It was always Russia

Remind us who lost Senate, House & White House?
Oh yes - YOU!! :rofl:
I didn't run for the Senate, House or Presidency so I didn't lose anything idiot. Now let me remind you of something there was a two plus year special counsel investigation into all this Trump/Russia idiocy the findings no evidence that Donald Trump any member of his family or his campigan worked with or colluded with Russia to steal the election. Game, set ,match good night you fucking delusional TDS infected moron.

Let’s bet moron -
Donald will be indicted by the end of this year.
Loser leaves USMB forever.
You a gamer ... or a pussy?
Meh - We all know ;)
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It was never China, as Trump and his cult claimed, interfering in our elections. It was always Russia...
Normal folks had no doubt that Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election to help Trump after the FBI, NSA, and CIA findings were confirmed by two Republican-controlled Senate intelligence Committee reports.

It was obviously a wise investment for Putin and he got lucky as more folks had voted against Putin's boy in 2016 than for him, but the damage had been done by 2020, and there was no chance he could pull it off again - not even with Trump goons attacking Congress, a disgusting spectacle the KGB thug must have loved.
Almost everything you said has been debunked long ago....need a tissue?

It was never China, as Trump and his cult claimed, interfering in our elections. It was always Russia...
Normal folks had no doubt that Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election to help Trump after the FBI, NSA, and CIA findings were confirmed by two Republican-controlled Senate intelligence Committee reports.

It was obviously a wise investment for Putin and he got lucky as more folks had voted against Putin's boy in 2016 than for him, but the damage had been done by 2020, and there was no chance he could pull it off again - not even with Trump goons attacking Congress, a disgusting spectacle the KGB thug must have loved.
Almost everything you said has been debunked long ago....need a tissue?

Not debunked -- NOT one bit... all our intelligence agencies all 16 of them said Russia was involved deeply in 2016 on Trump's behalf, but that Trump DID NOT collude per se ... that is a historical fact.

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