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It really is baffling to me republicans still think the wall is a good idea

Of course, granted, the idea has always been baffling to me but republicans seem to have this fantasy now that the wall will solve our most pressing issues somehow......Okay but let’s pretend repubs are right about the idea even though they really aren’t. Let’s pretend the wall magically stopped the flow of illegal Latino immigrants because they were all too lazy to tunnel under it or climb over I guess.
The border wall would work if we built more of it and if we had guard towers manned by armed military personnel on the border. It worked in Berlin, it can work here.
The border wall would work if we built more of it and if we had guard towers manned by armed military personnel on the border. It worked in Berlin, it can work here.
Not only is that idea batshit insane, but the cost over time would be astronomical. You do get that right? That would cost an astronomical amount of spending?
Not only is that idea batshit insane, but the cost over time would be astronomical. You do get that right? That would cost an astronomical amount of spending?
We have to train the new soldiers anyway. Consider it sniper training.
Fine, how much a year?
Why would it matter if I gave you an exact amount? You and I both know that funding the maintenance of the wall and putting troops there across the entire Mexican border would cost billions per year. What point are you even trying to make? All of this would be free? You’re an idiot.

Also, do you notice how you demand facts but never provide your own?
Why would it matter if I gave you an exact amount? You and I both know that funding the maintenance of the wall and putting troops there across the entire Mexican border would cost billions per year. What point are you even trying to make? All of this would be free? You’re an idiot.

Also, do you notice how you demand facts but never provide your own?

Why would it matter if I gave you an exact amount?

You said the cost would be astronomical. Put a number to your claim.

You and I both know that funding the maintenance of the wall and putting troops there across the entire Mexican border would cost billions per year.

How many billions? If it's 2 billion, most Americans would say it was a bargain.

All of this would be free? You’re an idiot.

Who said that? Is it the voices in your head?

Also, do you notice how you demand facts but never provide your own?

I notice you made a claim and won't back it up.
Why would it matter if I gave you an exact amount? You and I both know that funding the maintenance of the wall and putting troops there across the entire Mexican border would cost billions per year. What point are you even trying to make? All of this would be free? You’re an idiot.

Also, do you notice how you demand facts but never provide your own?
We pay a boatload of money to train and outfit our soldiers anyway. Let's give new recruits their uniforms and guns and train them on the border.
Why would it matter if I gave you an exact amount?

You said the cost would be astronomical. Put a number to your claim.

You and I both know that funding the maintenance of the wall and putting troops there across the entire Mexican border would cost billions per year.

How many billions? If it's 2 billion, most Americans would say it was a bargain.

All of this would be free? You’re an idiot.

Who said that? Is it the voices in your head?

Also, do you notice how you demand facts but never provide your own?

I notice you made a claim and won't back it up.
How do you know Americans would call that a bargain? Did you take a poll? Can you provide a link? No of course not. You don’t provide your own facts.

You’re an idiot if you think it would only cost 2 billion. Do you have a link that suggests it could only cost only 2 billion? No of course not. You don’t provide your own facts. Obviously it would be more than 2 billion. But even if it did cost 2 billion, the number would still be astronomical because it would go on til the US is no more.
Not only is that idea batshit insane, but the cost over time would be astronomical. You do get that right? That would cost an astronomical amount of spending?
Cost less than letting all the poor people who can reach our border in.
Yes, I took a poll.

You’re an idiot if you think it would only cost 2 billion.

You said billions, do you feel it's more than 2?

How many?
You’re so full of shit lol. You’re so terrible at gotcha questions. It’s amazing how desperate you are with them. You sound idiotic right now and frankly I think you know you do.
My god I get so sick of Trumptards thinking they are smart. You are all a bunch of morons, You just need to accept it already.

1) Your logic is fucking stupid. If the employed number did not include illegals, you would whine about the government hiding the statistic. You're a whiny little bitch either way. 4.2 is 4.2. That is how many Americans are unemployed.

2) Your retarded semantics mean jack shit. It shows how emotional you idiots are over shit that does not matter.

3) My god you are stupid. This makes no goddamn sense. If anything, revenue wouldn't even be affected. It sure as fuck would not go up. DACA recipients pay taxes either way, idiot.

4) Perhaps you would have a point except that illegals - especially Mexicans - largely take the jobs no one else wants.

5) You keep talking exclusively about DACA when I was referring to ALL illegals. If you booted ALL of them which is what you retards want, consumer spending would take a massive hit and the econcomy would shrink. Either way. if we were just talking about DACA, there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to believe business would decide to pay American citizens more if they took those jobs. I get you idiots believe this stupid myth, but you need to let it go. It's a belief based purely on emotional reasoning - not actual economics. Business owners like their wealth to go up not down. They aren't going to decided to pay home grown Americans more out of some noble principle. Shit doesnt work like that.

6) I love how you keep talking exclusively about DACA. It's so obviously because you are too much of a pussy to acknowledge the point I made about all illegals in this country. You know I am right about it and you lack the stones to admit it. However I will be the bigger man and admit you make a fair point about less money going over the border. All in all however, this is a pretty minor point that largely wouldnt have much of a significant effect on the economy.

Let me remind you why exactly a border wall is such a fucking stupid idea:

1) Mexicans could easily tunnel or climb over it.
2) There are huge parts of the border that are private property. The court cases to build a wall there would go on forever.
3) There are parts of the border where it is physically impossible to build a wall there.
4) The cost of MAINTAINING the wall would go on forever and would be astronomical over time.

DId you notice how Trump couldnt get approval for the wall in his first two years in office despite republicans having full control of congress? Even they knew it was a stupid idea.

This is list you gave isnt even supported by any logic or sources. You just listed shit. Nothing is compelling about it.
No, 4.2 is NOT how many AMERICANS are unemployed. Itis a false figure that includes illegal aliens (who are not Americans)

You are just blabbering from pure emotion - how you want things to be, instead of how they ARE. Yes, revenue would be affected if DACA (or any illegal aliens) were to leave the US. They reduce revenue by 1) working off the books, 2) for those who are on the books, the make less $$, thus they pay less $$ than Americans, 3) some of they receive welfare thereby reducing available revenue

HA HA. Your jobs nobody else wants line was refuted totally 15 years ago when CIS did a study and found of over 400 occupation where illegals work, in 99% of them, there was a majority of Americans working there. Also, the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs are routinely held by Americans, not illegal aliens (ex. coal miners, firefighters, police, troops in war zones. I've posted this 100 times,

You are brainwashed, and your fool ideas are the opposite of reality. If you booted ALL of them, consumer spending would increase at least $150 Billion/year, which is the amount last reported (in 2017) by the Pew Research center, that illegals send out of the country in remittances, and the economy would BOOST by $150 Billion/year much more because of the higher pay and thus greater disposable income Americans would have, working in the jobs the illegals work in now.

1. Mexicans CANNOT easily tunnel or climb over Trump's 30 foot tall wall. Only young, skinny, athletic men could do that, leaving out women, children, fat men, older men, and men not in top physical condition.

2. Court cases don't go on forever.

3. Where it is impossible to build a wall, it is also impossible for aliens to move through there.

4. Cost of maintaining the wall would be economical, relative to the costs and harms of illegals entering the country. See the list in Post # 130. It is logical and very compelling, and most of it doesn't need "sources". It us self-explanatory :biggrin: by COMMON SENSE. (except to idiots) This points that do need sources, have them (ex. wildfires)
Those things don't happen in Israel.
You're probably shacking up with a trespasser.
Israel is just one example of a successful wall. Walls have been successful in DOZENS of countries.
As of November 2018, border walls are located in the following nations:

  • North Korea and South Kora
  • Hong Kong
  • South Africa and Mozambique
  • Egypt
  • Kuwait and Iraq
  • Spain
  • Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
  • Uzbekistan and Afghanistan
  • Botswana and Zimbabwe
  • India
  • Saudi Arabia and Yemen
  • Brunei and Limbang
  • Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
  • Bulgaria
  • Saudi Arabia and Iraq
  • Hungary
  • Macedonia
  • Israel
There are also several proposed and planned barriers in Estonia and Russia, Costa Rica, Thailand and Malaysia, Belize, and the United States.

Some nations have their barriers under construction. This includes China and North Korea, India, Iran and Pakistan, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia, and the United Arab Emirates and Oman.

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Perhaps you should just admit you don’t actually know anything about this barrier. All it is designed to do is reduce terrorist attacks. It has nothing to do with immigration and they sure as hell have spend money on maintenance for it.
It has everything to do with immigration. You talk like an idiot.
I've often said I sometimes wish the wall had been built just so I could laugh my ass off when it had ZERO impact on our economy or our drug problems.
Try RESEARCHING TB and other diseases...you can thank illlegals for TB being brought back into the US>
In the United States, the incidence of tuberculosis is 12 times greater among foreign-born persons than among U.S.-born persons (5).

In addition to TB, immigrants bring Covid, leprosy, dengue fever, malaria, Ebola, varicella, intestinal parasites, active schistosomiasis infections, strongyloides infections, Entero Virus 68,, Chagas, measles, whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever, bubonic plague,

All making a comeback in the USA, thanks to the internationalism and unrestrained immigration these fools support.

Of course, granted, the idea has always been baffling to me but republicans seem to have this fantasy now that the wall will solve our most pressing issues somehow.

What republicans are too dense to understand is that the left doesn’t like wall idea because we want open borders, it’s because it’s a stupid idea that an 8th grader would come up with. Just think about this critically for a moment. If the wall is such a genius idea to curb illegal immigration, why in the fuck didn’t any republican politician before Trump entertain such a simple idea? Sure repubs have proposed building some kind of barrier on certain stretches of the border, but none of them ever suggested that the entire border would be sealed off and it was the best immigration policy. Don’t republican voters ever think about this most basic of logic?

Okay but let’s pretend repubs are right about the idea even though they really aren’t. Let’s pretend the wall magically stopped the flow of illegal Latino immigrants because they were all too lazy to tunnel under it or climb over I guess.

Then what? The wall is built and illegal immigration is stopped. What is supposed to happen after that? Why would this one issue be the cure-all to the economy? The overall fraction of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico out of the US population is pretty small. Why would this suddenly boost wages, GDP, and revenue?

Now let’s pretend republicans had their ultimate wet dream fulfilled and all undocumented immigrants in this country were deported as well. You might see this as a positive by believing more legal citizens would get jobs, but why would that happen? The unemployment rate is under 4%. Getting rid of illegal immigrants wouldn’t somehow make the unemployment rate 0%.

Moreover, DACA citizens pay taxes. If we booted them all, revenue would drop. You know what would drop much lower if we booted all illegals? Consumer spending. DACA or not, any immigrant living here spends money on the economy. We are talking about, what, 20 million people of all nationalities? All of those people spend money on American businesses regardless of whether or not their income is legitimate. Im not highlighting this point to suggest that we should allow illegal immigrants into this country. It just doesn’t make sense to have stricter border policy just because illegal immigration still happens. A fucking wall won’t do jack shit to significantly reduce it. The border policies we have in place already are fine even if they aren’t perfect and even achieving perfection would barely make a difference anyway. Even House Democrats don’t want to make immigration policy more relaxed given that the bipartisan solution to fund the government makes no changes to border policy of the last two years.

Trump’s defiant attitude about the wall in the meeting with Pelosi and Schumer was purely for political points. He is so damn insecure that he tries to act tough just so his supporters watching the exchange would go ape shit seeing him stick it to the democrats. It’s such non sense. Trump wants the wall simply because it is a reflection of how his supporters see him. He expects us all to think he is tough when really it’s painfully obvious that he is a whiny little bitch putting up a front.

It is still baffling to me that Democrats and snowflakes feel:

- Surrendering the US southern border national security is a good idea

- Surrendering Nationall Security is a good idea

- Allowing Mexican Drug Cartels to control out Southern border and violate our laws and kill our people is a good idea

- An Open Border policy, after 9/11, after tons of smuggled fentenal is killing thousands of Americans, after rapists / pedophiles / violent gangs / violent murderers / etc... victimizing US citizens is a good idea...

- Importing COVID, giving millions of illegals flooding into the US exemptions to the quarantine / mask / vaccine mandates and dumping illegals all over the US whe so many Americans are still dying from the virus is a good idea

- Joe Buden facilitating and engaging in human, child, and sex trafficking by criminally shipping and dumping illegals all over the US without notifying local and state officials they are coming is a good idea

- Giving / rewarding illegals / criminals with tax-payer-funded medical, housing, food,education, etc...while intentionally 'fucking' American citizens, intentionally forcing prices to rise, Inflation to explode faster than it has in decades, etc... is a good idea

- The US President intentionally violating nothing US Constitution and US laws to facilitate all of this, this illegal invasion, destroying this nation while continuing to out US lives at risk, is a good thing

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