it was a Catholic priest who 1st brought up the idea of the Big Bang theory!

zaangalewa ummm... you did previously make an argument that Jesus was created.


Not so in case of Jesus.

Jesus is creation (=100% human being) and creator (100% god)

What's still wrong in case of Jesus.

It is wrong in case of Jesus that the painter is not the painting

I said god is creator and Jesus = god (+ human being) is also creation. That's evident for everyone. You just simple don't like to see this. I'm convinced God is nearer to us than only near. ... But I guess I understand now your problem. It's the totally stupid neverending "discussion" in the English speaking world "creation vs evolution". Yes: the body of Jesus was a product of "evolution" (mother Mary) and "creation" (Holy Spirit). Many people today have problems with totally easy, clear and normal things like Christmas. But Salomo gave the baby under all circumstances to the real mother independent from any biology. So gave god himself to his real mother Mary and his real father Joseph. You don't have to take your sword and try to seperate what god united.

And if I said someting about theology here than I'm sorry. That's not my job. Normally I hate theology. There are many ways to god.

Correct. I don't like to see this. It's not what Catholics believe. Read the Catechism.

I am a Catholic. I told you what I think. And you tell me now I should read a compressed schoolbook from a foreign religion, which you don't understand, only because it is a schoolbook from my own religion? Dear idiot mine: What from this all what we spoke about here makes you think it is essential for Christians? Did we give anyone who was thirsty only one a glas of water? So let it be to destroy the empty glasses any longer, elephant, stupid one.

Maybe you should go visit with your priest about it.

Maybe you should learn to think.

I have. That's why I'm not all over the map like you are ;)

Let me say it this way: My relation to maps is similar as the relation of one of the monks in the following video. And by the way ... if I am over the map then you are also over the map, where else could you be when you speak with me? Perhaps you should really start to learn to think ... and to learn to try to be a Christian and not only an arrogant attacker of people who don't share your opinions - although they have plausible arguments and you do not even try to start to argue.

I think you should worry about yourself ;)

I'm always worried about things, which I make wrong. That's why I try not to be wrong. But this is no guarantee. Everyone is always responsible on the own not to overtake dangerous nonsense.




Which is why I follow the Catechism of the Catholic Church in matters of theology.
I found meanwhile out the tree in this picture - you remember my question? - is the tree of life: An indifferent symbol of many religions.

It is the tree of life. The artist states, "The tree represents the love of God. The seven branches represent the seven dispensations of time; the seven roots, the seven creative periods; and the fruit, the twelve tribes of Israel."
The USA is still one nation under God. Are the atheists going to move to Canada or elsewhere now?
zaangalewa ummm... you did previously make an argument that Jesus was created.


Not so in case of Jesus.

Jesus is creation (=100% human being) and creator (100% god)

What's still wrong in case of Jesus.

It is wrong in case of Jesus that the painter is not the painting

I said god is creator and Jesus = god (+ human being) is also creation. That's evident for everyone. You just simple don't like to see this. I'm convinced God is nearer to us than only near. ... But I guess I understand now your problem. It's the totally stupid neverending "discussion" in the English speaking world "creation vs evolution". Yes: the body of Jesus was a product of "evolution" (mother Mary) and "creation" (Holy Spirit). Many people today have problems with totally easy, clear and normal things like Christmas. But Salomo gave the baby under all circumstances to the real mother independent from any biology. So gave god himself to his real mother Mary and his real father Joseph. You don't have to take your sword and try to seperate what god united.

And if I said someting about theology here than I'm sorry. That's not my job. Normally I hate theology. There are many ways to god.

Correct. I don't like to see this. It's not what Catholics believe. Read the Catechism.

I am a Catholic. I told you what I think. And you tell me now I should read a compressed schoolbook from a foreign religion, which you don't understand, only because it is a schoolbook from my own religion? Dear idiot mine: What from this all what we spoke about here makes you think it is essential for Christians? Did we give anyone who was thirsty only one a glas of water? So let it be to destroy the empty glasses any longer, elephant, stupid one.

Maybe you should go visit with your priest about it.

Maybe you should learn to think.

I have. That's why I'm not all over the map like you are ;)

Let me say it this way: My relation to maps is similar as the relation of one of the monks in the following video. And by the way ... if I am over the map then you are also over the map, where else could you be when you speak with me? Perhaps you should really start to learn to think ... and to learn to try to be a Christian and not only an arrogant attacker of people who don't share your opinions - although they have plausible arguments and you do not even try to start to argue.

I think you should worry about yourself ;)

I'm always worried about things, which I make wrong. That's why I try not to be wrong. But this is no guarantee. Everyone is always responsible on the own not to overtake dangerous nonsense.




Which is why I follow the Catechism of the Catholic Church in matters of theology.

I don't have any idea whast means "to follow the Catechism of the Catholic Church" for a not Catholic. Sure it is a good thing to be able to be inspired from the catechism. But I think the first element to follow the Holy Churchc is to be a Catholic "because god is catholic" - how I personally say - and what's not written in the catechism of the Holy Church. But do it. Let inspire you from this schoolbook. Nevertheless is the catechism of the Holy Cathloc Church not a book which writes about arts and paintings or makes anything in context paintings to a dogma. An example is an example. And a context is a context. God did not paint the world. The world is real. It is his creation. And within this this creation life is in the centre. And that we - the children of god, all mankind - are the crown of the creation of god meand first of alö that we are responsible in the eyes of god for his living creation.

And I have really not any idea, why you and James Bond make out of the theme here, which is "it was a Catholic priest who 1st brought up the idea of the Big Bang theory!" a strange sermom - as if you would be ETs who never read anything about natural science - but attack everyone who knows somethgin about science. Catholics never had any problem with science, although the half word speaks nonsense in this context.

Extremely short: Giuordano Bruno was executed in 1600 AD because of an judical error after he had attacked with his agressive and intrigant behavior everyone since decades, while what he said on his own was far form everything what was real philosophy and science. This man spoke continously nothing else than nonsense. Unfortunatelly someone lost hos nervs and had executed him, what was perhaps a kind of self-delusion or is indeed able to be seen like a kind of murder.

In case of Galileo Galilei the situation was totally different: Galileo had been a superstar of science during his whole long life. He earned an unbelievable amount of money. Much more than scientists earn today. His genius - but also the Catholic church and good relations to the pope - made him to such a superstar. But he had also a problem with his character. He thought he was the only one who was right while all others were wrong. When he grew old this became a dominant eccentricity. While on the other side of the Alps - here in Germany - an extremely brutal European war had happened ( - the 30 years war, which had been also a reasult because a monk hundred years ago with the name Martin Luther had thought only he is right while all others are wrong - ) they gave Galileo house arrest on fallacious grounds. Galileo was by the way indeed not rigth in everything wat he said. Einstein had not been happy when he found out that Galileo Galilei never accepted the results from Johannes Kepler, which had been the base for the physics of Newton, which was the base for his own physics. Kepler was by the way a protestant - but he worked only for Catholics.
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I found meanwhile out the tree in this picture - you remember my question? - is the tree of life: An indifferent symbol of many religions.
View attachment 493995

It is the tree of life. The artist states, "The tree represents the love of God. The seven branches represent the seven dispensations of time; the seven roots, the seven creative periods; and the fruit, the twelve tribes of Israel."

The tree of life - in wide indifferent interpretations - represents without any doubt the freedom of religion in this case. I think anything else would not make a big sense. And Jesus Christ is not the author of the declaration of independence of the USA. The whole painting is an unorthodox political painting. In the context here I miss specially the Red Indians, because of the so called "tea party".

Information: What you speak about is the interpretation of an heathen. The tree of life is the reason why we are excluded from paradise which is protected with a sword of flames to give us not any chance to enter again the paradise - as if the entry point would be in the center of a sun.

And now tell me what this has to do with natural science - here specially physics and the expansion of the universe - in context Catholic Church - here specially George Lemaitre, who found a kind of universe in the size of a quant which expands - our universe - ... what is for sure also today causing lots of questions in context theory of relativity and quantum mechanics - or questions like how to interpret micro- and macro-structures of the universe from our mesocosmic perspective.
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It's a lot easier to understand the people who believe their existence is an accident, or simply a coincidence of evolution.
They can deny God ... But they just haven't found His Grace.

Of course, that's not suggesting they won't try their hardest to ignore it ... :auiqs.jpg:

They can deny God ... But they just haven't found His (their) Grace.
admission is a solitary moment, good luck with your fantasy ...

It's a lot easier to understand the people who believe their existence is an accident, or simply a coincidence of evolution.
They can deny God ... But they just haven't found His Grace.

Of course, that's not suggesting they won't try their hardest to ignore it ... :auiqs.jpg:


The USA is still one nation under God. Are the atheists going to move to Canada or elsewhere now?
Teddy Roosevelt's letter on his reverential reason for "Dropping in God We Trust" from money.
only a christian would put their religion on a dollar bill - bond.
Which religion is "In god we trust"? Means it in this context not only "Act first, think later"? or "It'll be allright"?
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The tree of life - in wide indifferent interpretations - represents without any doubt the freedom of religion in this case.

You answer is political imo instead of religious in regards to Christianity. It gives you away.

What do other religions say about it or is it something you are making up? I choose the latter since the Quran states there was only one tree in the midst of the garden of Eden. The Bible states there were two.
The USA is still one nation under God. Are the atheists going to move to Canada or elsewhere now?

Sorry that I asked you something. One person alone is not able to be so stupid as you play to be.

You are looking at your reflection in a mirror oh doo doo one.

What you said here now is a blasphemy which shows that you are very far from the conditions of our existence. And I need no theological discussion to find this out. You did not try to find out the text and message of this song. You don't think about nor do you feel the music - the traditions - the building - and the spirit behind of all this. You did not even notice the cold weather. Centuries and an everlasting immortal moment in front of your eyes you have nothing else to do than to attack others. Poor, poor USA with such "Christians". No time for nothing - except to be right without studying anything. Thoughtless - emotionless - dead. But god is life, god is love.

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they know nothing at all, except their love for gutter politics and phony religions.

You should tattoo that across your forehead, "I, BreezeWood, know nothing at all, except my love of gutter politics and phony religions." You can do it cheaply as, "I know nothing at all." Even "I am stupid, stupid, stupid." is fine.
You did not try to find out the text and message of this song. You don't think about nor do you feel the music - the traditions - the building - and the spirit behind of all this.

No one clicks on your songs because of you're a weirdo and doo doo.
You did not try to find out the text and message of this song. You don't think about nor do you feel the music - the traditions - the building - and the spirit behind of all this.

No one clicks on your songs because of you're a weirdo and doo doo.

The most important text of the last "my" Amish song was "Gott ist die Liebe. Er liebt auch Dich." - what makes the life of the Amish in the USA and my own life here not more easy. Specially if an Englishman like James God ... ah sorry: James Bond ... let write his personal Jesus the own British declaration of pseudo-independence with words of a kind of "nationalistic machine gun"-bible, which I would throw just simple into the next waste paper basket - as long as it is not the real declaration of independence.

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The most important text of the last "my" Amish song was "Gott ist die Liebe. Er liebt auch Dich." - what makes the life of the Amish in the USA and my own life here not more easy. Specially if an Englishman like James God ... ah sorry: James Bond ... let write his personal Jesus the own British declaration of pseudo-independence with words of a kind of "nationalistic machine gun"-bible, which I would throw just simple into the next waste paper basket - as long as it is not the real declaration of independence.
The text is important for all.

I'm not understanding your post, so have to ask why life of your Amish so hard in the US? Do you still travel by horse and buggy or something?
I found meanwhile out the tree in this picture - you remember my question? - is the tree of life: An indifferent symbol of many religions.
View attachment 493995

It is the tree of life. The artist states, "The tree represents the love of God. The seven branches represent the seven dispensations of time; the seven roots, the seven creative periods; and the fruit, the twelve tribes of Israel."
The invention of one of the Christian gods in the image of westerners. It’s striking how, you know, Caucasian looking western Christianity has made the Jesus character.

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