fire reporters over their heinous lying...

That's their 'gold standard' for 'journalism'...while they attempt to question / smear others' sources.


It really is baffling to me republicans still think the wall is a good idea​

Said Billy0.00.

He could have (and if he were honest he should have) inserted a period after the word “me” and before his improperly spelled “Republicans.”

Life is baffling to that bubbling butt leak.
No, 4.2 is NOT how many AMERICANS are unemployed. Itis a false figure that includes illegal aliens (who are not Americans)

You are just blabbering from pure emotion - how you want things to be, instead of how they ARE. Yes, revenue would be affected if DACA (or any illegal aliens) were to leave the US. They reduce revenue by 1) working off the books, 2) for those who are on the books, the make less $$, thus they pay less $$ than Americans, 3) some of they receive welfare thereby reducing available revenue

HA HA. Your jobs nobody else wants line was refuted totally 15 years ago when CIS did a study and found of over 400 occupation where illegals work, in 99% of them, there was a majority of Americans working there. Also, the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs are routinely held by Americans, not illegal aliens (ex. coal miners, firefighters, police, troops in war zones. I've posted this 100 times,

You are brainwashed, and your fool ideas are the opposite of reality. If you booted ALL of them, consumer spending would increase at least $150 Billion/year, which is the amount last reported (in 2017) by the Pew Research center, that illegals send out of the country in remittances, and the economy would BOOST by $150 Billion/year much more because of the higher pay and thus greater disposable income Americans would have, working in the jobs the illegals work in now.

1. Mexicans CANNOT easily tunnel or climb over Trump's 30 foot tall wall. Only young, skinny, athletic men could do that, leaving out women, children, fat men, older men, and men not in top physical condition.

2. Court cases don't go on forever.

3. Where it is impossible to build a wall, it is also impossible for aliens to move through there.

4. Cost of maintaining the wall would be economical, relative to the costs and harms of illegals entering the country. See the list in Post # 130. It is logical and very compelling, and most of it doesn't need "sources". It us self-explanatory :biggrin: by COMMON SENSE. (except to idiots) This points that do need sources, have them (ex. wildfires)
1) Hey moron that would simply mean it is less of a problem of citizens being unemployed. Derp!

2) They still pay taxes you idiot. You can pretend that isn't true all you want but you sound fucking stupid. You don't actually know how revenue would be affected. You're just pretending to know.

3) OMG a study from 15 years ago! How compelling. Seriously are you in the 8th grade? Can you even post that study? No you dont have balls. And again, you make shit up.

4) Hey, moron, you do realize that illegals spend MOST of their income on themselves right? Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fucking live here. Go ahead and look up the actual facts on remittance. Find out how much they would spend on themselves and how much money they send out of the country. This all means that consumer spending sure as hell would fucking drop if they all disappeared. Also, that remittance link you posted before was all fucking immigrants, legal or illegal. Actually I'm willing to bet those were just legal immigrants. It's not like they would have reliable stats on illegals. Derp!

A 30 foot wall? Are you fucking listening to yourself? The wall doesn't exist you idiot. And uh, 30 feet or not, they could still tunnel under it. Here's a fun fact for you. There is already a network of tunnels under the border.

Obviously those court cases could go on for decades. Not exactly practical!

See again you fucking make shit up on the spot. You have no idea what those stretches of the border look like. I'm sure humans can walk over rocks.

Your list is bullshit. One of them said "cultural erosion". That is a purely subjective, emotional opinion. That about sums you up. The cost of maintaining the wall per year would be billions and it would stretch on for as long as the US would exist as a country. It's a stupid fucking idea.
Of course, granted, the idea has always been baffling to me but republicans seem to have this fantasy now that the wall will solve our most pressing issues somehow.

What republicans are too dense to understand is that the left doesn’t like wall idea because we want open borders, it’s because it’s a stupid idea that an 8th grader would come up with. Just think about this critically for a moment. If the wall is such a genius idea to curb illegal immigration, why in the fuck didn’t any republican politician before Trump entertain such a simple idea? Sure repubs have proposed building some kind of barrier on certain stretches of the border, but none of them ever suggested that the entire border would be sealed off and it was the best immigration policy. Don’t republican voters ever think about this most basic of logic?

Okay but let’s pretend repubs are right about the idea even though they really aren’t. Let’s pretend the wall magically stopped the flow of illegal Latino immigrants because they were all too lazy to tunnel under it or climb over I guess.

Then what? The wall is built and illegal immigration is stopped. What is supposed to happen after that? Why would this one issue be the cure-all to the economy? The overall fraction of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico out of the US population is pretty small. Why would this suddenly boost wages, GDP, and revenue?

Now let’s pretend republicans had their ultimate wet dream fulfilled and all undocumented immigrants in this country were deported as well. You might see this as a positive by believing more legal citizens would get jobs, but why would that happen? The unemployment rate is under 4%. Getting rid of illegal immigrants wouldn’t somehow make the unemployment rate 0%.

Moreover, DACA citizens pay taxes. If we booted them all, revenue would drop. You know what would drop much lower if we booted all illegals? Consumer spending. DACA or not, any immigrant living here spends money on the economy. We are talking about, what, 20 million people of all nationalities? All of those people spend money on American businesses regardless of whether or not their income is legitimate. Im not highlighting this point to suggest that we should allow illegal immigrants into this country. It just doesn’t make sense to have stricter border policy just because illegal immigration still happens. A fucking wall won’t do jack shit to significantly reduce it. The border policies we have in place already are fine even if they aren’t perfect and even achieving perfection would barely make a difference anyway. Even House Democrats don’t want to make immigration policy more relaxed given that the bipartisan solution to fund the government makes no changes to border policy of the last two years.

Trump’s defiant attitude about the wall in the meeting with Pelosi and Schumer was purely for political points. He is so damn insecure that he tries to act tough just so his supporters watching the exchange would go ape shit seeing him stick it to the democrats. It’s such non sense. Trump wants the wall simply because it is a reflection of how his supporters see him. He expects us all to think he is tough when really it’s painfully obvious that he is a whiny little bitch putting up a front.
The walls a great idea ...along with policies that discourage illegal invasions ...

A better idea is mine fields ,snipers , and helicopter gunship patrols.....im just sayin
1) Hey moron that would simply mean it is less of a problem of citizens being unemployed. Derp!

2) They still pay taxes you idiot. You can pretend that isn't true all you want but you sound fucking stupid. You don't actually know how revenue would be affected. You're just pretending to know.

3) OMG a study from 15 years ago! How compelling. Seriously are you in the 8th grade? Can you even post that study? No you dont have balls. And again, you make shit up.

4) Hey, moron, you do realize that illegals spend MOST of their income on themselves right? Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fucking live here. Go ahead and look up the actual facts on remittance. Find out how much they would spend on themselves and how much money they send out of the country. This all means that consumer spending sure as hell would fucking drop if they all disappeared. Also, that remittance link you posted before was all fucking immigrants, legal or illegal. Actually I'm willing to bet those were just legal immigrants. It's not like they would have reliable stats on illegals. Derp!

A 30 foot wall? Are you fucking listening to yourself? The wall doesn't exist you idiot. And uh, 30 feet or not, they could still tunnel under it. Here's a fun fact for you. There is already a network of tunnels under the border.

Obviously those court cases could go on for decades. Not exactly practical!

See again you fucking make shit up on the spot. You have no idea what those stretches of the border look like. I'm sure humans can walk over rocks.

Your list is bullshit. One of them said "cultural erosion". That is a purely subjective, emotional opinion. That about sums you up. The cost of maintaining the wall per year would be billions and it would stretch on for as long as the US would exist as a country. It's a stupid fucking idea.
1) Got no idea what that babble is supposed to mean. Please speak English.

2) HA HA. The point is, fool, that they pay much LESS taxes, so we LOSE revenue. Get it ?

3. https://cis.org/sites/default/files/2018-08/camarota-no-jobs-americans-wont-do_1.pdf

4. Fool. I've BEEN POSTING the Pew Research reports on remittances FOR YEARS, in this forum. Where have you been, Rip Van Winkle ? The $150 Billion/year US businesses lose due to aliens remittances would be $150 Billion/yr in SALES for them, (consumer spending INCREASING) if the aliens were deported. Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes:
Remittance flows worldwide in 2017

One of the problems with posting in computer forums is we sometimes have to talk to babbling nitwits like Billy000. I guess the 000, is his IQ.

You have not shown one shred of proof of what maintaining the wall would cost, or that it would not be economical to do so. All you're doing, is hysterically babbling hot air.
1) Hey moron that would simply mean it is less of a problem of citizens being unemployed. Derp!

2) They still pay taxes you idiot. You can pretend that isn't true all you want but you sound fucking stupid. You don't actually know how revenue would be affected. You're just pretending to know.

3) OMG a study from 15 years ago! How compelling. Seriously are you in the 8th grade? Can you even post that study? No you dont have balls. And again, you make shit up.

4) Hey, moron, you do realize that illegals spend MOST of their income on themselves right? Otherwise they wouldn't be able to fucking live here. Go ahead and look up the actual facts on remittance. Find out how much they would spend on themselves and how much money they send out of the country. This all means that consumer spending sure as hell would fucking drop if they all disappeared. Also, that remittance link you posted before was all fucking immigrants, legal or illegal. Actually I'm willing to bet those were just legal immigrants. It's not like they would have reliable stats on illegals. Derp!

A 30 foot wall? Are you fucking listening to yourself? The wall doesn't exist you idiot. And uh, 30 feet or not, they could still tunnel under it. Here's a fun fact for you. There is already a network of tunnels under the border.

Obviously those court cases could go on for decades. Not exactly practical!

See again you fucking make shit up on the spot. You have no idea what those stretches of the border look like. I'm sure humans can walk over rocks.

Your list is bullshit. One of them said "cultural erosion". That is a purely subjective, emotional opinion. That about sums you up. The cost of maintaining the wall per year would be billions and it would stretch on for as long as the US would exist as a country. It's a stupid fucking idea.
Just wondering how someone pays taxes if they are not legally on the payroll? You may get a little from sales tax, but the cost of having illegal aliens in the country is much more costly than any amount of minimal taxes they pay. I assume you don't have a fence around your back yard either...since they don't work. I guess you also forgot about leftist Jim Acosta embarrassing himself when he proves the wall does work.

“Jim Acosta just posted one of the biggest self owns ever,” said social media strategist Caleb Hull. “He’s walking along the border where there’s a wall in place talking about how there’s nothing that ‘resembles a national emergency situation’ and ‘there’s no migrants trying to rush.’ That’s because there’s a wall, Jim.”

Edit: Not sure if you realize that name calling just makes you look weak and immature. Something my kids outgrew by the time they were 5.
1) Got no idea what that babble is supposed to mean. Please speak English.

2) HA HA. The point is, fool, that they pay much LESS taxes, so we LOSE revenue. Get it ?

3. https://cis.org/sites/default/files/2018-08/camarota-no-jobs-americans-wont-do_1.pdf

4. Fool. I've BEEN POSTING the Pew Research reports on remittances FOR YEARS, in this forum. Where have you been, Rip Van Winkle ? The $150 Billion/year US businesses lose due to aliens remittances would be $150 Billion/yr in SALES for them, (consumer spending INCREASING) if the aliens were deported. Some people have to be told twice. :rolleyes:
Remittance flows worldwide in 2017

One of the problems with posting in computer forums is we sometimes have to talk to babbling nitwits like Billy000. I guess the 000, is his IQ.

You have not shown one shred of proof of what maintaining the wall would cost, or that it would not be economical to do so. All you're doing, is hysterically babbling hot air.
1) You know what it means. You’re just pretending you don’t know lol

2) Again, you don’t actually know how revenue would be affected.

Gee I wonder if this your source of yours can be explained by most of the US workforce being made up of legal citizens.

Who the fuck cares if you’ve been posting this this link for years lol. Your link is talking about legal immigrants. And yeah, either way, MOST of their income is spent on themselves. I’m sure it’s 90% or more.

You just know I’m right lol

I don’t need to give you an exact figure on how much maintaining the wall would cost per year. You already know it would cost billions per year. Hence, it would be astronomical.
The walls a great idea ...along with policies that discourage illegal invasions ...

A better idea is mine fields ,snipers , and helicopter gunship patrols.....im just sayin
I'm kind of partial to the idea Obama came up with. A moat, on the American side, except mine would be filled with concertina wire and alligators. Plenty of them here in Florida we would be glad to donate.

1) You know what it means. You’re just pretending you don’t know lol

2) Again, you don’t actually know how revenue would be affected.

Gee I wonder if this your source of yours can be explained by most of the US workforce being made up of legal citizens.

Who the fuck cares if you’ve been posting this this link for years lol. Your link is talking about legal immigrants. And yeah, either way, MOST of their income is spent on themselves. I’m sure it’s 90% or more.

You just know I’m right lol

I don’t need to give you an exact figure on how much maintaining the wall would cost per year. You already know it would cost billions per year. Hence, it would be astronomical.
I just told you TWICE how revenue would be affected. I see no point in talking any further, to a blithering IDIOT. I'll find other posters to talk to. You can howl at the moon.
I just told you TWICE how revenue would be affected. I see no point in talking any further, to a blithering IDIOT. I'll find other posters to talk to. You can howl at the moon.
Face it, I’m right and you’re wrong. Left wingers always come out triumphant.
Last edited:
Of course, granted, the idea has always been baffling to me but republicans seem to have this fantasy now that the wall will solve our most pressing issues somehow.

What republicans are too dense to understand is that the left doesn’t like wall idea because we want open borders, it’s because it’s a stupid idea that an 8th grader would come up with. Just think about this critically for a moment. If the wall is such a genius idea to curb illegal immigration, why in the fuck didn’t any republican politician before Trump entertain such a simple idea? Sure repubs have proposed building some kind of barrier on certain stretches of the border, but none of them ever suggested that the entire border would be sealed off and it was the best immigration policy. Don’t republican voters ever think about this most basic of logic?

Okay but let’s pretend repubs are right about the idea even though they really aren’t. Let’s pretend the wall magically stopped the flow of illegal Latino immigrants because they were all too lazy to tunnel under it or climb over I guess.

Then what? The wall is built and illegal immigration is stopped. What is supposed to happen after that? Why would this one issue be the cure-all to the economy? The overall fraction of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico out of the US population is pretty small. Why would this suddenly boost wages, GDP, and revenue?

Now let’s pretend republicans had their ultimate wet dream fulfilled and all undocumented immigrants in this country were deported as well. You might see this as a positive by believing more legal citizens would get jobs, but why would that happen? The unemployment rate is under 4%. Getting rid of illegal immigrants wouldn’t somehow make the unemployment rate 0%.

Moreover, DACA citizens pay taxes. If we booted them all, revenue would drop. You know what would drop much lower if we booted all illegals? Consumer spending. DACA or not, any immigrant living here spends money on the economy. We are talking about, what, 20 million people of all nationalities? All of those people spend money on American businesses regardless of whether or not their income is legitimate. Im not highlighting this point to suggest that we should allow illegal immigrants into this country. It just doesn’t make sense to have stricter border policy just because illegal immigration still happens. A fucking wall won’t do jack shit to significantly reduce it. The border policies we have in place already are fine even if they aren’t perfect and even achieving perfection would barely make a difference anyway. Even House Democrats don’t want to make immigration policy more relaxed given that the bipartisan solution to fund the government makes no changes to border policy of the last two years.

Trump’s defiant attitude about the wall in the meeting with Pelosi and Schumer was purely for political points. He is so damn insecure that he tries to act tough just so his supporters watching the exchange would go ape shit seeing him stick it to the democrats. It’s such non sense. Trump wants the wall simply because it is a reflection of how his supporters see him. He expects us all to think he is tough when really it’s painfully obvious that he is a whiny little bitch putting up a front.
The years of drought in the Western States have done more to keep illegal Latino migrant workers in their home countries than trump's wall would have.

Additionally, along much of the Southern Border, the topography would not permit a barrier suitable to stop human traffic and still allow for the natural drainage. Not to mention the interruption of animal habitats.

But, the trump Nazis never consider these factors, after all, such obstacles don't exist in the trump Nazis' fantasy world.

1) You know what it means. You’re just pretending you don’t know lol

2) Again, you don’t actually know how revenue would be affected.

Gee I wonder if this your source of yours can be explained by most of the US workforce being made up of legal citizens.

Who the fuck cares if you’ve been posting this this link for years lol. Your link is talking about legal immigrants. And yeah, either way, MOST of their income is spent on themselves. I’m sure it’s 90% or more.

You just know I’m right lol

I don’t need to give you an exact figure on how much maintaining the wall would cost per year. You already know it would cost billions per year. Hence, it would be astronomical.
Studies have been done on revenue vs cost of illegals aliens. It is a HUGE negative.

In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion.
FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – about $19 billion – from the total economic impact of illegal migration, $134.9 billion.

Evidence shows that the tax payments made by illegal aliens fail to cover the costs of the many services they consume.

A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.

Many illegal aliens actually receive a net cash profit through refundable tax credit programs.

The cost savings alone would pay for the wall.
I second the idea of putting moats filled with alligators on the southern border. I'm sure Florida has some extra gators they'd love to sell.
The years of drought in the Western States have done more to keep illegal Latino migrant workers in their home countries than trump's wall would have.

Additionally, along much of the Southern Border, the topography would not permit a barrier suitable to stop human traffic and still allow for the natural drainage. Not to mention the interruption of animal habitats.

But, the trump Nazis never consider these factors, after all, such obstacles don't exist in the trump Nazis' fantasy world.

Already addressed and obliterated this idiotic notion. Interesting how Billy000 gave it a thumbs up. HA HA HA.
Dems should want the wall, it could be a jobs program for all the Democrat voters too dumb to get their HS diploma or GED.
Thousands, and "sell" ? We'll pay you to take them.
Why would Floridians want to get rid of them? Just because alligators are eating pets for lunch and now they're hiding under people's cars?

---6-foot gator found under parked car in Collier County---


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