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It really is baffling to me republicans still think the wall is a good idea

When a Democrat says they want immigration reform they mean they want us to allow anyone who wants to come here legal access to our borders. We'd be flooded with third worlders who will drive our lifestyle down to their levels. We need to limit immigrants to those with education or those with money to create jobs with. No more bottom of the barrel immigrants who collect social programs on their anchor babies. Maybe we need to get rid of our social handouts completely?
We need to elect representatives who are dedicated to overhauling our current immigration system. Our republicans in office like illegal immigrants as they lower wages for corporations and the democrats hope that eventually the illegals will become citizens and vote for democrats.

The United States might once again be a great nation if we could just boot ALL the career politicians out of office. Unfortunately that will never happen.
I have to admit that as far as the CIA actions in Central America are concerned you are right.

In my opinion in the long term the CIA creates far more problems than it solves.
This is the proximate cause of illegal immigration. These people see no future in their home country, thanks to the heinous actions of their governments, US gov, and big corporations. This explains why they make the long dangerous trek to the US border.

Our government will not recognize this or fix it, so it will continue unabated so that a select few oligarchs can get richer and supply our political class lots of campaign donations.
Neither party wants to actually fix the border problem. In spite of all the rhetoric and bravado, the Republicans want the cheap labor as much as the Democratic Party wants support from the Latino voting bloc.
This is the proximate cause of illegal immigration. These people see no future in their home country, thanks to the heinous actions of their governments, US gov, and big corporations. This explains why they make the long dangerous trek to the US border.

Our government will not recognize this or fix it, so it will continue unabated so that a select few oligarchs can get richer and supply our political class lots of campaign donations.
Unfortunately you are most likely right. This nation is no longer a representative democracy or constitutional republic but is an oligarchy if not a banana republic,

If Trump is re-elected he might be able to stop the flow of illegals but chances are he will be tied up in court by the democrats and unable to run a campaign.

As usual the corruptocrats who run this nation will win in the end.
Of course, granted, the idea has always been baffling to me but republicans seem to have this fantasy now that the wall will solve our most pressing issues somehow.

What republicans are too dense to understand is that the left doesn’t like wall idea because we want open borders, it’s because it’s a stupid idea that an 8th grader would come up with. Just think about this critically for a moment. If the wall is such a genius idea to curb illegal immigration, why in the fuck didn’t any republican politician before Trump entertain such a simple idea? Sure repubs have proposed building some kind of barrier on certain stretches of the border, but none of them ever suggested that the entire border would be sealed off and it was the best immigration policy. Don’t republican voters ever think about this most basic of logic?

Okay but let’s pretend repubs are right about the idea even though they really aren’t. Let’s pretend the wall magically stopped the flow of illegal Latino immigrants because they were all too lazy to tunnel under it or climb over I guess.

Then what? The wall is built and illegal immigration is stopped. What is supposed to happen after that? Why would this one issue be the cure-all to the economy? The overall fraction of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico out of the US population is pretty small. Why would this suddenly boost wages, GDP, and revenue?

Now let’s pretend republicans had their ultimate wet dream fulfilled and all undocumented immigrants in this country were deported as well. You might see this as a positive by believing more legal citizens would get jobs, but why would that happen? The unemployment rate is under 4%. Getting rid of illegal immigrants wouldn’t somehow make the unemployment rate 0%.

Moreover, DACA citizens pay taxes. If we booted them all, revenue would drop. You know what would drop much lower if we booted all illegals? Consumer spending. DACA or not, any immigrant living here spends money on the economy. We are talking about, what, 20 million people of all nationalities? All of those people spend money on American businesses regardless of whether or not their income is legitimate. Im not highlighting this point to suggest that we should allow illegal immigrants into this country. It just doesn’t make sense to have stricter border policy just because illegal immigration still happens. A fucking wall won’t do jack shit to significantly reduce it. The border policies we have in place already are fine even if they aren’t perfect and even achieving perfection would barely make a difference anyway. Even House Democrats don’t want to make immigration policy more relaxed given that the bipartisan solution to fund the government makes no changes to border policy of the last two years.

Trump’s defiant attitude about the wall in the meeting with Pelosi and Schumer was purely for political points. He is so damn insecure that he tries to act tough just so his supporters watching the exchange would go ape shit seeing him stick it to the democrats. It’s such non sense. Trump wants the wall simply because it is a reflection of how his supporters see him. He expects us all to think he is tough when really it’s painfully obvious that he is a whiny little bitch putting up a front.
it's really baffling to me you think anyone gives a shit what you have to say. after all, it's the same damn theme every friggin time.

we need a bash trump zone where you and other TDSers can go cry to each other and not flog us with your inane insecurities.
This is the proximate cause of illegal immigration. These people see no future in their home country, thanks to the heinous actions of their governments, US gov, and big corporations. This explains why they make the long dangerous trek to the US border.

Our government will not recognize this or fix it, so it will continue unabated so that a select few oligarchs can get richer and supply our political class lots of campaign donations.
So it's our government's job to fix the actions and effects other country's governments to curb illegal invasion from those countries? We can't enforce our sovereignty until we magically fix other countries? That's exactly why countries have borders and protect sovereignty - to insulate them from other fucked up countries.

Plus, everyone knows that global warming is causing illegal border crossing.
Unfortunately you are most likely right. This nation is no longer a representative democracy or constitutional republic but is an oligarchy if not a banana republic,

If Trump is re-elected he might be able to stop the flow of illegals but chances are he will be tied up in court by the democrats and unable to run a campaign.

As usual the corruptocrats who run this nation will win in the end.
I agree, except for the Don part. He had his time and got nothing done. He like all his predecessors refused to address the real causes of illegal immigration. Thinking he will fix it should he get re-elected is foolish.
So it's our government's job to fix the actions and effects other country's governments to curb illegal invasion from those countries? We can't enforce our sovereignty until we magically fix other countries? That's exactly why countries have borders and protect sovereignty - to insulate them from other fucked up countries.

Plus, everyone knows that global warming is causing illegal border crossing.
You better read my post again.
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I agree, except for the Don part. He had his time and got nothing done. He like all his predecessors refused to address the real causes of illegal immigration. Thinking he will fix it should he get re-elected is foolish.
If re-elected (which I doubt will happen as Trump will be tied up in court by the democrats) Trump will do a much better job of stopping illegal immigration than Sleepy Joe.

I will however agree with you that Trump like his predecessors will fail to address the true causes of illegal immigration. However keep in mind that people from all over the globe are trying to illegally cross the Mexican border. People in many nations want to come to our nation as it offers the opportunity to succeed.

If re-elected (which I doubt will happen as Trump will be tied up in court by the democrats) Trump will do a much better job of stopping illegal immigration than Sleepy Joe.

I will however agree with you that Trump like his predecessors will fail to address the true causes of illegal immigration. However keep in mind that people from all over the globe are trying to illegally cross the Mexican border. People in many nations want to come to our nation as it offers the opportunity to succeed.

I suspect you’re wrong about Trump doing a much better job of stopping illegal immigration. This graph indicates he wasn’t as effective as Ears.
Figure 3: Immigrant Removals by Area of Apprehension - Infogram

Neither party wants to actually fix the border problem. In spite of all the rhetoric and bravado, the Republicans want the cheap labor as much as the Democratic Party wants support from the Latino voting bloc.
But if we do build the border wall, we put a stop to illegal immigration.
Republicans believe that the more they dump on other people the more better their own lives will be.

They’ve done it to blacks.

They’ve done it to gays.

They’ve done it to Muslims.

Now it’s just the Hispanics turn.

None of that’s worked for them. What will actually work is hard work and education. And stop being such hateful people. I don’t believe they will ever figure it out.
I don't see Republicans being "hateful" toward anyone. The only question about being hateful is >> When will Democrats stop being such hateful people toward whites.
You're really scoring 100 percent today.

border crossings lowest in decades.
One wonders how in the world anyone could ever believe such total NONSENSE as this. That border arrests are down, has nothing to do with the number of illegal aliens crossing the border, and coming into the country. The reason why ARRESTS are down, is because Biden has stopped the border authorities from arresting anyone. He has reinstituted CATCH & RELEASE. That doesn't mean numbers of PEOPLE coming into the country illegally, are down. Illegals are being INVITED to come into the country (without any type of vetting), and Biden has even invited those who have been deported to COME BACK.

Illegal border crossings have never been HIGHER than they are right now. And the number of countries that are sending their poor, some rich, criminals, drug addicts, sex loons, etc has increased from 1 or 2 to about 120.

Biden has eliminated the Mexican border, and the caravans are pouring through like Niagra falls. He has also enacted an airlift, that has been flying (at US taxpayer expense) illegal aliens all over the country, but especially to red states like Florida, (where they have created a housing shortage crisis), with the idea that this will change these states from red to blue, and help him get re-elected.

In response Florida Gov DeSantis has threatened to expel the illegals, and airlift them to Biden's home state of Delaware. Good idea if he can do it.

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One wonder how in the world anyone could ever believer such totla NONSENSE as this.

Illegal border crossings have never been HIGHER than they are right now. ANd the number of countries that are sending their poor, some rich, criminals, drug addicts, sex loons, etc has increased from 1 or 2 to about 120.

Biden has eliminated the Mexican border, and the caravans are pouring through like Niagra falls. He has also enacted an airlift, that has been flying (at US taxpayer expense) illegal aliens all over the country, but especially to red states like Florida, with the idea that this will change these states from red to blue, and help him get re-elected.
apparently you didnt bother to check the year of the link i provided, which was for 2018.

Fucking-A even left oriented Roger Waters understood walls work.

Say Billy, does your mom's place have a fence? How come?

On a side, I wonder if Waters has the intellectual honesty to recognize the miseducation system is run by leftists?

apparently you didnt bother to check the year of the link i provided, which was for 2018.

In 2018, illegal border crossings were very low because Trump made them be that way, by eliminating the Obama catch & release policy. Now we have exactly the opposite of that.

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