It Started With A Father Confronting A School Board About the Rape Of His Daughter & Getting Arrested....

There is no proof that queers are 'born different' and convincing children they can choose their sex is insanity. No wonder the kid blew his brains out. People like you are to blame.
Wait a minute. Do you believe gays are born differently than you or are you saying they, and you, are the same and at some point chose to be straight/gay?

How close were you to choosing gay? 50/50? 75/25%
Wait a minute. Do you believe gays are born differently than you or are you saying they, and you, are the same and at some point chose to be straight/gay?

How close were you to choosing gay? 50/50? 75/25%
No, I am saying that young children whose hormones are developing are very vulnerable to twisted gay assholes who are no different than hetro child sexual predators. Also, I was very clear, there is no scientific proof that gays are born gay. The rest is your idle speculation comes from your obvious mental instability. Remember, I called you out for that in post #84 where you were bragging about enjoying coming on a man's face who molested you. I suggest you get help.
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No, I am saying that young children whose hormones are developing are very vulnerable to twisted gay assholes who are no different than hetro child sexual predators. Also, I was very clear, there is no scientific proof that gays are born gay. The rest is your idle speculation comes from your obvious mental instability. Remember, I called you out for that in post #84 where you were bragging about enjoying coming on a man's face who molested you. I suggest you get help.
That was a joke I heard on the last Dave Chappelle stand up! LOL.

No it's not idle speculation. I know how I feel. You say people are not born gay or straight. So inside you, you must be a bisexual but for a list of external reasons chooses to be straight. You said it yourself. People aren't born gay. So that must be true for you. You weren't born straight. Somewhere along the line you chose to be straight. How tough was the decision?

There is a spectrum. Everyone is on it. Most of you straights aren't 1's on the spectrum. You aren't 10 gay which is Richard Simmons but you are not a 1 like guys like me or Derek Jeter either.

No scientific proof?

That’s the first thing you need to know about the largest genetic investigation of sexuality ever, which was published Thursday in Science. The study of nearly a half million people closes the door on the debate around the existence of a so-called “gay gene.”

In its stead, the report finds that human DNA cannot predict who is gay or heterosexual. Sexuality cannot be pinned down by biology, psychology or life experiences, this study and others show, because human sexual attraction is decided by all these factors.
That was a joke I heard on the last Dave Chappelle stand up! LOL.

No it's not idle speculation. I know how I feel. You say people are not born gay or straight. So inside you, you must be a bisexual but for a list of external reasons chooses to be straight. You said it yourself. People aren't born gay. So that must be true for you. You weren't born straight. Somewhere along the line you chose to be straight. How tough was the decision?

There is a spectrum. Everyone is on it. Most of you straights aren't 1's on the spectrum. You aren't 10 gay which is Richard Simmons but you are not a 1 like guys like me or Derek Jeter either.

No scientific proof?

That’s the first thing you need to know about the largest genetic investigation of sexuality ever, which was published Thursday in Science. The study of nearly a half million people closes the door on the debate around the existence of a so-called “gay gene.”

In its stead, the report finds that human DNA cannot predict who is gay or heterosexual. Sexuality cannot be pinned down by biology, psychology or life experiences, this study and others show, because human sexual attraction is decided by all these factors.
Well your comedic attempts are falling flat, 'don't quit your day job' Ha ha! Your PBS link says that since there’s no evidence of a gay gene then there must be one!!! Are you just that dumb?
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Ha ha! Your PBS link says that since there’s no evidence of a gay gene then there must be one!!! Are you just that dumb?
Is that what you think it said? Are you that dumb? This is too complex for a simplistic thinker like you but here you go

The study shows that genes play a small and limited role in determining sexuality. Genetic heritability — all of the information stored in our genes and passed between generations — can only explain 8 to 25 percent of why people have same-sex relations, based on the study’s results.

Moreover, the researchers found that sexuality is polygenic — meaning hundreds or even thousands of genes make tiny contributions to the trait. That pattern is similar to other heritable (but complex) characteristics like height or a proclivity toward trying new things. (Things like red/green colorblindness, freckles and dimples can be traced back to single genes). But polygenic traits can be strongly influenced by the environment, meaning there’s no clear winner in this “nature versus nurture” debate.

Let me know when you have completed your study that contradicts what this study found.

“Obviously, there are environmental causes of sexual orientation. We knew that before this study.” said Bailey, citing the well-defined role that life experiences play in sexual development. “But that doesn’t mean we know how to manipulate sexual orientation mentally.”

What the scientists did​

The study set out to investigate a 20-year-old genetics debate in sexuality by combing through two huge collections of DNA profiles: the UK Biobank and 23andMe.

With a reported 9 million users in its database, 23andMe is arguably the most popular, direct-to-consumer DNA testing company on the planet.

This GWAS study found that, like with many human behaviors, sexuality doesn’t have a strong genetic backing.

When the team looked for DNA patterns that had strong correlations, they found that no one gene could account for any more than 1 percent of people’s sexuality. The strongest signals came from five random genes.

Two of those genes correlated with same-sex sexuality in males, one of which is known to influence the sense of smell. One gene cropped up for females and two others showed solid patterns in both males and females. But their individual scores never passed this 1-percent mark — meaning they are all minor contributors to same-sex sexual behavior.

When the team looked more broadly across all the genomes — across the thousands of genes that they screened for the nearly 500,000 subjects — the genes similarities they found could only account for 8 to 25 percent of same-sex sexual behavior.

“It’s effectively impossible to predict an individual’s sexual behavior from their genome,” said Ben Neale, a geneticist at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute who led the study. “Genetics is less than half of this story for sexual behavior.”

Humans have tried to understand human sexuality for centuries — and genetics researchers joined the fray in the early 1990s after a series of studies on twins suggested homosexuality ran in families. These kinds of studies have continued through the years, going as far as pinpointing a gene on the X chromosome — Xq28 — as the culprit.

“As a teenager trying to understand myself and understand my sexuality, I looked at the internet for “the gay gene” and obviously came across Xq28,” said Fah Sathirapongsasuti, a study co-author and senior scientist at 23andMe, which he joked once led him to believe he inherited his gayness from his mother.

His comments speak to the larger narrative about using biology to define complex behaviors — like sexuality — when science is always evolving and takes time to find anything close to definitive.

They did attempt to examine some elements of this continuum by conducting GWAS analysis on three smaller DNA databases wherein the participants had been surveyed using the Kinsey Scale. The Kinsey Scale is a somewhat infamous test for determining the strength of a person’s feelings toward members of the same- and opposite-sexes. In other words, it tries to judge if a person leans gay, straight or bisexual.

The team found genetics cannot explain people’s scores on the Kinsey Scale.

“We discovered that the Kinsey Scale … is really an oversimplification of the diversity of sexual behavior in humans,” Neale said. Bailey disagrees, arguing that people’s feelings of sexual interest and arousal — and therefore, their readouts on the Kinsey Scale — may be too complicated to validate through genetics.

He did agree with Neale that the debate is now closed on whether any single gene is responsible for sexual orientation.

“[Our study] underscores an important role for the environment in shaping human sexual behavior and perhaps most importantly there is no single gay gene but rather the contribution of many small genetic effects scattered across the genome,” Neale said.
Nut case catered to
Nutcases catered to, hidden and transferred.
Nut case rapes again.
Liberals say nut case is not the problem

They're not completely wrong.

Sure, the nutcase is a big part of the problem.

But so are the LIbErals who acted as knowing, willing accessories to the nutcase's crimes.
Is that what you think it said? Are you that dumb? This is too complex for a simplistic thinker like you but here you go

The study shows that genes play a small and limited role in determining sexuality. Genetic heritability — all of the information stored in our genes and passed between generations — can only explain 8 to 25 percent of why people have same-sex relations, based on the study’s results.

Moreover, the researchers found that sexuality is polygenic — meaning hundreds or even thousands of genes make tiny contributions to the trait. That pattern is similar to other heritable (but complex) characteristics like height or a proclivity toward trying new things. (Things like red/green colorblindness, freckles and dimples can be traced back to single genes). But polygenic traits can be strongly influenced by the environment, meaning there’s no clear winner in this “nature versus nurture” debate.

Let me know when you have completed your study that contradicts what this study found.

“Obviously, there are environmental causes of sexual orientation. We knew that before this study.” said Bailey, citing the well-defined role that life experiences play in sexual development. “But that doesn’t mean we know how to manipulate sexual orientation mentally.”

What the scientists did​

The study set out to investigate a 20-year-old genetics debate in sexuality by combing through two huge collections of DNA profiles: the UK Biobank and 23andMe.

With a reported 9 million users in its database, 23andMe is arguably the most popular, direct-to-consumer DNA testing company on the planet.

This GWAS study found that, like with many human behaviors, sexuality doesn’t have a strong genetic backing.

When the team looked for DNA patterns that had strong correlations, they found that no one gene could account for any more than 1 percent of people’s sexuality. The strongest signals came from five random genes.

Two of those genes correlated with same-sex sexuality in males, one of which is known to influence the sense of smell. One gene cropped up for females and two others showed solid patterns in both males and females. But their individual scores never passed this 1-percent mark — meaning they are all minor contributors to same-sex sexual behavior.

When the team looked more broadly across all the genomes — across the thousands of genes that they screened for the nearly 500,000 subjects — the genes similarities they found could only account for 8 to 25 percent of same-sex sexual behavior.

“It’s effectively impossible to predict an individual’s sexual behavior from their genome,” said Ben Neale, a geneticist at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Broad Institute who led the study. “Genetics is less than half of this story for sexual behavior.”

Humans have tried to understand human sexuality for centuries — and genetics researchers joined the fray in the early 1990s after a series of studies on twins suggested homosexuality ran in families. These kinds of studies have continued through the years, going as far as pinpointing a gene on the X chromosome — Xq28 — as the culprit.

“As a teenager trying to understand myself and understand my sexuality, I looked at the internet for “the gay gene” and obviously came across Xq28,” said Fah Sathirapongsasuti, a study co-author and senior scientist at 23andMe, which he joked once led him to believe he inherited his gayness from his mother.

His comments speak to the larger narrative about using biology to define complex behaviors — like sexuality — when science is always evolving and takes time to find anything close to definitive.

They did attempt to examine some elements of this continuum by conducting GWAS analysis on three smaller DNA databases wherein the participants had been surveyed using the Kinsey Scale. The Kinsey Scale is a somewhat infamous test for determining the strength of a person’s feelings toward members of the same- and opposite-sexes. In other words, it tries to judge if a person leans gay, straight or bisexual.

The team found genetics cannot explain people’s scores on the Kinsey Scale.

“We discovered that the Kinsey Scale … is really an oversimplification of the diversity of sexual behavior in humans,” Neale said. Bailey disagrees, arguing that people’s feelings of sexual interest and arousal — and therefore, their readouts on the Kinsey Scale — may be too complicated to validate through genetics.

He did agree with Neale that the debate is now closed on whether any single gene is responsible for sexual orientation.

“[Our study] underscores an important role for the environment in shaping human sexual behavior and perhaps most importantly there is no single gay gene but rather the contribution of many small genetic effects scattered across the genome,” Neale said.
Yeah that study said the same thing I did...."[Our study] underscores an important role for the environment in shaping human sexual behavior" IOW there is 0 proof that anyone is born queer, gay, lesbian, or any other alphabet soup. Do you feel stupid at the verbal acrobatics you have to perform to believe the 'born gay' a fairy tale?
Yeah that study said the same thing I did...."[Our study] underscores an important role for the environment in shaping human sexual behavior" IOW there is 0 proof that anyone is born queer, gay, lesbian, or any other alphabet soup. Do you feel stupid at the verbal acrobatics you have to perform to believe the 'born gay' a fairy tale?

“The ‘nature versus nurture’ idea is a false dichotomy,” says Sean Stevens, social psychologist and research director at Heterodox Academy, an organization of professors focused on promoting political diversity in academia. “I don’t know any real researcher of human behavior who would say it’s all nature or all nurture,” he adds.

This runs counter to the popular narrative that gender differences expressed in childhood play are determined entirely by social expectations. Social factors certainly do have influence, and the paper found evidence of this: For example, as boys got older they were increasingly likely to play with conventionally male toys, reflecting the impact of environmental rather than biological causes. But overall, the data reflect broader findings in psychology, which show that biology and society interact to cause gendered behavior. In other words, contrary to the popular progressive belief, gender is partly socially constructed—but it’s not just a social construct.

your blind hate of fellow citizens based on total crap is noted, brainwashed functional moron hater doop.
The fact that Ido not trivialize rape like you do does not make me the hater, subhuman.

The hate arises from the fact that you are a sociopath lacking the ability to empathize with the victim.
There is no proof that queers are 'born different' and convincing children they can choose their sex is insanity. No wonder the kid blew his brains out. People like you are to blame. No, we are not talking about 'lots of gays' I was addressing the SPECIFIC incident you posted. He should have LISTENED to his parents instead of the mentally ill gender bending assholes. You obviously have no cogent argument because now you are obfuscating with relgion, blah, blah, blah. You blame the parents but YOU should look yourself in the mirror, it's yours and all the gender bending assholes like you that are to blame. I couldn't care less where you stick your dick but please, leave children out of your sexual perversions.
Thanks, but I don't think I'll go with the ignoramus bigots but rather with experts psychologists psychiatrists and the scientific community. Thanks again but no thanks.
“The ‘nature versus nurture’ idea is a false dichotomy,” says Sean Stevens, social psychologist and research director at Heterodox Academy, an organization of professors focused on promoting political diversity in academia. “I don’t know any real researcher of human behavior who would say it’s all nature or all nurture,” he adds.

This runs counter to the popular narrative that gender differences expressed in childhood play are determined entirely by social expectations. Social factors certainly do have influence, and the paper found evidence of this: For example, as boys got older they were increasingly likely to play with conventionally male toys, reflecting the impact of environmental rather than biological causes. But overall, the data reflect broader findings in psychology, which show that biology and society interact to cause gendered behavior. In other words, contrary to the popular progressive belief, gender is partly socially constructed—but it’s not just a social construct.

The fact remains, there is no 'gay gene' which is what I told Seal Boy in the first place. Since then I have been barraged with 'studies' that supposedly rebut what I said but actually prove what I posted. Also your article seems to suggest that humans born with male plumbing like male societal things, and girls born with female plumbing enjoy 'girly' things. It seems obvious that gayness is an anomaly and should not be encouraged and, the drive to make gayness normal keeps parents from getting help for their affected kids and rolling over for the well funded gay community that cannot create more gays without the help of heterosexuals.
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Thanks, but I don't think I'll go with the ignoramus bigots but rather with experts psychologists psychiatrists and the scientific community. Thanks again but no thanks.

But even your experts say there is no gay gene. Are they bigots in your mind as well? Why do you deny science? It seems it's very convenient for you to denigrate parents who what to help their children be normal heteros. Why?
The fact remains, there is no 'gay gene' which is what I told Seal Boy in the first place. Since then I have been barraged with 'studies' that supposedly rebut what I said but actually prove what I posted. Also your article seems to suggest that humans born with male plumbing like male societal things, and girls born with female plumbing enjoy 'girly' things. It seems obvious that gayness is an anomaly and should not be encouraged and, the drive to make gayness normal keeps parents from getting help for their affected kids and rolling over for the well funded gay community that cannot create more gays without the help of heterosexuals.
Nothing is strictly black, white, red, blue or yellow. Yes most people exhibit the same gender preference as their biological sex, but not all. Nothing abnormal about it.
The fact that Ido not trivialize rape like you do does not make me the hater, subhuman.

The hate arises from the fact that you are a sociopath lacking the ability to empathize with the victim.
Of course we empathize with the victim even though we don't know exactly what happened. Only brainwashed functional bigots like you think they do. You can't threaten or physically harass people. It's a crime ding bat.
But even your experts say there is no gay gene. Are they bigots in your mind as well? Why do you deny science? It seems it's very convenient for you to denigrate parents who what to help their children be normal heteros. Why?
You are not a scientist and neither am I. Let the psychiatrist s psychologists and scientists handle stuff and law enforcement instead of brainwash ed functional morons from the GOP base.
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Of course we empathize with the victim even though we don't know exactly what happened. Only brainwashed functional bigots like you think they do. You can't threaten or physically harass people. It's a crime ding bat.
Who is "we"?

You have multiple personalities in there, do you?

Which one am I interacting with now?
Nothing is strictly black, white, red, blue or yellow. Yes most people exhibit the same gender preference as their biological sex, but not all. Nothing abnormal about it.
It is not normal to deny one's own genitals. It may happen but it is not normal at all. One can know this by looking at the human population which is overwhelmingly NOT gay. Gayness should not be encouraged in children but rather teach them that picking on abnormal humans is abhorrent.
Who is "we"?

You have multiple personalities in there, do you?

Which one am I interacting with now?
I am talking about we democrats and civilized and intelligent and well-informed people around the world, who you hate because they do not believe your absolute crap propaganda, hater dope..
You are not a scientist and neither am I. Let the psychiatrist s psychologists and scientists handle stuff and law enforcement instead of brainwash ed functional morons from the GOP base.
I read the scientific links just posted that cannot come to the conclusion that there is a gay gene. We were not discussing either the DNC or the GOP base.

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