It was always Russia

Do you listen? No - Do you care??
Double Nope
Meh, why do we bother attempting to inform your sad asses?

I find the use of the word inform extremely funny.

I come to the board and see you and others "informing" each other with all kinds of "information".

Way to funny.

You appear to be ill informed too.
Did you have an intelligent response to the OP?
Meh - Fat Fucking Chance :lol:

You sure "informed" me.

I feel so much smarter.

Well that's weird. I felt my IQ drop 20 points as I was reading the OP.

Your IQ drops 20 points each time you get up in the morning. :)

What an explosion of data and useful information.

Please inform us some more.
yes because we are incapable of thinking for ourselves

Heheh .. You’d better send Trumpy Bear more Donnie Bucks! :laughing0301:
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Do you listen? No - Do you care??
Double Nope
Meh, why do we bother attempting to inform your sad asses?

I find the use of the word inform extremely funny.

I come to the board and see you and others "informing" each other with all kinds of "information".

Way to funny.

You appear to be ill informed too.
Did you have an intelligent response to the OP?
Meh - Fat Fucking Chance :lol:

You sure "informed" me.

I feel so much smarter.

Your MAGA panties are showing!
Smarter? Doubtful! :D

View attachment 468658

Your "information" is just so overwhelming.

Does anybody not feel like they are at the feed of Albert Einstein ?

Comment on the intel report or beat it the hell out of my thread troll

What's the matter drwuv? You wear out your little red thumb down?

Losin your cool?

Gettin pissy?

Hate getting your message board ass kicked?


Shhh - I Got Tissues!!

View attachment 468672
save some of those tissues to wipe the blood out of old senile joes eyes

It was never China, as Trump and his cult claimed, interfering in our elections. It was always Russia, whom Trump tried so hard to protect, which makes the Steele Report seem so much more credible than Trump wanted it to be. There is no question that Russia had something on Trump.

The hell of it is that even with Russia's massive support for Trump in the 2020 election, he was such a miserable candidate that he still lost. Thank God! Bigly!!!
Radcliffe says differently. Our intelligence agencies were corrupted by Obama.

RAT? Oh yes, the toady Rump hired who had ZERO intel experience! ;-)
Yes, Russia obviously prefers an America first, strong willed billionaire who can't be corrupted to a weak lefty immersed in corruption as a career choice. Lemme guess, you thought Russia preferred Trump to reset button Hillary too? Too funny.

Wait - Did you just suggest that Donald Trump couldn’t be corrupted and was a billionaire?
:rofl: :laugh2: :lmao:

Remind us who lost Senate, House & White House?
Oh yes - YOU!! :rofl:
I didn't run for the Senate, House or Presidency so I didn't lose anything idiot. Now let me remind you of something there was a two plus year special counsel investigation into all this Trump/Russia idiocy the findings no evidence that Donald Trump any member of his family or his campigan worked with or colluded with Russia to steal the election. Game, set ,match good night you fucking delusional TDS infected moron.

It was never China, as Trump and his cult claimed, interfering in our elections. It was always Russia, whom Trump tried so hard to protect, which makes the Steele Report seem so much more credible than Trump wanted it to be. There is no question that Russia had something on Trump.

The hell of it is that even with Russia's massive support for Trump in the 2020 election, he was such a miserable candidate that he still lost. Thank God! Bigly!!!

Yes, Barry, Hillary, & the Democrats teamed with the Russians and a foreign ex-spy to manufacture the false basis for Barry's failed coup attempt.

Yes, the FBI, SHS, & Treasury department publicly declared the Bidens perpetrated decades of financial scams, Influence Peddling, RUSSIAN Miney Laundering, & took over $1 BILLION from the CCP.


The FISA Court proved the FBI has been criminally rogue for decades - under Mueller, Conmey, & Wray, illegally witholding evidence, illegally spying on everyone....'nothing to see here'...

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