It really wasn't RAPE RAPE. Whoopi on Polanski drugging a kid and screwing her.

hey look resident internet trash is posting a deflection thread.

Tell me Trash, when has Whoopi ruled over Policy and law?


Still on your period Plas?

Tell me where the condemnation was nation wide for Whoopi's comments? An actual acceptance of Polanski's actions.

Is a rape a rape a rape LIB? Or are there rape rapes vs rape?

you didnt answer the question trash.

when has Whoopi ruled over Policy and law?
hey look resident internet trash is posting a deflection thread.

Tell me Trash, when has Whoopi ruled over Policy and law?

Are you kidding? Hollywood gives millions of dollars to the Democrats. Their movies and shows carry pro-Democrat messages, like free advertising for liberals.

They have massive influence over the policies and laws we must live under.
hey look resident internet trash is posting a deflection thread.

Tell me Trash, when has Whoopi ruled over Policy and law?

Are you kidding? Hollywood gives millions of dollars to the Democrats. Their movies and shows carry pro-Democrat messages, like free advertising for liberals.

They have massive influence over the policies and laws we must live under.

Well then it should be easy to tell me what Laws Whoopi cowrote and sponsored correct?
Mr. President Obama. Your side doesn't agree with you that a rape is a rape is a rape. Why didn't you come out Mr. President and chastise Goldberg for her comments on "The View".

Dear TonyDanza, Whoopi is not running for office. Whoopi's did not co-sponsor a "forcible rape" anti-abortion bill with Paul Ryan. Thanks for playing.
hey look resident internet trash is posting a deflection thread.

Tell me Trash, when has Whoopi ruled over Policy and law?

Are you kidding? Hollywood gives millions of dollars to the Democrats. Their movies and shows carry pro-Democrat messages, like free advertising for liberals.

They have massive influence over the policies and laws we must live under.

Hollywood has MASSIVE influence over policies and laws?

I personally don't care what Whoopi's views on anything are, she is an actress and a comedian. Her response to the Polanski comment is as stupid as I have ever heard. So anyone that values her stupid opinion,is just as stupid and out of touch as she is.

Akin is a Senator in the state of Missouri and it is the voters of Missouri who can decide what Akin's fate is. Just as it was voters in Massachusett's that kept re-electing a guy running a prostitution ring out of his home, or electing a guy that used his power to get out of a manslaughter conviction or Washington DC re-electing a drug addicted felon.
hey look resident internet trash is posting a deflection thread.

Tell me Trash, when has Whoopi ruled over Policy and law?

Are you kidding? Hollywood gives millions of dollars to the Democrats. Their movies and shows carry pro-Democrat messages, like free advertising for liberals.

They have massive influence over the policies and laws we must live under.

Hollywood has MASSIVE influence over policies and laws?


You are saying the don't?

Actually she's right. It was statutory rape, the mother knew about and supported it, he didn't know her correct age, and this was all about some a-hole Pub judge who loved his celebrity and the usual Pub obsessive hate of liberals. Pffffft!
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Mr. President Obama. Your side doesn't agree with you that a rape is a rape is a rape. Why didn't you come out Mr. President and chastise Goldberg for her comments on "The View".

Dear TonyDanza, Whoopi is not running for office. Whoopi's did not co-sponsor a "forcible rape" anti-abortion bill with Paul Ryan. Thanks for playing.

President Obama said a rape is a rape is a rape. Do you understand my OP at all or are you so knee jerk you can't see the hypocrisy? Don't bother answering. :cool:

Why didn't he condemn Whoopi. Obama does condemn others all the time in the media even over such small shit as Kanye West and Taylor Swift. The TMZ Prez always has an opinion.

If Obama believes a rape is a rape is a rape is a rape why did he not condemn Whoopi for her comments.

Not to the wannabe senator, show me in his quote where he condoned rape?

You can't.

Actually she's right. It was statuatory rape, the mother knew about and supported it, he didn't know her correct age, and this was all about some a-hole Pub judge who loved his celebrity and the usual Pub obsessive hate of liberals. Pffffft!

No, this is about a man who like young girls, it was rape, in the ass or else where, she was under the age of consent, if the mother knew and approved, she needs to be tossed in prison. There are laws and a man of Polanski's age and stature with a young girl that was 14 is wrong.

I'm not sure how anyone but a perverted asshole could even think is would be anything but rape. There are laws and the age of consent is their to protect our children.

You are so wrong on this issue and your type of thinking is a danger.
Mr. President Obama. Your side doesn't agree with you that a rape is a rape is a rape. Why didn't you come out Mr. President and chastise Goldberg for her comments on "The View".

Dear TonyDanza, Whoopi is not running for office. Whoopi's did not co-sponsor a "forcible rape" anti-abortion bill with Paul Ryan. Thanks for playing.

President Obama said a rape is a rape is a rape. Do you understand my OP at all or are you so knee jerk you can't see the hypocrisy? Don't bother answering. :cool:

Why didn't he condemn Whoopi. Obama does condemn others all the time in the media even over such small shit as Kanye West and Taylor Swift. The TMZ Prez always has an opinion.

If Obama believes a rape is a rape is a rape is a rape why did he not condemn Whoopi for her comments.

Not to the wannabe senator, show me in his quote where he condoned rape?

You can't.


It's amusing how Obama wants to interject his opinion on issues and then ignores when he might offend his base. What a moral compass.
Actually she's right. It was statutory rape, the mother knew about and supported it, he didn't know her correct age, and this was all about some a-hole Pub judge who loved his celebrity and the usual Pub obsessive hate of liberals. Pffffft!

He took Kinski when she was 15 as well. Don't tell me he didn't know her age. This is what he desired. Nubile. He's Polanski. And he knew what he wanted with the 14 year old.

It doesn't matter and this is debatable about the mother, but you are proving my fucking point.

By all means keep defending the "pedophile" Polanski. Keep it going there. You are proving my point to the hilt here.

So let's review. This was statuatory rape. Not rape rape. Not just rape like the President says.

Now the President says rape is rape is rape is rape.

You are disagreeing with the big guy her franco.:razz:
hey look resident internet trash is posting a deflection thread.

Tell me Trash, when has Whoopi ruled over Policy and law?


Still on your period Plas?

Tell me where the condemnation was nation wide for Whoopi's comments? An actual acceptance of Polanski's actions.

Is a rape a rape a rape LIB? Or are there rape rapes vs rape?

you didnt answer the question trash.

when has Whoopi ruled over Policy and law?

hey look resident internet trash is posting a deflection thread.

Tell me Trash, when has Whoopi ruled over Policy and law?

Are you kidding? Hollywood gives millions of dollars to the Democrats. Their movies and shows carry pro-Democrat messages, like free advertising for liberals.

They have massive influence over the policies and laws we must live under.

Well then it should be easy to tell me what Laws Whoopi cowrote and sponsored correct?

Mr. President Obama. Your side doesn't agree with you that a rape is a rape is a rape. Why didn't you come out Mr. President and chastise Goldberg for her comments on "The View".

Dear TonyDanza, Whoopi is not running for office. Whoopi's did not co-sponsor a "forcible rape" anti-abortion bill with Paul Ryan. Thanks for playing.

Why don't the 2 of you try remembering this argument the next time Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck says something you disagree with.

Fucking 2 faced pieces of shit!
Could anything be more irrelevant than a BS statutory rape from 1971? Drugged her? LOL
Statutory rape when the girl lies about her age is different, dupe.

She didn't lie about her age. And this is what Roman wanted. He adored nubile. I gave him grace after Sharon and I thought he was fucked up maybe once.

Still an amazing director and producer, but hell's bells when he did Kinski and the other little girls.....

Roman had more than a problem here.

Why are you even excusing this? This is my point.

"Welcome to my lair said the spider to franco". You prove my point entirely. A liberal will make any excuse for the behavior of said individuals who are liberal whilst condeming a hint of improprierty from their opponents.
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Mr. President Obama. Your side doesn't agree with you that a rape is a rape is a rape. Why didn't you come out Mr. President and chastise Goldberg for her comments on "The View".

Were you golfing Mr. President or did you agree with Whoopi that Polanski drilling a 14 year old up the ass after plying her with drugs wasn't a "rape rape"?

I'd like to know.

When it comes to Liberals, a pedophile like Roman Polanski didn't commit a rape. Whoopi said and the you tube is out there "it really wasn't a rape rape".

Left vs Right. Left being obsessed and going koo koo bye bye nutso over a candidate who has been pro life for forever discussing "legal rape" and a doctor telling him that the stress during the rape can help prevent pregnancy because the body goes into a "repel" zone.

But the left not having any issue with Polanski. As a matter of fact, the left elite in Hollywood embracing Roman even though he fucked a 14 year old after drugging her.

Polanski was not guilty of 'rape-rape', says Whoopi Goldberg

'We're a different kind of society, we see things differently,' actor says in defence of Roman Polanski

from the article:

As a guest on The View chatshow on US television, she said: "I know it wasn't rape-rape. It was something else but I don't believe it was rape-rape. He went to jail and and when they let him out he was like, 'You know what, this guy's going to give me a hundred years in jail. I'm not staying.' So that's why he left."

Later in the programme she added: "We're a different kind of society, we see things differently ... would I want my 14-year-old having sex with somebody? Not necessarily, no."

You libs are such hypocrites.

Polanski was not guilty of 'rape-rape', says Whoopi Goldberg | Film |

Are you surprised about the Double Standard Liberals use? It's Ok for Whoopi to try and Define Forced Rape as different and worse than Statutory, or Date rape. But if a Republican does it, Oh boy watch out. lol

Of course Forced Rape is different and worse than Most Statutory or Date Rapes. Not all but most. Many Statutory Rapes actually involved 2 Teenagers one of which just happens to be 18 when the other is not, and someones parents got pissed, so now some poor fuck has to go through life as a Sex offender with people thinking he is no different than someone who knocked chicks down, and forces himself on them, Because of a Teenage Love Affair.


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