It Should Be Against The Law For Women To Get Drunk.


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
The irresponsibility of some women is ruining the good times for many other women and it's seriously harming men. Check out what is happening at a Obama's alma mater:

In the early morning of Sept. 8, 2013, after a long night of drinking that left the students more drunk than either had ever been, two Occidental College freshmen, one male and one female, had sex. Evidence indicates that the sex appeared consensual at the time it occurred.

A week later the female student, Jane Doe, filed a complaint with Occidental, saying she'd been the victim of a sexual assault. Just over three months later, and following an intensive official college investigation, the male freshman, John Doe, was notified he had been found responsible of sexual assault and non-consensual sex and was expelled from Occidental. Weeks later, he lost an appeal to overturn the decision.

Nobody disputes that Jane had been drinking or that she had sent the texts. The question is whether she was too impaired that night to make and understand her own decisions.

The answer is far from simple. One of Jane's friends, Kelly (all student names have been changed to maintain anonymity), was interviewed by the investigators and noted the apparent contradiction:

According to Kelly, Jane Doe's demeanor did not appear as if she knew what was going on, but her text messages and her physically going to John's room seem to indicate that Jane Doe had some idea of where she was, of what was taking place, and of what would happen if she went to John's room.
If Jane did consent to sex then, was John truly responsible for disregarding that consent? Quite possibly yes.

An outside lawyer hired by Occidental to adjudicate the sexual-assault hearing found that John was impaired beyond the point where he could have understood Jane's condition but should nonetheless be held as responsible as if he had been sober.

Jane told investigators she didn't remember having sex with John or understand why she appears to have voluntarily gone to his room that night with full knowledge at the time of what would likely happen.

Among the key pieces of evidence that John and his legal team are relying on are two text messages that Jane had sent before going to John's room, one to him asking if he had a condom and another to a friend from her hometown saying "I'mgoingtohave sex now" (sic).

"The thing is I have no clue what I was thinking," Jane later told investigators. "I would never have done that if I had been sober … I don't know what was going through my head."
So let's understand what's going on here. A drunk man and a drunk woman both consent to sex. That's not in dispute. The women sobers up and regrets her decision and retroactively claims that the sex was rape. The lawyer hired by the school imposes a different standard on the male than the female. A man is held responsible for his decisions while intoxicated but a woman is excused from her decisions while intoxicated.

If we're going to play this game, then the less harmful approach should try to avoid after the fact punishment for harms caused and instead focus on preventing harms, so prohibiting women from drinking alcohol would be a law which serves the greater good and any woman who is caught drunk in public should be criminally charged. Men can be drunk without legal consequence so long as they don't violate any other laws.

What's playing out here is only a piece of a larger problem. Women want to be treated as equals but they want laws written for them as though they were children. We see this in all areas of life. Regret rape laws are an abomination to the concept of justice.

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There is a LOT of information here:

Occidental Sexual Assault - Business Insider

To include HER friends witness statements which said she was all over him and he really wanted nothing to do with her at first, and she removed her clothing and her fiends had to redress her. And the fact she snuck away from them for the explicit reason to have sex.

The whole thing is BS, they were both drunk and one is not more culpable than the other IMO.
There is a LOT of information here:

Occidental Sexual Assault - Business Insider

To include HER friends witness statements which said she was all over him and he really wanted nothing to do with her at first, and she removed her clothing and her fiends had to redress her. And the fact she snuck away from them for the explicit reason to have sex.

The whole thing is BS, they were both drunk and one is not more culpable than the other IMO.

That was an excellent piece of journalism, wasn't it? Did you read right to the end where they mentioned the fate of both of them?

On a different level there really needs to be specific alcohol instruction for women - they can't, as a general rule, keep pace with guys when they're drinking. Guys mass more, have more dehydrogenase, have less body fat and so they can hold their liquor better than women.
If what john did to Jane was rape, then what Jane did to john was rape as well. Simple as that. No double standards. It should not be this BS where last month the dean of Duke was asked it two students were both terribly drunk and had sex would they have raped one another? Her response was:

"No.Assuming it is a male and female, it is the responsibility in the case of the male to gain consent before proceeding with sex."

Read more: Occidental Sexual Assault - Business Insider

So, if it's two men, whose at fault, no one given the same exact situation? Two females? Why it is rape just for guy on girl if BOTH are just as inebriated?
There is a LOT of information here:

Occidental Sexual Assault - Business Insider

To include HER friends witness statements which said she was all over him and he really wanted nothing to do with her at first, and she removed her clothing and her fiends had to redress her. And the fact she snuck away from them for the explicit reason to have sex.

The whole thing is BS, they were both drunk and one is not more culpable than the other IMO.

That was an excellent piece of journalism, wasn't it? Did you read right to the end where they mentioned the fate of both of them?

On a different level there really needs to be specific alcohol instruction for women - they can't, as a general rule, keep pace with guys when they're drinking. Guys mass more, have more dehydrogenase, have less body fat and so they can hold their liquor better than women.

They both said they were the drunkest they have EVER been their entire life. One can't state he could make any decision regarding her state of mind when he had been drinking for over 12 hours straight- the report found he had been forced to drink -hazing. You can decide he could have held his liquor better, but you really cant as you really have no grasp on how much he drank or what his physical make up is.

Her friends who were there took her away, she found her way back and schemed to have sex, she announced her intent to her friend via text and even asked about a condom. They are both culpable IMO.
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He if was more drunk than she was, how is he meant to be in control? She was less drunk, yet somehow its his fault?
He if was more drunk than she was, how is he meant to be in control? She was less drunk, yet somehow its his fault?


I am sick to death of it always being the man's fault. If she was sober and he was sober, fair enough. But when neither are in control of themselves due to being drunk, you cannot possibly say that the man shouldn't bloody drink because some bitch might accuse him of rape.
Maybe this is how islam originated.

This is how it was a bit more than one hundred years ago, when women were prohibited from drinking strong drinks. ;)

To the topic: the story is ridiculous and lacks just approach from the court. And it's like the girl feels guilty for being irresponsible, but decides to place guilt on someone else. Who is the same guilty, of course - but just for having drunk sex, and not for rape.
How can implied consent be held up in court if being drunk means a loss of control and function?
Maybe this is how islam originated.

This is how it was a bit more than one hundred years ago, when women were prohibited from drinking strong drinks. ;)

To the topic: the story is ridiculous and lacks just approach from the court. And it's like the girl feels guilty for being irresponsible, but decides to place guilt on someone else. Who is the same guilty, of course - but just for having drunk sex, and not for rape.

It wasn't guilty feelings it was a lack of sexual gratification after the fact..
He if was more drunk than she was, how is he meant to be in control? She was less drunk, yet somehow its his fault?


I am sick to death of it always being the man's fault. If she was sober and he was sober, fair enough. But when neither are in control of themselves due to being drunk, you cannot possibly say that the man shouldn't bloody drink because some bitch might accuse him of rape.

It seems easier to these institutions to just go after the guy and weather any potential lawsuits. To say that a man has more responsibility than a woman does when it comes to figuring out consent when inebriated flies in the face of all people who believe that men and women should be treated equally.

Getting drunk, having sex willingly, and then waking up and regretting it, is not rape, it is not assault, and it is not abuse.

Once you involve other parameters, however, such as drink spiking, or having sex with someone who is passed out, THAT is rape, and should be handled by the police, and the son of a bitch locked up, not by some college kangaroo court.

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