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It really is baffling to me republicans still think the wall is a good idea

WALLS ARE STUPID............

If I don't want Billy to trespass, then what I do is leave my doors open. After all, if he really wants to break into my house, all he has to do is get off his mother's couch, purchase his first set of basic tools, and bust the lock.
looks like youre unable to read a data plot, case closed.
I challenged you to clarify your question, and you ran like a scared rabbit. THAT's what it "looks like"
Of course, granted, the idea has always been baffling to me but republicans seem to have this fantasy now that the wall will solve our most pressing issues somehow.

What republicans are too dense to understand is that the left doesn’t like wall idea because we want open borders, it’s because it’s a stupid idea that an 8th grader would come up with. Just think about this critically for a moment. If the wall is such a genius idea to curb illegal immigration, why in the fuck didn’t any republican politician before Trump entertain such a simple idea? Sure repubs have proposed building some kind of barrier on certain stretches of the border, but none of them ever suggested that the entire border would be sealed off and it was the best immigration policy. Don’t republican voters ever think about this most basic of logic?

Okay but let’s pretend repubs are right about the idea even though they really aren’t. Let’s pretend the wall magically stopped the flow of illegal Latino immigrants because they were all too lazy to tunnel under it or climb over I guess.

Then what? The wall is built and illegal immigration is stopped. What is supposed to happen after that? Why would this one issue be the cure-all to the economy? The overall fraction of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico out of the US population is pretty small. Why would this suddenly boost wages, GDP, and revenue?

Now let’s pretend republicans had their ultimate wet dream fulfilled and all undocumented immigrants in this country were deported as well. You might see this as a positive by believing more legal citizens would get jobs, but why would that happen? The unemployment rate is under 4%. Getting rid of illegal immigrants wouldn’t somehow make the unemployment rate 0%.

Moreover, DACA citizens pay taxes. If we booted them all, revenue would drop. You know what would drop much lower if we booted all illegals? Consumer spending. DACA or not, any immigrant living here spends money on the economy. We are talking about, what, 20 million people of all nationalities? All of those people spend money on American businesses regardless of whether or not their income is legitimate. Im not highlighting this point to suggest that we should allow illegal immigrants into this country. It just doesn’t make sense to have stricter border policy just because illegal immigration still happens. A fucking wall won’t do jack shit to significantly reduce it. The border policies we have in place already are fine even if they aren’t perfect and even achieving perfection would barely make a difference anyway. Even House Democrats don’t want to make immigration policy more relaxed given that the bipartisan solution to fund the government makes no changes to border policy of the last two years.

Trump’s defiant attitude about the wall in the meeting with Pelosi and Schumer was purely for political points. He is so damn insecure that he tries to act tough just so his supporters watching the exchange would go ape shit seeing him stick it to the democrats. It’s such non sense. Trump wants the wall simply because it is a reflection of how his supporters see him. He expects us all to think he is tough when really it’s painfully obvious that he is a whiny little bitch putting up a front.
I would, in fact, be totally against the wall if it was proven that it prevented leftists from exiting the country.
I suspect you’re wrong about Trump doing a much better job of stopping illegal immigration. This graph indicates he wasn’t as effective as Ears.
Figure 3: Immigrant Removals by Area of Apprehension - Infogram

If he had been re-elected Trump would have completed his fence and we would have far fewer illegals crossing the Mexican border.

This fiscal year has set a record for the number of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican border. Most of this fiscal year was under Joe Biden’s watch. Plus the number of “gotaways“ has skyrocketed too.

Of course, granted, the idea has always been baffling to me but republicans seem to have this fantasy now that the wall will solve our most pressing issues somehow.

What republicans are too dense to understand is that the left doesn’t like wall idea because we want open borders, it’s because it’s a stupid idea that an 8th grader would come up with. Just think about this critically for a moment. If the wall is such a genius idea to curb illegal immigration, why in the fuck didn’t any republican politician before Trump entertain such a simple idea? Sure repubs have proposed building some kind of barrier on certain stretches of the border, but none of them ever suggested that the entire border would be sealed off and it was the best immigration policy. Don’t republican voters ever think about this most basic of logic?

Okay but let’s pretend repubs are right about the idea even though they really aren’t. Let’s pretend the wall magically stopped the flow of illegal Latino immigrants because they were all too lazy to tunnel under it or climb over I guess.

Then what? The wall is built and illegal immigration is stopped. What is supposed to happen after that? Why would this one issue be the cure-all to the economy? The overall fraction of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico out of the US population is pretty small. Why would this suddenly boost wages, GDP, and revenue?

Now let’s pretend republicans had their ultimate wet dream fulfilled and all undocumented immigrants in this country were deported as well. You might see this as a positive by believing more legal citizens would get jobs, but why would that happen? The unemployment rate is under 4%. Getting rid of illegal immigrants wouldn’t somehow make the unemployment rate 0%.

Moreover, DACA citizens pay taxes. If we booted them all, revenue would drop. You know what would drop much lower if we booted all illegals? Consumer spending. DACA or not, any immigrant living here spends money on the economy. We are talking about, what, 20 million people of all nationalities? All of those people spend money on American businesses regardless of whether or not their income is legitimate. Im not highlighting this point to suggest that we should allow illegal immigrants into this country. It just doesn’t make sense to have stricter border policy just because illegal immigration still happens. A fucking wall won’t do jack shit to significantly reduce it. The border policies we have in place already are fine even if they aren’t perfect and even achieving perfection would barely make a difference anyway. Even House Democrats don’t want to make immigration policy more relaxed given that the bipartisan solution to fund the government makes no changes to border policy of the last two years.

Trump’s defiant attitude about the wall in the meeting with Pelosi and Schumer was purely for political points. He is so damn insecure that he tries to act tough just so his supporters watching the exchange would go ape shit seeing him stick it to the democrats. It’s such non sense. Trump wants the wall simply because it is a reflection of how his supporters see him. He expects us all to think he is tough when really it’s painfully obvious that he is a whiny little bitch putting up a front.
You're an idiot. Anyone who says walls don't work is a fucking moron.
The problem is our immigration laws need to be overhauled. Unfortunately both major Parties have no interest in updating immigration legislation.

Republicans want illegal immigrants to enter our nation and keep wages down for low skilled jobs. Democrats want illegal aliens to enter our nation so that eventually they will become citizens and vote for democrats.

The solution to is replace all our currently elected politicians in Congress with new people who are more interested in representing the people who voted for them than playing stupid political games.

Of course that will never happen.

In my opinion our basic problem is career politicians. Nancy Pelosi has been in office for 33 years. Joe Biden entered the Senate in 1973. Career politicians tend to worry more about their own wealth and the success of their Party than the future of our nation.

The sad part is that eventually our nation will end up under the rule of the Chinese as many of our elected representatives will sell their souls to the Chinese just liike Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Funny, but the last president actually stemmed the tide of illegals, or are you talking about the Progressive Republican party?
This is the proximate cause of illegal immigration. These people see no future in their home country, thanks to the heinous actions of their governments, US gov, and big corporations. This explains why they make the long dangerous trek to the US border.

Our government will not recognize this or fix it, so it will continue unabated so that a select few oligarchs can get richer and supply our political class lots of campaign donations.
These people see no future in their home country, thanks to the heinous actions of their governments,

When you have stupid people voting in stupid governments then you eventually have a stupid country. I stopped feeling sorry for those stupid people, and i especially hate the stupid Americans who blame this country for other countries problems, when we have pumped trillions of dollars to try to make their lives better, while destroying our own lives here.
Funny, but the last president actually stemmed the tide of illegals, or are you talking about the Progressive Republican party?
Trump is neither a republican or a democrat. He just hihacked the Republican elephant and rode to successfully beat Hillary’s Democrat donkey.

Trump is a Trumpian. That’s why he is hated by both the Democratic Party and the establishment Republican Party. They don’t own Trump and they can’t control him.
1. Last number I saw for US unemployment was 4.2% in Nov. 2021, but this is an erroneous figure, because it counts illegal aliens as part of the US employed. They are not US employed, and their employment causes Americans to be UNemployed from the jobs the illegal aliens hold. The whole method of counting used is a joke.
If the unemployment #s were compliled correctly, unemployment of US citizens, would likely be sky high right now.

Your OP is a pile of errors on top of errors.

2. There is no such thing as DACA citizens (as you call them). DACA people are illegal aliens.

3. If we booted them, tax revenue would go UP, not down. Americans would be employed in the jobs the DACAs now hold, and the Americans would be higher paid, and thus paying more tax $$.

4. Many illegal aliens work off the books. Thus, putting Americans in those jobs INCREASES revenue, not decreases.

5. Consumer spending would INCREASE, not drop, if DACAs were booted out, because Americans in the jobs DACAs now hold would have higher pay, and more money to spend.

6. Consumer spending would INCREASE, not drop, if DACAs were booted out, because Americans in the jobs DACAs now hold would have more money being spent in AMERICAN stores (aka the economy), because illegal aliens deprive US businesses of $150 Billion/year in sales, by sending remittances$$$ back to their home country. AMERICANS don't send remittances $$$ out of the country. They spend all their money in their own local communities.

You are totally clueless on illegal immigration, and the wall, and Trump, and your OP is a ridiculous. ignorant mess.

Study this list, and you might start having some idea why we need to reverse Biden's massive importation of ILLEGAL ALIENS (they are neither "immigrants" nor "undocumented") >>

Harms of illegal immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($150 Billion/year). Remittance flows worldwide in 2017
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs CRISIS.
My god I get so sick of Trumptards thinking they are smart. You are all a bunch of morons, You just need to accept it already.

1) Your logic is fucking stupid. If the employed number did not include illegals, you would whine about the government hiding the statistic. You're a whiny little bitch either way. 4.2 is 4.2. That is how many Americans are unemployed.

2) Your retarded semantics mean jack shit. It shows how emotional you idiots are over shit that does not matter.

3) My god you are stupid. This makes no goddamn sense. If anything, revenue wouldn't even be affected. It sure as fuck would not go up. DACA recipients pay taxes either way, idiot.

4) Perhaps you would have a point except that illegals - especially Mexicans - largely take the jobs no one else wants.

5) You keep talking exclusively about DACA when I was referring to ALL illegals. If you booted ALL of them which is what you retards want, consumer spending would take a massive hit and the econcomy would shrink. Either way. if we were just talking about DACA, there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to believe business would decide to pay American citizens more if they took those jobs. I get you idiots believe this stupid myth, but you need to let it go. It's a belief based purely on emotional reasoning - not actual economics. Business owners like their wealth to go up not down. They aren't going to decided to pay home grown Americans more out of some noble principle. Shit doesnt work like that.

6) I love how you keep talking exclusively about DACA. It's so obviously because you are too much of a pussy to acknowledge the point I made about all illegals in this country. You know I am right about it and you lack the stones to admit it. However I will be the bigger man and admit you make a fair point about less money going over the border. All in all however, this is a pretty minor point that largely wouldnt have much of a significant effect on the economy.

Let me remind you why exactly a border wall is such a fucking stupid idea:

1) Mexicans could easily tunnel or climb over it.
2) There are huge parts of the border that are private property. The court cases to build a wall there would go on forever.
3) There are parts of the border where it is physically impossible to build a wall there.
4) The cost of MAINTAINING the wall would go on forever and would be astronomical over time.

DId you notice how Trump couldnt get approval for the wall in his first two years in office despite republicans having full control of congress? Even they knew it was a stupid idea.

This is list you gave isnt even supported by any logic or sources. You just listed shit. Nothing is compelling about it.
My god I get so sick of Trumptards thinking they are smart. You are all a bunch of morons, You just need to accept it already.

1) Your logic is fucking stupid. If the employed number did not include illegals, you would whine about the government hiding the statistic. You're a whiny little bitch either way. 4.2 is 4.2. That is how many Americans are unemployed.

2) Your retarded semantics mean jack shit. It shows how emotional you idiots are over shit that does not matter.

3) My god you are stupid. This makes no goddamn sense. If anything, revenue wouldn't even be affected. It sure as fuck would not go up. DACA recipients pay taxes either way, idiot.

4) Perhaps you would have a point except that illegals - especially Mexicans - largely take the jobs no one else wants.

5) You keep talking exclusively about DACA when I was referring to ALL illegals. If you booted ALL of them which is what you retards want, consumer spending would take a massive hit and the econcomy would shrink. Either way. if we were just talking about DACA, there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to believe business would decide to pay American citizens more if they took those jobs. I get you idiots believe this stupid myth, but you need to let it go. It's a belief based purely on emotional reasoning - not actual economics. Business owners like their wealth to go up not down. They aren't going to decided to pay home grown Americans more out of some noble principle. Shit doesnt work like that.

6) I love how you keep talking exclusively about DACA. It's so obviously because you are too much of a pussy to acknowledge the point I made about all illegals in this country. You know I am right about it and you lack the stones to admit it. However I will be the bigger man and admit you make a fair point about less money going over the border. All in all however, this is a pretty minor point that largely wouldnt have much of a significant effect on the economy.

Let me remind you why exactly a border wall is such a fucking stupid idea:

1) Mexicans could easily tunnel or climb over it.
2) There are huge parts of the border that are private property. The court cases to build a wall there would go on forever.
3) There are parts of the border where it is physically impossible to build a wall there.
4) The cost of MAINTAINING the wall would go on forever and would be astronomical over time.

DId you notice how Trump couldnt get approval for the wall in his first two years in office despite republicans having full control of congress? Even they knew it was a stupid idea.

This is list you gave isnt even supported by any logic or sources. You just listed shit. Nothing is compelling about it.
The construction boom took off as trespassers were being sent back home.
I saw plenty of Blacks very happy to learn or practice the trade of construction.
I realize you never get out of your teepee so you have no idea what goes on in the real world.
You're an idiot. Anyone who says walls don't work is a fucking moron.
I’m going to educate you on how fucking stupid of an idea it is:

1) Mexicans could easily tunnel or climb over it.
2) There are huge parts of the border that are private property. The court cases to build a wall there would go on forever.
3) There are parts of the border where it is physically impossible to build a wall there.
4) The cost of MAINTAINING the wall would go on forever and would be astronomical over time.

There’s good reason why republicans didn’t support Trump’s stupid idea when he had full control of the government the first two years he was in office.
I’m going to educate you on how fucking stupid of an idea it is:

1) Mexicans could easily tunnel or climb over it.
2) There are huge parts of the border that are private property. The court cases to build a wall there would go on forever.
3) There are parts of the border where it is physically impossible to build a wall there.
4) The cost of MAINTAINING the wall would go on forever and would be astronomical over time.

There’s good reason why republicans didn’t support Trump’s stupid idea when he had full control of the government the first two years he was in office.
Those things don't happen in Israel.
You're probably shacking up with a trespasser.
Those things don't happen in Israel.
You're probably shacking up with a trespasser.
Perhaps you should just admit you don’t actually know anything about this barrier. All it is designed to do is reduce terrorist attacks. It has nothing to do with immigration and they sure as hell have spend money on maintenance for it.
Perhaps you should just admit you don’t actually know anything about this barrier. All it is designed to do is reduce terrorist attacks. It has nothing to do with immigration and they sure as hell have spend money on maintenance for it.

It is equipped to detect and stop trespassers.
The US needs the same.

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